“How to Herd Humans”, Part 3: Pander to Their Beliefs

If you can imagine this: the physically real aliens present in our world today are here as resource explorers who seek to subjugate our native people to further exploit the resources of our world.

And this: the tools they use are psychological, based on study of our behaviors and responses.

Then you will understand how their need for resources motivates them to exploit our weaknesses. These might be tightly connected to our great strengths, as in the case of spiritual development among humans.

Pander to Their Beliefs

Our spirituality is one area of great human achievement. Though hardly understood at all by the resource exploitative mentality, its liabilities and compromises are glaring enough to be spotted at 30,000 feet, seen well enough that these real aliens know how to manipulate our thinking and beliefs, especially regarding ourselves in relationship to the universe, a vast unknown to most of our thinking. We are not the first race in the universe to be poised on the brink of disaster, craving rescue.

Human beliefs represent, then, an area of vulnerability, particularly when beliefs are ill founded, as in the case of superstition, and most critically when beliefs are deeply imbedded in the consciousness and go unrecognized.

Pander Especially to Their Delusions of Grandeur

The Intervention will appeal to the deep sense of greatness humans carry within, that sense of mission–however buried–we all bear, and among all today the added sense we were all born at a critical time in human history.

This inner sense of greatness is a weak spot, being starved for attention–repressed, dismissed, lacking all proof.

The Intervention will appeal to the sense, this hunger, we have that “there must be something more” than reality as we know it, especially in those who seek the secret to life, the hidden mysteries, and believe in other realms and revelation. Because we are entering a time of cataclysmic shift, people who sense this are nervous and susceptible to alarm.

There is nothing wrong with taking the gift of your individual life very seriously. This would be the best defense against the wiles of the Intervention finding your sense of high self-worth when its foundation is still unknown but sought.

That deep sense of importance does originate from a place of deepest inclinations, yet it can be misled.

Distorted Truth

These beliefs all point to something beyond themselves that is more or less true, more or less intuited and very susceptible to misapprehension and superstitious certainty where there is no certainty. All these beliefs represent areas where our hopeful expectations can be led down the garden path:

  • our longing to end Separation
  • our sense of destiny, sense of purpose, feeling a calling to do something important
  • a sense of a critical shift in human evolution  

Here are some of the forms that these sensibilities take, illustrations in the gallery of treasured beliefs. In this wing are beliefs used to justify or explain away real alien abduction, a great violation of the individual:

  • As above so below.
  • The oneness of everything
  • You are special.
  • You agreed to this before coming into this life; long ago we made a “soul agreement”
  • Aliens do not have a soul, so they do what they do to get a soul as well.
  • Aliens need us to regenerate/improve their DNA and so we must accept their abductions in order to help them.
  • Aliens are watching over us to guide and protect us with massive bases on the moon and other places in the solar system.
  • If they had wanted to hurt/kill us, they already would have.
  • Aliens must be harmless because abductees are returned “unharmed”; any harshness is “tough love” that we need for our own good
  • The possibility of overcoming all problems and limitations
  • Free energy

These are seductions and blandishments. They pander to inarticulate yearnings and unexamined belief, which is superstition.

Take Action

What is at risk is our most treasured possession, the freedom we know on Earth today (unlike what will be known in the future world degraded and compromised). The call to preserve human sovereignty is the one uniting force to align our beliefs and expressions along the lines we hold dear.

Personal Integrity

Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruent with your own Personal Value System, moral principles, and ethics. It generally requires personal choice and commitment to align ourselves and to stay consistent with personal values and ethical standards, so that when we speak we mean what we say.

Developing Personal Integrity is essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy person that aligns their decisions in life with their chosen personal values. It is the milestone of building strong character, which is guided by ones chosen personal values. This is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self. We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves. When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise. To support the embodiment of our true essential nature, and achieve single soul occupancy and continual consciousness expansion, it is imperative that we understand how to generate and maintain Personal Integrity

Self-Inquiry upon Personal Integrity

To build and maintain personal integrity takes some effort and commitment, takes developing the self-awareness that is required to define your personal values so that you can measure your behaviors and actions, in order to evaluate how aligned you are to your authentic self. When you consciously participate in clarifying personal beliefs and core values, the next step is to honestly assess how well you are doing, by reviewing yourself in a personal integrity report. It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values and generate personal integrity reports annually, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you become better aligned to your own personal value system. This begins to develop more competency in self-leadership and life management skills, so that you are empowered to make positive differences from the values that you lead in your life. Real self-leadership and Self-Ownership begins when we have absolute clarity within the context of our personal beliefs and core values, which become the guiding principles we follow in our lives.

