NOT Human – Power Elite

There are five pillars of the main structures that use anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs. These pillars of society are manipulated to shape all World Organizations through the agenda of control enforced by the Power Elite classes.

  • Power Elites or Controller
  • Military Industrial
  • Intelligence Agencies, Covert Groups and Government
  • Religious-Academic-Financial
  • Controlled Media and Press

In choosing one of the main Pillars of Society – Religious – Academic – Financial – we can see how even though these three areas of belief systems feel completely separate and opposed from each other, in reality they are not. They are used interchangeably to appear in diametric opposition to the onlooker, but that is not how they actually work. They all have the same underlying goal to reinforce each other to manipulate power to be given to the top of the chain. Divide and Conquer mentality to continually create victims and victimizers is how all of these pillars of society work. So let us choose the Academic world for an example. Current mainstream atheistic science forms the current parameter of the collective accepted belief systems in the academic world which further direct the consortium of world organizations which impact human and planetary affairs. Science promotes atheistic consensus and barbaric medical practices, while Religion promotes spiritual terrorism and war through Hell fire and brimstone of the Alien Gods. Both make massive amounts of money for the financial, medical and military sectors with the primary goal to invest in controlling human beings. Effectively, they are all functioning components of the same thing.

Patriarchal Domination

Patriarchal Domination is enforced in a variety of ways through abuses of alpha male power to control women and those ranked lower on the social or religious classification system through fear, intimidation and Victim-Victimizer techniques. This is a learned skill that is promoted in a variety of ways or is mimicked from boys watching their Father’s or male authority figures evolve into the Controller archetypes that promote Archontic Deception Strategy. This is a primary strategy of programming humans intoMind Controlled Archontic Deception Behavior that originates from the Orion Group Reptoids of the NAA.

Strategies of exerting power and Mind Control through Misogyny exist at every level of society, starting as domestic violence and forms of abuse which shape core values and the way humans are programmed to think. To better grasp how the Archons of the False King of Tyranny operate to abuse power systems by creating victims or victimizers on the earth, please see the domestic abuse chart.

Money Enslavement

Every time we touch money, exchange money, we are dealing with Egyptian Curses and anti-human Black Magic. We have been born into a structure that has been enslaved by something ancient that has been hidden from everybody, yet is everywhere, we can’t get away from it, because it’s everywhere in the structures of control. It’s in every organization used to control the society of the world we live in through the Power Elite. We don’t have a lot of alternatives in fully detaching ourselves; being stuck in the system as it is, and recognizing the Egyptian overlays are everywhere. They are in the stock market, the banking system, everything that we have to touch when we pay for things, rent, bills, we’re in an Egyptian Curse, we’re in the timeline of the energies that they have used form that point in time as a power source. The Federal Reserve, these structures of government have taken— when we see the obelisk, when we see these monuments that are erected as honoring government all of this is a type of occult knowledge that has been taken from the Masons or whatever, but it goes back to Egypt and further into theEssenes, and beyond. But I feel a Big Black Block in the Egyptian time, because it seems that the primary energy force that is harvested from human beings to maintain power in this world, meaning this small 1%, this Illuminati, these governing bodies — they are drawing upon a regular source of power from the Egyptian timelines. By doing that, they are creating more karmic exhaust, more curse, the more people feed into it— because obviously, there’s not a lot of choices on prison planet. So it’s something that keeps regulating the governance of this power abuse of the Controllers, that is the enslavement that can be felt in all of these structures. [2]

Self Enforced Enslavement

If a technologically advanced extra-dimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what domination strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal, the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures with mind control such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the anti-human value systems that generate the victim and victimizer reality belief systems that they use to enforce tyrannical Mind Control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation through SRA methods hidden in plain sight among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement through inflicting torture methods learned from the adults that abused them as children and carry it from generation to generation. Through consistent desensitization and dissociation, they would grow into dysfunctional adults that would continue to feed the cycle of SRA to enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources to the Power Elite.[3]


The head Controller Ego Archetype is the Draconian hierarchal belief system originating in Orion, which is the False King of Tyranny. This is the main ideology of the Negative Aliens and their NAA to Mind Control humanity and enslave this planet to their rule through slavery enforced by Consumptive Modeling. Through its archetypal overlay implanted into the planetary brain, humanity has been “forced” to submit and worship a False Father Reptilian God through Religious Violence and salvationistic theology. (see False Gods)

This ego archetype is represented as the angry father god that will protect you if you do his bidding and worship him or you are condemned to hell. Because the False King of Tyranny is the primary ReptilianController Archetype used to control humanity and the planet, it is these archetypal forces that are wielding “his” cosmic rage upon the planet as he loses control. Primarily Males that are using this archetype as an identity (or younger males who are totally disconnected and lost) are easily used for these Dark forces to unleash their anger and rage upon whomever is the near vicinity. (This has been evidenced with young males randomly shooting to kill and then killing themselves.) This is the phenomena when human bodies are used as dark portals to direct these forces, if they are unconscious, they have no idea this thoughtform is not sourcing from “them”. Most of the planet’s ego maniacal leaders are manipulated to play out these agendas and are reinforced through this N.A.A. Controller archetype. [4]

AD Strategy 1: Divide and Conquer

Divide and conquer the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies that are heavily rewarded with earthy power by infiltrating and establishing AD programs and behaviors among their influencers. By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes or Power Elite, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through bloodline and that their god of choice will protect them and their families on the Luciferian or Satanic ideology. To be an apostate of their ruling class secrets is punishable by torture or death. The main tool for human Divide and Conquer is generating war, economic terrorism, blood sacrifice, sexual abuse, Mind Control and SRA to steal physical and energetic resources generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralized system of NAA control. (NWO)


The Globalist slowly drains the essence of life and liberty from our Land

Progress Report | G L O B A L I Z A T I O N — OUR GREATER DESTINY


UNSUSTAINABLE – The UN Agenda for Global Government From Film maker JAMES JAEGER MATRIX Entertainment Producer/Director We now have a First Draft Script tentatively entitled, UNSUSTAINABLE – The UN Agenda for Global Government. Thank you for donating even before we completed the script. I appreciate your confidence in me and our production team. If you […]

via Progress Report | G L O B A L I Z A T I O N — OUR GREATER DESTINY

Do you know the enemy? — AIM Truth Bits

Are your EYES wide open? AIM Cats see truth. . KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!! . . Rhodes Scholars are recruits to Cecil Rhodes’ 200-year plan for a global takeover Other current American Rhodes Scholars include: Ashton Carter (DoD, Clinton) Bill Clinton (Clinton Foundation) Charles Conn (Rhodes Trust CEO) Cory Booker (House, DNC) George Stephanopoulos (ABC) Leonard […]

via Do you know the enemy? — AIM Truth Bits

FEMA CAMPS – Executive Orders – National Security Act of 1947 – De Facto Govenment

FEMA CAMPS – Executive Orders – National Security Act of 1947 


N W O 
FEMA CAMPS – Executive Orders –
National Security Act of 1947 
The FEMA camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities.  Many CAMPS also have an airport nearby.  The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners.  Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.
Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:
Executive Order 10990
allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports
Executive Order 10995
allows the government to seize and control the communication media
Executive Order 10997
allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
Executive Order 10998
Allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways
Executive Order 10999
allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
Executive Order 11000
allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
Executive Order 11001
allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
Executive Order 11002
designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons
Executive Order 11003
allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
Executive Order 11004
allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations
Executive Order 11005
allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
Executive Order 11051
specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
Executive Order 11310
grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
Executive Order 11049
assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
Executive Order 11921
allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency.  It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation.  General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA’s Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that the saw FEMA’s role as a “new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis.”  FEMA’s powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the . . .
National Security Act of 1947
allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities.

Octopus In The Room: 1 + 1 = more than the value of 2 — OUR GREATER DESTINY

How many people are so invested in a single problem facing man that the solution is delayed? Elephant in the room is an American English metaphorical idiom for an obvious problem or risk that no one wants to discuss. It is based on the idea that something as conspicuous as an elephant can appear to […]

via Octopus In The Room: 1 + 1 = more than the value of 2 — OUR GREATER DESTINY

What is Your Price? — NCRenegade

via What is Your Price? — NCRenegade

Get my book “Day of the Rope” while you still can! You may also support BlackPilled here (they demonetize most my videos):

Protect your family from 5G wireless — AIM Truth Bits

This collection of video and suggested resources was so good, we wanted to give it a placement on our site for easy access and sharing opportunities – Wireless Warfare Exposed. Includes ways to protect your family. These are the recommended websites discussed in the video. LONG LIST of studies with RF effects on biology along […]

via Protect your family from 5G wireless — AIM Truth Bits

U.N. Projects 2030 As Year Globalism Comes to Fruition — Absolute Truth from the Word of God

I have been writing about the United Nations and George Soros, and their diabolical plan for a One World Government for many years. I want the reader to understand that the One Word Government (OWG) IS the end game for the globalists. Sustainable Development Goals In September of 2015, a special meeting of the U.N. […]

via U.N. Projects 2030 As Year Globalism Comes to Fruition — Absolute Truth from the Word of God