Who represents you?

By New Human New Earth Communities

If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.

“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it.
To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse to not think at all.” –
Michael Rivero

Who Represents You?

Matrix News Network – Jerry Day

The Power of Paper

Matrix News Network – Jerry Day
https://www.youtube.com/embed/kEwxYhIIal0?wmode=opaque Knowledge is power, and the ultimate civil power resides in every individual in America. By studying the following links in the order presented, you will know more about freedom and what the creator expected from us and endowed us with Through His Divine Son, and you will know your responsibility in that regard.

Anna has two books. They are both very important to freedom. Here are the links.

“Disclosure 101” is a compilation of some of her earlier writings: Disclosure 101

“You Know Something Is Wrong When… An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” is the blockbuster you need to read. This book blows the lid off the corrupt corporate entity calling itself our Federal government, and shows the entire history of Fraud, Deception, Threat, Duress, Coercion, and Intimidation the perpeTRAITORS have used to steal our entire heritage and prosperity for over 150 years: Get it Here at Amazon

Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. 
Educate Yourself
How To Restore Lawful Government

Your Government

The Government That Isn’t, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 29

Advantages of Just Saying—-No! — and Boycotting the Election

Elections? What Elections? Big News. BIG.

You Want to Be Free? By-Pass Temptation to Vote

What Elections?

The Federal Government is Foreign. Hello?

Why the Right to Vote in the United States is a Fraud

Bombshell: Rod Class gets FOURTH Administrative Ruling “Gov’t Offices are Vacant”-
All Gov’t Officials are “Private Contractors”

It’s the Political System, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 30

Who Started the Rot?

Modus Operandi 4.0

Keeping Track of the Federal Fence

Regarding “Political Action”

Citizenship Is the Issue — in a Way, It’s the Only Issue

Your Grandfather’s Clock

I’d Like to Help Donald Trump

“ But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it. “
Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520

“US Citizenship” —- Why Won’t You Believe That You Have Made a Wrong Assumption?

Naturalized Citizenship” — Unanswered Letters 14 – Anna von Reitz

Wake Up, Please, and Tell Me—– Are You A Puerto Rican?

Dear Federal Agents:

Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate – Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship

Our Government v. Their Government — Unanswered Letters 8 — Reply to Jayne

Your offer to contract is hereby rejected!


DEFINED: The source of the fraud! From the beginning!

Starting at First Base

Second base What “They” have done “For” You

Third Base – The Guilty Parties

Is this how the world is really run? You Decide!

Cover Letter and Public Order

Before Things Get Out of Hand

For A Deeper Understanding


Cover Letter to Pope Francis

Criminals On Our Shores

Open Letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew

Why All Contracts Are Void and Fraud By Nature

Where We Are In The Fraud Process Briefly Explained

Formal Notice to Congress Regarding Fraud


The Birth Certificate Discussion – Part 1

The Birth Certificate Discussion – Part 2

Long Form Birth Certificate Question – Who are you

America is a corporation and the state owns your children

Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate – Birthright

Notice to Congress

Passport Fraud

Public Notice to Law Enforcement, Sheriffs

Second Base — What “They” Have Done

The Diabolical Nature of What Has Been Done

Let’s Get This Straight, Once and For All….Birth Certificate Fraud


A Note about Money and Foreclosures—- Pun Intended

Deny the crooks jurisdiction over you

To All Who Care About Justice

Cover Letter to Pope Francis

An in depth explanation of the games that have been played on the American sovereigns

Solution, Action , Remedy
Restore Lawful Government
American States Assembly – Correct Your Political Status Birthright


Sign In America – National Debt Relief
You are Eligible for Credit Owed to You


HOW IS THIS STILL SECRET?! Military Insider Interview: SPECIAL OPS REVEALED [DS] Hidden Secrets Pt 1 & 2


Support Us
Stay Informed, Stay Empowered, Educate Yourself

The American State Assembly Weekly webinar

Sir, what have you given us?
A Republic Ma’am, if you can keep it.

Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. 

The American Form Of Government

Found Here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VogzExP3qhI

NOT A DEMOCRACY.  A REPUBLIC.  At least to start with. Now we are an Oligarchy.

A Corporation is an Oligarchy.

Here is how Merriam-Webster defines Oligarchy.

1: government by the few The corporation is ruled by oligarchy.

2: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposesa military oligarchy was established in the country also : a group exercising such control.
An oligarchy ruled the nation.
3: an organization under oligarchic control That country is an oligarchy.

 Are You New to this Information? Get Up to Speed Fast.
You Know Something Is Wrong When…

Sign In America – National Debt Relief
You are Eligible for Credit Owed to You

Sovereignty vs. 515

Judge Anna 2peace-flag-w380-o

Sovereignty vs. 515

On Jul 26, 2014,

Anna von Reitz wrote:

People are brain washed from the cradle with malice aforethought to think just like this man, “Joe Q. Public”. Instead of looking for the “authority” within himself, he looks for it outside himself, which is the basic mistake Americans are taught to make by those who wish to control and profit from them.

Instead of learning the meaning of American Individualism which is the core of our tradition, the Public Fool System has taught us Fascist Group Think.

It is time to re-educate ourselves.

Our Forefathers vested the entire, whole, 100%, absolute civil government on the land in each and every one of us. Each one of us has more civil authority on the land than the entire “federal” government and always have had.

Repeat this fact over and over and over until it sinks in and through all that programming you received telling you how limited you are and teaching you to always look for authority in people and things outside yourself and outside your control.

You are in control, but because you think you aren’t, you mill around like sheep and wait for someone or something else to tell you what to do and how to get “enforcement”. What did John Wayne do as Sheriff of Yuma County?

There are only 515 people in control of the “federal government”. They pretend to have the right to control and enslave and use and abuse 390 million of us, the people who actually pay their salaries.

Earth to everyone? What are you all standing around for?



Are You New to this Information? Get Up to Speed Fast! ORDER!

“You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”
Printed Paperback book 275 pages from Amazon at this link.
About $23

Get it Here at Amazon

Ebook from Amazon

“You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”
EBook for Kindle or your Android device.
Only $2.99



“Disclosure 101: What You Need to Know”
This is a compilation of some of Anna’s earlier writings.
Paperback book from Amazon
About $17

Disclosure 101


Welcome to The American States Assembly

 Your Government

Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you.

It’s decisions are supposed to be made by you. 

It’s primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers.  

That’s why governments exist.

And that is the only reason for any government to exist, ever. 

But what if your government doesn’t protect you?

What if, instead, your government preys upon you, threatens you, harasses you, and makes you miserable and fearful?

Then something is terribly wrong. 

Six generations of Americans have been preyed upon, threatened, and harassed by something posing as “their” government.

It isn’t our government.

It’s a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors.

So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London.   

Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated “governmental services”. 

They have been exercising our own “Delegated Powers” and operating “in our names”.

They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. 

Instead, they’ve been colluding to evade their obligations under the Constitutions. 

And they’ve been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us.

So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. 

They’ve done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do.

But do you notice something?  Do you see what’s missing?

You are. 

You are supposed to be self-governing.  You are supposed to be running Your Government.

Not your Hirelings.

So, we noticed what was wrong a long time ago.  And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work.

And we talked to our friends and neighbors (those who would listen) and we explained what was wrong and we learned more as we went.… and, we organized the government we are supposed to have: Your Government. 

There’s just one problem.  We are supporting it.  We are putting our time and money into it.  We are building it up and restoring it. We are doing our “job”.

But where are you? 

If you want a government that protects you, a government that doesn’t steal from you, harass you, threaten you, or harm you — then, it’s high time that you start backing Your Government and participating in it and supporting it with your money and your skills and your time. 

We are taking up collections for projects to advance the restoration of Your Government, to fund our Peacekeeping Officials and Officers, to run our State Assemblies, to make Your Government work the way Your Government is supposed to work — a government to protect you and your family. 

When you come home to the land and soil that bore you, and start breathing as a free woman or man again, you will remember the American Dream and you will no longer bear the burdens of Federal (US) citizenship. 

You won’t be subject to foreign statutory laws.

You won’t worry about “Federal Agents” breaking down your doors.

You won’t pay “Federal Income Taxes” anymore. 

You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. 

You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders — not Tenants.

You won’t pay any mortgages or utilities or property taxes.  

You will be in control your own lives again.

You will sleep sound in your beds again. 

Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results.  What’s more important than what we have just described for you?  What greater profit can you realize by investing in anything else? 



Help for Attorneys — Yes

Judge Anna 2peace-flag-w380-o

By Anna Von Reitz

As more and more attorneys wake up with a shudder — just like the rest of us, more and more of them are coming to us wondering what they can do and how they can live without betraying their country and their countrymen.

Understanding the options and the different court systems is crucial and so is your own situation.

Many of the members of the early Living Law Firm team were retired judges and bar attorneys who, at a certain point, retired and “came home” to the land and soil.  They gave up their bar memberships and turned their skills toward research and restoration.

That is still certainly an option, if you are ready to retire.  We can use all the help we can get.

That said there are plenty of loyal Americans who are bar attorneys who aren’t ready to retire and can’t afford to quit their profession.  They have families to support like everyone else.

Because millions upon millions of Americans have been subjected to False Registration and Impersonation those same Americans have been subjected to the foreign Maritime/Admiralty and Commercial Courts.

As a result, that’s where the bulk of the work is.

As our American Common Law Courts reopen this will change as more and more people come under our Public Law.

However, for right now, many attorneys who want to do the right thing feel that they are between a rock and a hard place.  There aren’t enough American Common Law Courts set up locally to provide them with a living, yet they don’t want to participate in a crooked court system once they know what’s going on.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

If you are a Bar Attorney and you were born in one of the States of the Union, you still qualify to claim your State National status.  Doing so is a benefit to you, as it brings you back under the protections and guarantees of the Constitution(s).  It also makes it possible to work in multiple court systems.

You can work as a Counselor of Law in the American Common Law Courts, where your job is to stand at the elbow of either Plaintiff or Defendant and give good advice.

You can also work in the foreign Bar Association courts and help Americans rebut the false legal presumptions being held against them as a Counselor-at-Law.

And, finally, when you represent clients that actually are Federal Citizens or Corporations you continue to act as an Attorney-at-Law in those cases.

So— Counselor of Law, working for Americans in American Common Law Courts, Counselor-at-Law working for Americans being improperly addressed by foreign Maritime/Admiralty or Commercial courts, or Attorney-at-Law working for corporations and/or Federal Citizens who really are Federal Citizens—- all these are options you can exercise without ripping up your Bar membership and without dishonor.

That’s all good news— protection of the Constitutions and plenty of work and lots of options, simply by filling out the 1779 Declaration for Federal Employees and checking the “State National” box.

But, but, but—- someone will say, “I am not a Federal Employee!”

All Bar Attorneys are “Federal Franchises” by definition and technically fall under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) either directly or indirectly.

As long as you keep your Bar Membership, you are under obligations of Federal Citizenship, and therein lies the rub.

Bar Attorneys are prohibited from holding public offices in our government, because they are already part of a different government in their capacity as Dual Federal Citizens.

If you don’t want to hold a public office, that’s neither here nor there. It’s just something to be aware of.

Of course, this is only talking about the actual American Government, not the U.S. Government or the government of the federally incorporated State of State franchises.  Those are all private offices and you are free to occupy them.

Here’s something else to be aware of.  When you work in Federal or incorporated state-of-state courts, the money you make is “federally connected income” and every penny is taxable.  When you work for the American Common Law Courts, every penny is yours to keep.

That, and preserving the cause of freedom, is a mighty incentive to get involved and stay involved in the restoration of the American Common Law Courts.

