Global Corporate Banker’s Reset: Fedcoin, New Scheme for Tyranny and Poverty

Global Corporate Banker’s Reset: Fedcoin, New Scheme for Tyranny and Poverty

If some Congress members get their way, the Federal Reserve may soon be able to track many of your purchases in real time and share that information with government agencies. This is just one of the problems with the proposed “digital dollar” or “fedcoin.”

Fedcoin was initially included in the first coronavirus spending bill. While the proposal was dropped from the final version of the bill, there is still great interest in fedcoin on Capitol Hill. Some progressives have embraced fedcoin as a way to provide Americans with a “universal basic income.”

Both the Senate Banking Committee and the House Financial Services Committee held hearings on fedcoin in June. This is the first step toward making fedcoin a reality.

Fedcoin would not be an actual coin. Instead, it would be a special account created and maintained for each American by the Federal Reserve. Each month, Fed employees could tap a few keys on a computer and — bingo — each American would have dollars added to his Federal Reserve account. This is the 21st century equivalent of throwing money from helicopters.

Fedcoin could effect private cryptocurrencies. Also, it would limit the ability of private citizens to protect themselves from the Federal Reserve-caused decline in the dollar’s value.

Fedcoin would not magically increase the number of available goods and services. What it would do is drive up prices. The damage this would do to middle- and lower-income Americans would dwarf any benefit they receive from their monthly “gift” from the Fed. The rise in prices could lead to Congress regularly increasing fedcoin payments to Americans. These increases would cause prices to keep rising even more until we face hyperinflation and a dollar crisis. Of course, we are already on the path to an economic crisis thanks to the Fed. Fedcoin will hasten and worsen the crisis.

Fedcoin poses a great threat to privacy. The Federal Reserve could know when fedcoin is used, who is using it, and what they use it for. This information could be shared with government agencies, such as the FBI or IRS.

The government could use the ability to know how Americans are spending fedcoin to limit our ability to purchase goods and services disfavored by politicians and bureaucrats. Anyone who doubts this should recall the Obama administration’s Operation Choke Point. Operation Choke Point involved financial regulators “alerting” banks that dealing with certain businesses, such as gun stores, would put the banks at “reputational risk” and could subject them to greater regulation.

Is it so hard to believe that the ability to track purchases would be used in the future to “discourage” individuals from buying guns, fatty foods, or tobacco, or from being customers of corporations whose CEOs are not considered “woke” by the thought police? Fedcoin could also be used to “encourage” individuals to patronize “green” business, thus fulfilling Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s goal of involving the Fed in the fight against climate change.

Fedcoin could threaten private cryptocurrencies, increase inflation, and give government new powers over our financial transactions. Fedcoin will also speed up destruction of the fiat money system. Whatever gain fedcoin may bring to average Americans will come at terrible cost to liberty and prosperity.

Ron Paul Institute


US Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. and British pederast John Maynard Keynes conferring during international monetary conference to plan for postwar reconstruction.

Keynes was characterized by his male sweetheart, Lytton Strachey, as “A liberal and a sodomite, an atheist and a statistician.” His particular depravity was the sexual abuse of little boys. In communications to his homosexual friends, Keynes advised that they go to Tunis, “where bed and boy were also not expensive.”

As a sodomistic pedophiliac, he ranged throughout the Mediterranean area in search of boys for himself and his fellow socialists. Taking full advantage of the bitter poverty and abysmal ignorance in North Africa, the Middle East, and Italy, he purchased the bodies of children prostituted for English shillings [See Lytton Strachey, A Critical Biography, Michael Holyroyd, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, two volumes]. Read more at Charleston Voice

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Titanic Rothschild 1913 Federal Reserve

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“What if you knew what the markets were going to do before they did it? What if you knew the ultimate destiny of stocks, real estate, and gold and silver?”

You’ll recall that Ben Bernanke was the head of the [Unconstitutional Embedding 1913 Of A Private Rothschild Centralizing Bank aka;] US Federal Reserve in 2002. He made a speech at the National Economist Club, titled “Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn’t Happen Here.” The presentation was posted on the Fed’s [Crime Scene] website.

It is this speech that became Mike’s roadmap—and that’s because virtually everything then-chairman Bernanke said the Fed would do, they did. It’s actually quite remarkable when you compare his statements with the subsequent actions the [zionist mafia] Fed carried out.

[Crisis Was Manufactured] Bernanke said the Fed could fire up the printing press and create more currency to combat a crisis—and that’s exactly what it did ~ [How Convenient Is That?]

Because global central bankers continue to print money [in an attempt to hide their fraud], drive interest rates lower, run up debt levels, and spend more money than they bring in, we are headed for an even greater crisis than what we experienced in 2008. And because we know the roadmap central bankers are using, we know how to invest. As Mike says,

“Gold and silver are the only financial assets that come with a central bank guarantee.”

  1. The guarantee isn’t something printed on a coin or bar; the guarantee is that central banks will never stop creating currency [paper].
  2. The next crisis will force central bankers to repeat all of the steps above.
  3. They’ll pull out the roadmap Ben wrote in 2002 and implement the same strategies.
  4. And those strategies from central banks will drive gold and silver to gain more in purchasing power than any other asset.
  5. This is a brief moment in history where we know exactly how to position our portfolios.
  6. [Silver] Breakout Session Video Link


Paul Rosenberg of Freeman’s Perspective writes, “Evil” can be defined as the “willful abuse of other humans.”

Put into this context, evil is very real. And it’s scary, unpredictable and, unfortunately, very human.

But despite all of the fear surrounding evil, evil is not strong. In fact, it rests on a house of cards. It is incredibly weak.

And although it’s always been around, the lion’s share of evil has also always been perpetrated by a laughably small minority.

The vast majority of people simply want to be left alone to work as they wish and to raise a family and to grow old with the people they love.

1913 Rothschild Federal Reserve ~ A Non Federal Entity Illegally Written Into Acceptance By Rothschild Soldier Woodrow Wilson.

Evil, on the other hand, has other plans for good people’s work and their families and who they love. But, again, always remember that evil is weak.

“And not weak temporarily or in a certain situation,” says Rosenberg, “but fundamentally weak. Here’s why: Evil does not produce.”

Evil is the anti-producer. It is the destroyer of productivity. And the problem with being a productivity destroyer, to paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, is you eventually run out of productive things to destroy.

Evil, at its core, is dependent upon the good. It’s what makes it so abhorrent. But it’s also its downfall, because it requires for good men and women to comply to its wishes. And, eventually, when it comes to evil, the compliance of good men and women, by death or by rebellion, becomes a scarce commodity.

“Genghis Khan,” Rosenberg points out, “had to get his arrows, horses, and shields from somewhere, and he didn’t produce them himself. Likewise for Mao and Stalin and Tamerlane and the rest. One way or another, they required basically decent people to produce for them. Regardless of whether these producers were tricked or intimidated, it was they who armed evil; evil didn’t arm itself.

Out Of This Second Temple That Was Destroyed 70 A.D. ~ The Only Remnant Is The Western Wailing Wall In Rothschild's State Israel ~ Never To Be rebuilt

“And this brings us to one of the great, simple truths of our times:

“If goodness ever stops allowing evil to take advantage of it, evil is simply finished.”

“Right now,” Rosenberg goes on, “evil has tricked millions of productive people into doing its will. At this point, most think acquiescence is the right thing to do, or they simply don’t realize any option exists. And being in that position, they accommodate themselves to it. This can be seen in the moral confusion that is currently endemic. How else could people believe that what is immoral for one person is somehow moral for another?

  1. Federal Debt Created By NWO Czars & Held For The U.S. Public To Pay: Totals $107,000 Per Household

“So, the very first step toward the defeat of evil is to clarify morality. And here we can get a quick start, because morality is simple. It boils down to this.

“What is hateful to you, do not do to any man.”

When evil and morality are seen from this perspective, there is less room for ambiguity. And there’s more room for a deep understanding of who the true enemies to humanity are.

As Buckminster Fuller once said: “If you take all the machinery in the world and dump it in the ocean, within months more than half of all humanity will die and within another six months they’d almost all be gone; if you took all the politicians in the world, put them in a rocket, and sent them to the moon, everyone would get along fine.”

