X22 Report Spotlight: This is the END Game; the [CB] System is Coming to an END!!! — Blue Dragon Journal

This is the END Game; the [CB] System is Coming to an END!!! X22 Report Spotlight Today’s Guest: Bob Kudla

via X22 Report Spotlight: This is the END Game; the [CB] System is Coming to an END!!! — Blue Dragon Journal

Grandma Gives It to You Straight

Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz
There are DOZENS of strains of Common Cold Virus and always have been.  This is all just a ridiculous smokescreen to hide the Municipal Bankruptcy and Territorial attempts to “buy” back the Municipal Corporations (which belong to us) using our credit and assets to do it.

Imagine this — a pickpocket steals all the cash out of your left pocket, and then, he uses this stolen cash to buy the jewel in your right pocket.

Have you got the schtick now?  It’s a shell game.  

The Municipal Government is owned and operated by the Pope directly (theft of the cash in your left pocket).  The Territorial Government is also owned by the Pope, but it’s operated “for” him by the British Queen — who is busy trying to use your own assets and credit to buy your Municipal holdings (offer to buy the jewel in your right pocket).

You are funding the whole shooting match, and they are trying to foist this off on you by doing what?

Offering you “relief” payments — also known as “benefits” —- which they are free to define and misconstrue however they like, if you accept without doing some re-defining of your own.

Left to themselves, the rats who are “giving” you a whole $300 billion out of the $6.2 trillion they are attempting to charge against your assets and credit —- would happily claim that you “voluntarily” agreed to settle your claims against the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC., and that you accepted a token “equitable consideration” and donated the rest to them.  
