Everyone, Please, Cut the Crap

Judge Anna 2
By Anna Von Reitz

Am I the biggest genius since Leonardo? How is it, that a week ago, I told everyone two things that are now being borne out by WHO?

(1) Don’t use ibuprofen or aspirin to bring down fevers associated with viral infection, as this actually helps heat-sensitive viruses replicate by REDUCING body temperature and can thin the blood to dangerous levels, leading to bruising, oral and nasal hemorrhage,and worse.

(2) Use heat therapy to kill the virus in situ —- this can include taking saunas, breathing steam from a pot of boiling water (hopefully with some appropriate essential oil, a couple drops of peppermint or eucalyptus, for example–remembering to close your eyes, of course) or using a hand-held blow dryer (with ample common sense to prevent burns) to blow hot air up your nose and into your nasal cavities.

All the SARS viruses including Covid 19 are actually very fragile and very sensitive to heat. The reason no vaccines have been developed is that these viruses naturally disappear with the onset of hot weather.

No wonder China is already going back to work. Common sense. All they had to do was hold back shipments of blow dryers. Which they did.

Of course, generally speaking, Grandmothers with horse sense and practical life skills don’t want to be in charge of other people’s lives and hate politics…. so you may have to go out and pound the streets to draft them—- but look at the alternatives?

8 Billion dollars spent and general chaos over nothing? Trillions of dollars of business loss worldwide? Stock market tanked? “Martial Law” — which we’ve been under for no good reason since 1863 anyway?

Come on, cut the Shinola.

You think we haven’t noticed the sudden “miraculous” end of the “epidemic” in Wuhan?

You think we are unaware of China’s refusal to continue doing business with the Crown after the Crown (Qinetiq and the Pirbright Institute) pulled this on China?

I wouldn’t give the Queen the sweat from my sauna wrap if I were China.

Come to think of it, the Queen isn’t on my Nice List this week, either. Once again, the Brits at the bottom of the dog pile. Always. Forever.

I don’t blame China for pulling the plug and neither should you. What we should be doing is pulling the plug on the members of Congress, by all means necessary. And, figuratively speaking, of course, slapping Mr. Trump up the side of the head. It’s his economic miracle that the rats are intent on killing.

It’s his re-election they are intent on stealing.

We’ve already told them to send the bill to the Queen, DARPA, and Bill Gates — and to accept no back charges.

If they want to spend $8 billion cleaning up their own mess, let them pay for it. If they want to cause the stock market to tank over nothing, let them pay for it. If they want to cause chaos and fear and empty store shelves over BS —- let them pay for it.

Not on our nickel. Send Phil the Bill. He’s got $950 trillion worth of “Life Force Value Annuities” that belong to us and the Canucks.

While we are at it, how is it that Rod Rosenstein’s Sister just happens to be in charge of the Respiratory Diseases section at the Centers for Disease Control? Can anyone follow a thread here? How about a trail of snotty tissue papers?

Just in time to collapse the economic miracle Trump has been building for America—-and all over a virus that you can kill at home for the cost of hot air?

Heck, Congress produces enough hot air to cure the whole world. Without even trying.

And once again, Jon Rappoport stands supreme as the Last Living Senior American Journalist Worth His Salt. He has been pooh-poohing all this Shinola from Day One. Robert David Steele and I called it for what it is last week. Ron Paul, a Medical Doctor, called it a hoax.

Give us a couple million to deploy the tech that already exists, and we will kill every SARS virus on the planet, without the use of hot air.

Taking the Congress out into the street for a public shaming sounds like a good idea, especially now that there is no Municipal Government for them to hide behind.

That’s the way we used to do things in America. Maybe we need to take a clue from our Puritan ancestors and do it again. Just march them down the middle of Wall Street in a group, and pelt them with rotten tomatoes, shout “Booo! Boo!” at the top of our lungs, and moon the next Press Conference.


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Democratic 527 organization aiding and abetting an invasion and overthrow of the United States for and on behalf of the Communist Party, USA!


