What’s Really Going On?


By Anna Von Reitz

A lengthy and wide-ranging answer to a simple question from my German readers….

The estate trusts they established for us without our knowledge or consent were housed in Puerto Rico, but those were not the only “primary derivatives” they created in our names.

The Cestui Que Vie Trusts were named like this: JOHN MARK DOE.

Those were what they bankrupted in 2015.

There are also Public Transmitting Utilities named like this: JOHN M DOE.  That is what they are using to mis-address us now.

And the third primary derivative is a Public Charitable Trust doing business as JOHN DOE.

These three things represent our private property, our energy, and our public property interests respectively.

This was all done based on fraud and is owed immediate cessation and correction, but that is not so easy to do en masse, because this is the way the governments have been funding themselves and giving themselves access to your credit — without that or control of that, they are cut back down to size and can no longer function as “plenary oligarchies”.

It requires a return to individual national governments or conversion of this nasty brand of corporate feudalism into something totally new.

The Pope’s Plan has been to gradually consolidate power in regional governments—for example, the so-called North American Uniom of US, Mexico, and Canada, and the EU in Europe.

These Unions are supposed to promote regional peace and mutual dependency, so suddenly instead of 210 independent national governments we suddenly have ten.

And we have all the problems we have in the EU.

Some members of these forced regional alliances are weaker and less competent to manage their situation than others for all sorts of reasons, which forces the more developed and self-disciplined countries to be forever picking up the slack for the weaker members without, however, having any political power sufficient to change the policies or practices of their dependents.

Think–US and Mexico, or, Germany and Greece, and you will have a pretty accurate view of the problem.

Instead of working together cooperatively to solve problems and share regional resources to do it, what happens in the real world is that the strong carry the weak and live like parents trying to deal with profligate teenagers.

Look at what has recently gone on between Mexico and the US.

Mexico is sympathetic to the plight of Honduras, but unwilling or unable to do much for the Hondurans itself.  So they open their Southern Border and let the Hondurans traipse through Mexico to our Southern Border.

Mexico’s moral dilemma and expense has been passed on to us.

So we either have to pay off Mexico to close its Southern Border, which we have done, or we have to build a border wall to be able to control immigration into our country.

Either way we get stuck paying some other country to do what they should be doing anyway, or we have to pay for an expensive construction project that should not be necessary, but which is being forced on us by the actions of a “weak member” of a forced regional “union”.

The Planners responsible for all this don’t have a firm grasp of human nature, nor do they understand cultural and political realities. Just because the US and Mexico are physical neighbors does not mean that we have a lot in common beyond location on the globe– but the Planners ignore this fact and continue to merrily meddle in the affairs of what should be sovereign nations, promoting Christian ideals of strong nations caring for less fortunate neighbors, etc., without any respect for freewill and responsibility.

If we are going to help Hondurans, it should be our free will decision to do so — not something thrown at us like a tubful of dirty bath water.

And it should be the responsibility of the Honduran government and the Mexican government to make the best decisions they can make, too— not just a shiftless pass-the-problem-on-to-the-Americans attitude.  These are their people and their neighbors.  Lack of responsibility at home just leads to more lack of responsibility worldwide.

It’s the same situation with the Germans and the Greek crisis. The Greek Government instituted all sorts of “free” government giveaways that made them very popular politically at home, but left the question of who pays for it on the doorstep of the German people simply because they are participating as members of the EU “Regional Government” experiment.

A logical man or woman knows that it does no good to simply transplant a problem from one location to another, because the source of the problem travels along like a flea on a dog.

An alcoholic living in Phoenix, Arizona, is not magically transformed into a healthy, addiction-free man by moving to Anchorage, Alaska.   It’s the same with bad political ideas and immoral attitudes and beliefs, other kinds of addictions, lack of education, lack of skills, poor health, and so on — a change in location may encourage new thinking or development of new skills, etc., but there is no guarantee of that.  It may simply broaden the spread of the problem, like giving Typhoid Mary relocation expenses and a bus pass.

Transferring the Greek debt to German backs does nothing to teach the Greek Government better habits, and simply deprives Germans of rewards they have justly earned.

Transferring Hondurans to the United States simply imports Honduran gangs and diseases and bad attitudes and Communist rhetoric to a new location and creates a problem for Americans that is by no means a natural problem for us.

And all this “humanitarian” effort to import and mainstream Muslims from the Middle East to Europe has done nothing to bring their 7th Century lifestyle and religious belief system into the modern era — all it has done is create more tension, more strife, more cultural malaise, more unjust debt, and more problems for people who were, more or less, making it on their own— until the Planners got busy and made a mess of it, again.

A more certain and sensible approach is to open up opportunities in the home country or along the borders shared with immediate neighbors, not a wholesale forced resettlement and migration “plan” cooked up by elitists who are ill-equipped to deal with practical life.

One is reminded of clueless Marie Antoinette blithely (and with good intentions) saying, “Let them eat cake!” —- because she saw no reason that the crowds of hungry peasants couldn’t eat cake.  She was generous and ignorant and was more than willing that they should all sit down and have all the cake they wanted.  It is the same with the Planners and their meddling in the Middle East.

“Well, the Europeans need workers and the Muslims need a place to go, now that we have bombed their homelands into smithereens.  Why not just move the Muslims to Europe and create an instant underclass of cheap labor alienated from the native population in as many ways as possible?  Racially, culturally, and religiously different.  Then isolate them in burgeoning slums like rats in a trap and see what comes of it?”

As if any sane person doesn’t already know what comes of it?

How about the Planners stop bombing and meddling and playing war games in the Middle East?  How about they rebuild the Middle East and let it be at peace and encourage all the Muslims to return home to their own countries and their own cultures?

Israel is not the consequence of God leading the Hebrews to the Promised Land.  Israel is the consequence of British and Catholic Planners run amok.  So now we have untold billions of dollars invested in another failed experiment and the political and human consequences of that experiment on our hands, and it should not even concern us. The whole problem of Israel v. The Neighbors wouldn’t even exist without the meddling and self-service and elitist ignorance of the Planners.

The Creator loves diversity.  Crocuses bloom along with lilacs and apple trees, lilies bloom with pansies and petunias, why in blazes can’t we be allowed to blossom in our ways and forms and seasons?  And homelands?

That would be too simple, too natural, too healthy, too…. outside the control of the self-appointed, self-important Planners!

Who made the Pope and the Queen the great Mixmasters, plopping down Jews in the middle of the Arab Homelands and then plopping down Arabs in the middle of French and German Homelands?

And now that they see the results of their handiwork and “planning” and everyone else is ready to take them to task for their meddling, they want to beat feet home and tend to their knitting?  They want a “no deal” Brexit backed up with American military power and the continuation of the Lateran Treaty though we all know what a den of thieves has been operating out of Vatican City.

The Roman Catholic Church since Charlemagne has never grasped the fact that you cannot force conversion of the heart. Their “killing and stealing “for” Jesus” logic fault got even worse in the wake of the Inquisition and Ignatius Loyola. Their partial success at conversion-by-necessity has encouraged a tragic and misguided history of intrigue, violence, oppression and flawed logic on the part of some factions within the Church.

And unfortunately, aided by closet Satanist cells within the Church, that basic idea that you can force beliefs and values on others and mandate the behavior of men and nations by force of arms and monetary blackmail continues.  Whatever the Pope considers to be “good” becomes the mandate, and you wind up with irresponsible nations feeding upon responsible nations — a recipe that doesn’t help or teach the miscreants better behavior, but which does serve to reduce everyone to a commonality of misery while discouraging those who are trying to do better.

We are dealing a form of extreme Communism egged on with very repressive Fascist moral overtones — a “worst of all political worlds” synergy that has been exemplified already by the Nazis, who borrowed vast amounts of money, then murdered their Priority Creditors in cold blood, shared out the ill-gotten gains with the Swiss bankers, the Pope, and the Queen, and found themselves in key positions in the US Government and scientific community, still suffering under the delusion that they were right and good and everyone else was stupid and wrong.

Getting back to your original question — the American ESTATES have been claimed by the Americans.  The British Territorial Government dba “in our names” as “the” United States of America is attempting to horn in and take a middle man position and we are objecting to their presumptions and keeping the pressure on the Pope and the Municipal United States government which has similarly been doing business “in our names” as “the” United States.

Our process was to seize upon and collapse the Municipal Trusts including the STATES OF STATES, then enclose the State of State franchises, then roll them all back onto the land jurisdiction of the actual unincorporated and sovereign government in international jurisdiction, The United States of America (notice “The” — our Proper Name)— and from there conveyed all the way back to the soil jurisdiction states of The United States (again notice, “The”) and re-assignment of the assets.

There isn’t a power on Earth that can say one word about it, because these are our assets and we have claimed them fair and square, and we are not incorporated.  We are fact, they are fiction.

So, now the Americans— the actual, factual Americans, not the “US citizens”— who are the rightful heirs of the actual States and all derivative property, have exposed the whole international criminal enterprise that was afoot and we have claimed back our inheritance and we have no obligation to serve our servants anymore. Instead, there will be a performance review and new contract negotiations.  We are finally getting back on track after 150 years of this betrayal of trust.

Fortunately or unfortunately, because we were the first victims of the scheme, we were also chosen as the staging ground for the unfoldment of the patent and copyright and trademark abuses that have been implemented by the criminals as a means of disguising and implementing and profiting from their activities, often using the excuse that their “business models” and other tripe were necessary components of “National Security” —- doublespeak for cloaking criminal activity.

The US Navy was the tool used most consistently to promote this agenda, and its actions were directed by the British Crown and the British Government, though the US NAVY, a municipal corporation, was used as the front for a great deal of the skullduggery.  Ditto US ARMY and USAF.   They have been trying to set up the same sort of cozy nest to promote this same brand of criminality in China, hence all the cyber attacks and patent and copyright and trademark abuses that China has been committing.  They have also made in-roads in the Russian Navy though the Russians have been far less amenable to manipulation.   Thus the Devil was cast down into the sea and has ruled for a short time.

The Americans are standing with their feet planted on their land and soil again, operating in their unincorporated — that is, sovereign — capacity.  All the stuff that these misanthropes accumulated “in our names” under the guise of managing and administering our assets “for” us have to be returned and re-venued, and thence, all the ill-gotten similar gains have to be returned to the other victims.  Not coincidentally, it is the Double Jubilee, and this time, no excuses can be offered by the Church and Queen for any failure to deliver a full measure of remedy and debt forgiveness at all levels.

It’s time.


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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Why No Political Organization?


