School Forced To Remove Cellphone Tower After Children Develop Cancer — Nwo Report

A cell phone tower that was installed on the campus of an elementary school in California has been shut down after parents said it was responsible for several recent cases of childhood cancer. Sprint was forced to shut down the deadly cellphone tower after parents said it was exposing their children to harmful radiation. Three […]

via School Forced To Remove Cellphone Tower After Children Develop Cancer — Nwo Report

Do Humans Have Free Will? Not If Big Tech Wins!

Do Humans Have Free Will? Not If Big Tech Wins!

03/24/201913 Comments

Do humans have free will?

That question has puzzled philosophers for millennia and has generated fierce debates. Perhaps the only thing more contentious than the question are the implications of its answer. If man has no free will, then how can there be moral responsibility?

But don’t worry, dear frazzled philosophers! You can now rest your weary heads, because the question is about to be answered once and for all by the wizards of Silicon Valley.

What on earth am I talking about? To answer this question, let’s turn to Declare Your Independence, the radio show of Ernie Hancock of Recently, Ernie had a fascinating conversation with Paul Rosenberg of What makes the conversation fascinating is how quickly it turns from a dialogue about online censorship in the wake of the Christchurch shooting to a Rosenberg rant about the most important issue of our time:

“You need to protect your data to protect your own free will. I’m sorry if that sounds dramatic. I’m sorry if that sounds like I’m trying to be scary and all that, but that’s just the truth and somebody should say it!”

So how do we get from online censorship to the end of free will (assuming we ever really had it)?

Find out how the Big Tech giants are seeking to “solve” the “problem” of human free will once and for all in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. For full access to the subscriber newsletter, and to support this website, please become a member.

For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.


The Secrets Of Vibration & Frequency! (The Power Of Sound!)


Educate Yourself – Brainwave entrainment


5 G — the “Stupidest Idea in the History of the World”

By Anna Von Reitz

Agreed.  If only because 5 G towers and antennae can be weaponized to kill off most of the population.  Read on.

I have been approached on several occasions by madmen involved in “Career Science” — a byword for “Deep State Politically-Motivated Junk Science”.  These are the same crowd that brought you Maxwell’s (Incomplete) Equations, and Einstein’s obviously wrong “Theory of Special Relativity” and the Double Accrual Accounting System and the completely ludicrous idea that Carbon Dioxide is causing “Global Warming”.

I’d like to plunge them all head first into the twelve foot snow berm at the end of my drive way about now.

Much of what these professional liars in lab coats do is to cook the books on scientific test results for Big Business interests — military contractors, communications industry moguls, transportation industry interests, and of course, Big Pharma.

Lots and lots for them work for “the government” — and the commercial corporations that run what too often poses for “the government”.

Because I started my life as a happy and clueless mathematician, I have a lot of Geek friends.  We do stuff like deconstruct torroidal algorithms and work fractal system geometry problems for fun.  We think memorizing the 32 naturally occurring crystal forms is cool.  So granted, its a weird set of cocktail party jokes….

For some time now, the scuttlebutt in some circles is a plan to use scalar technology called “slice and dice” staged from naval ships and submarines to send out “kill signals” to radios and other electrical devices like cell phones.

This is like a biological EMP.  It’s a electrical resonance frequency that interferes with the electrical signal that prompts your heart to beat and your nerve synapses to function.  So, boom, your heart stops functioning and you drop down dead.  Like all those flocks of birds falling out of the sky for no reason.

If they issue such a signal to cell phones they can limit the impact to the “local environment” — meaning only you or someone in very close proximity gets zapped.

About two months ago, I was approached by someone claiming to be “the Archangel Michael” —- but he didn’t pass angelic signals to me — who suggested that it was time to start killing off billions of people.  It would be accomplished by building up a tremendous charge in the 5 G frequency and then applying it as a girdle around the most densely populated part of the Earth — a swath of about 30-35 degrees of latitude on either side of the Equator.

He estimated that it would take out about 4.5 billion people.

There was no mention of screening or any attempt to tell any difference between the good or the bad, just a mass murder of staggering proportions.

I gave him a stern warning about the interstellar consequences of doing anything like that, but it doesn’t appear that he is listening and neither are certain Parties on the Majestic side of the Galactic Council.  So I will reiterate the facts for everyone again.

There is an in-bound Andromedan-Aquarian Alliance Fleet and if they find that any such thing has been done here, they have orders to hunt down and destroy not only the pirates responsible, but the civilizations supporting this genocidal insanity.  Meaning all the home worlds, too.  Their technology is far superior and advanced over anything here.

Moon base?  Did you hear that clearly?

Houston?  You get that signal?

Just stop the idiotic saber rattling and stand down.

The time for the changing of the guards in this insane asylum is here and there is nothing you can do about it.  You either take the High Road, or you go out feet first.  Your choice, but if I were you, I’d go home and sit in front of the fireside with my family.

Thanks for sharing this article, People!


“Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”


See this article and over 1600 others on Anna’s website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


Matching HTSF to a disease/disorder

Sound Healing Disorders

Scanning the frequencies of hundreds of illnesses over many years has revealed that each specific illness and disorder produces the same high-low frequencies in different individuals, independent of place or time.


Specific frequency corresponds to specific illnesses right down to the DNA. Therefore the frequency of each illness can be accurately measured and hence energy is balanced by an accurate converse healing sound.

SOUND_FREQUENCY_CHECK.jpgHealtone’s sound formulas have been calibrated in order to counterbalance the abnormal frequencies of over 1,200 different physical and mental illnesses and disorders. In addition, we offer a range of HTSFs for the general improvement of your health and quality of life.

Read More:


The human body frequencies

The Healing Power of sound
What is HTSF?
Knowledge and facts


Masquerading Gonverment
How to recognise & deal with psychopathy – 12 signs you should know


Jordan Peterson – Developing Your Inner Psychopath – Self Defense

Know Your Enemy (Part 1 – Introduction)



Law of Consent


Microwave Ignited Pyrotechnic Compositions in Cars and Building Materials — AIM Truth Bits

This collection of important links comes to us from AIM Patriot Mike H. Mike writes: “This is speculation about highly possible scenarios, that warrants transparency and investigations.” Pyrotechnic Thermite Composition Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division Market Overview Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of a metal powder and a metal oxide. When ignited, thermite produces an […]

via Microwave Ignited Pyrotechnic Compositions in Cars and Building Materials — AIM Truth Bits

California Fires – DEW – Directed Energy Weapons

International Appeal and Petition: Stop 5G on Earth and in Space —

By B.N. Frank Activist Post and sister publication, Natural Blaze, have already published many articles about the ongoing nightmare that is being marketed as the “Race for 5G.” Never heard of this? It involves installing millions of 4G and 5G small cell towers and related wireless infrastructure pretty much everywhere – including in front of…

via International Appeal and Petition: Stop 5G on Earth and in Space —

Also See:  Law of Resonance

Washington, DC Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Concerned About Health Opposes 5G in New Resolution —

By B.N. Frank Activist Post continues to report about now-passed federal legislation, continued opposition, and health concerns regarding the “Race for 5G… 841 more words

via Washington, DC Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Concerned About Health Opposes 5G in New Resolution —

For Those Who May Be Struggling…. — World Metamorphosis

Hey Everyone…I wanted to just leave off this link as I think this woman was very smart and dedicated to healing herself by learning the truth about her addiction to her Smart Phone despite how difficult her life would become momentarily…If you are one of millions of people who are hopefully finally realizing that their […]

via For Those Who May Be Struggling…. — World Metamorphosis

Informed Parents Withdraw Students From Primary School Due To WiFi / Phone Mast

The community of Dartington, UK, set an example in caring for the health and safety of their young ones. A WiFi / phone mast was erected 50 meters (150 feet) from Dartington Primary School without consent or consulting the local community. Similar parent-led actions addressing Wi-Fi in schools are also spreading in the USA, Canada and Australia. Watch the 4-minute video…