Democratic 527 organization aiding and abetting an invasion and overthrow of the United States for and on behalf of the Communist Party, USA!

The Democrats have been funneling manufacturing patents to China since 1984 on behalf of Communist Party USA. LINK

China is not stealing the patents, the patents are being handed over by the Democrats: LINK

The only way to hide a larger deception is make it appear as if China is stealing something that is being handed over to China voluntarily: LINK

The Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam is on her way out says China meaning the communist party in China places people in power in Hong Kong: LINK 

The Democrats have been selling debt to China for a long time because China needed to operate in this country legally and avoid the Communist Control Act of 1954. Everything has been set up for China to place someone into power in the United States. 

The Deep State/527 organization the Democratic Party is the Communist Party, USA that has been working with China for a long time. We have links upon links to prove these statements, too much to file here. 

A scenario has been setup where the Communist Party, USA is going to be placed into power by China with the same old Democrats you see now that have been in power since the early seventies. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center, American Bar Association, National Lawyers Guild and many other organizations have been working with China to convert the country into a communist run country with a Hong Kong-China agreement. A country under communism is hell on earth. You can control a country by controlling the wealth of a country. LINK

China already controls the NBA (National Basketball Association) and Hollywood. China is going to need a political party that is loyal to communism to protect its interests in the United States. The Democratic Party can no longer hide what it is doing with China. 


If anyone pulls back and observes the bigger picture and connects all of the dots, it is easy to see what is happening right in front of your face. 

Published by the committee of the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America. 



A claim has been filed against U.S. congress for the crime of slavery in all of its forms!




The people for The United States of America hereby lodge this claim into the International Record against the U.S. congress for the crime of slavery in all of its forms.


