FT: Big Fund Managers are Demanding Climate Action. But the USA is Leading a Pushback — Iowa Climate Science Education

Official White House Photo of President Trump Guest essay by Eric Worrall Big fund managers like Blackrock and BNP Paribas are supporting shareholder climate resolutions, demanding big companies demonstrate their commitment to Paris Climate Agreement goals. But President Trump is supporting a pushback against corporate virtue signalling. Climate change: asset managers join forces with the […]

via FT: Big Fund Managers are Demanding Climate Action. But the USA is Leading a Pushback — Iowa Climate Science Education

Agenda 21: A Trojan Horse to Devolve America into a Communist Hovel. The Problem and The Solutions, Actions, Remedies!

The Problem:

From Ken Adachi, Editor
May 18, 2014

Agenda 21: A Trojan Horse to Devolve America into a Communist Hovel (May 18, 2014)

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[Editor’s Note: John Anthony‘s clear and definitve lecture is one of the best talks I’ve yet to hear on Agenda 21. You can’t explain it any more clearly, cogently, or lucidly than he has. If you are only going to listen to only one video on this page, then this is the video to watch. ]

Agenda 21 Clearly Explained ~ John Anthony, full version
Uploaded on Dec 23, 2011


Uploaded on Dec 23, 2011
For more information go to: http://www.sustainablefreedomlab.org

This detailed presentation clearly explains the connection between sustainable development and Agenda 21 as defined by the UN. In depth research shows how Agenda 21 will ultimately compromise your property rights.

Regarding Ms. Bruntdland: Some have suggested she is merely a Democrat and I am way off base. First off, Norway does not have a Democratic Party, but rather Socialist democrats. Hopefully there is a difference. Internet research can be a challenge, so I respect those who engage in it! However, check out the XX Congress of the Socialist International in NY. Gro was the first VP of the Socialist International whose goal is to interact with labour, social democrats and socialists worldwide to spread the socialist concept of democracy. It is quite possible to be member of the Democratic Party and a Socialist at the same time. It is members like Gro whose desire it is to move the Democratic party more toward the Social Democratic Party.

I also want to thank “6or8pack” for pointing out my error in mentioning that Betty Perry’s nose was injured by handcuffs. In fact, she slipped during her interaction with officers and hit her nose on the steps. Betty was aware of local ordinances, but chose to ignore them. This landed her in the holding pen. This error is mine.

Some have suggested they have “read Agenda 21 ” and there is nothing dangerous in the book and besides, the document has no power to override their Constitutional right to own and control private property. To read the book alone, without reading the preceeding and following documentation and activites would be somewhat like looking at a map of Brazil and feeling you now know how Brazilians think and feel.

The name A21 refers not only to the actual book, but to the entire sustainable development movement as defined by the United Nations dating back to the 1970’s through today. That is why it is important to not only listen to the entire video, but research on your own to gain more information. Since this presentation was completed vast new volumes of information have been compiled. Check the sources in the back of the presentation and the United Nation’s own websites to draw your own conclusions.

Thanks for viewing the video and for your observations. John

Presented 11/28/2011 Copyright 2011 John Anthony


Clint Ricahrdson deconstructs the lies and deception of the Agenda 21 ‘environmental’ ruse

TheCorporationNation.com from Clint Richardson offers an excellent analysis of Who, How, and Why America is being undermined, subverted, and gradually transformed –by private corporations–into a third world nation where Americans will be forced to live in crowded, high rise, tenement buildings while 90% of the American land scape will be reverted into UNOCCUPIED wilderness regions where humans will be prohibited from living or working. This agenda fits perfectly with the first and tenth “commandments” of the notorious Georgia Guidestones spelling out the globalists’ plan for America. This is not fiction. This is not an exaggeration. This is real and it’s happening at a frightening pace while American citizens remain totally unaware of the subterfuge taking place right under their noses in city/town council chambers across the nation. This incredibly well researched presentation has been on Youtube for 5 months but has only been viewed by 10,671 people. This is not good. This video needs to be seen by millions of Americans — and soon. Please help distribute. It’s 2 hours and 50 minutes long, but Clint needed that much time to adequately explain the story. This guy is sacrificing himself in an attempt to save this nation. We need to help him in any way possible

Clint Richardson – Common Core, Agenda 21, And Global Privatization (How NWO Globalists are taking over America & the world)


More from Clint Richardson
CORE: Making Children Stupider Around The World

United States And Its Military Now Rotten To The CORE


Tom DeWesse
Tom has been on the internet for a long time and he’s written many articles on exposing the NWO takeover game, especially highlighting the use of the “green” movement, Global Warming, environmentalism, and the Agenda 21 subterfuge to install their communist enslavement society. He started to send me emails in June 2014 announcing his new Webinars for fighting Agenda 21, which I posted prominently on my Current News page. I assumed the videos could be viewed by anyone, but I’ve since discovered that you have to sign up to view the videos, which I don’t like. He’s now offering a manual for $39 that tells you how to fight Agenda 21. If interested, you can order his manual from this link:


Tom DeWesse of Stop Agenda 21 Reports Media Smear Campaign Launched (June 10, 2014).

Articles on Fighting The Agenda 21 Takeover from American Policy Center (June 24, 2014)


Alexandra Swann

Agenda 21: Bankrupting America into Utopia–One City at a Time


Published on May 31, 2013

Agenda 21 is a 1992 United Nations’ policy document which calls for using Smart Growth and Sustainability to remake the world into a new global order–devoid of private property and free enterprise. In this address, Alexandra talks about what Agenda 21 is, how it is being implemented throughout the U.S., and what you can do about it.

In 1986, Alexandra Swann graduated at fifteen years of age with a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Brigham Young University and a GPA of 3.85. The following year, when she was sixteen, she received a Master’s Degree in History from California State University. After graduation, she taught history and English as a second language for four years at El Paso Community College before opening her own business.. In 1989, her book, “No Regrets: How Homeschooling Earned me a Master’s Degree at Age Sixteen”, was published. She currently writes “Paying for Protection”, http://www.protectionmoney.blogspot.com, a regular blog about the impact of excessive government regulations, including regulations designed to prevent climate change, on American society and freedom. She is author of “The Planner”, a novel about the impact of Agenda 21 in America, and co-author of “The Chosen” about the NDAA. For more information visit her website at http://www.frontier2000.net.

For more about Agenda 21 in America visit her blog: http://www.protectionmoney.blogspot.com

Visit her website at http://www.frontier2000.net


Lord Christopher Monckton – Agenda 21 and Environmental Marxism.mp4


Published on Apr 2, 2012


On March 18, 2012 Lord Christopher Monckton spoke to supporters of the International Free Press Society – Canada at Windermere Manor in London, Ontario. Topics of his speech included the United Nations, environmentalism, science, reason, Agenda 21, Marxism, Islam, and abortion as a major reason for the eventual downfall of the West.

Other videos of Lord Monckton during his visit to London, Ontario:

The Paddy Nerenberg Lecture at UWO

The Sphere and the Cylinder

Interview with Robert Vaughan

His appearance on Just Right with Professor Christopher Essex


Stacy Lynne

U.N. Taking Over City Councils Across Americ


Uploaded on Dec 24, 2011

Stacy Lynne educates We Are Change Colorado about the International Council on LOCAL Environmental Initiatives. An arm of the United Nations Agenda 21 and how they are using “GREENWASHING” to take over America.

The Democrat Party Is America’s Communist Party

2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress

Solutions, Actions, Remedies

American State Assembly


  Judge Anna 2

by Justice Anna von Reitz


Now that you “woke up” and declared and recorded your political status as an American State National or American State Citizen, it’s time to wake up to other Fun Facts as well.

For example, there are supposed to be three (3) Federal Subcontractors supplying the services of the Federal Government — (1) an American Federal Subcontractor doing business as the States of America Confederation (which has been missing in action since 1865); (2) a British Territorial Subcontractor that is doing business “in our names” as “the” United States of America; and (3) a Papist Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor doing business “in our name” as “the” United States.

Yes, Virginia, there are (supposed to be) “three branches” of the Federal Government– but that fact has nothing to do with the “executive, legislative, and judicial branches” within these governmental organizations.

What isn’t so obvious is that the two remaining foreign Federal Subcontractors are both under the direction of the Pope.

The British Territorial Subcontractor is under the law of the British Commonwealth, and the Commonwealth is managed by the Queen acting for the Pope. The remaining two Federal Subcontractors are Foreign and always have been, and both are directly or indirectly under the control of the Pope, and all those who are working for them in any capacity are Foreign Agents.

This includes not only the members of “the” US Congress, but their franchise employees operating the “State of State” governments around the country, and their agency employees at the Federal level — FBI, FEMA, CIA, etc.— they are all undeclared Foreign Agents on our shores, and always have been.

See the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and understand that every “Federal” Employee, including those operating the “federated” States of States and Counties, are all Foreign Agents with respect to us.

They have their own little world and jurisdiction and separate government and are “immune” to our laws — except for the pertinent Constitution, while we, for our part, are forever immune from them and their system. See Amendment XI.

Using these undisclosed facts and relationships to his advantage, the Pope could hide behind the “governmental services corporations” he hired and put in place as “storefronts”— while manipulating everything and everyone behind the scenes.

That is no longer possible.

If the Federal Government is mismanaged, misdirected, or misinformed, we know exactly who to blame for it. The Queen gets her share of the profits from embezzling and other crimes against us, but on the back end of it, as a loyal employee of the Pope.

So, it’s Il Papa responsible for this Mess, and only secondarily, the Queen.

Though the Perps try to obfuscate this next part, we don’t have any contracts with the “direct service providers” they hired.

Our contracts are established in our role as Principals and our contracts are directly with the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London. We don’t have a contract with these failed and bankrupt corporations that they put in place to act as shields and storefronts for them.

The situation is analogous to this — I hire Tom to make my Saturday bank deposits for me, so that I can enjoy the weekends off. Tom decides he wants a weekend off, and without telling me, hires his Cousin Amos to do his job for him. So he hands my bank deposit to Amos, and Amos runs off with it.

Who is to blame for this? Well, Amos is a crook, and we all know that. But who is accountable to me? Tom is accountable to me.

So if the Pope hires the British Crown Corporation to make my bank deposit and they run away with my money, guess what?

My issue is with the Pope, and only secondarily with the BCC.

It’s the same way in all respects and all the way down the line. If the Pope’s Municipal Government hires a bunch of Alphabet Soup Agency Subcontractors, and those Subcontractors misbehave and steal my deposit, who is accountable to me?

Again, my issue and yours, is with the Pope, and only secondarily with “the” UNITED STATES, INC. and in a tertiary sense, the FBI or IRS or BATF.

Our issue does not change as a result of the bankruptcy—solvency or insolvency— of these storefront organizations. Our beef remains with the Pope. He’s the one who has contracts with these entities, not us.

They are his “Cousin Amos”, and in the case of the Federal Agencies, his “Cousin Sue”, too.

Keeping his “Cousins” in line and restoring our purloined property, is his problem, not ours. As a foreign government, we don’t intend to make it our problem, either.

Francis and Benedict, both, are on the hot seat for all of this, and secondarily, all their Minions, the Queen, the Lord Mayor, “the” British Territorial United States, and “the” Municipal United States, and all their Subcontractors and Franchisees and Officers, including the State of State Governors and the Agencies, are responsible for their criminal acts and breaches of trust committed on our land and soil.

Cousin Sue may have done the dirt and hid the money, but Cousin Amos opened the backdoor for her to get into the house, and at the end of the day, the fact remains that my contract is with the Pope.

If our people are being seized upon and enslaved under a bizarre illegal and immoral and unlawful racketeering scheme by Cousin Amos, that’s Francis’s problem, too.

The Pope’s Municipal Government has been trying to foment a race war, based on Cousin Amos’ crimes.

They think that they can cause the problem, misdirect our attention from the fact that white people have been enslaved “in the land of the free” in the exact same way as black people, and somehow skate out of being culpable for all of this.

Fat chance.

There’s not going to be a “civil war” here. Our actual government, which is not always in session, has been called into session. We’ve told our erstwhile Subcontractors that we are at peace and that they are not allowed to conduct any kind of war on our shores.

We have observed to the Pope that as he controls both sides of any such conflict, he is responsible for any disservice. We won’t be paying him to stage any wars on our shores, Municipal, Territorial, or otherwise.

He will be identified as a diabolical schemer and anything but a Christian, if he doesn’t put on his Size 11 police brogues and deal with Cousin Amos and Cousin Sue and honor his contracts with us.

Our contracts are the respective Constitutions — one each.

The Constitution of the United States of America as ratified by the States of the Union applies to the British Territorial Government and all its Personnel.

The Constitution of the United States as ratified by the States of the Union applies to the Municipal United States Government and all its PERSONNEL.

Now that our State Assemblies have been called into Session and populated by people properly identifying themselves as American State Citizens, there can be no “mistaking” of the circumstance or our identity as the Principals owed performance of these venerable contracts, down to the last jot.

If there continues to be any “misunderstanding” of these facts by Cousin Sue, aka, the Alphabet Soup Agencies, or by Cousin Amos (aka the Municipal Government) or Cousin Alphonse (aka the Territorial Government) — guess who is responsible for giving the orders and sorting it out?

We, for our part, demand peace on our shores, the return of our purloined assets, and scrupulous adherence to the Constitutions owed to the American States and People by the Pope and his  Subcontractors. All of them, including the Subcontractors of the Subcontractors.

That includes the end of phony “live exercises” and media propaganda related to the ongoing Covid-19 False Flag on our shores and the correction of all State of State Governor franchisees, and the correction of all Alphabet Soup Agency Subcontractors, telling them to stand down and mind their own business. Obey their respective Constitutions.

Stop meddling in their Employer’s lives and affairs. Stop imposing their rules, regulations, codes, statutory laws and other internal corporate “laws” on their Employers. Their Employers are law-abiding, foreign to them, and living in their own country, thank you.

It is the absolute obligation of the Pope to return our people and our property to us, unharmed and unencumbered, to keep the peace here and abroad, and to honor his contracts with our States and People in all respects.




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The Globalists’ New World Order: Soft and Hard Kill Methods. An Unknown and Uncertain Future


Relevant article selected from the GR archive, first published in May 2015.

We’re living in some exciting yet scary times now. An unknown and uncertain future awaits us as today’s events and developments unravel revealing a myriad of warning signs spelling doom and gloom of apocalyptic End Days as many Christians believe we’ve already entered. Millions of people are living with the daily anxiety of these forewarnings that the end of the world and life as we’ve always known it is about to radically change forever not for the better. Perhaps even more people would quickly counter argue that as long as humans have inhabited this earth there’s always been the “Chicken Littles” out there reminding us that “the sky is falling” and that the end is drawing ever nearer. Many religious leaders and religions over the years have predicted the end of the world. As each year has come and gone and the world didn’t end, life goes on. 

Yet in recent years we’ve gone through a similar pattern of hyped up doom and gloom over the Y2K and the 2012 Mayan calendar fiascos where life on the planet trudged albeit destructively on. Yet with the latest Jade Helm craze and disturbing worldwide developments, 2015 appears to be shaping up to be some kind of humdinger of a year like no other. And the chorus of worried Doomsdayers has only grown larger and louder, and it’s neither just the fringe elements from the Christian spectrum nor the growing crowd of internet conspiracy nuts chiming in two part disharmony.

Undoubtedly the level of both intensity and instability in recent months has been steadily rising around the world. The global economy is choking to a standstill that may be teetering on collapse. The days are numbered for the US dollar remaining the standard international currency. Other than for the war mongering profiteers in charge, any prospect of prosperity reemerging in nations throughout the West has long been dead and gone, and now interest rates and bond rates are even going negative. Even the world’s emerging number one economic power China’s economy is slowing down and beginning to falter. Behind the scenes a global power shift has been underway for some time moving with momentum from West to East. But as this transition unfolds, the world appears to be bracing for major dire changes bringing upheaval and turmoil erupting planet-wide this year.

The globalized central banking system as the Western Ponzi scheme that’s reigned supreme for centuries on earth burying and enslaving the world’s population in insurmountable debt is on the verge of collapse. The Western oligarchs’ answer of simply printing more worthless fiat money out of thin air as their go-to band-aid strategy to delay the inevitable crash, desperately trying to keep the doomed, corrosively broken system afloat, is on its deathbed with its life support plug about to be shut off by creditors like China.

This crumbling, predatory system of empiric imperialism is run by an elitist sub-species of evil psychopaths who for centuries were pathologically born devoid of any human heart, thereby never suffering even a tinge of guilty conscience for murdering in cold blood millions and billions of innocent humans over the millennium.  Though braindead now, it has not stopped them from preparing for this fateful moment in time. They’ve utilized advancing technology to their full advantage in their broken corrupt system to squeeze what’s left of the global masses’ lifeblood in order to wield absolute power and authority in today’s manifesting New World Order.

With contingency plans for enduring and surviving even a nuclear holocaust on the earth’s surface, underground bunkers, cities and cross continental tunnels have been secretly built during the post-World War II decades to accommodate continued survival of the elites comprising just .025% of the world’s population – the controlling oligarchs along with their necessary errand boys and girls running the mega-corporations and national governments on the planet.

For more than a century these globalists have been promoting their NWO eugenics plan for a sustainable earth population of about a half billion people. The UN Agenda 21 spells it all out in graphic detail. This means within the next several years they plan to kill 13 out of 14 of us 7.2 billion people currently living and breathing on this planet. For decades they’ve been busily deploying both slower, “soft kill” methods as well as their faster, “hard kill” methods to drastically reduce the world population. The hard kill scenario manifests through war and both manmade induced natural disasters as well as naturally occurring natural disasters with a recent noticeable crescendo of activity of all these cataclysmic events.

2015 already is shaping up to be epic in both so called natural disasters through increased waves and magnitudes of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and extreme weather events like hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, blizzards, and droughts. Under black ops authority, the US military has been involved extensively in geoengineering,weather modification and climate control, playing an enormous, mostly hidden factor in all of these so called natural disasters. The HAARP technology using high frequency electromagnetic beams and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) technology are simply the latest US military weapons at their diabolical disposal.

We’re even learning that natural catastrophes are not so natural after all since these destructive human forces have increasingly been causing them, also making them more devastating and extreme as well as giving rise to their mounting frequency. The deadly earthquake and tsunami believed responsible for causing Japan’s 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster actually appears to be of manmade origin through EMP technology. Between these monumental events and increasing geopolitical conflicts manifesting though skyrocketing global violence and increasing hotspot wars (Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Gaza, Ukraine) may or may not trigger nuclear detonations that will virtually end all planetary life. But very likely in the coming apocalyptic crises and tumultuous upheaval caused by human conflict and “natural” disaster, millions if not billions on earth could perish within the next few years. These are the hard kill tactics that the globalists are counting on to rapidly depopulate our only planet.

An actual military industrial complex trade website called Deagel.com comes out annually with its projection of population change of 182 nations. The most significant drop in a single nation will be the United States from its current 2014 number of near 319 million to just under 65 million by 2025. In other words, this website that tracks the earnings of the armament industry maintains that 78% of us Americans will either be dead or living elsewhere on the planet within ten years. Likewise, all the Western nations are listed to also absorb heavy losses in their national populations. Interestingly, America’s neighbor to the north Canada is expected to only reduce its population a little more than ten million to just over 24 and a half million people.

Deagel briefly explains that its projected numbers have been formulated according to current statistical public disclosures from each nation’s government offices as well as key trends analyzed over the coming years such as major human migrations to mostly Asia and South America. Some of those nations are projected to increase in population and suffer far less financial losses, a few actually increasing their Gross Domestic Product. However, according to Deagel, the vast majority of the 182 nations will suffer from both significant population loss as well as lowered GDP’s and Power Purchase Parity (PPP roughly equating to household income). This annual report obviously reflects an extremely austere global outlook for this coming decade, factoring in dramatic increase in major war, economy collapse, food shortage, disease, climate change and natural disaster.

China’s population is expected to slightly rise a little more than ten million people from its 2014 census of 3,350,000,000 with about the same purchasing power index. Russia’s population is projected to drop a small amount of about 5.5 million to just under 137 million people in 2025. But its PPP is scheduled to rise slightly from just under $25,000 to just over $27,000, the only nation with substantial regional power showing increasing purchasing power.

Recall that just after the Soviet Union Empire collapsed a quarter century ago, the Russian economy floundered for several years but eventually began coming back. Its crash was not nearly as severe as the expected US downfall will be. With far greater localized agrarian economies, Russian citizens fared making the austere adjustments far less painful than America will. Unlike Russia, the US populace relies virtually entirely on large transnational corporations for its food source. Thus, an overly dependent American population will likely suffer even worse than they did during the Great Depression of the 1930’s.

According to Deagel, other national economies that are projected to grow tend to be located mostly in South America, Asia and Africa. In contrast, in the wake of the coming crash, the purchasing power of Americans will plummet from near $55,000 currently to just over $9,000 in ten years. Canada’s PPP will be lowered from $44.5 thousand to near $17.5 thousand, nearly twice that of the US. Other Western nations will also experience a parallel trend downward but not be as extreme a fall as the United States.

This presentation will examine the numerous soft kill methods that over time are most likely to play an increasing part in delivering lethal consequences to humans. They include the toxic effects from the heavy metals the globalists have been raining down on us through geoengineering aerosol spraying for decades now that include aluminum, barium, strontium, mercury among others in a slow death cocktail. Have you actually gone outside lately during daytime hours and looked up at the skies? The solid bright blue sky days we once took for granted are now nearly unheard of over much of the planet. These crisscrossed layers of fake manmade silvery clouds have been increasing and clogging up our atmosphere pretty much everywhere on earth. And we’re long past that worn-out argument that they are actually airplane contrail exhausts. They clearly are not.

The globalists are operating around both the clock and the globe to poison us under the benignly false pretense that they are simply moderating our weather patterns to allegedly decrease unhealthy effects of the buildup of greenhouse gases that the scientific dogma of political correctness would have us believe caused exclusively by the earth’s rising CO2 levels, never mind the far more lethal methane gas levels leaking as Arctic glacier ice melts. But the globalist agenda is far more sinister than this propaganda spin of selective deception. Measurements of these toxic metals in various geographic locations have been collected and publicly disclosed.

Heavy toxic metals intentionally spewing out above us from both military and civilian contractor planes are interfering with the plant kingdom’s natural photosynthesis process and killing off vast amounts of forests and trees all over the earth as well as ensuring the slow death kill of humans and wildlife. It’s also causing extreme weather events. According to the leading scientific activist Dane Wigington, the recent record heat in the West and record cold in the East can be attributed to this pink elephant called geoengineering.

Of course industrial pollution has been playing an ongoing critical role in shortening the lives and killing humans particularly in urban environments for a very long time now. The global air, soil and water pollution compounded and accelerated by the likes of Monsanto chemicals and Fukushima radiation is killing off at unprecedented rates over200 animal species each and every day, not to mention eliminating crucial pollinators like butterflies and bees that are vital for producing a third of our dietary food sources. Due to overuse of Monsanto’s herbicide glyphosate, an MIT research scientist predicts that half our children will be autistic by 2025.  Fracking has even been found to inject nuclear wastes underground contaminating freshwater basins and aquifers. Of course over the years the accumulating toxicity levels from these long term sources of industrial wastes seeping into our soil, air and water supply have also been devastatingly detrimental to our physical and mental health as well. In the US big corporation profits are far more important than the public’s health and well-being, punctuated two years ago by President Obama signing Congressional legislation protecting Monsanto from litigation.

Other soft kill methods range from toxic levels of fluoride diabolically mixed in to our municipal water supply as well as a standard ingredient in most toothpaste products. It’s illegal to dump fluoride into lakes and rivers but apparently okay to dump it in most municipal water treatment systems in America. Even a chloramine ammonia mixture used to disinfect water is showing up now in our public tap water. These known poisons have been demonstrated to cause increased levels of autism, dementia and brain damage as well as cancer and cardiovascular disease. But then they’re all simply part of the elitists’ dumbing down/eugenics plan.

Another alarming global weapon being used to dumb down and kill us are the poisonous vaccines wreaking havoc and destruction by the likes of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on the most defenseless human population – children. India courts are seeking legal justice for Gates’ vaccines there.

Numerous vaccines have been shown to actually cause the very illness it’s supposed to prevent. Others for instance, the measles vaccine actually kills more people than does measles itself. Indisputable evidence is mounting to prove that tainted vaccines with mercury and other known impurities are driving rates of brain damage and autism through the roof. Due to the evil powers of Big Pharma, not unlike Monsanto, many people, especially children are allowed to continue at grave risk of permanent harm and even death from toxic vaccines. Moreover, the proliferation of draconian NWO laws are at work throughout the Western world that are beginning to mandate that these highly damaging vaccines be given to all adults even against their will.

A long history of eugenic sterilization involving involuntarily forced surgery on mostly African and Native American women in numerous states across America was commonly practiced right up to the 1970’s. Elitists who believe they have the power and right to play God in determining who should live and who must die have been around for a long time. Clearly a demonic agenda to cull the human herd has been operating on this planet through all the various soft kill sources. If there ever was truly a political and economic will to collectively reduce and eventually eliminate all these dangerous poisons that increasingly pose as growing hazards to our health and well-being, it would have already taken place long ago.

But the handful of sub-humans in control right now on this planet obviously do not want the vast percentage of humans alive today to remain alive much longer, so the insidiously willful environmental degradation and destruction of our living habitat has been besieged under relentless attack throughout the modern age without any concerted global effort to stop it. As a prime political example, the three biggest planetary polluters – the United States and China, sabotaged (in US under George Bush) the Kyoto Protocol from ever going into effect by refusing to sign on. Meanwhile, the toxic air pollution is becoming so extreme in China’s major cities like Beijing that they may eventually be uninhabitable. But through the Jetstream currents their poisonous particulates are eventually scattered and dispersed to join already localized regional pollutants in the atmosphere all around the globe creating a more toxic effect for all of us earthlings.

The GMO destruction that Monsanto has caused on our planet to our altered, highly processed, poisonous foodsdevoid of virtually all nutrient value is also well documented. But just as the EPA gives federal license to industrial polluters, the FDA permits mercury and other toxins in our food and drugs. A recent study shows that just eating a diet exclusively off the McDonalds menu for just ten days straight kills off critical levels of good gut bacteria needed to metabolize nutrients and optimally maintain the immune system.

Is it any wonder that generations of humans consuming mass amounts of fast food poisons these days are so morbidly obese (one in three US adults) and dying prematurely from heart disease and cancer? Yet through billions of dollars spent on predatory advertising sugar and toxins are in large part guilty along with other soft kill methods of causing chronic health disease and the longevity of Americans to be plateauing out. Despite medical advances, the US lags behind nearly all other industrial nations now in lifespan. And the US is not alone. Even Japan known for its oldest aging population is beginning to slip due to the global onslaught of transnational killers like McDonalds proliferating the planet. Obesity is going global thanks to America’s fast food industry.

The brainwashing methods designed to dumb down the global population is also taking its toll. Subliminal mind control methods saturate today’s media airwaves from onscreen computer games to television, film and popular music especially targeting younger generations. The excessively longer hours that humans interact with their computer screens and cell phones are creating untold damage especially in children. These venues malevolentlyalter brainwave patterns in vulnerable humans to keep them addicted, unable to think critically, dumbed down and too preoccupied and distracted to realize they are being used as guinea pigs in a diabolical human experiment called social engineering. These sinister soft kill tactics are adversely affecting both the physical and mental health of billions of people around the planet.

With increasing risk of World War III involving nuclear weapons of mass destruction, not to mention the potential WMD hazards of covert biological and chemical warfare, massive sunspot flares and solar storms or even enemy launched EMP and/or cyber warfare that could instantly wipe out the necessary infrastructure to keep the economic and energy systems on the planet operating. The damage could be catastrophic where gasoline pumps and ATM’s no longer function, where the electrical power grid over a sprawling section of the US or any country could be destroyed overnight placing millions, perhaps even billions of people in the dark for months or even years on end. Yet the federal government again lacks the political will to repair the grid for a relatively low cost, infinitesimally low compared to the cost after the grid’s destroyed.

Then there’s the highly controversial, mysterious so called tenth Planet X (also sometimes known as Hircolubus or Nibiru) approaching our solar system with potential catastrophic implications. Even the Washington Post ran an article way back in 1983 chronicling the discovery of the planet estimated to be five times the size of the earth revolving around the sun in a 3600 year cycle. In 1990 researcher-author Zecharia Sitchin (The End of Days) interviewed supervising astronomer of the US Naval Observatory Robert S. Harrington to discuss Harrington’s recent discovery of the red Planet X.

As it moves closer, it’s speculated to make an oceanic splash including large sized meteoric space debris creating a strong enough force to throw the earth’s axis off kilter, causing already rising sea levels to instantly become killer tsunamis submerging underwater much of the global population that inhabits the earth’s coastlines. Nearly half the US population resides within coastal counties. A January 14, 2014 on the air early morning broadcast of a Sacramento NBC affiliate station may have inadvertently caught a partial view of Planet X silhouetted by a darkened superimposed Venus.

Researcher-activist John Moore asserts a number of his contacts have independently confirmed that a top secret meeting took place decades ago in a New Orleans briefing where a roomful of US Navy admirals were informed of the coming inevitable disaster. In response to this potential earthshaking event, emergency contingency plans have been covertly relocating the national capital from Washington DC to Denver. In preparation the financial center of New York City is also quietly moving its assets inland to higher ground. The elite has purportedly been secretly preparing for this possibility for a long time. And as usual the public always the last to know has been intentionally kept in the dark.

Foreknowledge of so many potential endgame scenarios can literally overwhelm even the healthiest and strongest among us. Then again this may also be part of the globalist agenda to intentionally leak probabilities of these disasters, using these risks emanating from science and geopolitics to saturate the public with an unlimited source of dangers that over time desensitizes us, numbing and dumbing us down so we grow complacent, passive and too docile to pay any attention to all the mounting dangers facing our troubled planet.

Just to cope with the anxiety that this harsh, sobering reality brings up, often people will utilize such defenses as denial and repression to negate and squash their overwhelming fears from consciousness in order to function daily. With survival demands only going up with each passing year as the value of our dollar only goes down, the challenge of making ends meet paying for a roof over our heads and feeding our families is becoming ever so harder to bear. Already steeped deep in debt, a shocking number of Americans (62%) are but one paycheck away from homelessness.

With daily demands becoming so frighteningly real, a majority of the US population may well be on stress overload just trying to meet the most basic of life necessities. Therefore, contemplating the current state of global alarm and danger becomes too much for them to even think about, much less take preparatory action. It’s all people can do to just financially stay afloat, much less accept the belief that end of the world is fast approaching. So by necessity, a large segment of the population cannot fathom the current dark reality descending on the earth today. The oligarchs appear to have the world population so disempowered and helpless, out of sheer fear and desperation they will simply do what their patriarchal master the federal government tells them.

I realize this depiction of the current world situation appears extremely bleak and hopeless, and that human despair and suffering on this planet are already at high levels. If an individual or national population or even the global population believes that only death and destruction are in their near future, their utter sense of powerlessness and panic will only drive people into deeper depression and anxiety.