By Anna Von Reitz

From the very first, people have been wanting to get “organized” and form “political action committees” and create logos and emblems and that sort of thing and some of them have been openly hostile toward me because I won’t be that kind of leader for them.
The short answer is — I don’t “do” politics because politics is part of the problem, not the solution.
An actual government is not made up of political parties arguing over who gets to divide the spoils this year.
An actual government is made up of elected fiduciary officers whose job it is to run the business of a country.  Prudently.
Your actual government hasn’t gone anywhere.  You have forgotten how to operate it properly, but it is still here.
There are people running around like headless chickens claiming that nobody is in charge and that our government no longer exists and all sorts of silly rot,  because the corporate nature of the federal subcontractors has been re-discovered by a dumbed-down generation.
The 1824 Webster’s Dictionary gives the word “contract” as a synonym for the word “federal” — so the “federal government is a “contract government” — under contract to provide certain enumerated services.
As for the Act of 1871, all that aimed at (and didn’t accomplish, as it was repealed three years later)  was to create an incorporated business structure for the District of Columbia.  This Municipal Corporation was eventually formed in a piecemeal fashion and it did do a lot of damage to our country, but no, that isn’t the big “problem” either.
The real problem is our own guileless ignorance about politics.
Ask yourself— what are these political parties?  Republican and Democrat?
They are lobbyists.
Lobbyists are supposed to be going to Washington, DC, to plead for this or that special favor from the elected fiduciary officers.  Instead, we have lobbyists running the government.
Think about that.
Calling them “political parties” instead of “lobbyists” doesn’t change the nature of the beasts. They are still just as nasty, unaccountable, deceitful, self-interested and ruthless in promoting agendas calculated to benefit themselves and their patrons.  They certainly aren’t there to serve anyone but themselves and their own clique.
It’s like we went mad and turned the government over to two Booster Clubs.
Instead of “Republican” we should have called it the “Capitalist Lobby” and instead of “Democrat” we should have called it the “Communist Lobby” and then maybe people would have gotten a clue long before this that their actual federal government — the government they are owed — is missing in action.
It’s missing in action because it has been moth-balled, waiting for us to assemble our States and reconstruct the “missing” Federal States of States.
So, what we need to form are our actual State jural assemblies, not more or different political parties.  We need to form our Public Courts and elect our Public Law Officers, not spin off more or different private “security” services operating under color of law.
Do you realize that all the police and “law enforcement agencies” in this country are organized under Pinkerton Laws and are technically only authorized to provide security for the mail and the railroads?
Every corporation now –from the State of Illinois to Walmart– has their own private security service, aka, “Pinkertons” and the only difference is that the State of Illinois is operating under color of law, while Walmart is being relatively honest about it.
Practically none of them have a thing to do with the mail service or railroads, but there they are, swaggering around in uniforms with bully sticks and guns, terrorizing the populace.  One only has to blink twice to see the enforcers of feudal landlords riding down the valley, a black robed Inquisitor at the lead.
So, now again,  you can see the urgent need of reclaiming your Good Name and Estate and declaring your political status as an American State Citizen and forming up your State Jural Assembly and electing actual Sheriffs to enforce the Public Law, instead of letting unauthorized gangs of Pinkertons rampage around.
Along with the complaints about my refusals to spawn a new political party — when I firmly believe and with good reason that political parties should be outlawed — I get complaints from people who say (quite rightly) that the world today is about leverage and enforcement and that a law is worthless if you can’t enforce it.
This is just an observation about how lawless this country has become.
What can you expect, if the only people tasked with enforcing the Public Law  –you and I–  are left unaware of their right and their obligation to do so?
Every single one of us has the right and the obligation to enforce the Public Law, to form our jural assemblies, elect our Sheriffs, and stand ready to serve as jurors and as deputies and as marshals.
The job of all these private corporate police forces is to protect the property of their employers, not to enforce the Public Law, even though many of these “agencies” and “State of….” organizations operate under color of law and deliberately give people the impression that they are public law officers when they are not.
And of course, the Pinkertons don’t want us to catch on, because when the people of this country step forward to do their lawful duty, it cuts down on demand for them and their jobs.  It also vastly undercuts their perceived authority and ends their relative immunity from prosecution.
When we form our Jural Assemblies and form our courts and elect our land jurisdiction Sheriffs, the bought and paid for “Sheriffs” working for ABC, Corp. get put in their places, because suddenly it’s not the resources of a multi-national corporation pitted against little Joe Average.
Remember John Wayne deputizing members of his posse? A lawfully elected land jurisdiction Sheriff can deputize as many men as he needs to enforce the Public Law.  And if necessary, we can kick Pinkerton ass from here to breakfast.
It’s just a matter of remembering who you are and who they are, picking up the reins, and operating your own actual government instead of mistaking their bankrupt political sideshow as anything having to do with you.
Of course, it very much helps if we all work together and in large numbers, but it doesn’t require any new political parties or fancy logos.  The same Grand Old Flag and our same old government structure will do: all we have to do is operate the actual government we are heir to.
All it really requires is you, and your understanding of the situation, and your willingness to take action. Educate yourselves. Declare and record your political status. Form or join your already organized local jural assembly. Elect your court officers, including your Sheriffs.
And if anybody asks you anything about it, you look them in the eye and you say, “I am doing my Public Duty to uphold and enforce the Public Law.”
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com