Owning Trillionaires — Read This Conversation

By Anna Von Reitz

Nearly every day I get calls from wealthy people saying —  “I have billions of dollars (or more) of assets in bank accounts and its all right there on the FED Grey Screen….. but I can’t access anything.  What is going on?”
While the Trillionaires and Billionaires have been working their tails off to operate all these assets and exercise all these ownership interests for profits appearing to benefit themselves, the Federal Reserve has been claiming to own the Trillionaires and Billionaires.  For free.  As a “gift”.
It’s really that simple.
The Vermin “took title” to living men, created ESTATES named after us, sold our assets to investors without our knowledge or consent, and now, the investors are coming after us in the mistaken belief that they have a valid interest in our assets.
You see how the Middlemen worked this scam, so that both the actual owners and the investors are defrauded while they, the Middlemen, pocketed the ill-gotten gains?
It would be like me selling your house to Joe Baxter, and when Joe and his family show up ready to move in, there you are going — “What the $!$#!@!?” —Now, that’s a helluva situation, isn’t it?
Both Joe and you are screwed and the Middlemen “holding the title” to your Name and those holding title to your ESTATE, are long gone.
This has been going on for a long time.  That is exactly what the whole Mortgage Fraud Scheme has been about.
The British Monarch was obligated to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways by Treaty and Commercial Contract with The United States of America— our unincorporated government.  He saw a chance of pulling a fast one after the Civil War, and of substituting himself as the Beneficiary instead of the Trustee.
So he gave the Trustee position to the Pope and the Pope named him the “Presumed” Beneficiary of our birthright trust. And things went downhill from there to their current state of criminality.
The “State of Ohio” or the “Government of Moldavia” or the “CITY OF CHICAGO” or the “County Clare Municipal District” — ad infinitum — set up franchises for themselves, copyrighted our Names, registered them as property belonging to their corporation(s) — and there you have it.
“But, my dear sir….you don’t even own your own name,” I tell the astonished victim. (pause) “A corporation called the “State of Ohio” copyrighted your name and registered it as property belonging to them in 1964….” (pause)
“They claimed it was a “gift” from your Mother.” (pause) “So everything owned under that name is —according to the records—  owned and controlled by the “State of Ohio”, not “James Leland Zwinke” (pause)
“Yes, I know it’s fraud.” (pause) “Yes, I do “give a damn” that they falsified the public records.” (pause) “I am aware of that, sir, but they have stolen your identity and your assets, sold them to Third Parties, pocketed the profits, and are now sitting on a beach in Puerto Rico getting smashed.” (pause) “Yes, both you and the investors are being screwed senseless.” (pause)
“I know you were never told a word about this.” (pause) “Your Mother wasn’t told either.” (pause) “They aren’t allowed to talk about it — see 18 USC 472.” (pause) “I am terribly sorry.” (pause) “They are outside our American jurisdiction.” (pause) “Yes, I know, but here’s the problem — you have been defrauded, no question about it, but where are you going to prosecute them? Their own courts?” (pause)
“Bombing London and Rome isn’t really an option.” (pause) “Besides, how are you going to pay to bomb the Vermin? They stole all your money, all the assets you had in the bank under that name.” (pause) “They took title to your home and land in the same way.” (pause) “Well, yes, I agree, there has to be a way to return the favor.” (pause)
“Reclaim your Good Name and Estate and permanently domicile them on the land and soil of Ohio.” (pause) “No “State of Anything” —just Ohio.” (pause)
“Then join your State Jural Assembly.” (pause) “Set up your local courts and State Courts, elect your Sheriffs, elect your Justices of the Peace.” (pause) “Then set up your actual State Legislature.  The Ohio Legislature — no “Ohio State” Legislature and no “State of Ohio” Legislature — just “The Ohio Legislature” and select your Deputies to attend the Continental Congress. (pause) “And never incorporate anything, not even a dog house. Run everything as an unincorporated business in international trade.” (pause).