Our courts are much simpler and less hide-bound than the European-style international courts that have become more and more prevalent as more and more Americans have been mischaracterized as “U.S. Citizens”.

For starters, all decisions in our courts –other than decisions about court rules and that kind of thing–are rendered by juries.  All cases (other than probate)

involve actual injuries to living people or their property, and the injured Parties all speak for themselves and produce their own evidence. Lawyers only advise.

The sole exception where we employ Public Prosecutors is when the Injured Party is dead or physically or mentally incapacitated to the point that they can’t represent themselves.

Most Bar Attorneys find our way of doing things disconcerting after spending decades in the foreign courts.  It takes a while to get used to the American Way, which is simpler, more direct, and far more interested in justice for living people.

For example, our courts have the power of Jury Nullification.  If a jury finds a law repugnant, vague, or otherwise flawed or unfair, our juries can judge both the law and the facts and toss bad laws out on their noses.

I have now known many Bar Attorneys who turned the corner and saw the light and I have witnessed their struggles coming to terms with American Justice — real American Justice.  It isn’t always easy, but it is always enlightening and inspiring.

If you cherish the purposes of Justice, if you care about your country, we are in the process of resurrecting the American Court System from its faint embers, and need your help to serve the millions of Americans who need to come home to America and stand on the land and soil again.

Help restore the courts we all are heir to.

Also See: 2477. More Personal Notes for Attorneys



See this article and over 2400 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Property, Property Taxes, and The Whole Picture to Date


By Anna Von Reitz

I have taken on the task of trying to consolidate everything to date for you.  It’s a long article and I don’t want to be bombarded with questions of “How do I…..?” — I want you all to sit down, look at the situation described, and begin figuring things out.  Just be quiet, take it all in, and think, think, think—- for yourselves. This is the first step toward being free of all this B.S. —- recognize how arbitrary, false, and silly most of this is, like a children’s game played in deadly earnest by adults.  Unfortunately, most Americans have been playing Chess while their employees have been playing Parcheesi — which requires you to learn the new game, which then ultimately allows you to either (1) win the game, and/or (2) flip the table and play whatever game you want to play.  They can make you play Parcheesi or you can make them play Chess–after all, they are your employees.

Our identity has been stolen. That resulted in us being reclassified as “US citizens” — as if we were government employees or as if we had been born in Puerto Rico.

This then affected our ability to own land in the states, because “foreigners” can’t actually live here, they can only “reside” here.

Instead, foreigners can have a long-term lease here and be tenants.

So that is how you are identified —
as a tenant on your own land, with the State of Whatever as your landlord. Because you are misidentified in the public record, your land holdings are also misidentified and placed into one of three categories: residential, industrial, or agricultural, when your land of any sort should be classified as  private property.

As long as you and your land are both misidentified, you will be taken for a “tax payer” and as a “subscriber” and as a “public vessel” and as a “resident” and everything you think of as yours will in fact be owned by and controlled by an organization of interlopers calling themselves the “State of Oregon” or the “State of Michigan”.

First order of business then, is to get yourself back into the right category, and identify yourself as an American state national, not a “US citizen”.

Quick Start Guide for Veterans – 3

Judge Anna 2peace-flag-w380-o
by Justice Anna von Reitz

Quick Start Guide for Veterans – 3

States of States

We left off the discussion about the States and the States of States with the question of what are these business organizations? Who or what is running them? We are now prepared to answer that question— there are two “States of States” organizations in each State of the Union.

One is a BritishTerritorial State of State organization operating under names styled like this: “the” State of New Hampshire.

The other is a Municipal STATE OF STATE organization operating under names styled like this: “the” STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE.

There are not supposed to be any Municipal STATES OF STATES operating within the borders of our actual States of the Union. In fact, there should be no “Municipalities” anywhere on our soil and no Municipal Corporations, either.

The Constitution of the United States only provides for one Municipality — the Municipality of Washington, DC — and that is limited to the “one-mile square” located within the Boundary Stones designated for it within the District of Columbia.

