Moderna’s totally disqualifying RED FLAG “strategic” relationships to the Queen, Wellcome Trust and Bill Gates — Wake Up To The Truth

Americans for Innovation August 4, 2020 Readers: This is a work in progress. Please check back in another day to see what else we have found out about this INSIDER TRADING group. We will be adding material as it comes in from the mines. Mike and Doug explain what this disclosure means in our […]

via Moderna’s totally disqualifying RED FLAG “strategic” relationships to the Queen, Wellcome Trust and Bill Gates — Wake Up To The Truth

Also See:

For England 5.0 and America, Too

Another Iteration of The Big Lie

Initiation Rituals in to NWO Part 1 and 2. Mask Waring and Hand Washing – The Mystery of Babylon.

Parechovirus B formerly known as the Ljungan virus: Pilgrims Society genocide bioweapon? — Patriots for Truth

Wikipedia says about Parechovirus_B (formerly named Ljungan virus) Wikipedia boldfaced lie: “Very little is known about how exactly the virus enters the cell.” This is an evident (which usually means the Pilgrims Society masters are hiding something big). As you will see below, there are 271 patents that mention this virus in their subject matter. […]

via Parechovirus B formerly known as the Ljungan virus: Pilgrims Society genocide bioweapon? — Patriots for Truth

Ancient Oligarch Families Keep Humanity Steeped in Ritual Sin and Murder — American Intelligence Media

It is pretty clear that the current agenda of the Pilgrims Society is One World 3.0. Their first attempt in Russia failed, as did their second failure in Germany and Italy. Now, in One World 3.0 they want a corporate imperialism according to Cecil Rhodes’ Manifesto where the masses are boxed in and restricted by communism while the elites rule from exquisite bunkers of wealth and privilege. In the Soviet period, they even had their own dollar stores called “Beriozkas” in the U.S.S.R. and “Pewex” in Poland. If these sound attractive, just ask anyone who lived in that period. They will tell you sad and often humorous stories of the yo yo of want and excess that these stores created because the state-run suppliers just never seemed to have control of their inventories.

via Ancient Oligarch Families Keep Humanity Steeped in Ritual Sin and Murder — American Intelligence Media