The globalist plan to exterminate humanity begins now: “Useless eaters” must be eliminated, say globalists

The Big Con — Maine Republic Email Report

Judge Anna von Reitz For most people, contemplation of how our American Government has been commandeered by foreign con artists– British and Papal Agents– will be hard enough to deal with. . However, beyond this deplorable breach of trust and criminality is a far more common, pervasive, and universal con scheme –The Big Con […]

via The Big Con — Maine Republic Email Report

Anti-Human Ruler Archetype – Defacto Governments – Under Color of Law – The Culling of Humanity – The Beast System – The Planned Retirement Crisis

masks 2
The Power Elite are a small group of people who act as the main Controllers of our world. They conjure Black Magic through dark rituals that are used for maintaining contact with the NAA, in order to control the entire planet through the manipulation of the Collective Consciousness through fear based programming that is transmitted via Mind Control. To reinforce the fear programming and keep the population in a vibration of fear and separation, they organized an complex system of global institutions to act as the primary enforcer of the propagation of the disinformation that they use to influence people to self-enforce the belief systems that shape the narrative of the 3D reality.
The head Controller Ego Archetype is the Draconian hierarchal belief system originating in Orion, which is the False King of Tyranny. This is the main ideology of the Negative Aliens and their NAA to Mind Control humanity and enslave this planet to their rule through slavery enforced by Consumptive Modeling. Through its archetypal overlay implanted into the planetary brain, humanity has been “forced” to submit and worship a False Father Reptilian God through Religious Violence and salvationistic theology. (see False Gods)
This ego archetype is represented as the angry father god that will protect you if you do his bidding and worship him or you are condemned to hell. Because the False King of Tyranny is the primary Reptilian Controller Archetype used to control humanity and the planet, it is these archetypal forces that are wielding “his” cosmic rage upon the planet as he loses control. Primarily Males that are using this archetype as an identity (or younger males who are totally disconnected and lost) are easily used for these Dark forces to unleash their anger and rage upon whomever is the near vicinity. (This has been evidenced with young males randomly shooting to kill and then killing themselves.) This is the phenomena when human bodies are used as dark portals to direct these forces, if they are unconscious, they have no idea this thoughtform is not sourcing from “them”. Most of the planet’s ego maniacal leaders are manipulated to play out these agendas and are reinforced through this N.A.A. Controller archetype.
It is through the Cosmic Mother Aether that the Cosmic Father Principle is reborn to replace the False Father Reptilian God. The pain of resistance that this polarity synthesis requires for the inner alchemy of rebirth is felt by many now. [1]
Contents [hide]


“Great Culling” of the Human Population has Quietly Begun Will your genetic lineage survive?

The future of human life on earth belongs solely to those who can protect the integrity of their genetic code. It only makes sense, right? And yet most humans are damaging their DNA with toxic chemicals and medical imaging radiation. The result? A coming genetic catastrophe that virtually no one is yet talking about.

Defacto Government

This document represents the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committeeof the Bilderburg Group during its first known meeting in 1954.The following document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale.Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars – preface


Why Catholic Hospitals Kill Patients

Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts

Getting a Real ID requires us all to lie!

Smart Grid Beast Solutions Inc.

Mainstreaming Satanism and Luciferianism

Poverty Consciousness

Agenda 2030’s Goal #12 Will Exterminate Six Billion People

Primary Water is why we don’t
have a water shortage. 

10 Things Making Up the Anatomy of a False Flag Disease

Pestilence Program=Vaccination

Overcoming Fear

Alignment to Natural Law

De Facto Courts – Illegitimate but in effect. How To Identify Foreign De Facto Courts vs. De Jure Courts. Educate Yourself.

This is a video about the de facto so-called courts. It talks about what de facto means, and how they are de facto, and why. It shows that the real criminals are the BAR members sitting on the bench, and working for the Crown PIGs. They are all Satanists completing their commercial transactions for their United Nations and Roman Cult handlers and all of the officers are priests of BAAL.

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The Missing Pieces – De Facto vs De Jure Governments


By Anna Von Reitz

I have recently had cause to be re-reading documents from the past as we continue the arduous business of sorting through and reconstructing my law offices after the Earthquake.
As I reported, the books all landed on the floor and got put back in the shelves in no particular order; lots of old files and publications also hit the floor and are in boxes and piles waiting to be sorted. So in all my “spare time”…..
Anyway, I chanced upon my copy of “Lawfully Yours” –a quite wonderful publication from The Anti-Corruption Society– ( and was reading it again as one tends to do while sorting paperwork.
And thanks to Al Whitney and Crew, I could very clearly see The Missing Pieces:
1. There is an entire part of our “Federal Government” that is Missing in Action and has been MIA since 1868.  It was never fully “reconstructed” after the Civil War — though we were all left to assume that it had been.
2.  The portion of the Federal Government that is missing just happens to be the portion of it that is owed to the American States and People: the Federal Branch of the Federal Government, which was and is supposed to be run by the Confederacy of Federal States of States formed under The Articles of Confederation adopted March 1, 1781.
This Confederation doing business as the “States of America” was composed of business organizations operating as “States of States” that mirrored the actual States of the Union Federation called “The United States of America” formed five years before.
Both of these organizations, one a Holding Company for the Federation States (The United States of America) and one a business association (States of America) were both formed during the Revolutionary War and continued to function afterward.
The United States of America is still in operation, but the original States of America organization is not.
That’s the Missing Piece, together with the Federal States of States that are supposed to operate the Federal Government.  These States of States operate under these names: The State of Georgia, The State of Ohio, and so on.
Notice that like The United States and The United States of America, the word “the” is capitalized and is part of their actual Proper Name.
When you realize this fully you can see that what we have been dealing with are operating under deceptively similar names: “the” United States, “the” State of Florida are not the same, so what are they?
They are Territorial United States entities.
The Territorial United States Government operated by the British Government is also a part of the original Federal Government– the Territorial Branch. Not the Missing in Action Federal Branch, but it has been deceptively calling itself “the” Federal Government and getting away with it as a part of the intended Federal Government we are owed.
The Municipal United States Government authorized under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 has been using the same semantic deceit to call itself “the” Federal Government, giving everyone the impression that a mere (and intended to be small) part of the original structure is the whole.
There are supposed to be three branches to the Federal Government– Federal, Territorial, and Municipal, but the actual “Federal” branch is MIA, and it’s Federal States of States are mothballed, awaiting “Reconstruction”.
Meanwhile, self-interested European carpetbaggers have been secretively and fraudulently “representing” the American States and People and we have been kept in the dark, unable to solve a problem that we were deliberately left uninformed about.
Meanwhile, our False Trustees and disloyal employees responsible for this situation have put in place various ploys to try to cement their theft of our entire country via legal chicanery and false claims in commerce.
First and foremost is the bogus claim of the Municipal Government that our Mothers were all Unwed Mothers who donated our DNA and our Good Name to the Territorial Government.
Second is the bogus claim that we set sail in 1933 and were never heard from again– allowing the perpetrators to declare our Good Names “legally” dead and to probate our Estates “for” us — so as to enrich themselves at our expense.
Third is the bogus claim that any of this has been done with our knowledge or consent, that any of this was fully disclosed or voluntary.
I have often locked horns with Karen Hudes, but I do agree with the quote you will find in the Foreword of “Lawfully Yours”—
“….the ABA (American Bar Association) has lost all -total- credibility, and they should apologize to the American people for what it is they have been doing. And they should disband.”
None of this pernicious and evil deceit, nor any of the abuses of it, would be possible without the corruption and often, gross ignorance, of the members of the American Bar Association.
Folks, we have been kept in the dark and fed hay for so long by these villains that they think we are dumb beasts, “livestock” to be milked, and when times get hard for them, to be slaughtered either as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit or as murder victims in concentration camps, so they can collect on life insurance policies, write off their debts to us, and seize our property as “abandoned” assets.
These corporations and the people who are running them are shameless and they don’t want to give up power even when it is crystal clear that the jig is up.
Record your claim to your Trade Name (Given Name) and Re-Convey it to permanent domicile on the Land and soil of your birth State.  Then claim your ASSUMED NAMES. (  Then join your State Jural Assembly and post to the National Jural Assembly:
Although our actual government and our Federation of States was never in the Civil War, it falls to our States to clean this mess up, convene our State Jural Assemblies, and reconstruct the “missing” Federal States of States that each one of our States are owed, and take care of our other business, too.
Once our actual Federal Branch of the Federal Government is restored and the European thieves and knaves and their American Flunkies are put in their places, America will be back on track.
So if you want to Make America Great Again–we now know what needs to be done, by whom, why, and basically– how.
Come back “home” to the land and soil of your birth, and join your State Jural Assembly.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna’s website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Wake up, Beijing! You are being Swindled and so are we by international criminals ensconced in Washington, DC– and those criminals have nothing to do with us.


By Anna Von Reitz

The Watchmen of The Republic– the real one, are shouting from the rooftops and from the city walls. The Watch Fires are lit.
The mouthpieces of their bought and paid for media blare nonsense night and day, bread and circuses to keep us entertained.
But it isn’t working.
Their banks steal from their Depositors and throw fanciful money laundering schemes at us, seeking to exonerate themselves, entrap everyone else– and use other people’s money to do it.
You want to do business with these “persons”?  Really?
A great and unseen struggle is being waged– with one aim: to keep the American People duped and asleep.
But it isn’t working.
It is this simple– their Territorial Congress you see in Washington, DC is not our Congress.
The Municipal United States Congress you see parading around and causing trouble isn’t our Congress, either.
Our States are not their States of States.
Their Territorial States of States are not our Federal States of States.
They are running a foreign, usurping government out of Washington, DC, and pretending to “represent” us.
They don’t.
The Municipal United States Government should not exist outside the ten miles square of the District of Columbia.
The Queen and the Popes have been colluding against us in Gross Breach of Trust since 1822.
They are such good liars and payola artists, they’ve gotten away with it, too.
To hear them tell it, black is white and red is blue.

They have made false claims in commerce and duped us into

obviously paying their corporate debts for 150 years, impoverishing us and enriching them.
And when they realized the jig was up, what did they do?
Even with the benefit of all that they have stolen from us, they could never pay us back.
So they set up their FEMA Concentration Camps and ordered their 30,000 guillotines and taught the fools who work for their pieces of paper and their digits on a screen that we are “livestock” and “useless eaters” — as they prepare to murder their Priority Creditors, their own Employers, the people who have paid their bills for all these years.
And they collected the Life Force Value Annuities that should have been paid to the Americans and Canadians.
And they concocted a bogus $20 Trillion Dollar U.S. National Debt by not applying credit that we are owed.
And they won’t protect our Southern Border even though that is required by their service contract.
And right now, with the horrified eyes of the world upon them, they are trying to sell our Highway System to you so you can charge us tolls to use our own roads to pay their bills for them?
You think that is going to fly?
Wake up, Beijing!
Do you need a better reason to destroy the “Federal Reserve”?
Has it dawned on everyone yet who the real villains in the story are?
The same worthless roaches are trying to sell our land and soil and water, too, to anyone stupid enough to think that they can buy it from them.
Be forewarned all you investors.
The land and soil and the waters belong to our States and our People and we are sick and tired of any more legal chicanery, any more lies, any more excuses for any of this.
If you have a debt or a claim against the “U.S.” –the American States and People are NOT their “Sureties”.  The Queen and the Pope are their Sureties.
Don’t come here, China, and negotiate with the thieves of the “Federal Reserve”.  Those roads belong to us.
Don’t come here and claim to buy a “Water District” and think you own the People’s water.
You are being Swindled and so are we by international criminals ensconced in Washington, DC– and those criminals have nothing to do with us.
Just keep flying East until you get to London and Rome. There you will find the deplorable scoundrels who  stole our labor and money and resources and now propose to steal yours.
What good is their fraudulent title to things they don’t own?  Of what value are their lies, pretending that we are their Sureties and that we agreed to this?
99.9% of Americans never heard a word about any of these cozy arrangements made “for” us by these self-interested Liars.
Fly East to London and to Rome and speak to those who are truly responsible for the debts that the fake “U.S.” owes.
Wake up, Beijing.
A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but a dung heap is still a dung heap, too.
America is not for sale and we are not responsible for their odious debts.
The Queen is responsible for the debts and bad behavior of the Territorial Government and the Pope is responsible for the Municipal Government and both the Queen and the Spanish King are responsible for all the criminality that has been headquartered in Puerto Rico.
It has nothing to do with us and trying to buy up our infrastructure from them is like trying to buy a Hawaiian Beach from an Eskimo.
No doubt they would give you a Quit Claim Deed to everything they don’t own.
Wake up, Beijing.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna’s website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Reply to Video Attacks–If I Am a Fake



By Anna Von Reitz

Aside from the fact that many of the people running the “government corporations” are liars and have to be liars to keep their jobs, and also the fact that the same liars hire propagandists to work for them– ask yourselves some questions.
If I am a fake and impersonating a judge– why isn’t anyone arresting me?
Why is it that it’s only the people who don’t follow my instructions who get into trouble?
Is it possible to be a Jesuit and a Lutheran at the same time?
Just put on your own thinking caps.
I am not a member of the Bar Association.  I never said I was did I?
What kind of court am I running?
Answer: a State Court.
Which courts require their judges to be Bar Association members?
Answer: State of State Courts.
Do land jurisdiction Courts hire Bar Attorneys?
Answer: No.
What kind of court am I running?
Answer: Land jurisdiction.
Can I run a land jurisdiction court and be a Bar Member?
Answer: No
Does that expose the exposers as the know-nothings they are?
How did I meet the Pope?
Answer: By accusing the Holy See of crime and Breach of Trust.
Why did I work (unpaid) for three years as his Private Attorney to give Due Process to his employees?
He repented and asked for my help.
Would a sincere Christian say no?
Do I think I am the “Messiah”? Have I ever said anything like that?
What have I said?
That I am the Fiduciary sent to clean up this Mess.
What proves that I am who I say I am?
Who else sued the Holy See and presented a cured Payment Bond and Bill of Lading?
How is it that my Bill of Lading and its cure date exactly coincides with the official start date of The Age of Aquarius?
What did Yeshuah say about his Kingdom, speaking about it back then in the Age of Pisces?
“My Kingdom is not of this Age.”
Who is traditionally the Fiduciary in a Jewish community?
The Grandmothers.
What am I?
A Grandmother and Great-Grandmother.
What is my name?
What is the name of Yeshuah’s Grandmother as recorded in the Bible?
Who do I represent in this matter?
The Kingdom of Heaven.
Who does the Pope represent?
The Kingdom of God.
Who triumphed and won the bet at Golgotha? Yeshuah or Satan?
So whose Kingdom was forfeit?
And where is his Kingdom?
The international jurisdiction of the sea.
And what is the Kingdom of Satan called?
The Kingdom of God.
So whether anyone likes it or not, The Kingdom of Heaven is here to collect Satan’s Kingdom.
It’s simple enough and it’s only been thousands of years that everyone has known about it, so nobody can say it’s a big surprise as if it was unannounced, can they?
And with all that has come out at the Dual Life of the Catholic Church, can we admit that the Apocalypse– the great Revealing has come?
And with all the Churches turning themselves into corporations operating in Satan’s Kingdom, can we admit the Great Apostasy has come?
And with the War in Iraq, did the Kings of the South and East and West not come as foretold?
And did the Kings of the North not come afterward and take over all the other Kings fought over?
And is Jerusalem not currently besieged in the midst of a great spiritual battle? Are not all the Nations of the world against her?
And is not the Great Abomination, a giant idol, a statue of Ashtoreth, “standing where it should not stand” in New York Harbor?
Are we not seeing evil in high places aplenty, and especially in the Kingdom of the Air? The Global Jurisdiction managed by the Church?
Even the Prophecy of the Cedars and the Sycamores has been fulfilled, had it not?
And don’t the Liars still huddle in their dark places and trust in secrecy, thinking that their evil is unknown and that nobody will know their intent?
Aren’t the Lawyers still the stumbling block? Refusing to go into The Kingdom of Heaven themselves, and blocking the way for everyone else?
What have I told you?
That there is no point in lying or trying to hide, because in Truth, everything is known.
That being so, why would I, knowing that, bother to lie about anything or hide anything from you?
With the Americans being raped and pillaged by their supposed friends and Allies and international Trustees—Britain and the Popes–for a 150 years, does anyone doubt that the Great Tribulation–the payment of Tribute to Rome– has not come also?
Is there any doubt that these times are like the days of Noah with the Satanists murdering millions of babies and men sleeping with men and beasts and women cherishing dogs and cats instead of their own flesh?
America, even under Mary’s protection, has suffered terrible unrelenting damage for many years and has been pillaged and broken by all the nations of the world, defamed, defrauded, degraded, laughed at and scorned, robbed, raped, polluted, hated and blamed has it not?
Haven’t Christians all over the world been attacked and murdered for their faith?
Have I not been a faithful Watchman and sounded the alarm?
Have I not told you to flee Babylon?
Is there not a “remnant” of the once great American People — our fledgling Jural Assemblies, coming back into the land jurisdiction and leaving the Kingdom of Satan behind?
What part of any of this is hard to see and understand?
Do you all need a brick wall to fall on your heads before you know what is true and look at what is right in front of you?
It has all come to pass. In five years time, he will stand among you again.  So why are you not happy and making haste to prepare?
I could care less if you believe me, because the Truth is a sword in my hand and The Living God will not be mocked– but a prudent man has eyes and ears, does he not?
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna’s website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Starting at First Base…From Anna

51FsLZVT2NL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_By Anna von Reitz
Many people are profoundly confused. This System the rats have put in place IS confusing and it is MEANT to be confusing.
That’s their whole schtick— to confuse you with other corporate personas and to confuse you regarding the jurisdiction they are
operating in. And they do a good job of both, if you let them.
The governmental services corporations operating under whatever name— say, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.—
have what is called a “deemed trust interest” in the people and the assets of the land and sea they service. This is a weak trust
interest, similar to a mechanics lien on a house. It only comes into play when and if the actual trust operators fail to function—and
that is what has happened.
The governmental services corporation operated by FDR went bankrupt and falsely claimed that the federal “states” and
“citizenry thereof” were voluntary sureties standing good for the debts of the United States of America, Inc. (Conference of
Governors meeting March 6, 1933.) They did this in such a way as to confuse people about which “states” and which “citizens”
they were talking about (federal “states” and federal “citizens” only) which has led to all sorts of false claims against you and
your organic States of the Union.
Next, the United Nations Corporation stepped in and organized the International Monetary Fund, Inc., which organized the
UNITED STATES, INC. – a French commercial corporation, to take over the governmental services contracts of the old United
States of America, Inc.
Operating this scheme, the UNITED STATES, INC. was able to charge off all its expenses against the United States of America,
Inc. during its bankruptcy reorganization, and the cost of all this got passed through to the presumed “sureties”—us. But then,
the unthinkable happened. The Pope woke up and forced the United States of America, Inc. to end its decades long
“reorganization” and settle the bankruptcy. Suddenly, the UNITED STATES, INC. could no longer just pass through any and
every expense to the American people and their States.
The UNITED STATES, INC. has no contract with our states. Its only contract was with the bankrupt United States of America,
Inc., so they are both out of luck and out of pocket—-and seeking a means to re-establish another cozy bankruptcy fraud, war, or
other means to fill their coffers. They are also looking for the alternative route— ways to reduce their expenses by killing off and
reducing the number of their creditors.
We need to be aware of this circumstance if we wish to rightly interpret what is going on in the stock markets and headlines of the
world. We also need to be aware in terms of the propaganda that we are being fed. The UNITED STATES, INC. needs another
war for profit, so it is busy pumping up a new “enemy” called ISIS, which it funded and continues to fund. All this is being done
as a justification for spending our money and spilling our blood (not to mention the other poor suckers) so that the UNITED
STATES, INC. has an expense it can charge againstus.
The UNITED STATES makes money when it provides “services” to us, so it has been busily contriving all manner of services it
can provide —including services we don’t want or need.
The Border Problem is a money maker for the UNITED STATES. It provides services to all those Mexican immigrants, and then
charges us for the cost of this. They naturally charge us a lot more than it actually costs them, so they make out like bandits. They
also claim each new immigrant as another “American” slave, and issue bonds based on the value of their labor. Can you say,
“Double points!”
Same thing with wars and other conflicts— remember the Department of Defense’s $400 hammers and $1500 gold-plated toilet
seats? The UNITED STATES makes money providing us with “defense services”. So long as nobody is minding the store, they
can charge however much they like for providing these “services”. And they do.
This is the conflict of interest at the heart of the current misery. The State governments are supposed to ride herd on their service