The Territorial States of States are, strictly speaking, not allowed either. They came in and usurped into the vacuum of power created when the American States of States ceased functioning — as an “emergency measure”.

They’ve kept the “emergency” going ever since, and never bothered to explain any of this to the American Public.

So we’ve had Cuckoo Bird British Territorial States of States operating in our States, and these organizations have operated in collusion with the Municipal STATES OF STATES to rob the actual States and people blind.

They formalized their collaboration via “The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States”, signed in 1937.

The clear duty that these Federal Subcontractors owed to us was to fully disclose the situation at the end of the Civil War and to assist us in Good Faith to restore our lawful government to full form and function.

Instead, they left our actual flag faced down, struck, in the Capitol Rotunda, in the Senate Chambers and the House Chambers, and did nothing to correct.

They couldn’t even take care of the Title IV Flag we allowed them to use when exercising our “Delegated Powers” — they let a pirate-like Russell-J: Gould walk into the capitol and claim it as if it were their property — instead of property belonging to us, The United States of America, the States of the Union, the American States and People.

Hordes of foreign political lobbyists have infested our Capitol and used our Public Resources and treasuries and assets as if we were gone on an endless holiday, “lost at sea”, and our erstwhile Allies, the Governments of Great Britain and Westminster, fed on our substance and plundered and pillaged our States and our people for generations.

These are the facts. And if you are Americans, it’s time to take stock of them.

Please note that the deceptions involved are all similar forms of deceit.

We have been led to mistake States of States for States, Territorial States of States for Confederate States of States, foreign Municipal STATES OF STATES for businesses that have a right to be on our soil, people for persons, “the” United States of America for The United States of America, and even “the” United States of America, Incorporated, as The United States of America.

No wonder people are confused. No wonder this country has been kept at constant war.

No wonder that our institutions and our social fabric have decayed. No wonder that generations of “public school” children have been fed pablum and false assumptions. No wonder that our country has declined in absolutely every category of measurable achievement.

We can’t tell our butt from buttercups without extreme effort on our own parts to delve out our own well-obscured history and map it out as we have just mapped it out for you.

And it all begins with the simple observation that a State is not a State of State.

Right now, the Perpetrators of these confusions have been thrown into havoc, because their constructive frauds and deceits and embezzlements have been discovered and brought forward.

Both “the” United States doing business as “the” UNITED STATES, INC., and “the” United States of America, doing business as “the” United States of America, Inc., have been bankrupted for criminality and cause.

Both remaining Federal Subcontractors are at least temporarily out of pocket, out of business, scrabbling around to create some new deceptively named corporation they can throw into the gap and hope to continue the same old game.

In Scotland, they recently created a new version of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.) and we have already complained about their continuing abuse of our name and trademark.

By Operation of Law, when a power delegated to another Principal or Party can no longer be exercised by that Principal or Party due to their incompetence — as in bankruptcy incompetence— the delegated power returns back to the Delegating Power.

In this case, the Delegated Powers have returned to The United States of America.

If you made an Oath to serve under those Delegated (and Abused) Powers, your Oath has returned to us, too.

Go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net to get reacquainted with your actual government and take part in the process of self-government that you are owed. Here you will also learn how to declare your proper political status as an American State National and “come home” to your birthright standing on the land and soil of this country.

Patriot, Q, America, veteran, people, Anna Von Reitz, lawful government, political status, reconstruction, Continental Congress, DeJure Government, land and soil, Jural Assembly, State Assembly, Assembly, American State National

Quick Start Guide for Veterans -1

Judge Anna 2peace-flag-w380-o

Quick Start Guide for Veterans -1

I have been asked, repeatedly, for a very brief explanation that everyone can understand, that explains the structure of our government — how it is supposed to be, and how it is, and the obligations of veterans and current military personnel with regard to their oaths made to defend the Constitution(s).

Okay, that’s a tall order and one I have struggled with for years. How to make it simple? Quick? Easy? I now have it down to six pages. It’s a dense six pages, but only six pages. Not a book. I am publishing this new effort in a series of three posts, 1, 2, 3, each one about two pages long. If you are a veteran or know someone who takes their commitment to this country seriously, this was written for vets. Please pay attention.


A State is not a State of State.

Read the statement above as many times as necessary and think about it.

Florida is not the same as State of Florida.

In fact, Florida is not the same as The State of Florida, the State of Florida, or the STATE OF FLORIDA or anything calling itself the STATE of FLORIDA or FLORIDA or…. These are all separate and distinctly different entities.

Florida is “corporate” but unincorporated— meaning that it has a name and a physical definition but is not “incorporated” into any other country or corporation.

Florida, the actual State, stands alone. It is complete. It has well-defined physical borders and is populated by living people.
All these other things calling themselves some variation of “State of Florida” are fundamentally different.

These are called “inchoate states” or “states-of-states” or “incomplete states”.

These States of States are various kinds of business organizations and they have no physical borders and no people live in them.

They are all incorporated, meaning that they are part of larger, parent organizations, and to the extent that they are “inhabited” they are inhabited by “persons” not people.

Persons are officers and employees of corporations who have duties to perform and who “reside” on a temporary basis in our actual States.

Stop a moment and think about what you have just learned.
The people living in Florida and the persons working for the State of Florida are not in the same political status. They aren’t operating in the same capacities.

Just like a State is not a State of State, one of the people isn’t a person.

The difference is very clear-cut, yet many of us get confused and think that the State of Florida is the same as Florida, when it is not. We also assume that if you have a pulse, you are one of the people, but in fact, you may be acting in the capacity of a person, instead.

There is an “apples and oranges” difference involved– and it needs to be clearly understood.

You, as one of the people born in a State of the Union, say Virginia, start your life as a Virginian. You are one of the living people of Virginia and you employ the State of Virginia (or some other State of State organization) to do business for you.

However, you can, if you so choose, go to work for the State of Virginia, and accept “an office of personhood”.

Do you see how that changes the capacity in which you are acting?

You went from being one of the people and an employer, to acting as a person and being an employee.

In effect, you left Virginia behind and entered the State of Virginia.

By doing this you subjected yourself to the private rules, codes, regulations, statutes, and policies of this business organization, which is simply in the business of providing “governmental services”.

In addition to accepting a paying job with a State of State, you can unwittingly enter this status if you “volunteer” to serve the State of State as a voter, a tax collector known as a “withholding agent”, a juror, or in any similar capacity.

Finally, there are two other ways you can leave your home in Virginia (or Florida or one of the other States of the Union—) and find yourself in the “foreign territory” of a State of State.

You can willingly and knowingly seek welfare benefits from the State of State, or you can be turned over to the State of State as a “ward of the state” — that is, an “incompetent” of some kind— an abandoned child, a pauper, a mental incompetent, or someone so physically incapacitated they can’t care for themselves.

Most of us have been misidentified as “wards” of State of State organizations when we were babies in our cradles. This has been done via False Registration processes that result in equally Unconscionable contracts obligating us to act as persons — known as citizens of the State of State.

So how do you get home to your birthright political status as one of the living people? A free man, a Virginian– living in Virginia, owed all the protections of the Law of the Land?

This question will be answered, but first, we need to look a bit deeper into the what these State of State business organizations really are— and who or what operates them?

The American State Assembly – Restore Lawful Government


Are You New To This Information? Get Up To Speed Fast! ORDER

“You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”

Printed Paperback book 275 pages from Amazon at this link.
About $23
Get it Here at Amazon

Ebook from Amazon

“You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”
EBook for Kindle or your Android device.
Only $2.99



“Disclosure 101: What You Need to Know”
This is a compilation of some of Anna’s earlier writings.
Paperback book from Amazon
About $17

Disclosure 101



Quick Start Guide for Veterans – 2

Judge Anna 2

American State Assembly – Restore Lawful Government

by Justice Anna von Reitz

Quick Start Guide for Veterans – 2

Original Sovereign Jurisdiction – Government of, for, and by the people/People.

