U.S. Tech Giants Are Building a Global Surveillance State — Patriots for Truth

First, read this article by The Intercept, just under the hyperlink. Then read our comments below so that you have an even better understanding of the article. How U.S. Tech Giants Are Helping to Build China’s Surveillance State . Warning to the World: Grab the kids, your wallet, and your freedoms and run from these […]

via U.S. Tech Giants Are Building a Global Surveillance State — Patriots for Truth

Busted: Thousands Of Amazon Employees Listening To Alexa Conversations — ― ஜ ۩ Whiskey Tango Texas ۩ ஜ ―

Amazon employs thousands of people to listen in on what people around the world are saying to their Alexa digital assistant, according to what is sure to be a Congressional hearing-inspiring report by Bloomberg, which cites seven people who have worked on the program. While their job is to “help improve” NSAlexa – which powers the […]

via Busted: Thousands Of Amazon Employees Listening To Alexa Conversations — ― ஜ ۩ Whiskey Tango Texas ۩ ஜ ―

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering