Imagining ‘Life Culture’ The re-education of humanity.

Let’s look at imagining what a Life Culture would be. In ES Guardian context, we call Life Culture – World Humanism. Imagine that we did live in a world where people wanted to live in harmony with the natural laws and therefore all people on the planet were treated with love, dignity and respect. They were equally educated in creating balanced and holistic lifestyles with others. Imagine that our communities and societies were founded upon organizational policies and programs that are based in a shared humanitarian value of co-creating world humanism, shaping our communities and world through modelling behaviours such as:

  • Unified cooperation and Service to Others,
  • Loving kindness, Compassion and Empathy,
  • Respect, dignity and harmlessness for all people,
  • Living in honesty, integrity, truth and transparency,
  • Being able to hold fairness and forgiveness and true Humility,
  • Wanting to experience consciousness expansion and higher learning through synchronicity,
  • Co-creating responsibly with Earth, nature and the animals,
  • And legitimate admittance to participate with the inter-galactic communities.

World Humanism is based in the re-education of human value – valuing human life. It emphasizes the importance of shifting from an anti-human or a death culture belief system into humanist based ethics and related philosophical principles. All human beings deserve humane treatment in order to live upon the planet with dignity and with basic access to meet their Fundamental Human Needs.

Our goal in the ES community is to practise this model when we can, the best we are able to apply humanistic, ethical philosophies blended with the spiritual principles of the Law of One to expand consciousness which inspires a direct knowledge and spiritual awakening experience. Ascension essentially encompasses a universal perspective towards the compassionate practise of World Humanism and it includes the entire spectrum of life. All inhabitants of the world, no matter what race, religion, belief or creed to be equally deserving of benevolence, Empathy and Compassion.

This is a clear example of how other advanced races beyond our solar system co-exist and live together that are actively participating with the intergalactic community and inter-dimensional free worlds. At this time the inhabitants of this Earth are fully excluded until these global problems of destructive violence and world suffering are directly acknowledged and steps are taken for disclosure which will begin the process of world healing. Disclosure is what is required to end wars, to stop directing the covert and overt military weaponry that is being used to mind control the population as well as perform senseless killing. It is true that based upon the clear evidence of continued violent warring, weaponry and destructive behaviours on this planet some in the intergalactic community believe the people of the Earth are criminals and alien hybrids from the Refugee Races that should remain sequestered in this system of consciousness imprisonment. Many in this intergalactic community are wary of Earthlings. They’re distrustful of the people that come from the Earth.

I truly pray in my heart, I truly hope that some day the people of this Earth will rise to change that perception and join the intergalactic community. How are we going to do it? Virtue based ethics. Virtue Based Ethics emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind, strengthen the character and strengthen the spirit. For us in our interpretation this is the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. It’s critical for the Light Body to hold higher consciousness and universal knowledge to learn what virtue based ethics is because this is what leads us to spiritual freedom. Now, more simply a virtue can be defined as a character trait that’s positive. Expressing virtuous qualities causes more positivity to ripple out into the world and that is the direct result of a person’s choice, a person’s choice in their behaviour and actions. When a person expresses virtuous qualities in their behaviours and interactions it contributes to the co-creation of personal well being and happiness. It also helps other people to reach that feeling of well being. In the spiritual context this is experienced as blessings, feeling a blessedness that guides our path forward which allows us to flourish and feel happiness and contentment in our lives.

The sentient intelligence of our Soul and Spirit if we learn to listen will always lead us to express many kinds of higher quality Virtues. The Soul and Spirit’s purpose is to guide each person to experience their own fulfillment of spiritual purpose and to flourish in peace and contentment while developing the deeper connection with higher consciousness. We create the state of well being, happiness, peace and contentment in our life when we have disciplined our selves to achieve the natural flow of expression of higher qualities of Virtues and ethics because this is what allows people to succeed and fulfill their higher spiritual purpose. Another way to express this is that when a person practises virtue based ethics in every area of their life no matter what kind of difficulty, adversity or challenges that comes their way they can defeat the obstacles in their path through the dedicated practice of expressing, behaving and committing to the strengthening of Virtue Based Ethics. Basically what that means is – Be a good person!


Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership – revisited. Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis

The current culture wars are using aggressive mind control tactics to purposely attack Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow collectivism, coercion and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. The problem, reaction, solution stage is being set, pushing for another round of cultural Marxism or socialism instigated from the World War era, designed to fulfill the satanic collectivist nightmare of the New World Order.  As more awakening people choose to become public figures to help guide the paradigm shift, they need to become aware of their sphere of influence and recognize that they have become a leader by default. With whistleblowers, independent journalists, disclosure teams, experiencers and spiritually awakening people are acting as the main platforms of relevant news dissemination of ongoing planetary events, it is easy to see why cultivating self-leadership is important. The spiritual-disclosure-ascension communities are plagued by psychological warfare tactics to incite meaningless dramas that confuse and derail those thrust into the leadership by default position.  Given the current escalation in war over consciousness, how do we more deeply understand Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership? How do we recognize the NAA playbook and pressures being exerted, while staying focused on full spiritual embodiment, capable of travelling freely on multiple dimensional planes, where autonomy and freedom are the natural state of existence for the eternal living spirit?

Humanity is currently enduring a powerfully transformative phase in the planetary dark night of the soul, which has generated deep divisions between many societal groups as a result of the socially engineered culture wars. The culture wars are a planned psychological warfare tactic used against the population to attack concepts of Individualism, Autonomy and Self-leadership, designed to demoralize the public into class struggles that generate more victims and victimizers. Demoralization tactics attack our mental body and distorts our mental map, so that we give up our personal autonomy and capacity for self-leadership, not believing in our own innate abilities to co-create a fulfilling and meaningful life for ourselves. Dehumanization tactics are attacks made against our core soul essence, distorting our minds into believing that humans are not worthy of humane treatment, leading to increased violence, war crimes and genocide. As a result, many people have been conditioned to dehumanize themselves, believing they are worthless, and thus easily give up their personal right to express Individualism, Autonomy and Self-leadership. These are human rights that are protected in the natural laws, and when we live in alignment to natural laws, our divine right to express our authentic spiritual nature and true self becomes increasingly evident as we spiritually awaken.

The acceleration of the culture wars also reflects the global war over consciousness that is occurring in the macrocosm at the planetary, galactic and Universal levels. The intensifying culture wars manifesting in the outer physical reality are a direct reflection of the intensifying events occurring in the war over consciousness, the spiritual warfare that is happening in the inner non-physical realities and within many of the invisible realms. The spiritual war is being waged at the end of the ascension cycle to attempt to enslave the human body, human mind and human soul, in order to strip individuals of their divine rights of personal autonomy and to hand over their consent to the Controller’s or False Alien Gods, who then have full authority over the consciousness of that individual.

In the center of this chaotic struggle for full spectrum dominance, the primary goal of the Controllers is to continue to push for the centralization of their global control efforts through the manipulation of these culture wars into a fragmented assortment of class struggles. The culture wars are based on problem, reaction and solution, a mass marketing and propaganda effort for selling a structure of society to the people. In this case, in order to get them to believe that the power elite want to enact a world centralized government that intends to equally serve the working classes of the entire global population. Essentially, this is the same flavor of the Black Sun satanic ideology that came from the German philosophers of the late nineteenth century, leading into the World Wars, which slaughtered untold multiple millions from the promotion of these same class struggle ideologies. These class struggle ideologies are the basis of collectivism and eugenic theories, which fundamentally make up atheistic forms of socialism and communism. These are easily corruptible governmental structures that fully support victims and victimizers, where there are absolutely no protections for personal liberty or individual freedoms. Individuality and the ranges of unique group expression are not recognized as a valid identity in one centralized power governing a global controlled society and thus, Individualism, Autonomy and Self-leadership are not respected or allowed to be expressed under its oppressive tyrannical social control. According to collectivism ideologies like communism, an individual’s life is not their own, but belongs to the social group and has no rights except those which that society permits him to enjoy.

In order to route groups of people to become identified with the class struggle ideologies and behave as victims, it is imperative to not treat people as individuals or responsible for their own behaviors, but to lump them into marginalized collective groups with a similar belief system in which they can ego-identify. Thus, the person considers himself as ego-identified with an oppressed smaller group enduring a class struggle, unable to think beyond classifications and see the unique individualism that exists in all people that are ultimately connected within one unified group of humanity. This myopic strategy also acts as a cover up for the global enslavement agenda, because that person is unable to connect the dots to comprehend the larger picture of global slavery that is being enforced by the Controllers. Only focusing on the smaller details of their group reality bubble and the conflict inherent in their ego-personalized belief systems, serves the controller agenda as these groups many times conveniently assign blame to others.

The Controllers make up a small minority of the global population. When the smaller power group wants to control the rest of the population, all decision making and policy making has to become centralized. This is the power elite’s main ideology for systematically destroying the autonomy that exists within nations and in people, in order to create the collectivism inherent in the New World Order. Engineered culture wars are used to incite intense conflicts between an assortment of social groups and classifications, in which the people use to identify with different ideals, beliefs and philosophies. To weaken a powerful group or nation the goal is to infiltrate the culture, destroy traditions and historical records, and promote conflicts into greater division in order to continually spread confusion and misdirection into violence. The invasion happening in Europe to destroy the historical records and the existing culture of powerful cities and nations reveals this tyrannical strategy very clearly. When targeting an opponent that is powerful because it is large and unified through a common ideology, the entire group is more easily defeated and controlled by separating them from one another or separating them into smaller units. Separation into ever smaller group units is achieved through classifications for race, color, political party, sexual orientation, atheists or religious, and so forth. When the separation of groups into smaller units is successful, the attack is then directed on their common bonds of unity. This is to splinter the group itself to further create division and then hijack the group to centralize its level of control. Seeking to confuse the group with fear and misinformation so they will not know which way to turn, what to expect or whom to trust, collapses the group from within and thus destroys their power and influence.

The more diversity that exists within smaller groups that have gained financial power and influence in decision making, such as smaller nations that have the full economic power to enact and enforce their own policies, the less control the power elite have over that particular group or area. In order to secure their centralized global power, the Controller must accumulate the majority of all of the global wealth and resources. These can be fully utilized to gain control through lobbying, bribery and blackmail, in which the multinational corporations and government organizations are infiltrated, to serve their highest interest of divide and rule agendas. This is the broader definition of global tyranny, access to unlimited and unrestrained authority and abuse of power over others. A governmental or corporate structure or totalitarian dictatorship, which exercises full power and enforces the right to control how individuals are able to live, without any accountability or limits.  Thus, the seeds of the culture wars are pushing for another round of cultural Marxism or socialism instigated from the World War era and is designed to manipulate and lead assorted nation’s leadership and the world population into global tyranny to fulfill the satanic collectivist nightmare of the New World Order. This is the Controller agenda backed by the NAA. This oppressive structure of tyrannical rule will never treat individuals as individuals, it will never recognize the divine right of the unique living soul expression to freely exist on the living soil of planet earth.  The planet earth is the macrocosm of our human body and we belong to each other.

The anti-human agenda is to deny the existence of individualism and individual soul, and to refuse to treat people as unique individuals capable of autonomy and self-leadership. To become unified as a species, it requires that we remove the many societal labels and manufactured classifications and be able to see people as unique individuals with their own individual behavior based upon their unique soul blueprint. Individuals should be considered competent based upon their own demonstrated behaviors and personal merits, and to know that all unique souls on the earth belong to the human race and are worthy of respect, dignity and opportunity. Simultaneously, barbaric and cruel behaviors which have been made acceptable within poverty stricken, survival orientated and violent cultures must be corrected through re-education. As well, there must be consequences for violent behavior and that which is directing intentional harm, in an enlightened society that protects freedom and values human lives.


Individualism is the knowledge that the individual’s life belongs fully to him or her.


Group Consciousness – PLANETARY LEADERSHIP – Lisa Renee

Our planet is evolving into a coalescence of collective race fields which create Group Consciousness and this is not a choice, it is a fact during the Ascension Cycle. This means we will need to become aware of what Group Consciousness means and how it impacts us in our day to day life, as well as every relationship we have on this planet.

In any type of organization or Group Consciousness it is extremely challenging to navigate in uncleared individual and group Negative Ego behaviors. Negative Ego behaviors are usually entwined with low ethical conduct which damages building trust between people in order to communicate transparently and honestly about a variety of topics. In order to evolve and learn how to build basic Group Consciousness communication skills we each must develop commitment to hold Accountability to our personal circumstances and the GSF Behaviors that each of us choose to demonstrate every day.

Trust is everything in building relationships and building Group Consciousness.

Without comprehending the necessity of building trust and consistent trustworthy behaviors, the entire foundation of Group Consciousness and community structures based to help humanity will crumble. Group consciousness without balance fractures into the hive mind mentality, people that refuse to think for themselves and react in a mob frenzy. It is important to understand the “divide and conquer” NAA agendas that operate in Negative Ego that will attack any Group Consciousness from being successful models of supporting peace, humanitarian interests, and helping one another. Any kind of group, whether spiritual groups, humanitarian organizations are entirely built upon the requirement of building trust in all relationships – people must face the direct strategies of the NAA attempting to infiltrate negativity and thus, destroy group cohesion or group trust.

This is why I have spent a lot of time discussing components of Trust, Building Trust, and how to recognize behaviors and communications that allow trust and the attribute of “trustworthiness” to be modeled and cultivated within Group Consciousness, such as within spiritual ascension and related humanitarian communities, to emphasize our personal responsibility in all of those interactions. ~Lisa Renee, GSF Steward

Transcending Ego In Community

All of us have been trained extensively in the Negative Ego beliefs that have defined our materialistic and selfish 3D existence. The polarity of these forces amplified our personal beliefs to sway between independence and codependence when neither state is in energetic balance or healthy for the entire human organism. (or our planet) In our materialistic greed the select privileged (False King of Tyranny) raped and pillaged their way to the top of the independent food chain while disempowering others in codependent survival mechanisms. This way of existence among Ascending humans is ending. In certain stages of developing personal self mastery, in order to become clear about your true core essence, one must learn to be confident and independent. However, as we evolve from the polarized forces of 3D duality, we must also leave the imbalances created between codependence and independence.

The Unity Source Code is about self-actualized people in community learning to depend on each other, without hate (negative ego) governing their behavior. We are evolving into Group Consciousness on this planet and we have to learn how to behave egoless in community.

In becoming unified we must learn to understand interdependence within community as a spiritual principle and then as an actualized reality. When one is in group consciousness, one must retain his/her individual identity, however, also maintain a conscious group identity. Once one is living in group consciousness, one realizes all aspects are God consciousness and the energetic reality is then learning to live harmoniously as a Cosmic Citizen. One can maintain a sense of individual identity and group identity simultaneously. When learning principles of interdependence, there is no action or behavior that does not have some result upon another person. That requires transparency, self responsibility, accountability and personal integrity to express the core values of spiritual principles or God realization, and to demonstrate that to the community as best as you are able. Every person is valued for their personal contribution, yet the group consciousness is the emphasis rather than the personality needs.

Embodying Integrity – Time Shift Blog – Lisa Renee

Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own Personal Value System, moral principles, and ethics. It generally requires personal choice and commitment to align ourselves to stay consistent with personal values and ethical standards, so that when we speak we mean what we say.

Developing Personal Integrity is essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy person that aligns their decisions in life with their chosen personal values. It is the milestone of building a strong character guided by ones chosen personal values, and is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self. We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves. When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise. To support the embodiment of our true essential nature, achieve single soul occupancy and continual consciousness expansion, it is imperative that we understand how to generate and maintain Personal Integrity

Self-Inquiry upon Personal Integrity

To build and maintain personal integrity takes some effort and commitment, like developing the self-awareness that is required to define your personal values so that you can measure your behaviors and actions, in order to evaluate how aligned you are to your authentic self. When you consciously participate to clarify personal beliefs and core values, the next step is to honestly assess how well you are doing, by reviewing yourself in a personal integrity report. It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values and generate personal integrity reports annually, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you better stay aligned to your own personal value system. This begins to develop more competency in self-leadership and life management skills, so that you are empowered to make positive differences from the values that you lead in your life. Real self-leadership and Self-Ownership begins when we have absolute clarity within the context of our personal beliefs and core values, which become the guiding principles we follow in our lives.

What are the most important Personal Values that motivate my life? Choose up to five of the most important core values that feel the most essential to live authentically and express your highest purpose. Then focus upon those themes that you have chosen and evaluate if you are practicing and increasing these important values throughout your life. In the Guardian context for reclamation of Christ, our personal core value system would be directly connected to the Law of One practices. For example, for those dedicated to be of service to the Law of One, some of our most important personal core values are:

  • Expressing Unity Consciousness, knowing we are all interconnected.
  • Expressing Unconditional Love and Compassion to Myself, Love Others and Love Earth.
  • Expressing Service to Others orientation to motivate personal actions.

Maybe upon deeper reflection or in the future you’ll find that your most important personal values are shifting, or are revealing differently in order to become more specific in their quality. The more specific we are in identifying our core values, the more accurate and clear we can be when applying those to the behaviors that guide our life. As an example, let’s say through deeper self-study you have identified a recurring pattern that makes it hard to feel confident in valuing yourself when in the company of intimidating people. One of the core values that you choose is to Value Yourself equally to others, no matter what happens. To make this an important guideline in your life will help strengthen personal behavior to value yourself while in intimidating situations, which increases Personal Integrity.

Once you’ve defined some of your most important personal values, then inquire on each one to evaluate how you can better align your thoughts and behaviors with the meaning of each value. For example, ask three questions about the core values of expressing Unity, to help you accurately assess positive changes that you can make to be more authentic and within integrity.

  • What does Unity mean to me, how do I express Unity in my thoughts, behaviors and actions?
  • How can I better practice Unity consciousness throughout my life?
  • Am I practicing empathy with others to more deeply express Unity?

Am I living in Personal Integrity and what areas can I improve? As you meditate and reflect on your life over the past year, assess if you have been authentic to your core values and the ways that you can improve your actions, to reflect integrity and authenticity in the future. In each area when reflecting upon personal values, inquire on what is aligned to your authentic self, those things that feel they are functioning well. Then place your attention upon the personal lessons and opportunities that you have to greatly increase inner strength, the core strength you will need in order to act authentically and within personal integrity.

Summarize the key points in your Personal Integrity Assessment for reference. As you gain clarity on identifying important personal values and how you can build and maintain authentic integrity, prepare a summary of key points that you can revisit for inspiration to help guide your life direction and purpose in the next cycle. Print out your notes to clarify in more detail your personal vision for living within core personal values, knowing that when you are maintaining personal integrity it naturally aligns to fulfill your highest purpose. Embodying core personal values, living, thinking and breathing those values is what expresses Personal Integrity. This is the key to avoid negative cause and effect or miasmatic imprints upon what you are manifesting. Then make an effort to re-read and reflect upon your Personal Integrity Assessment regularly, to keep you focused on what personal core values are the most important guiding principles of fulfilling your most authentic expression.

Practical Application of Embodying Integrity

In the process of completing a personal integrity self-assessment and consciously choosing your value system based on what you know to be true for you, now is the time to take conscious steps every day to behave in ways that are consistent with your personal values.

  • Identify the behavioral traits that need to be addressed and are required to change.
  • Determine the underlying reasons why you have not behaved with greater personal integrity.
  • Observe the obstacles and other people that are used as excuses to lie or violate your personal values or moral code.
  • Commit to build authentic relationships through greater truthfulness, honesty and being open and direct.
  • Compile a list of tasks and behaviors in which you dedicate to become more trustworthy and honest.
  • Protect your basic human rights to be authentic and protect the rights of others, by respecting the decisions and opinions of other people.
  • When possible, be of service to others and live as an example for embodying truthfulness and integrity.
  • Be willing to honestly self-assess progress on your commitment to personal integrity, making adjustments along the way.
  • Look for the support of others who are inspiring examples of personal integrity, and have similar goals and personal values to be honest and trustworthy.
  • Develop Accountability for personal behaviors and actions, and if you make a mistake that impacts others or you break a promise, be willing to admit it and apologize.

The world is rapidly changing during these stages of bifurcation, in which the Negative Polarity and Positive Polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified in the external. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self, and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps now to embody personal integrity.

(Source: ES Newsletter – Personal Integrity)

Parallel Earths & The Coming Separation — HighHeartLife

The above image is intended to represent the Separation of Worlds, the old physical Earth world and energies reaching their final Expiration Date December 21–23, 2012 and continually reducing energetically from that date forward. The image shows two parallel lines, one continually increasing, the other continually decreasing side-by-side. Replace those two parallel lines of blocks […]

via Parallel Earths & The Coming Separation — HighHeartLife



By Anna Von Reitz

Make no mistake — there are “Federal Citizens” and people acting in that capacity among us. We see and work with them every day. The Postal Clerks at the local post office, the Territorial State of State Police, the doctors at our local hospitals who have been improperly licensed and conscripted, the Bar Attorneys occupying our court buildings, and the list goes on.

But if you were born here in one of the States or to American parents claiming their birthright on the land of one of the States and are not a “federal” employee or dependent, you need to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction you are heir to.

As I pointed out just yesterday— Territorial and Municipal citizens (what they have you classified as thanks to deliberate falsification of the public records) have no constitutional rights, no rights of redress, and no protection owed to them in international jurisdiction.

For your safety and the safety of your family, you must take action to reclaim your “Natural Person” status and re-convey your “title” to your “land assets” as instructed in Article 928 on my website:  Here is the link:

It is only when you “return” to the land and soil of your birth and reclaim your proper political status that you can access your constitutional guarantees and exercise your exemptions from FEDERAL taxation and obtain redress from theft of your property and other assets.

It’s only when you stand on the land that you have the power to direct your employees to do your bidding.

It’s only when you know who you are and are able to prove it — by having recorded your political status — that you are protected from attack in these courts.

This morning I was told that Destry Payne neglected to record his own claim to his Good Name, so no wonder they have seized upon the opportunity to arrest him and railroad him under their usual false pretenses. Let this be a lesson to everyone concerned: if you don’t claim your rights, you have none. If you don’t exercise your exemptions, you have none.

And if you don’t claim and re-convey your Trade Name to the land and soil of your birth and expatriate from all other presumed obligations, you will still be “subject to” the Queen.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna’s website here:

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