Trump Considering Pardon for NSA Leaker Edward Snowden — Underground Newswire

President Donald Trump told reporters on Saturday he is considering a pardon for Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who leaked a giant trove of U.S. national secrets in 2013.

via Trump Considering Pardon for NSA Leaker Edward Snowden — Underground Newswire

“Democrats Are Holding This Up!” – Trump Rages After Ordering Mnuchin To Send $3,400 To US Families

With talks between Democrats and Republicans completely broken-down and the Senate off for a few weeks, it is clear that President Trump’s frustration is boiling over (after his EOs) as he slams Pelosi et al. in a multi-tweet tirade… exclaiming multiple times – “DEMOCRATS ARE HOLDING THIS UP!”

Is Trump a Lightworker? — Blue Dragon Journal

Is Trump a Lightworker? Lorie Ladd Neutralize the polarity. We are pulling ourselves out of polarity, out of the lower frequencies as we alchemicalize those consciousnesses. Step out of the divide, black and white, Republican/Democrat. Step beyond the abuse, the programming, the mind-control… and raise your frequency so you might see things from a higher […]

via Is Trump a Lightworker? — Blue Dragon Journal

Trump Mysteriously Splits FBI Into Two Parts—Then Gives It Control Over Guantanamo — Conspiracy Daily Update An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today revealing that Russia is the first country in the world to register a COVID-19 vaccine and mass production will soon begin, follows this revelation by noting President Donald Trump intends on inviting President Putin the next G-7 Summit due to be held […]

via Trump Mysteriously Splits FBI Into Two Parts—Then Gives It Control Over Guantanamo — Conspiracy Daily Update