Our actual government was set up during The War of Independence, between 1776 and 1781. The first instrumentality of this government was the Union of (E)states, published 4 July 1776, as a result of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence issued by the original colonies. A few months later, in September of 1776, these new States joined together and created a Federation of the States of the Union doing business as The United States of America. Nearly five years later, the States additionally created a Confederation to take up some of the slack and conduct commercial business for them.

All three – the Union, the Federation, and the Confederation – were set up and functional during the Revolutionary War and all three continued to function before, during, and after the Constitutions were adopted more than a decade later.

Stop and think about that.

It is important to understand that the Federal Constitutions (there are three (3) of them) represent the implementation of treaty agreements that were reached with King George and the Pope as part of the Peace Treaties ending The War of Independence.

It is also important to understand that our Federal Constitutions, like all Constitutions, are debt agreements based on service contracts. Someone agrees to do something and someone else agrees to pay for it.

In the case of the Federal Constitutions, the People acting as State Citizens and occupying the international land jurisdiction owed to each of the States, agreed to pay for certain enumerated services and also agreed to delegate the powers needed to perform these services to Subcontractors.

There are nineteen enumerated services and nineteen enumerated “delegated Powers” granted to three (3) Federal Subcontractors. They were/are:

1. The States of America —- operated by “the united States of America” [the original Confederation] under “The Constitution for the united States of America” – which were American Subcontractors, organized as States of States, doing business under names styled like this: The State of New York. This organization functioned from 1787 to 1863.

2. The British Territorial United States doing business as “the” United States of America, operating under “The Constitution of the United States of America”.

3. The Municipal United States Government doing business as “the” United States, operating under “The Constitution of the United States”.

Do you notice something important?

Our actual and original government and its instrumentalities – the Union doing business as The United States, and the Federation doing business as The United States of America and the Confederation doing business as the States of America don’t operate under any “Constitution”.

It’s only the Federal Subcontractors that operate under Constitutions.

Why? Because we don’t pay ourselves in gold to mow our own lawns.

So our actual government is the Union, the Federation, and the Confederation.

The Subcontractors are the American Federal, British Territorial and Papal Municipal Businesses.

The American Federal Subcontractors ceased cooperative operations in 1860 (Southern States of States walked out) and the remaining Federal States of States went bankrupt in 1863 (Northern States of States).

So if you took an “Oath” to protect and preserve “the” Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic — were you told any of this?

Did you know that you were taking an “Oath” to support and defend the service contracts of the remaining foreign business interests?

Were you told that you would be working for the Pope (Federal Civil Service) or the Queen (U.S. Military)?

Were you told that the American Federal Subcontractors were out of business, still pending “Reconstruction”? So there was no possibility that you were working directly for the American States and People?

Were you told that, ultimately, no matter which remaining Federal Subcontractor you worked for, Federal Civil Service or U.S. Military, you’d be working for the Pope?

The Pope directly controls the Municipal United States Government and the Federal Civil Service, and indirectly controls the U.S. Military because the Queen operates as his Overseer of Commonwealth – that is, British Territorial operations.

At any time, was it ever your understanding that you were working for the Pope or the British Monarch acting as his Overseer?

Read that – “the” United States refers to the Pope’s Municipal Government and “the” United States of America refers to the Pope’s Territorial/Commonwealth Government under the oversight of the British Monarch.

If you are like most Americans, you thought that “the” United States of America was the same as The United States of America — but one is a foreign British Territorial Subcontractor at the Federal level, and the other is the Federation of States. Actual States.

Exactly which one of these two entities did you mean to give your oath to?

The actual Government of the American States and People, or a foreign Federal Subcontractor?

And if you were never given full disclosure about any of this, why would you feel obligated to an Oath that was made under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure?

What possible legal or lawful obligation could ever be created by such an oath, purloined under conditions of non-disclosure?