What are the most important Personal Values that motivate my life? Choose up to five of the most important core values that feel the most essential, to live authentically and express your highest purpose. Then focus upon those themes that you have chosen and evaluate whether you are practicing and increasing these important values throughout your life. In the Guardian context for reclamation of Christ, our personal core value system would be directly connected to the Law of One practices. For example, for those dedicated to be of service to the Law of One, some of our most important personal core values are:

  • Expressing Unity Consciousness, knowing we are all interconnected.
  • Expressing Unconditional Love and Compassion to Myself, Love Others and Love Earth.
  • Expressing Service to Others orientation to motivate personal actions.

Maybe upon deeper reflection or in the future you’ll find that your most important personal values are shifting, or are revealing differently in order to become more specific in their quality. The more specific we are in identifying our core values, the more accurate and clear we can be when applying those to the behaviors that guide our life. As an example, let’s say through deeper self-study you have identified a recurring pattern that makes it hard to feel confident in valuing yourself when in the company of intimidating people. One of the core values that you choose is to Value Yourself equally to others, no matter what happens. To make this an important guideline in your life will help strengthen personal behavior to value yourself while in intimidating situations, which increases Personal Integrity.

Once you’ve defined some of your most important personal values, then inquire on each one to evaluate how you can better align your thoughts and behaviors with the meaning of each value. For example, ask three questions about the core values of expressing Unity, to help you accurately assess positive changes that you can make to be more authentic and in integrity.

  • What does Unity mean to me, how do I express Unity in my thoughts, behaviors and actions?
  • How can I better practice Unity consciousness throughout my life?
  • Am I practicing empathy with others to more deeply express Unity?

Am I living in Personal Integrity and what areas can I improve? As you meditate and reflect on your life over the past year, assess if you have been authentic to your core values and the ways that you can improve your actions, to reflect integrity and authenticity in the future. In each area when reflecting upon personal values, inquire on what is aligned to your authentic self, those things that feel they are functioning well. Then place your attention upon the personal lessons and opportunities that you have to greatly increase inner strength, the core strength you will need in order to act authentically and in personal integrity.

Summarize the key points in your Personal Integrity Assessment for reference. As you gain clarity on identifying important personal values and how you can build and maintain authentic integrity, prepare a summary of key points that you can revisit for inspiration to help guide your life direction and purpose in the next cycle. Print out your notes to clarify in more detail your personal vision for living within core personal values, knowing that when you are maintaining personal integrity it naturally aligns to fulfill your highest purpose. Embodying core personal values, living, thinking and breathing those values is what expresses Personal Integrity. This is the key to avoid negative cause and effect or miasmatic imprints upon what you are manifesting. Then make an effort to re-read and reflect upon your Personal Integrity Assessment regularly, to keep you focused on what personal core values are the most important guiding principles of fulfilling your most authentic expression.

Practical Application of Embodying Integrity

In the process of completing a personal integrity self-assessment and consciously choosing your value system based on what you know to be true for you, now is the time to take conscious steps every day to behave in ways that are consistent with your personal values.

  • Identify the behavioral traits that need to be addressed and are required to change.
  • Determine the underlying reasons why you have not behaved with greater personal integrity.
  • Observe the obstacles and other people that are used as excuses to lie or violate your personal values or moral code.
  • Commit to build authentic relationships through greater truthfulness, honesty and being open and direct.
  • Compile a list of tasks and behaviors in which you dedicate to become more trustworthy and honest.
  • Protect your basic human rights to be authentic and protect the rights of others, by respecting the decisions and opinions of other people.
  • When possible, be of service to others and live as an example for embodying truthfulness and integrity.
  • Be willing to honestly self-assess progress on your commitment to personal integrity, making adjustments along the way.
  • Look for the support of others who are inspiring examples of personal integrity, and have similar goals and personal values to be honest and trustworthy.
  • Develop Accountability for personal behaviors and actions, and if you make a mistake that impacts others or you break a promise, be willing to admit it and apologize.

The world is rapidly changing during these stages of bifurcation, where the Negative Polarity and Positive Polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified in the external. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps now to embody personal integrity.  We cannot serve both of these spirals, without them colliding.  So it is up to each of us to choose what we align with, and to participate in bringing all aspects of our lives into this unified and congruent alignment.


Krystal Aegis by Lisa Renee

Awakening from the Matrix — Society is Made of Narrative

Society is Made of Narrative – Realizing this is Awakening from the Matrix

Posted on September 21, 2018

Source: Deus Nexus | By DAVID NOVA

By Caitlin Johnstone | Waking Times

In the movie The Matrix, humans are imprisoned in a virtual world by a powerful artificial intelligence system in a dystopian future. What they take to be reality is actually a computer program that has been jacked into their brains to keep them in a comatose state. They live their whole lives in that virtual simulation, without any way of knowing that what they appear to be experiencing with their senses is actually made of AI-generated code.

Life in our current society is very much the same. The difference is that instead of AI, it’s psychopathic oligarchs who are keeping us asleep in the Matrix. And instead of code, it’s narrative.

Society is made of narrative like the Matrix is made of code. Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government, they’re all purely mental constructs which exist nowhere outside of the mental noises in our heads. If I asked you to point to your knee you could do so instantly and wordlessly, but if I asked you to point to the economy, for example, the closest you could come is using a bunch of linguistic symbols to point to a group of concepts. To show me the economy, you’d have to tell me a story.

Anyone who has ever experienced a moment of mental stillness knows that without the chatter, none of those things are part of your actual present experience. There is no identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics or government in your experience without the mental chatter about those things. There’s not even a “you” anywhere to be found, because it turns out that that’s made of narrative, too.

Without mental narrative, nothing is experienced but sensory impressions appearing to a subject with no clear shape or boundaries. The visual and auditory fields, the sensation of air going in and out of the respiratory system, the feeling of the feet on the ground or the bum in the chair. That’s it. That’s more or less the totality of life minus narrative.

When you add in the mental chatter, however, none of those things tend to occupy a significant amount of interest or attention. Appearances in the visual and auditory field are suddenly divided up and labeled with language, with attention to them determined by whichever threatens or satisfies the various agendas, fears and desires of the conceptual identity construct known as “you”. You can go days, weeks, months or years without really noticing the feeling of your respiratory system or your feet on the ground as your interest and attention gets sucked up into a relationship with society that exists solely as narrative.

“Am I good enough? Am I doing the right thing? Oh man, I hope what I’m trying to do works out. I need to make sure I get all my projects done. If I do that one thing first it might save me some time in the long run. Oh there’s Ashley, I hate that bitch. God I’m so fat and ugly. If I can just get the things that I want and accomplish my important goals I’ll feel okay. Taxes are due soon. What’s on TV? Oh it’s that idiot. How the hell did he get elected anyway? Everyone who made that happen is a Nazi. God I can’t wait for the weekend. I hope everything goes as planned between now and then.”

On and on and on and on. Almost all of our mental energy goes into those mental narratives. They dominate our lives. And, for that reason, people who are able to control those narratives are able to control us.

And they do.

Most people try to exert some degree of control over those around them. They try to influence how those in their family, social and employment circles think of them by behaving and speaking in a certain way. Family members will spend their lives telling other family members over and over again that they’re not as smart/talented/good as they think they are to keep them from becoming too successful and moving away. Romantic partners will be persuaded that they can never leave because no one else will ever love them. To varying degrees, they manipulate the narratives of individuals.

