Flag With Blue Stripes?

By Anna Von Reitz

This is what they are trying to get away with.  They want to turn our country from being a country into being a corporation existing only in the jurisdiction of the air and the sea.  So much easier for them, if they don’t have to deal with flesh and blood: you can rape, murder, pillage, torture, and otherwise destroy a “corporation” because a corporation only exists on paper.
The fact that a living man or woman is presumed to be chattel owned by a corporation in their System,  is just more of the fun from the perspective of the madmen and madwomen responsible for all this criminality.  Then the assets of living people can be salvaged or impounded or whatever else the vermin responsible for this outrage conceive of and we are all reduced to being nothing but bar-coded animals in a stockyard.
Those who are so eagerly promoting this don’t realize that what they do to others will literally also be done unto them.
Those who are disgracing our flag in the name of Corporate Feudalism don’t really understand what they are doing, either.  They think it is “revolutionary” and a political statement and that it stands for a new government— but in fact, it’s just the ongoing attempt of the nasty de facto government we’ve had for the past 150 years to officially entrench itself and devour what is left of human decency.
Corporations are not competent to serve as governments, because they have only one purpose: profit.  And they will profit themselves at the cost of everyone and everything else like a giant eating machine that does nothing but consume twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
For this reason, corporations are supposed to be subservient to government, instead of “acting as” governments.  If the politicians have any sense, they will start pulling strings and plugs like mad, and liquidate these monsters before they are themselves rendered obsolete.
Think about it.  The corporate bosses need someone to blame. They will happily sacrifice all their henchmen once they are no longer needed, and that hour is just about here.
Put on a Big Show, trot out the 100,000 indictments, have lots of show trials, execute a lot of Third Stringers nobody ever heard of.  Blame them.  Who cares?
Change the colors of the flag and you change the nature of the government and the world—- but not in a good way, not for the good of Mankind.  So, stand by Old Glory.  Those red stripes stand for the blood in your veins and the white stripes stand for the soul in your body.
Blue stripes stand for Corporate Feudalism on steroids, and for you and yours, stripped naked and wearing a plastic ear-tag.
See this article and over 1800 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com