Our belief system shapes and ultimately determines our very reality. It can be likened to the hapless deer frozen and unable to move while caught in the headlights of an approaching truck or tank. Without the belief that we can take immediate steps to avert disaster by lifesaving navigation out of this overwhelming darkness into the light of peace, security and serenity, we are all doomed. Therefore, as perilously negative as it may seem to so many of us right now who bravely ponder the dark forces moving against us, there are individual and collective actions we can take together that will empower us as citizens of the world to believe we can in fact make a difference, perhaps the difference between our life and death, and ultimately survival of the human species or its extinction.

Working on oneself spiritually can give us the strength and courage to overcome the most dangerous adversities in life. Finding your Creator, Higher Power, or your God is the greatest coping strategy and skill any of us humans can ever possess. Striving to create a balance between still finding joy and love in our daily lives with those we care most about on this earth plane while at the same time taking the necessary precautionary steps to protect and defend ourselves from any immediate or overt threats and dangers is extremely important. Granted, it’s easier said than done. But having your own contingency plan to maximally safeguard our family and homes, our neighborhoods and communities is also crucial. The human spirit and capacity to triumph even in the most despairing moments and conditions can be unbelievably resilient and powerful. And only those who know and experience pain and suffering can also embrace equal heights of joy and happiness. The art of living is living each and every single day as fully and joyously as is humanly possible. Difficult times can facilitate the gift of insight and awareness that in turn promote greater wisdom and bliss. Working toward change most often starts from within and shifts outward to one’s immediate living environment from home to the local and regional community levels.

Though it seems federal representatives virtually always give in to the special interests of the oligarchs that own them over the public’s interests, still contacting your respective congressional members to vote against renewal of the Patriot Act and other draconian laws up for vote can be one tangible way that’s still available to limit the invasive power of the NSA and the federal government. States’ rights will be the fulcrum of power against the tyranny of the feds’ criminal cabal.

Reaching out to friends and family in both our law enforcement and military communities is also imperative. These individuals may be ordered to one day soon fire upon and kill us as their fellow citizens. Emphasizing the legal and moral significance that empowers them to make the hard decision to choose to disobey their criminal commanders can possibly save lives.

Maximizing local community resourcefulness is an empowering line of defense against oppression and tyranny. As much as is possible, boycotting the giant mega-corporations and patronizing localized products and services can be another effective means of transferring power away from the globalists to local enterprises that enhance our community. Bartering and even developing local and regional currencies is actually successfully occurring in pocket communities across the nation. Utilizing locally owned banks and credit unions as opposed to the bigger centralized banking system is another key action we should take. Following North Dakota’s lead by establishing your own state bank is a seminal milestone that can be duplicated all over these United States.

Connecting with the many established organizations and unifying as activist members for peace and justice on a global scale can mobilize a collective power that can be formidable. It may not necessarily come down to who has the biggest guns if enough of us unite in unbreakable solidarity as mindful, courageous and committed citizens of the world demanding that we humans find ways to civilly resolve our conflicts and live in peace. We owe it to both ourselves and our children as well as the planet to take a bold stand and do what’s right.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/He is also a regular contributor to Global Research and a syndicated columnist at Veterans Today.

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If you have 10,000 soldiers walking the streets of Wuhan, you would have to quarantine them for two weeks after their first day on the streets to avoid them coming back and infecting other soldiers at their barracks.

So these soldiers are lost to the military for 14 days under quarantine.

You would need another 10,000 fresh batch of soldiers on the streets.
Another 10,000 soldiers
Another 10,000 soldiers
Another 10,000 soldiers
Another 10,000 soldiers
Another 10,000 soldiers
In one week you would use up 70,000 soldiers who will all be quarantine for 14 days.
In 14 days you would use up 140,000 soldiers before the next batch clear quarantine and are allowed back on the streets.

Do you know how many soldiers you would need to keep this up?It is impossible.  Do you know how many cities there are in China?

You cannot lock down a city if this virus was real.
For God sake…they are telling us that hospital workers in complete hazmat suits taking extreme precautions are getting infected….yet soldiers riding the subways without gloves and breathing in recycled air and touching grab rails/posts….are fine.
No need to quarantine them before sending them back to sleep in their army barracks and eat in the Army mess hall with thousands of other soldiers.
Same goes with the police.  Apparently the military and police are immune to this virus.  There is no chance of them catching it from symptomatic and asymptomatic people on the streets and riding the subways.
Only the Slaves get sick…not those in slaving them.
Compete farce.
Why is nobody talking about this?
Every Police station in China should have been quarantined by now.   All the police out there with no gloves on taking people’s temperature and returning to their stations…and the police are all fine.
The workers at the airports selling tickets don’t even have gloves on

“Coronavirus” is the New Name of the Common Cold

Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz

Let’s tell the Queen, the Pope, and yes, the President, too, what we really think of their attempt at the Biggest Lie yet.

And let’s send the patent holders the bill, too.

What we are looking at is the Common Cold, restyled as “Covid 19” — which is the World Health Organization name for the Common Cold.  Read on.

Mr. Trump, you’ve declared a National Emergency over the Common Cold.

Can you imagine how stupid that makes us all look?  Yes, us, too, for not knowing WHO jargon and not picking up on the joke earlier, but especially your Administration and all the members of Congress look incredibly lame.

And all this money spent on ventilators?  Masks?  Gloves?  Well, we agree that more should be done to serve the elderly during flu season, but this is ridiculous.

We are all familiar with the fact that the Common Cold can develop into pneumonia. We are all used to dealing with it, every year  And we all know that many people die of cold-related pneumonia every year, too.

We still get up and go to work and buy our groceries and read books and accomplish all the other functions of life despite this Big News.

The disaster in Wuhan was a microwave radiation blast, not any infectious disease.  We now have the proof of that massive microwave burst, too, though it’s classified, and strictly speaking, still not clear who was responsible for that horrific “test” on a domestic population. 

But as for the corona virus —

How can we respect or support a government, or in this case, a subcontractor providing government services, that does nothing but lie to us and manipulate us and claim nonconsensual “powers” over people who are not within its political jurisdiction? 

Read this from Larry Hannigan, and see the citation from the 1989 American Medical Association Encyclopedia and weep:


And then read this little gem about how the Israelis (the Israelis, again) have developed a vaccine for the corona virus, aka, Common Cold, from the Gateway Pundit, released February 2, 2020: 


And then, go here and see who actually owns the US Patent on this “novel” corona virus—- the British (again) Pirbright Institute: 


And then, go here and see the facts about the “tests” they are giving out to diagnose the “corona virus” — aka, Common Cold — and see that they are turning up 50 to 80% “False Positive” results. This means that these tests show that a person has the disease, when they don’t, more than half the time—- making these tests useless as diagnostic tools:


And finally, go here to G. Edward Griffin’s Need to Know News site and read the analysis of an expert about all the above, leading him to wonder— does it exist?


The estimates we have seen are $1000 per hit for vaccine, which when charged to us would result in a huge windfall for the vaccine producers — Israel, while all the medical care extras amount to a huge windfall for Big Pharma and medical equipment suppliers overall.

No wonder the Israeli banks in back of the “Federal Reserve” are willing to extend unlimited credit on the back of their victims, but we say they are counting their chickens a bit too early:

(1) The actual government of this country in international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated] has not declared any emergency of any kind; 

(2) The actual government of this country does not recognize any special “war powers” granted to any President of “the” United States of America beyond his control of the Armed Forces, under Constitutional Contract, as Commander-in-Chief.  Read that — we don’t give a rat’s rump what FDR claimed with regard to his hegemony over Territorial and Municipal Employees and the operations of the Subcontracting Federal Corporation Service Providers.  No such authority applies to American State Nationals and American State Citizens who are peaceably going about their business on their own soil.  

(3) Americans are not subject to any enforced vaccination program for the Common Cold, though members of the U.S. Military and their Dependents may be; 

(4) We have made it clear that the “price” of murdering any American by any means on our soil is one (1) trillion USD and that amount will be charged and assessed against any government or corporation perpetuating, aiding, or abetting such crimes on our soil;

(5) We think that these facts when duly appreciated remove any presumed authority for or financial benefit from continuing to promote this deplorable, destructive hoax and the damages being inflicted upon the elderly population worldwide. 

We note the following facts, too: 

(A) The greatest medical care costs of a person’s lifetime on average occur during the last three years of life.  By killing off elderly people worldwide (the average corona virus victim’s age is 80) the corporations are saving themselves trillions of dollars in government guaranteed medical costs.  

(B) There is a pattern here of abusing the Public Trust via semantic deceits attached to medical terms and drugs.  The Common Cold has been renamed “Covid 19” to create a seemingly new Bug-a-Boo, when in fact it is the same old familiar monster.  This deceit is being used to claim the existence of a “medical emergency” that doesn’t exist, and is leading to the abuse of the Public Purse and the abuse of Police Powers.  

The actual problem, that Municipal Police Forces have been de-funded by the Municipal bankruptcy needs to be addressed in a sensible and honest fashion. We are competent to deal with this without any undue concern or supervision.    

(C) Similarly, an intermediate byproduct of epinephrine’s conversion into adrenaline has been dubbed “adrenochrome” and demonized toward the same ends— creating a new Bug-a-Boo and cover story for drug abuse that is very profitable. The actual “drug” is Adrenalin — not the precursors that merely stimulate the production of Adrenalin in the user’s body.  

Read that: epinephrine and the next chemical step dubbed “adrenochrome” in the triggering of Adrenalin, are not the real problem.  The problem is that Adrenalin is addictive and millions of American Service Men and Women and other military personnel worldwide have unwittingly become addicted in the course of military service.  Many of them have learned to self-stimulate.  PTSD is a direct and known result of Adrenalin addiction.  

This creates a huge, ready-made pool of potential drug users and motivates the traditional drug-pushers, the British Crown and China (albeit, not the Chinese People— their forever strapped government) to limit access to epinephrine — which has already been done — and demonize adrenochrome to justify the sky-high prices being charged for it under its street name, “White Rabbit”.  

Rather than address the truth and the real problem, these vermin are creating the problem by abuse of our military personnel as cheap mercenaries, and then, seeking to profit from the unseen drug addiction they have created.  

This disgusting, unaccountable, and deceptive behavior on the part of the “governmental service corporations” has to stop, or we will all have to join together to liquidate these organizations, nunc pro tunc.  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Is This What A Green World Would Look Like? — Iowa Climate Science Education

There is one group — an influential group, whose influence is ever-growing — for whom a shutdown (albeit not one caused by a pandemic) is not a disaster but a first order policy goal. It’s chilling enough hearing the medical forecasts for the impact of coronavirus. But the economic forecasts are almost as worrying. Many […]

via Is This What A Green World Would Look Like? — Iowa Climate Science Education