Then there are the people who’ve figured out that they can actually take their ability to influence the way people think about themselves and their world and turn it into personal profit. Cult leaders convince followers to turn over their entire lives in service to them. Advertisers convince consumers that they have a problem or deficiency that can only be solved with This Exciting New Product™. Ambitious rat race participants learn how to climb the corporate ladder by winning favor with the right people and inflicting small acts of sabotage against their competing peers. Ambitious journalists learn that they progress much further in their careers by advancing narratives that favor the establishment upon which the plutocrats who own the big media companies have built their kingdoms. They manipulate the narratives of groups.

And then, there are the oligarchs. The master manipulators. These corporate kings of the modern world have learned the secret that every ruler since the dawn of civilization has known: whoever controls the narratives that are believed by a society is the controller of that society. Identity, language, etiquette, social roles, opinions, ideology, religion, ethnicity, philosophy, agendas, rules, laws, money, economics, jobs, hierarchies, politics, government: all mental constructs which only influence society to the extent that they are believed and subscribed to by a significant majority of the collective. If you have influence over the things that people believe about those mental constructs, you have influence over society. You rule it. The oligarchs manipulate the narratives of entire societies.

This is why there have been book burnings, heretic burnings, and executions for mocking the emperor throughout history: ideas which differ from the dominant narratives about what power is, how money works, who should be in charge and so on are threatening to a ruler’s power in the exact same way that an assassin’s dagger is. At any time, in any kingdom, the people could have decided to take the crown off of their king’s head and place it upon the head of any common beggar and treat him as the new king. And, in every meaningful way, he would be the new king. The only thing preventing this from happening was dominant narratives subscribed to by the society at the time about Divine Right, fealty, loyalty, noble blood and so on. The only thing keeping the crown on a king’s head was narrative.

The exact same thing remains true today; the only thing that has changed is the narratives the public subscribe to. Because of what they are taught in school and what the talking heads on their screens tell them about their nation and their government, most people believe that they live in a relatively free democracy where accountable, temporary power is placed in the hands of a select few based on a voting process informed by the unregulated debate of information and ideas. Completely separate from the government, they believe, is an economy whose behavior is determined by the supply and demand of consumers. In reality, economics, commerce and government are fully controlled by an elite class of plutocrats, who also happen to own the media corporations which broadcast the information about the world onto people’s screens.

Control the narratives of economics and commerce, and you control economics and commerce. Control the narratives about politics and government, and you control politics and government. This control is used by the controllers to funnel power to the oligarchs, in this way effectively turning society into one giant energy farm for the elite class.

But it is possible to wake up from that narrative Matrix.

It isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes work. Inner work. And humility. Nobody likes acknowledging that they’ve been fooled, and the depth and extent to which we’ve all been fooled is so deeply pervasive it can be tempting to decide that the work is complete far before one is actually free. Mainstream American liberals think they’re clear-eyed because they can see the propaganda strings being pulled by Fox and Donald Trump, and mainstream American conservatives think they’re clear-eyed because they can see the propaganda strings being pulled by MSNBC and the Democrats, but the propaganda strings on both trace back to the same puppet master. And seeing that is just the beginning.

But, through sincere, humble research and introspection, it is possible to break free of the Matrix and see the full extent to which you and everyone you know has been imprisoned by ideas which have been programmed into social consciousness by the powerful. Not just in our adult lives, but ever since our parents began teaching us how to speak, think and relate to the world. Not just in the modern world, but as far back as history stretches to when the power-serving belief systems of societal structure and religion were promoted by kings and queens of old. All of society, and all of ourselves, and indeed all of the thoughts in our heads, have been shaped by those in power to their benefit. This is the reality that we were born into, and our entire personality structure has been filtered through and shaped by it.

For this reason, escaping from the power-serving propaganda Matrix necessarily means becoming a new creature altogether. The ideas, mental habits and ways of relating to the world which were formed in the Matrix are only useful for moving around inside of it. In order to relate to life outside of the power-promulgated narratives which comprise the very fabric of society, you’ve got to create a whole new operating system for yourself in order to move through life independently of the old programming designed to keep you asleep and controlled.

So it’s hard work. You’ll make a lot of mistakes along the way, just like an infant slowly learning to walk. But, eventually, you get clear of the programming.

And then you’re ready to fight.

