Does it seem like your Internet is slower lately? It’s not your imagination.

The repeal of net neutrality gave Big Cable the greenlight to create an Internet slow lane—and they’re already taking full advantage. Numerous studies have shown that since the repeal of net neutrality, apps and websites are being throttled “all the time, 24/7.”1

But as soon as THIS FRIDAY, a federal court could throw out or substantially revise Ajit Pai’s repeal of net neutrality.

When the court decision comes down, all hell will break loose. Big Cable lobbyists will swarm Capitol Hill and try to ram through terrible legislation to make the demise of net neutrality permanent.

We won’t let that happen. We’re building a net neutrality war chest to launch a rapid response campaign to restore net neutrality as soon as the court decision comes down. Will you chip in stop the throttling and save net neutrality?

Ajit Pai and Big Cable have been been on a PR blitz to convince people that nothing has changed since net neutrality was repealed.2

But they’re lying. And we have proof.

The latest comprehensive independent analysis of data speeds showed conclusively that Internet slow lanes are here, and chances are you’re on one. One ISP forced people to watch an ad before getting online.3 California firefighters saw their data throttled in the middle of a deadly wildfire.4

That’s why 20 attorneys general and tech companies including Mozilla sued to overrule Ajit Pai’s repeal of net neutrality, and these violations add to the body of evidence against the FCC.5

If the judge follows the law and rules against Pai, it’ll be a total game-changer. Here’s what we have in mind for when the decision comes down:

  • Mass text messages alerting our membership to the ruling and flooding Capitol Hill with phone call.
  • Events in the districts of key lawmakers demanding that they listen to their voters and keep net neutrality in the new.
  • Online ads and old-school billboards targeting key lawmakers.

Big Cable knows that they are on very thin ice, and that’s why they’ve spent record-setting money on lobbying in the last year.6 We need to be ready to fight back.

Will you donate to our net neutrality war chest to support our rapid response team and save the open Internet?


For the Internet,

Evan at Fight for the Future


1. Bloomberg:

2. Multichannel:

3. Ars Technica:

4. Ars Technica:

5. Comparitech:

6. Forbes: