Part 6 Ground Zero article Sin Verguenza (without shame) — texasmadeagle’s Blog

Title 42 is lapsing — and the border is about to be invaded. If you dig deep you will see that this border mess is again by design and part of the plan to disrupt the world and force the hidden hand of those who are pushing Agenda 2030. In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” The agenda […]

Part 6 Ground Zero article Sin Verguenza (without shame) — texasmadeagle’s Blog

Agenda 21: A Trojan Horse to Devolve America into a Communist Hovel. The Problem and The Solutions, Actions, Remedies!

The Problem:

From Ken Adachi, Editor
May 18, 2014

Agenda 21: A Trojan Horse to Devolve America into a Communist Hovel (May 18, 2014)

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[Editor’s Note: John Anthony‘s clear and definitve lecture is one of the best talks I’ve yet to hear on Agenda 21. You can’t explain it any more clearly, cogently, or lucidly than he has. If you are only going to listen to only one video on this page, then this is the video to watch. ]

Agenda 21 Clearly Explained ~ John Anthony, full version
Uploaded on Dec 23, 2011


Uploaded on Dec 23, 2011
For more information go to:

This detailed presentation clearly explains the connection between sustainable development and Agenda 21 as defined by the UN. In depth research shows how Agenda 21 will ultimately compromise your property rights.

Regarding Ms. Bruntdland: Some have suggested she is merely a Democrat and I am way off base. First off, Norway does not have a Democratic Party, but rather Socialist democrats. Hopefully there is a difference. Internet research can be a challenge, so I respect those who engage in it! However, check out the XX Congress of the Socialist International in NY. Gro was the first VP of the Socialist International whose goal is to interact with labour, social democrats and socialists worldwide to spread the socialist concept of democracy. It is quite possible to be member of the Democratic Party and a Socialist at the same time. It is members like Gro whose desire it is to move the Democratic party more toward the Social Democratic Party.

I also want to thank “6or8pack” for pointing out my error in mentioning that Betty Perry’s nose was injured by handcuffs. In fact, she slipped during her interaction with officers and hit her nose on the steps. Betty was aware of local ordinances, but chose to ignore them. This landed her in the holding pen. This error is mine.

Some have suggested they have “read Agenda 21 ” and there is nothing dangerous in the book and besides, the document has no power to override their Constitutional right to own and control private property. To read the book alone, without reading the preceeding and following documentation and activites would be somewhat like looking at a map of Brazil and feeling you now know how Brazilians think and feel.

The name A21 refers not only to the actual book, but to the entire sustainable development movement as defined by the United Nations dating back to the 1970’s through today. That is why it is important to not only listen to the entire video, but research on your own to gain more information. Since this presentation was completed vast new volumes of information have been compiled. Check the sources in the back of the presentation and the United Nation’s own websites to draw your own conclusions.

Thanks for viewing the video and for your observations. John

Presented 11/28/2011 Copyright 2011 John Anthony


Clint Ricahrdson deconstructs the lies and deception of the Agenda 21 ‘environmental’ ruse from Clint Richardson offers an excellent analysis of Who, How, and Why America is being undermined, subverted, and gradually transformed –by private corporations–into a third world nation where Americans will be forced to live in crowded, high rise, tenement buildings while 90% of the American land scape will be reverted into UNOCCUPIED wilderness regions where humans will be prohibited from living or working. This agenda fits perfectly with the first and tenth “commandments” of the notorious Georgia Guidestones spelling out the globalists’ plan for America. This is not fiction. This is not an exaggeration. This is real and it’s happening at a frightening pace while American citizens remain totally unaware of the subterfuge taking place right under their noses in city/town council chambers across the nation. This incredibly well researched presentation has been on Youtube for 5 months but has only been viewed by 10,671 people. This is not good. This video needs to be seen by millions of Americans — and soon. Please help distribute. It’s 2 hours and 50 minutes long, but Clint needed that much time to adequately explain the story. This guy is sacrificing himself in an attempt to save this nation. We need to help him in any way possible

Clint Richardson – Common Core, Agenda 21, And Global Privatization (How NWO Globalists are taking over America & the world)


More from Clint Richardson
CORE: Making Children Stupider Around The World

United States And Its Military Now Rotten To The CORE


Tom DeWesse
Tom has been on the internet for a long time and he’s written many articles on exposing the NWO takeover game, especially highlighting the use of the “green” movement, Global Warming, environmentalism, and the Agenda 21 subterfuge to install their communist enslavement society. He started to send me emails in June 2014 announcing his new Webinars for fighting Agenda 21, which I posted prominently on my Current News page. I assumed the videos could be viewed by anyone, but I’ve since discovered that you have to sign up to view the videos, which I don’t like. He’s now offering a manual for $39 that tells you how to fight Agenda 21. If interested, you can order his manual from this link:

Tom DeWesse of Stop Agenda 21 Reports Media Smear Campaign Launched (June 10, 2014).

Articles on Fighting The Agenda 21 Takeover from American Policy Center (June 24, 2014)


Alexandra Swann

Agenda 21: Bankrupting America into Utopia–One City at a Time


Published on May 31, 2013

Agenda 21 is a 1992 United Nations’ policy document which calls for using Smart Growth and Sustainability to remake the world into a new global order–devoid of private property and free enterprise. In this address, Alexandra talks about what Agenda 21 is, how it is being implemented throughout the U.S., and what you can do about it.

In 1986, Alexandra Swann graduated at fifteen years of age with a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Brigham Young University and a GPA of 3.85. The following year, when she was sixteen, she received a Master’s Degree in History from California State University. After graduation, she taught history and English as a second language for four years at El Paso Community College before opening her own business.. In 1989, her book, “No Regrets: How Homeschooling Earned me a Master’s Degree at Age Sixteen”, was published. She currently writes “Paying for Protection”,, a regular blog about the impact of excessive government regulations, including regulations designed to prevent climate change, on American society and freedom. She is author of “The Planner”, a novel about the impact of Agenda 21 in America, and co-author of “The Chosen” about the NDAA. For more information visit her website at

For more about Agenda 21 in America visit her blog:

Visit her website at


Lord Christopher Monckton – Agenda 21 and Environmental Marxism.mp4


Published on Apr 2, 2012

On March 18, 2012 Lord Christopher Monckton spoke to supporters of the International Free Press Society – Canada at Windermere Manor in London, Ontario. Topics of his speech included the United Nations, environmentalism, science, reason, Agenda 21, Marxism, Islam, and abortion as a major reason for the eventual downfall of the West.

Other videos of Lord Monckton during his visit to London, Ontario:

The Paddy Nerenberg Lecture at UWO

The Sphere and the Cylinder

Interview with Robert Vaughan

His appearance on Just Right with Professor Christopher Essex


Stacy Lynne

U.N. Taking Over City Councils Across Americ


Uploaded on Dec 24, 2011

Stacy Lynne educates We Are Change Colorado about the International Council on LOCAL Environmental Initiatives. An arm of the United Nations Agenda 21 and how they are using “GREENWASHING” to take over America.

The Democrat Party Is America’s Communist Party

2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress

Solutions, Actions, Remedies

American State Assembly


  Judge Anna 2

by Justice Anna von Reitz


Now that you “woke up” and declared and recorded your political status as an American State National or American State Citizen, it’s time to wake up to other Fun Facts as well.

For example, there are supposed to be three (3) Federal Subcontractors supplying the services of the Federal Government — (1) an American Federal Subcontractor doing business as the States of America Confederation (which has been missing in action since 1865); (2) a British Territorial Subcontractor that is doing business “in our names” as “the” United States of America; and (3) a Papist Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor doing business “in our name” as “the” United States.

Yes, Virginia, there are (supposed to be) “three branches” of the Federal Government– but that fact has nothing to do with the “executive, legislative, and judicial branches” within these governmental organizations.

What isn’t so obvious is that the two remaining foreign Federal Subcontractors are both under the direction of the Pope.

The British Territorial Subcontractor is under the law of the British Commonwealth, and the Commonwealth is managed by the Queen acting for the Pope. The remaining two Federal Subcontractors are Foreign and always have been, and both are directly or indirectly under the control of the Pope, and all those who are working for them in any capacity are Foreign Agents.