Because at some point in this process, you necessarily come upon a deep, howling rage within. Rage at the oligarchic manipulators of your species, yes, but also rage against manipulation in all its forms. Rage against everyone who has ever tried to manipulate your narrative, to make you believe things about yourself or make other people believe things about you. Rage against anyone who manipulates anyone else to any extent. When your eyes are clear manipulation stands out like a black fly on a white sheet of paper, and your entire system has nothing to offer it but revulsion and rejection.

So you set to work. You set to work throwing all attempts to manipulate you as far away from yourself as possible, and expunging anyone from your life who refuses to stop trying to control your narrative. Advertising, mass media propaganda, establishment academia, everything gets purged from your life that wants to pull you back into the Matrix.

And they will try to pull you back in. Because our narratives are so interwoven and interdependent with everyone else’s, and so inseparable from our sense of ourselves, your rejection of the narrative Matrix will present as an existential threat to many of your friends and loved ones. You will see many people you used to trust, many of them very close to you, suddenly transform into a bunch of Agent Smiths right in front of your eyes, and they will shame you, guilt you, throw every manipulation tool they have at you to get you to plug the jack back into your brain. But because your eyes are clear, you’ll see it all. You won’t be fooled.

And then all you’ll want is to tear down the Matrix from its very foundations and plunge its controllers into irrelevance. You will set to work bringing down the propaganda prison that they have built up around your fellow humans in any way you can, bolt by bolt if you have to, because you know from your own experience that we are all capable of so much more than the puny gear-turning existence they’ve got everyone churning away at. You will despise the oligarchs for the obscene sacrilege that they have inflicted upon human majesty out of greed and insecurity, and you will make a mortal enemy of the entire machine that they have used to enslave our species.

And, because their entire kingdom is built upon maintaining the illusion of freedom and democracy, all they will have to fight back against you is narrative. They’ll try to shame you into silence by calling you a conspiracy theorist, they’ll have their media goons and manipulators launch smear campaigns against you, but because your eyes are clear, none of that will work. They’ve got one weapon, and it doesn’t work on you.

And you will set to work waking up humanity from the lie factory, using whatever skills you have, weakening trust in the mass media propaganda machine and opening eyes to new possibilities. And while doing so, you will naturally shine big and bright so the others can find you. And together, we’ll not only smash the narratives that imprison us like a human caterpillar swallowing the narrative bullshit and forcing it into the mouth of the next slave, but we’ll also create new narratives, better narratives, healthier narratives, for ourselves and for each other, about how the world is and what we want it to be.

Because here’s the thing: since it’s all narrative, anything is possible. Those who see this have the ability to plunge toward health and human thriving without any regard for the made-up reasons why such a thing is impossible, and plant seeds of light which sprout in unprecedented directions that never could have been predicted by someone plugged into to establishment how-it-is stories. Together, we can determine how society will be. We can re-write the rules. We are re-writing the rules. It’s begun already.

Out of the white noise of a failing propaganda machine, a new world is being born, one that respects the autonomy of the individual and their right to self-determination. One that respects our right to collaborate on large scales to create beautiful, healthy, helpful systems without the constant sabotage and disruption of a few power-hungry psychopaths who would rather rule than live. One that respects our right to channel human ingenuity into harmony and human thriving instead of warfare and greed. One that respects our right to take what we need, not just to survive but to thrive, and return it to the earth for renewal. One that respects the sovereign boundaries of not just ourselves and each other, but of the planet spaceship that we live in.

Unjack your cortex fully from the fear-soaked narratives of insanity, and let the true beauty of our real world flood your senses. Let the grief of what we have unknowingly done send you crashing to your knees in sorrow. And when you’re ready, stand up. We have much work to do.

(Video) Taking a Stand against the Luciferian Pedophiles

Posted: 21 Sep 2018 12:54 PM PDT

God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction

God is moving humanity in a new direction, a direction it has not had to move in before. For the world has changed, and humanity is facing a Greater Community of life in the universe—a great change, a great threshold in humanity’s long evolution, a time of immense upheaval and uncertainty, a dangerous time for the human family, a time that will be moving with events unfolding quickly.

God is moving humanity in a new direction, towards a world community that is able to sustain the world, that is able to encounter the realities of life in the universe, which will be thrust upon you and are being thrust upon you even at this moment. It is a great change that many people feel, but do not comprehend.

The movement of the world is accelerating, where people’s lives will be overwhelmed and overtaken by the great environmental change that is taking place and through political and economic upheaval. All of this is now in motion and cannot be stopped, only mitigated. This will require a great adaptation.

The World has changedIt is at this great threshold in humanity’s history that a New Revelation has been sent into the world, and a Messenger has been sent here to receive it, to prepare it and to present it. For him, it is a long journey, a long and difficult journey.

The Message for humanity now is great, more comprehensive and complete than any Message that has ever been sent into the world, complete with teaching and commentary so that its wisdom and Knowledge can be discerned and applied correctly and not simply left up to human interpretation.

People do not see, do not hear. They are strangers to themselves. And their native skills of discerning the environment, for many, have been lost and are undeveloped.

This makes the Messenger’s task more difficult. He must carry the Mystery, for the Revelation is beyond the realm of the intellect and certainly is not conditioned by people’s expectations, beliefs or comprehension.

God is moving the world in a new direction. It is a direction that was always intended, but it will be new for the people of the world. It will be new to your understanding.

The great Revelations from the Creator are always like this. They are always presenting a new reality, a new awareness, a new dimension and a greater promise.

The world is growing dark, and this greater promise is needed now. Only the light of Knowledge, the greater intelligence that the Creator has bestowed upon the human family and upon all the races in the universe, only this now can enable you to comprehend and respond.

For you return to God on God’s terms. And God’s Messages must be comprehended, as they truly are and are intended to be.

There will be much struggle and contention with this, and the Messenger and the Messenger’s followers must face this difficulty, this frustration, and exercise great patience.

Such a Revelation will not be accepted at the outset, and only the few will be able to respond completely. But as time moves forward and as the world grows more turbulent, the New Message will gain a greater attraction, greater recognition and greater relevance.

It is answering questions you have not even asked. It is a preparation for the future as well as a remedy for the present.

Your philosophers and theologians will not know what to make of it. They will have issues with it. It will not conform to their understanding, to which they have invested themselves so greatly. Religious leaders will contend against it because it speaks of a reality that they do not yet recognize.

God is moving humanity in a new direction. The Messenger is here to provide the Revelation. It has taken him decades to receive it. It will take decades for it to be recognized in the world.

But the problem is time. Humanity does not have much time to prepare for a new world and for contact with life in the universe—contact which is occurring already, contact with a dangerous purpose and intention.

People are obsessed and do not see how the world has changedPeople are obsessed with their needs, their issues, their longing and their desires. They do not see the movement of the world. For the world has changed, but people have not changed with it. And now you are facing a new set of realities.

What will God say to this as people feel overwhelmed, as their prophecies for the future do not come true, as the return of their savior does not occur, as they believe that God is creating all these problems for them?

The Revelation speaks to all these things. But you must be open to the Revelation, and you must face the prospect of great change, for it is upon you and the world, and it is going to move forward.

You cannot go backwards thousands of years and try to comprehend what is occurring today. For humanity’s evolution has moved into a new position, a position of dominance in the world and a position of greater vulnerability in the universe.

Where will this education begin to prepare you for a new world and for the Greater Community of life—two events that will alter the course of human history and affect the life of every person?

The governments do not know. The religious leaders do not know. The experts do not know. The universities cannot prepare people.

The Revelation must come from the Creator of all life, and this is what is occurring now. For you are living in a time of Revelation, and the Messenger is in the world. As long as he is in the world, you have an opportunity to receive and to prepare. When he is gone, it will be different. It will be more difficult. In this, he is the Light in the world.

He is a humble man and makes no claims other than to be the Messenger, for that is the role that has been assigned to him. He must prepare humanity for a new world through the Revelation. He must prepare humanity for the Greater Community through the Revelation. He must speak of the great change that is coming and that is already upon the people everywhere, through the Revelation.

God is moving humanity in a new direction. Can humanity move? Can people respond? Can you respond? Can you accept that you are living in a time of Revelation and to consider what this means for your life and the challenge this places before you?

People do not realize how much their life and circumstances are dependent upon the condition of the world and the movement of the world. Only in the poorer nations is this greater reality ever present. In affluent nations, the affluence insulates you from the greater realities of life to a certain extent for a period of time. But this affluence will diminish, and the greater realities are upon you.

How humanity responds and prepares will make all the difference. What informs individuals’ decisions will make all the difference. What voice they listen to, whether it be the power and the presence of Knowledge that God has given to them to guide them and to protect them, or whether it be the voice of their culture or the voice of fear or the voice of anger or ambition.

These choices are fundamental for the individual, and what individuals decide will determine the fate and the future of humanity. Therefore, the responsibility falls upon everyone, not only on leaders and institutions.

That is why God is bringing the New Message to the people and not to the leaders of nations. For the leaders are not free. They are bound by their office and to those who got them elected, to the expectations of others. That is why the Revelation is coming to you and to the people. It is their decisions and determination that will make all the difference.

People want many things. They do not want to lose what they have. They are caught up in the moment. They do not have the perspective to see where their life is going.

The Revelation will be a great shock and a great challenge to each person. But this shock and challenge is the shock of Revelation. The challenge is being confronted with the Will of the Creator. The challenge is whether you can respond and the nature of your response.

the world has changed and it will change furtherYou cannot stand where you are, for the world has changed, and it will change further. It is moving. You must move with it. This is being in harmony with life. This is coming out of isolation. This is freeing yourself from distraction and obsession. This is learning to listen, to look, to still your mind so that you may see. This is giving up grievances so that you may understand where you are. This is taking the Steps to Knowledge so that the Presence and the Power of God may speak through you and to you.

This is the Revelation taking humanity in a new direction. Are people willing to go, or will they stay behind—facing the Great Waves of change, asleep on the beach as the Great Waves build, living on the shoreline thinking that all is well, living for the moment, unable to respond to the signs of the world, living under assumptions that are not in keeping with the realities of life?

Who can respond? Who will look? Who will listen? Who will set aside their ideas, their beliefs and their preferences long enough to see something, to hear something, to know something?

This is what the Messenger will ask you to do. This is what the Revelation requires. This is what living in a new world requires. This is what emerging into a Greater Community of life requires.

Will humanity be foolish and clumsy, ignorant and unresponsive, its greater intelligence not being recognized and utilized? These are the questions. The answers are not apparent, for they have not yet come into being. They have not met the real test that is upon the human family.

But the Creator of all life loves the world and loves humanity and has sent the power of redemption into the world—to redeem the individual and to restore their power and integrity, to meet the great challenges of life that are now emerging on the horizon.

God is moving humanity in a new direction. It is time to prepare, to receive and to support the Revelation.

People will complain. They will protest. They will resist. They will accuse the Messenger. They will denounce the Revelation. Unable to respond, unwilling to reconsider their life and their ideas, they will resist.

This always happens at the time of Revelation. Those who have the greatest investment in the past will resist the new world and everything in it. They cannot see. They will not know. They do not have the courage to reconsider their position. They do not have the humility to stand in the face of the Revelation.

What can God do for them? They asked so much from the Creator, but they cannot respond to the Creator’s response. What can God do for them?

Be amongst the first to respond so that your greater gifts in life may be established and have an opportunity to come forth in the days and the years of your life.

This is the power of Revelation—to unleash wisdom and Knowledge that humanity desperately needs now to prepare for a future that will be unlike the past.

The blessings are with you. The power of redemption is within you, in Knowledge within you. But what can ignite this Knowledge and call it forth and enable you to approach it, to understand it and to follow it successfully?

It must be ignited by God. The Revelation is here to set in motion the greater redemption of individuals in preparation for the new world and for humanity’s destiny in the universe, which are yet to be recognized and fulfilled.

It is time to respond. It is time to be really honest with yourself, not basing your life on your preferences or your fears, but on true recognition within yourself.

Facing the Revelation will challenge you to respond with this deeper honesty. Facing the Revelation will challenge you with this deeper honesty. It is the greatest challenge of your life. It is the most important challenge of your life. It is the most important event of your life.

God is moving humanity in a new direction.