Exposing Christian Zionism False Teaching: God Saves Individuals, Not Groups of People

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Since the Zionist false doctrine is claimed to be taught in the Bible, I have used the Bible to prove that it is not, and that in fact the Bible teaches the exact opposite, so anyone can “fact check” my articles by going directly to the original source: The Bible.

One very clear and easy way to refute Zionism from the Bible, is to look at the very clear and obvious truths that are taught in the Bible that almost all Christians agree upon, but that totally contradict Christian Zionism.

Christian Zionism differs from Jewish Zionism, but they both share the belief that the “Jews” are God’s chosen people, and that this ethnic group of people has a special significance before God based on their membership in this ethnic group today.

And while Christian Zionists can make this claim based on the writings of the Old Testament under the Mosaic Covenant, the same way that Judaism can, they cannot make this claim based on the New Covenant in the New Testament that followed the historical execution and subsequent raising from the dead of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah.https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/exposing-christian-zionism-false-teaching-god-saves-individuals-not-groups-of-people/

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