contracts with the feds, but over time, the “federal” government— the private, for-profit, foreign corporate government— has
contrived to co-opt the State governments and to redefine them as “franchises” of their own corporation. This is how we have
wound up with the “State of Georgia” and the “STATE OF GEORGIA”.
Do we seriously expect the local franchise of Burger King to question the actions of Burger King, International?
Instead, the “State” governments receive money as a kick-back from the “federal” government in the form of “federal revenue
This is why government spending is out of control and will be out of controluntil we put our feet down and stop it—-until we
seize back our misappropriated credit, and assert our position as the Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the
STATES it operates as franchises—and start applying the kind of pressure they understand: financial pressure.
To calm down the Border problem, groups of us have established commercial liens providing for very hefty and escalating fines
to be applied against the perpetuators and their immediate bosses, the IMF and the UN. Suddenly, it is not profitable to be
welcoming all those Mexicans. So what happens? The flood slows to a trickle.
To calm down the War Fever, groups of us have established commercial liens providing for very hefty and escalating fines to be
applied against them for every American life lost and for every bit of property damage. Suddenly, war is no longer so profitable.
We must all stop thinking of this “thing” in Washington, DC as “our” government. It is not and it never has been. It is a
criminally self-interested, foreign, for-profit, mostly foreign-owned corporation hired to provide nineteen governmental services,
and it is seriously run amok.
As a corporation there is nothing sacrosanct about the “federal government”. It has exactly the same standing and status as any
other commercial corporation on earth. We need to deal with it the same way we would deal with Ford Motor Company or
General Electric or Monsanto.
Would you “petition” the corporate officers of these companies and ask them to play nice? That’s what you are doing with all
these senseless petitions to Congress. If they wanted to play nice and were willing to play nice, they would already be doing so.
There would be no need for petitions seeking redress for grievances.
So why bother?
Would you work your rump off and spend billions of dollars on political candidates and political parties trying to elect new midlevel
corporate officers, aka, members of Congress, knowing that the direction of the corporation is utterly controlled by foreign
The UNITED STATES, INC. is owned and operated by the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) and the IMF is
owned and operated by the UNITED NATIONS, CORPORATION. Our real beef, therefore, is with the IMF and the UN.
If we have a beef with the way the UNITED STATES, INC. is being run— and we do—-then the obvious things to be done are
the same as with any other corporation. You put the bite on them and their owners and operators via bad publicity, commercial
liens, law suits in appropriate venues, and boycotts.
That’s why commercial liens against the UNITED STATES, INC. need to be filed simultaneously against the IMF and UN. They
are responsible for what the UNITED STATES, INC. is doing or failing to do, so the mismanagement of the operation comes
home to them and they are then motivated to make sure that the contracts owed by the UNITED STATES, INC. are honored and
the limitations of those contracts observed.
Otherwise the IMF and UN are quite content to let the UNITED STATES, INC. run roughshod over everyone and everything in
sight, and there is no real consequence for them. They stand in the shadows and reap the profit and don’t even get bad publicity
for their misdeeds. Drag them out into the open and lay claim to their assets.
And if any of them persist in promoting criminality of any kind, yank their charters like so many radishes in the spring.