“Well, the quickest way to end this, is by informing everyone you know and exposing the rats.” (pause) “Rule of law?  Hahahah!  That’s a good one!” (pause) “I did tell the Generals!” (pause) “The only reason they will do anything, is that they realize that the Chinese are in line to get the new contract for cheap mercenary services.” (pause)
“Boycotts, shut downs, marches, education of the people…..” (pause) “I think he’s doing his best with a bad situation.” (pause) “Put pressure on your local bank to “resolve” this in your favor.” (pause) “Hey, it’s the military and the bankers and the Catholic clergy and politicians and Bar Attorneys and European monarchies that created this mess. (pause) “Go after all of them. Rag their asses clean off—not mine.” (pause)
“Nationalize the whole thing—especially all the railroads. Close off any inroads they have.  Give the public property back to the actual States and all the private property back to the people. Just need to get our tails in the air and do it.” (pause) “Lock down their accounts, seize their assets as unjust enrichment, put new managers in charge of the banks — arrest them.” (pause)
“Why not?  They are criminals.” (pause) “In the old days, we just found a tall tree and a short rope.” (pause) “These guys have rustled a lot more than cattle.” (pause) “You are a case in point…. everything that you assumed was yours, has been stolen by fraud that began when you were just a few days old, long before you could know a thing about it.” (pause) “That is known as an unconscionable contract. It’s supposed to be readily recognized as null and void, but of course, their hired Bill Collectors running these courts routinely ignore both the facts and the law.” (pause) “I guess it has to be run up their rectums with a rubber hose.”
“Technically, if the local “sheriff” — and bear in mind, these guys are not actual sheriffs and not occupying actual public offices, they are all working for corporations and have been elected in corporate elections— but if the local guy pretending to be “Sheriff” doesn’t obey the Public Law and is misapplying statutory law to people, the United States Marshals are supposed to arrest him and return your property.” (pause) “In fact, it’s like pulling teeth to get them–the Marshals– to do anything.” (pause)  “That’s because the Marshals work for the Pope and the Pope is in on this crap—profiting from it.” (pause)
“Look, the Municipal Corporation that was claiming to act as your Trustee, the STATE OF OHIO, has been bankrupted and liquidated along with all its franchises including “JAMES LELAND ZWINKE”. (pause)  “Now the Territorial Corporation claiming to be the Beneficiary of “JAMES LELAND ZWINKE” will come forward and claim “HIS” assets, but they are bankrupt, too, so—-” (pause) “Oh, yes, all these jokers are subject to Bankruptcy Trustees named by the banks.” (pause) “The Trustees and the banks are the real problem.” (pause)
“If Iceland can do it, so can we.” (pause) “No, all of this is totally bogus, unlawful and illegal — both.  Mis-characterizing a living man as a citizen of a foreign country– such as mis-characterizing an American as a “U.S. Citizen” –is a capitol crime under the Geneva Conventions.” (pause)
“And “securitization” of a living man is totally illegal.  It’s been outlawed for generations.  So has conscription and press-ganging.”  (pause) “And so is Bastardy and Bono Vacantia in America. None of our actual States allow it.” (pause)
“Well, yes, I know. They will get away with what they can get away with.” (pause) “And though they can’t actually own you, as long as you let them own and control your Name—they can do whatever they want to you and your assets using that as a ploy.” (pause) “Looks like most of them, especially the Democrats, have Dual Citizenship in Israel.” (pause) “I hear that Trump has opened a branch of the Ritz-Carlton in Cuba.” (pause)
“It’s all Banker’s Wars, one group of thugs and criminals thumping on another group of thugs and criminals.” (pause) “My approach is simple.  Bring your proof and claim, assemble your Jural Assembly….” (pause) “That’s right.  Get organized and do for yourself what you have been paying them to do for you.” (pause)
“Hey, it’s better than paying someone who rips you off, right?” (pause) “These are grossly disloyal and insubordinate employees. They haven’t just failed to do their jobs — they have done “other” jobs instead, jobs that have served to defraud and rob and enslave you.  You paid their salaries while they were doing this.” (pause) “Yes, and if that doesn’t make you mad, nothing will.”
“I am terrible sorry, but until this mess gets straightened out, you won’t have access to your assets.” (pause) “Because, even if the boneheads in charge knew for sure who owns what, they wouldn’t know how to pay them out.” (pause) “Ha! How do you want it? Federal Reserve Notes? Yen? Monopoly Money? Shares in diamond mines that may not exist?  Shares of cotton for shares of pork bellies?” (pause) “Now, you begin to see what I mean. The criminals have wrecked the basis for everything, including trust.” (pause)
“It’s not a matter of making a deal anymore.” (pause) “It’s an operational system that’s out of commission because of abuse by criminals. Both the pipeline and what goes in the pipeline — kaput until further notice.” (pause)  “I mean “broke” like a truck without an axle.  That kind of “broke”.  Of course, your assets have value, but translating that value into symbols, digits, and currency is another matter.” (pause)
“What do I suggest? I gave them the way to convert the debt system to a credit system in three days without hurting anyone.  They laughed at me.” (pause) “They think they can ride it out — come up with a new scam or a new version of the old one.” (pause)
“Of course, they think people are that stupid. They got away with this fraud for a 150 years and glutted like pigs, had us paying them for the privilege of being screwed over by them.” (pause) “They have to be convinced otherwise. They have to know that we know, and that we mean business.” (pause)
“I think Trump will take care of his own business. That doesn’t mean he will take care of mine.” (pause)  “Remember — it was the military and the Territorial Government that Lincoln made responsible for protecting our money. And you see where your money is now — locked up on a Grey Screen at the Federal Reserve, claimed as part of the “abandoned gift ESTATE of JAMES LELAND ZWINKE”, a franchise operated by the bankrupt  “STATE OF OHIO”, claimed by the Territorial “State of Ohio” and — more importantly, claimed by the Bankruptcy Trustees and Creditors of the “State of Ohio”. (pause)  “According to them, it’s not even your money.  Never has been.” (pause)
“Yes, I did something about it.” (pause) “I claimed back my name and returned it to the land and soil of Wisconsin — reclaiming the land of Wisconsin in the process.  Then I placed claims against all these rotten corporations in the name of the actual State, “Ohio”, and the living Ohioans. I did this for all fifty States.” (pause)
“I did it for everyone. Every State. Every American.  So the claim is there and lodged with Notice and Liens established.” (pause)  ‘I also established a Private Registered Indemnity Bond covering all the States.”
“In fact, the Vermin tried to re-claim “me” by making up a different version of my name and asserting an ownership interest, but they weren’t fast enough and I wasn’t stupid enough.  I officially claimed that version, too, and certified it.” (pause)
“Of course, all this is fraudulent.  Grossly so.  All of it.” (pause) “But what are you going to do about it?” (pause)
All I heard was the sound of a round being jacked into a .12 gauge shotgun and the line went dead.  I don’t think he was mad at me.  I don’t know what state he was from.  I just used “Ohio” as an example.  I’m not even sure I caught his name.  I have talked to so many people like this, in this situation, that I lose track.
I hope he didn’t do himself harm over money.  I hope he doesn’t do anyone else harm over money.
The criminals will come to justice and it will all get straightened out, but in the meantime, folks, be advised and hunker down. Do what you can to preserve and protect your own lives and assets.
Adopt my motto: “Keep Calm— and Get Even”.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com