This includes not only the members of “the” US Congress, but their franchise employees operating the “State of State” governments around the country, and their agency employees at the Federal level — FBI, FEMA, CIA, etc.— they are all undeclared Foreign Agents on our shores, and always have been.

See the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and understand that every “Federal” Employee, including those operating the “federated” States of States and Counties, are all Foreign Agents with respect to us.

They have their own little world and jurisdiction and separate government and are “immune” to our laws — except for the pertinent Constitution, while we, for our part, are forever immune from them and their system. See Amendment XI.

Using these undisclosed facts and relationships to his advantage, the Pope could hide behind the “governmental services corporations” he hired and put in place as “storefronts”— while manipulating everything and everyone behind the scenes.

That is no longer possible.

If the Federal Government is mismanaged, misdirected, or misinformed, we know exactly who to blame for it. The Queen gets her share of the profits from embezzling and other crimes against us, but on the back end of it, as a loyal employee of the Pope.

So, it’s Il Papa responsible for this Mess, and only secondarily, the Queen.

Though the Perps try to obfuscate this next part, we don’t have any contracts with the “direct service providers” they hired.

Our contracts are established in our role as Principals and our contracts are directly with the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor of London. We don’t have a contract with these failed and bankrupt corporations that they put in place to act as shields and storefronts for them.

The situation is analogous to this — I hire Tom to make my Saturday bank deposits for me, so that I can enjoy the weekends off. Tom decides he wants a weekend off, and without telling me, hires his Cousin Amos to do his job for him. So he hands my bank deposit to Amos, and Amos runs off with it.

Who is to blame for this? Well, Amos is a crook, and we all know that. But who is accountable to me? Tom is accountable to me.

So if the Pope hires the British Crown Corporation to make my bank deposit and they run away with my money, guess what?

My issue is with the Pope, and only secondarily with the BCC.

It’s the same way in all respects and all the way down the line. If the Pope’s Municipal Government hires a bunch of Alphabet Soup Agency Subcontractors, and those Subcontractors misbehave and steal my deposit, who is accountable to me?

Again, my issue and yours, is with the Pope, and only secondarily with “the” UNITED STATES, INC. and in a tertiary sense, the FBI or IRS or BATF.

Our issue does not change as a result of the bankruptcy—solvency or insolvency— of these storefront organizations. Our beef remains with the Pope. He’s the one who has contracts with these entities, not us.

They are his “Cousin Amos”, and in the case of the Federal Agencies, his “Cousin Sue”, too.

Keeping his “Cousins” in line and restoring our purloined property, is his problem, not ours. As a foreign government, we don’t intend to make it our problem, either.

Francis and Benedict, both, are on the hot seat for all of this, and secondarily, all their Minions, the Queen, the Lord Mayor, “the” British Territorial United States, and “the” Municipal United States, and all their Subcontractors and Franchisees and Officers, including the State of State Governors and the Agencies, are responsible for their criminal acts and breaches of trust committed on our land and soil.

Cousin Sue may have done the dirt and hid the money, but Cousin Amos opened the backdoor for her to get into the house, and at the end of the day, the fact remains that my contract is with the Pope.

If our people are being seized upon and enslaved under a bizarre illegal and immoral and unlawful racketeering scheme by Cousin Amos, that’s Francis’s problem, too.

The Pope’s Municipal Government has been trying to foment a race war, based on Cousin Amos’ crimes.

They think that they can cause the problem, misdirect our attention from the fact that white people have been enslaved “in the land of the free” in the exact same way as black people, and somehow skate out of being culpable for all of this.

Fat chance.

There’s not going to be a “civil war” here. Our actual government, which is not always in session, has been called into session. We’ve told our erstwhile Subcontractors that we are at peace and that they are not allowed to conduct any kind of war on our shores.

We have observed to the Pope that as he controls both sides of any such conflict, he is responsible for any disservice. We won’t be paying him to stage any wars on our shores, Municipal, Territorial, or otherwise.