We do have effective means of dealing with the perpetrators, but we must recognize who and what the perpetrators of this System
are: the shareholders of the UNITED STATES, INC., the IMF, and the UN Corporation, all acting in collusion with the
shareholders of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., the FEDERAL RESERVE, and the UN Corporation.
All roads now lead to the UN CORPORATION, so make the claims short and sweet and addressed to the UN Secretary General.
The members of Congress are rubber stamps and window dressing, there to entertain and reassure the public. Any real power the
Congress had was given away during the Roosevelt Administration to the Office of the President. As mid-level managers,
members of Congress now spend most of their days trying to figure out how they can more effectively lick the boots of their
foreign masters, still bring home enough bacon to satisfy the folks back home, and better feather their own nests.
Instead of wasting time and money and heartfelt effort on any aspect of the current political system or supporting candidates that
at the end of the day have neither the power nor the will to truly represent anyone but themselves and their own group of cronies,
use your resources to address the root of the problem: the UN, the IMF, the UNITED STATES, INC. and their “federal”
Expose them. Expose what they have done and are doing here. Expose their motives and deal with those motives effectively.
Realize that they are in the business of selling you “governmental services” and that you are in charge of what you buy or don’t
buy —including “Obummercare”. Don’t let anyone “represent” you or your estate in these matters. The cretins in Congress are
not there to represent you. They are there to represent the UNITED STATES, INC. They will always vote and act to enrich the
corporation at your expense.
Many will remember that back in the 1970’s magazine publishers offered “free” subscriptions—get three months of blah-blah
magazine absolutely free! No obligation! But what they didn’t tell people was that they would also receive a one month “free
subscription” to six other magazines and if the victim didn’t immediately respond and cancel all these subscriptions, they would
be charged for all of them at full price— subject to automatic renewal, too.
Such a deal we’ve got for you. Soon, if you don’t stand up for yourselves and cancel your “subscriptions” you will literally owe
your soul to the Company Store, and be obligated to buy everything from bootlaces to coffins from the UNITED STATES, INC.
The first and most important action step is to divorce from their political process. Get your own mind firmly wrapped around the
fact that the entire American political tableau is meaningless. Democrat? Republican? It doesn’t matter who gets elected to fill
those Congressional seats, because the seats themselves are bought, paid for, and controlled by a foreign corporation.
Once you truly understand this, it will be easy to rescind “your” Voter Registration and announce that you will henceforth operate
only as an Elector. It will be easy to write a letter to “your” Congressional Delegation— telling them that they don’t represent you
nor your organic State of the Union. It will be easy to do the same thing at the STATE level and express your ire that these people
who claim to “represent” you have allowed “federal revenue sharing”—-kick backs based on the misappropriation of your credit
—to undermine our nation and instead promote the establishment of federal “STATES” to usurp the rightful government you are
owed and undermine the checks and balances needed to protect the interests of the people.
Once you know who “they” are, what they are and what they aren’t, it is a lot easier to deal with them effectively and efficiently.
So this is First Base. Shrug off the chains these corporations have offered to place on you, take back your inherent standing, and
present yourself— act “without representation” and “without the United States”.
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Living People Are the Creditors; Corporations Are the Debtors