$950T Owed to You and Me

By Anna Von Reitz

As we reported some months ago, Prince Philip absconded with $950 T USD by making false claims to receive assets that actually belong to Canadians and Americans — then “retired” into “private life” in an attempt to consolidate his hold on the ill-gotten and unjust enrichment.
It is a fundamental principle of British Law from time immemorial that criminals not be allowed to profit from their crimes.  What, ho?  Westminster?
Members of the Privy Council?
Your Britannic Majesty?
We have explained how a succession of gross Breaches of Trust and commercial contract have resulted in equally gross and blatant fraud and racketeering against America and Americans by our British Territorial “public servants” and the members of Municipal United States CONGRESSES.
In the 1860’s the collapse of the Federal States of States making up the original Confederacy established under The Articles of Confederation was deliberately misinterpreted as a collapse of our Federation of States.  The British King saw his opportunity to pull a fast one and substitute Territorial United States franchises merely calling themselves “State of _______”  for the Federal States of States we are owed.
This was done via a combination of similar names deceits and non-disclosure to the populace at the time.  This unlawful conversion resulted in millions of Americans being disenfranchised and unable to cast ballots in what appeared to be public elections, but which were actually private corporation elections.
Then, in the 1930’s, the Pope and the British Monarch further conspired with Democrats headed by FDR, to pull another fast one and pretend that our Trade Names were actually the names of British Territorial Foreign Situs Trusts.
This unlawful conversion resulted in: (1) illegal conscription of Americans via the “Draft” in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam; (2) illegal taxation of Americans who were not “voluntarily” or knowingly claiming British Territorial Citizenship, not employees of the Territorial or Municipal governments, and not dependents thereof; (3) unlawful Breach of our National Trust; (4) False claims against our land and false issuance of Titles related to our land holdings; (5) Unlawful and illegal probate of our individual estates; (6) Unlawful and illegal crimes of personage resulting in copyrighting our Trade Names as the names of British Territorial franchise corporations and the creation of Municipal Public Charitable Trusts, Public Utilities, and Cestui Que Vie “gift” ESTATE trusts operated “in our names” by these Vermin.
And now, for the instant case:
Americans have been uniformly subjected to conscription and mis-characterization of their nationality by the Territorial Government obligated to serve us.  This has resulted in Americans being deliberately misidentified as British Territorial Citizens known as “US Citizens”.  This is a capitol crime under the Geneva Conventions.
This in turn has led to the creation of millions of “infant decedent estates”, the evidence of which is apparent from the Certificates which the Vermin issued to unsuspecting parents.  These “Birth Certificates” clearly show the details of the birth event of a live American baby and the probate of their natural estate to form a Municipal Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust operated out of Puerto Rico.
This gigantic fraud scheme allowed gross crimes of personage and racketeering to occur on our shores for almost a hundred years and we are still suffering the affects of this outrageous international crime by the sanctimonious politicians who have been in league with the British Trust Breakers and the Popes who have similarly betrayed their Holy Office and acted in the Office of the Roman Pontiff to defraud Americans.
None of this is a matter of politics.  None of it is a matter of an actual “war”.  All of it is merely garden variety Bunko and white-collar crime carried out on a vast scale by Trustees acting in Breach of Trust and conspiring together for mutual self-benefit.
Which leads us to the current circumstance wherein Prince Philip owes the Canadian and American People $950 Trillion USD in “Life Force Value Annuities” which he claimed as part of the settlement of the bankruptcy of the Municipal Corporation of CANADA.
“Life Force Value Annuities” are basically the equivalent of life insurance for a corporation — in this case, the Municipal Cestui Que Vie “gift” ESTATE Trusts which were purportedly all subsumed and liquidated while in the care-taking possession of CANADA.
Prince Philip has claimed that all of these ESTATES were part of the Commonwealth and belonged to unknown British Territorial PERSONS presumed “lost at sea”.
But in fact those ESTATES were formed as part of a deplorable international fraud scheme and they belong for the most part to Americans who are the Priority Creditors of Record.
The schemers have attempted to run this through CANADA to avoid direct claims against the ESTATES via the parent corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.).  However, as CANADA is in fact a franchise of the UNITED STATES (INC.) and our claims against the UNITED STATES (INC.) were already established and have since been perfected, there can be no doubt that our ESTATES were not “gifted” and were not “abandoned”, either.
When our purported ESTATES were liquidated by the bankruptcy of CANADA, they “died” —- liquidation being “death” for a corporation, and Prince Philip picked up the “Life Force Value Annuities” as corporate “life insurance”.
The scenario — merely translated into the realm of legal fictions — is the same as the evil husband who takes out a life insurance policy on his wife, murders her, collects on the hefty secret life insurance he placed on her, and then runs off with his mistress.
The same exact scam, and crime, has been applied to incorporated entities bearing our names— only in this case, the “betrayed wives” are incorporated entities that should never have existed, entities which have no legitimacy and therefore, no legitimate debt; however,  if there are any debts, those debts should certainly be paid out of the “Life Force Value Annuities” that the insurance companies have given without proper consideration to Prince Philip and the living people and all their property assets should be held harmless, free and clear, and any residuals owed from the rent, lease, taxation, or other profit-making from our assets should also be returned to the victims of this criminal scheme.
I am fairly sure that America and Canada are not the only countries that have been bilked in exactly the same way, and it won’t take a team of rocket scientists to examine the books and come to the same conclusions.  Australia, Germany and Japan have almost certainly suffered from the same fraud, as well as the nations of the EU, most of South America, and most of Africa, and numerous nations in the Middle East.
Now, the Popes and the Holy See and the Vatican are all in this pile of horse dung up to their necks.  The Predecessors of Benedict XVI and Francis had their paws all over this fraud scheme and it can readily be proven that they and the Queen and the Vatican Bank, the Banks of England, Scotland, and France, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of New York Mellon, and others all benefited themselves royally at our expense via these institutionalized fraud mechanisms and improper bankruptcies and improper bankruptcy settlements and insurance frauds.
Exposure of this vast criminality and actual correction is the only hope for humanity to go forward.
Everyone reading this has the motivation to reclaim their country’s public property and their own private assets from this multinational crime syndicate, and also to demand their piece of the profits.  After all, these corporations used our assets to obtain their profits and did so via a process of fraud and coercion and false claims in commerce as well as probate fraud, personage, and mis-characterization of our nationalities, bankruptcy fraud and insurance fraud.
The criminals must not be allowed to profit from their crimes, and those who have suffered for generations deserve to be compensated to the extent possible — which in the case of the Canadians and Americans is $950 T.
Pay up.
PS.  We don’t care what you have to do to convince Prince Philip of the necessity of returning the value of our purloined assets directly to us with no further flim-flam, and since you failed to pierce the veil during the bankruptcy of these corporations, we trust that you will equally not honor his pretensions of entering “private life” and taking the insurance money you allowed to the actual beneficiaries with him.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.