He will be identified as a diabolical schemer and anything but a Christian, if he doesn’t put on his Size 11 police brogues and deal with Cousin Amos and Cousin Sue and honor his contracts with us.

Our contracts are the respective Constitutions — one each.

The Constitution of the United States of America as ratified by the States of the Union applies to the British Territorial Government and all its Personnel.

The Constitution of the United States as ratified by the States of the Union applies to the Municipal United States Government and all its PERSONNEL.

Now that our State Assemblies have been called into Session and populated by people properly identifying themselves as American State Citizens, there can be no “mistaking” of the circumstance or our identity as the Principals owed performance of these venerable contracts, down to the last jot.

If there continues to be any “misunderstanding” of these facts by Cousin Sue, aka, the Alphabet Soup Agencies, or by Cousin Amos (aka the Municipal Government) or Cousin Alphonse (aka the Territorial Government) — guess who is responsible for giving the orders and sorting it out?

We, for our part, demand peace on our shores, the return of our purloined assets, and scrupulous adherence to the Constitutions owed to the American States and People by the Pope and his  Subcontractors. All of them, including the Subcontractors of the Subcontractors.

That includes the end of phony “live exercises” and media propaganda related to the ongoing Covid-19 False Flag on our shores and the correction of all State of State Governor franchisees, and the correction of all Alphabet Soup Agency Subcontractors, telling them to stand down and mind their own business. Obey their respective Constitutions.

Stop meddling in their Employer’s lives and affairs. Stop imposing their rules, regulations, codes, statutory laws and other internal corporate “laws” on their Employers. Their Employers are law-abiding, foreign to them, and living in their own country, thank you.

It is the absolute obligation of the Pope to return our people and our property to us, unharmed and unencumbered, to keep the peace here and abroad, and to honor his contracts with our States and People in all respects.



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Pandemic Panic To Usher In The UN’s 2030 Agenda Ten Years Early

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is the endgame of the global elite who want control over all resources on earth, including people. The “Great Panic of 2020” has been weaponized to create the biggest economic coup in the history of the world.

I would again note that control over political structures is incidental to control over all economic functions. When Technocracy prevails, elected politicians of all stripes will be summarily dismissed and engineers and scientists will run the world directly. For citizens, this is the essence of scientific dictatorship: there is no need for representative government because systems will be run autonomously via algorithm.

The threat of killing capitalism and free enterprise is very real and most definitely existential to America as we have known it for over 200 years. ⁃ TN Editor

When Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, also known as AOC, rewrote the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and rebranded them as the Green New Deal, many conservatives were heard laughing out loud.

She couldn’t be serious, could she? But who’s laughing now? AOC has gotten most everything she wanted in the Green New Deal.

  • Air traffic has all but ended, with long waits at airports a distant memory not likely to return anytime soon.
  • Automobile traffic on once-bustling highways has been reduced to a trickle.
  • Most Americans have either been told to work from home, or not work at all. They receive government paychecks to sit home and do nothing. AOC called it the universal basic income. It’s here.

It’s time for President Trump to end this nightmarish experiment. We need clarity.


Agenda 21 (Reinvented as Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050) is a Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World Population by 2030


Agenda 21 – and the recent ones Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 – is a plan to depopulate 95% of the world population by 2030.

It is an action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity because “we are too many”. It is promoted by the elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwideBill Gates even shared his view about how to achieve this goal by vaccinations and other means in a TedX lecture: Continue…


The American State Assembly


New to this information? Get up to speed fast!


“You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”
Printed Paperback book 275 pages from Amazon at this link.
About $23

Get it Here at Amazon

Ebook from Amazon

“You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”
EBook for Kindle or your Android device.
Only $2.99


“Disclosure 101: What You Need to Know”
This is a compilation of some of Anna’s earlier writings.
Paperback book from Amazon
About $17

Disclosure 101

UN Agenda 21-2030 The Inventory And Control Of ALL People,Water Minerals, Plants Animals, Construction Food And Information — Truth To Power

This is plan that was agreed to by 179 nations back in 1992 The UN Agenda for the 21st Century. It ushers in the total domination and the removal of all human rights and freedoms. The goal of Agenda 21 is One World Government and total control from a central unit.

via UN Agenda 21-2030 The Inventory And Control Of ALL People,Water Minerals, Plants Animals, Construction Food And Information — Truth To Power

Country’s and Cities – Deploying Heavy Security Measures Against The People As They Implement The Evil That Is Agenda 21 — Truth To Power


via Country’s and Cities – Deploying Heavy Security Measures Against The People As They Implement The Evil That Is Agenda 21 — Truth To Power

The United Nations Agendas Paint A Totalitarian Map for Corporate Dominion

Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council

If you connect all the dots to the various United Nations (U.N.) Agendas, would you create a map of mass regionalization and an eventual Totalitarian State?

Let us count the ways…

Agenda 21: Global Regional Plans Implemented Locally

According to the author of Behind the Green Mask, Rosa Koire says that “U.N. Agenda 21 is an agenda for the 21st century. It  is an inventory and control plan; inventory of all land, water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world.” It’s about moving populations into concentrated city centers and clearing them out of rural areas under “Smart Growth.” Under the guise of “Sustainability,” Agenda 21 is the hijacking of the environmental movement.


Presidential Executive Order 13834 Toilet to Tap – Required

Presidential Executive Order 13834
Toilet to Tap – Required
Required Treatment of Municipal
Sewer Water for Drinking
Reduce Water Consumption –
Replace with Sewer Reuse
Smart “wireless” Water Meters to Monitor Reduction Goals and Remotely
 “turnoff” individual access to water at the meter – should usage exceed your allocation.
We are told we are running out of water – we are NOT.
We are told water is finite, a limited resource and that droughts reduce water availability – droughts do NOT reduce water availability.
We are told we are over pumping wells and that aquifers are depleted – when aquifers could be recharged with primary water and they are NOT.  WHY?
Weather “control” technologies are reshaping reality and people are being indoctrinated into trusting and believing information that is NOT TRUE.
 Water is a “renewable”.
What we have are weather control deniers!
These deniers are very dangerous and leading us into a
worldwide disruption by bringing in Sustainable Development Agendas!
Learn MORE about the REALITY we ALL Face.
Learn and share the water “facts” – 
go to
(Print and distribute flyers from this website – to  raise awareness
before YOUR water is turned off and YOU are forced to drink sewer water.)
While this is an executive order for the United States, USA, Inc.
These are the plans Worldwide.


Presidential Executive Order 13834
Water Efficiency – FedCenter

Executive Order (EO) 13834, Efficient Federal Operations, was signed by President … Section 2, of EO 13834 directs federal facilities to continue the following efforts: …. options, and to improve the energy performance of the Federal Government. …. and design, treating municipal wastewater and reusing it for drinking water, …
EO 13514 Goals
Consistent with State law, identify, promote, and implement water reuse strategies that reduce potable water consumption; and EO 13423 established quantifiable water reduction requirements for Federal agencies and required that, beginning in FY 2008, Federal agencies must reduce water consumption intensity through life-cycle cost-effective measures relative to the baseline of the agency’s water consumption in FY 2007 by 2% annually through the end of FY 2015 or 16% by the end of FY 2015. EO 13514 extends the annual 2% reduction in water consumption intensity to 2020, thereby requiring a total reduction of 26%.
EO 13514 also establishes specific water reduction requirements for ILA water consumption and encourages the implementation of water reuse strategies
EO 13514 water efficiency and management goals support requirements contained in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA).
2.2 General Principles
When implementing the water efficiency and management goals of EO 13514, Federal agencies should pursue an “Efficiency First” approach, whereby they seek to reduce or eliminate water use wherever feasible by making the most efficient use of existing water sources and reducing use. Metering should be implemented wherever feasible to identify opportunities to reduce water use and enable tracking of reductions and associated benefits including cost savings.
The water use efficiency and management requirements of EO 13514 apply at the Agency level and agencies should focus on long-term reductions –
The DOE Guidance for the Implementation and Follow-up of Identified Energy and Water Efficiency Measures in Covered Facilities, can be found at