By Anna Von Reitz

I can make this really, truly simple.
Just study the title of this article until you fully grasp what it says and why it is true.
Living people create and define the State.
The “State” may be “China” or “West Virginia”.   The State is defined geographically as the area within which the laws established by a group of people apply.
The State then creates Territorial and Municipal franchises:  the Province of Szechwan, the City of Shanghai, the County of Blaine, the City of Clintwood.
Notice that little word “of” —-these are not actual physical provinces or cities.
These are corporations created to care-take physical assets actually owned by the people living in the State.
Forming a corporation of any kind is privilege granted by the State that belongs to the people living in that State.
Thus, New York grants the privilege to form The [Federal] State of New York and grants the privilege to form the [Territorial] State of New York and grants the privilege to form the [Municipal] STATE OF NEW YORK.
The Municipal STATE OF NEW YORK then grants the privilege to form the franchise known as the CITY OF NEW YORK…..
All these privileges can be revoked and should be revoked the instant a corporation is caught doing anything improper, much less criminal.
At the end of the day, all these corporations belong to New York, the State belonging to the people living inside the physical borders that define “New York”.
The people who live in New York are thus the Creditors of all these corporations that owe their existence to them.  Not the other way around.
If you are being addressed as a debtor, you are being improperly addressed as a corporation and it is up to you to know this and to “take exception” to it.
The Great Fraud has been worked upon you because your Trade Name was deliberately mis-represented as a franchise of a bankrupt foreign corporation doing business as the United States of America [Incorporated].
This is a crime of personage and identity theft and unlawful conversion that resulted in credit fraud against you and your family and was then assessed against your physical assets and labor, your Good Name and your Estate.
Neither the British Monarch nor the Pope who are the Trustees responsible for protecting you from this sort of thing moved to protect you, so the fault and the Breach of Trust and the resulting debt is theirs, not yours.
The lawful Head of State of The United States of America [Unincorporated] has Notified the Trustees of these conditions and objected to them.
Now it is up to you to enforce correction.
You do this by taking exception to their claims and “presumptions” and by actively posting Notice to their officers and in their public records of your action reclaiming your Good Name and returning it to the land and soil jurisdiction of your actual birth — that is, in the example, to New York, as opposed operating as a franchise of the State of New York, Inc.
If they attempt to continue their false claims,  you cite their fraud and non-disclosure and continue to bring your claim.
Next, you form your State Jural Assembly  — the “New York Jural Assembly” in the example cited—- not the “New York State”, not “The State of New York”, not the “State of New York”, and certainly not the “STATE OF NEW YORK” —- none of this business concerns these foreign incorporated entities that exist only via privileges granted by New York.
This is your physically defined state known as “New York” we are talking about, and as you are a living man or woman, this is the state you live in.  You do not “inhabit” New York, you are not a “resident” in New York — you live there or in whichever other state of the Union you live in.
Now you are back in the Driver’s Seat and enabled to elect your actual County Sheriffs and set up your actual County Courts and elect your actual Justices of the Peace to enforce the actual Constitution and the actual Public Law.
These criminals have been usurping upon your lawful government and upon your lawful authority for a very long time, but you have the power to turn this around and bring them to justice and to force them to pay their debts to you.
Do so.  Reclaim your lawful identity.  Reclaim control of your State.  Reclaim your country.  Kick these criminals and trust-breakers in the teeth.  Do so lawfully, peacefully, and with great prejudice.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here:
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A New Banking AI Completed 360,000 Human Worktime Hours Of Financial Data In Under A Minute — Banks Everywhere Are Laying Off Humans In The Thousands — Reality Decoded

The largest bank in the U.S., JP Morgan Chase & Co., is one of the largest employers in the American banking sector, with more than 240,000 employees serving millions of customers. A percentage of those employees are lawyers and loan officers who spend a total of 360,000 hours each year tackling a slew of rather […]

via A New Banking AI Completed 360,000 Human Worktime Hours Of Financial Data In Under A Minute — Banks Everywhere Are Laying Off Humans In The Thousands — Reality Decoded