Pandemic Panic To Usher In The UN’s 2030 Agenda Ten Years Early

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is the endgame of the global elite who want control over all resources on earth, including people. The “Great Panic of 2020” has been weaponized to create the biggest economic coup in the history of the world.

I would again note that control over political structures is incidental to control over all economic functions. When Technocracy prevails, elected politicians of all stripes will be summarily dismissed and engineers and scientists will run the world directly. For citizens, this is the essence of scientific dictatorship: there is no need for representative government because systems will be run autonomously via algorithm.

The threat of killing capitalism and free enterprise is very real and most definitely existential to America as we have known it for over 200 years. ⁃ TN Editor

When Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, also known as AOC, rewrote the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and rebranded them as the Green New Deal, many conservatives were heard laughing out loud.

She couldn’t be serious, could she? But who’s laughing now? AOC has gotten most everything she wanted in the Green New Deal.

  • Air traffic has all but ended, with long waits at airports a distant memory not likely to return anytime soon.
  • Automobile traffic on once-bustling highways has been reduced to a trickle.
  • Most Americans have either been told to work from home, or not work at all. They receive government paychecks to sit home and do nothing. AOC called it the universal basic income. It’s here.

It’s time for President Trump to end this nightmarish experiment. We need clarity.


UN Agenda 21-2030 The Inventory And Control Of ALL People,Water Minerals, Plants Animals, Construction Food And Information — Truth To Power

This is plan that was agreed to by 179 nations back in 1992 The UN Agenda for the 21st Century. It ushers in the total domination and the removal of all human rights and freedoms. The goal of Agenda 21 is One World Government and total control from a central unit.

via UN Agenda 21-2030 The Inventory And Control Of ALL People,Water Minerals, Plants Animals, Construction Food And Information — Truth To Power

The United Nations Agendas Paint A Totalitarian Map for Corporate Dominion

Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council

If you connect all the dots to the various United Nations (U.N.) Agendas, would you create a map of mass regionalization and an eventual Totalitarian State?

Let us count the ways…

Agenda 21: Global Regional Plans Implemented Locally

According to the author of Behind the Green Mask, Rosa Koire says that “U.N. Agenda 21 is an agenda for the 21st century. It  is an inventory and control plan; inventory of all land, water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world.” It’s about moving populations into concentrated city centers and clearing them out of rural areas under “Smart Growth.” Under the guise of “Sustainability,” Agenda 21 is the hijacking of the environmental movement.


GUESS WHAT THE NWO HAS PLANNED FOR HUMANITY — Defending Sanity in the Uppity Down World

via GUESS WHAT THE NWO HAS PLANNED FOR HUMANITY — Defending Sanity in the Uppity Down World

Poverty Consciousness


Poverty Consciousness

By Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,
As many of us may be sensing, over this next year we will likely see the cracks in the old paradigms and systems grow wider.  We are in a unique position, during the bifurcation, to begin to lay the seeds for the new cycle in ourselves.  This is a time to ask ourselves what we truly value and examine anything the keeps us from living in alignment to those values.  In the coming years there will be opportunities for trustworthy people to rise to leadership to help lay the groundwork to co-create global humanitarian based systems.  This newsletter will take a deeper look at the origins and manipulation of currency, how resources are stolen and re-directed toward anti-life and enslavement agendas, and why the poverty consciousness is one of the NAA‘s preferred consciousness traps.
It is vital to have a basic understanding of how the monetary system has been designed on the earth to work as an enslavement tool that traps people in materialism, consumerism and Poverty Consciousness. The system of debt based currency used as the current global monetary system was originally brought to the earth by the Alpha Draconis Orion Group. These entities have organized themselves on the earth in what is called the Black Sun Agenda. The Draco Reptilians of the Orion Group view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and believe that earth humans have descended from their biological seeding processes, from the multiple planets they have conquered. Therefore they believe humans, as well as the earth, are their personal property and have instituted the global slavery system via the indoctrination of debt-based currency. One should be aware that on many other planets monetary systems do not exist and all inhabitants born onto the planet are considered free citizens with equal rights to flourish, in the global society that is organized by that planet’s system of government. A planetary system ruled by debt currency in which one has to pay for their basic shelter, food and healthcare from birth is considered a prison planet.
Therefore, when a person does not have an accurate context for how money, currency and economies really work and why they were set up, they are not able to discern the many consciousness traps that are set for the common people. For the Orion Group to institute an effective human slavery system, in which they would remain hidden at the top of the pyramid scheme and have total control over the assets of earth, it required the majority of the masses be consumed by intense fears of survival, threats and poverty. They engineered Poverty Consciousness in such a way to victimize humans into class or cast systems, in order to make them more pliable and easy to manipulate in the consciousness pen they erected around the earth.
Poverty Consciousness is directly connected to the social engineering of a slave race. It is important to understand that poverty consciousness is unnatural to the human race and was specifically designed to conquer the minds of humanity, to accept world slavery and world war. People that accept poverty consciousness as a natural way of life become the puppets that carry out the enslavement program for the puppet masters. Poverty Consciousness is formed from the set of belief systems, feelings, attitudes and values that people have associated with their personal fears of safety, which they relate to a lack of money, or the lack of acquiring material objects that necessitate their sense of security and protection. When a person feels that they are defenseless, endangered or threatened by imaginary or physical forces, they can be led to do nearly anything. Many times willing to commit harm to others or engage in immoral actions to ensure that they regain the perception of personal safety or security. A person with a fragile sense of self that is totally dependent on validation from the material world, can feel mentally threatened at the slightest disruption of their reality bubble, thus they are easily mind controlled. Poverty Consciousness is the prime pressure point of vulnerability ingrained in all humans entrenched in the 3D mind control of materialism and thus, it is exploited in every way possible by the Controllers. It is easy to observe the depths of degeneracy some people are willing to submit to, for acquiring any amount of money or perceived security. This is why it is the primary consciousness trap being set for mass human exploitation.
Triggering Fears of Insecurity, Threat and Helplessness
It is essential to know that by exploiting poverty consciousness mind control in order to manipulate materialism in people, this triggers deep fear based belief systems around personal security, safety and self-esteem. Many people on the earth feel terrorized by obsessive thoughts of poverty and homelessness, even when it has not happened to them in their lifetime. This memory may connect to other lifetimes, however, it directly connects to the collective unconscious memory of feeling defenseless to the full scale alien invasion that occurred in Sumeria and Egypt. As a result, many humans today have a pathological need to find some version of security and safety within materialism, so they can manage the feelings of unconscious personal terror that are a result of feeling completely helpless when in danger. As a result of the materialistic pathology towards feeling safe, when people become obsessed with materialistic validation for security, they also become increasingly narcissistic, spiritually disconnected and lose feelings of empathy. In the more materialistic societies such as the United States, people obsessively shop, buying an excessive amount of goods in order to increase their feelings of self-worth, or to distract themselves from facing unpleasant or challenging issues. Materialists tend to ignore the fact that the global consumerist economy is structured to exploit humanity and drain planetary resources for massive profit for a select few, while directly increasing the slavery, poverty and suffering in the human race.
Debt System of Enslavement
The primary motivation of the Controller’s is to use threats and fears of personal safety in order to trigger insecurity in the people, which is used as a major mind control and manipulation mechanism to incite rampant materialism. In order to continually spread poverty consciousness on the earth, the Orion Group introduced a debt system of currency that would equate monetary enslavement with consciousness enslavement. This ensured that the promotion of wars and human suffering would be converted into massive profits for those in the ruling classes. They needed the ruling classes to carry out their enslavement agenda and by rewarding them with massive financial and corporate monopolies, as well as access to unlimited cash reserves, the sellout of the human race was easily accomplished through human greed.
Thus, the social engineering behind the death culture (Dec 2016 newsletter) specifically targets poverty consciousness in the unconscious minds of the masses in order to exploit them in ways that make them complicit with committing crimes against humanity. Through the mind control used to trigger poverty consciousness and addiction to materialism everywhere in the media, people are constantly sensing some level of fear, insecurity or threat, which motivates them to excessively consume and buy. These same poverty consciousness based belief systems continue to produce separative beliefs, perpetrating the cycles of violence, ignorance, hatred, victimization and enemy patterning between the people of the earth. Poverty consciousness is an effective form of promoting the divide and conquer strategies of the NAA groups to maintain their control over the earth’s resources by routing people into different slave class systems. As an example people that shop uncontrollably to buy excessive amounts of consumer goods or the latest trends, are the materialist slave classes. They are slaves to material objects, which keep them locked down in consciousness traps. During this time it is very important to discern the low quality of forces that are behind the push for materialistic consumerism. Being able to see the unethical and harmful motivations of the rampant Service to Self mind control broadcast, and being able to clear and neutralize poverty consciousness fears from taking control over your life, are especially important at this time.
Poverty fears are ingrained deeply in the subconscious mind and they surface into the conscious mind as fear based thoughts and feelings about personal safety, that in turn manifest and multiply into even more poverty consciousness fears. Material poverty fears have been mentally programmed repeatedly into the unconscious mind of people since the alien invasion, and are consistently reinforced from childhood to adulthood throughout the working slave classes entangled in the Controller Pillars of Society. It becomes the manifested reality for those people no matter what kind of material resources they actually have access to. Many people in western society are taught to think that without an excessive amount of material things, they are worthless people. It does not matter how much wealth or money a person has, these factors are not actually related to the state of poverty consciousness. Many people have an abundance of material things and yet they feel deep anxiety pushing them to accumulate even more material things. Poverty consciousness is a fear based state, it is a trauma based disease that exists inside the minds of the spiritually bankrupt, not the financially bankrupt. Many of the people with tremendous material wealth exist in states of poverty consciousness and chronic unhappiness, unable to cope with the pressure of maintaining their class position.
Forcing People to pay for their Genocide
A system of black magic money or controlled currency was established to monetize the death culture and is organized by the NAA in order to manipulate, exert control over and enslave the citizens of the earth. Systems of currency used as the medium of exchange are generated through an assortment of anti-human consciousness traps that are designed to manifest more poverty consciousness in those unable to discern what is really behind the total control of global currency. Once again at the top levels, it is not human and much of the earthly resources still left are funneled off planet.  For thousands of years planet earth has been quarried and leached for every kind of resource, mineral substance and chemical element known and yet to be discovered, by both human and alien mining sources and their machinery. Some of the massive desert wastelands and canyons thought to be natural and declared as national monuments and protected reserves, are actually the result of ancient mining quarries digging up the earth, now deserted. Even today there are dark money groups lobbying to overturn the Antiquities Act to get back into the Grand Canyon to mine for uranium, just as the aliens did in the past.
Today the ability to multiply money and profits to steadily increase wealth is highest for those people in the financial sectors that run and rule the economy through the corporatocracy and who use whatever means necessary to maintain total control over liquidity and unlimited access to the global money supply. These small groups of people have access to unbelievably large amounts of cash, or liquid assets, and they are purposely programmed by the Orion Group control structure to monetize human suffering and pain, by forcing the majority of the world citizens to live in poverty and pay for their own genocidal holocaust. Deceptive propaganda, intimidation and terrorism are the important tools used to push the global debt slavery program, which requires the participation of broad sectors of the corporatocracy, banking and the world population in order to be successful. Perpetrators must hide their murderous intentions from the victims they intend to decimate.  They generally become involved with creating inhumane laws veiled from public scrutiny, that allow for their criminal behaviors without obvious detection.
In order to evolve beyond a fraudulent system of manipulated currency, while the Power Elite backed by the NAA groups profit from destroying the earth resources, we must understand how the current economic system was created for world domination and slavery that purposely monetizes and rewards that which produces global genocide. The current anti-human global economic structure has turned the earth into a toxic wasteland, which it is rapidly killing off many species. Citizens of earth must awaken and stop allowing these corporations and those behind them, to massively profit from perpetrating intentional genocide on the earth.
Poverty Consciousness produces Worthlessness


New Earth Monetary Education