Who makes and maintains these machines that keep civilization humming along? Good, productive people all across the good, green Earth.

The productive people of the world make our lives more enjoyable, more comfortable and more free.

The evil of the world, on the other hand, are those who, through their own selfish and narcissistic line of reasoning, hate the productive and try like hell to turn the world against them.

Unfortunately, those who promote evil acts spend their lives practicing and perfecting the dark arts of emotional manipulation.

And will do absolutely anything — don’t put anything past them — to retain power and expand their influence. This includes maiming, stealing from and killing their “own people” for the so-called “greater good.”

This is why cutting through the fog between evil and freedom takes constant vigilance.

Jefferson Vigilance

To help with that, we invite the ever-vigilant Paul Rosenberg of Freeman’s Perspective to the show to reveal seven things about freedom and evil you didn’t learn in school.

Planck Space Telescope Satellite

Paul Rosenberg

#1: The “Dark Ages” were a liberation.

Forget Monty Python and the Holy Grail (and let’s be honest, probably half of us got our “Dark Ages” images from it); actual life after Rome was a tremendous release. The great tyranny collapsed and dissolved, agricultural production rose, average lifestyles improved, new technologies came into use, fine crafts continued and often improved, and even literature thrived. (Yes it did, and we have proof!)

Opportunities swung open to non-elite people (the 99% that history books ignore), and there was almost no one forbidding anything. If you wanted to take an empty field, work it, and build a small castle, you could probably do it… and a shocking number of people did!

Wars were not only tiny, but they were generally limited to the aristocracy. Unless you wanted to be involved with war, you were probably left quite alone. (Compare that to 20th century Europe!)

The Battle of Poitiers 25th October 732A.D.

#2: Christian Europe, alone among major civilizations, killed the ancient evil of slavery.

What you were taught in school was misleading, and what you weren’t taught was nearly criminal. There is no doubt about it, European Christians killed the massive slavery they inherited from Rome, and they killed it for moral reasons. That these people are given no credit for their triumph is a horrific wrong.

[One major reason why multiculturalism is a failure in Europe is its implicit moral relativism: all religions and cultures are seen as equals. But this means that those who adhere to Christian values, and those who espouse a preference for Sharia law, are voicing a similar perspective. This is worse than nonsense: the former yields liberty and justice; the latter yields slavery. ~ Volubrjotr]

#3: The most profitable business on Earth, by far, is government.

We’ve crunched the numbers from several eras, and the verdict is clear: No other business model comes close; nothing rakes in money like a government. The numbers were so large, however, that we needed a method of proof – some way to double-check them.

And we found one, by comparing them to the tributes that warlords were able to extract from frightened governments.

In the end, the statement stands confirmed: Government is, by far, the biggest and most profitable business on the planet, and always has been.

Jaco Rothschild ~

  1. Carnival Of Predictive Mind Control
  2. 9 Indisputable Facts About Scientific Conspiracy Theorists

#4: There were a massive number of non-conformist communities in 19th century America.

This was a major part of the American tradition, and it is all but forgotten. It was such a big thing, in fact, that Ralph Waldo Emerson commented, “[There is] not a reading man but [who] has a draft of a new community in his waistcoat pocket.”

These utopian groups were the nurseries where many Americans of that era learned to think and act independently. I counted 117 groups (many with multiple communities) before I simply ran out of time. The famous abolitionist, Sojourner Truth, for example, learned how to act independently – to take risks and to defy authority – in one of the craziest of these groups. Many of the best people of the era had similar experiences. This chapter of American history should not have been scrubbed from the books.

#5: Genius is mainly a trick, and it doesn’t require massive brainpower.

Have you ever seen the equipment Galileo used to prove the basic operation of gravity? It looks like a high school shop project; there’s nothing “genius” about it. And in fact, genius by itself has led to very few real breakthroughs. Just thinking faster than the next person doesn’t matter terribly much if the other guy spends a little extra time.

The crucial thing about genius then is not mental speed (that’s what IQ tests major upon); it’s that actual geniuses learn something crucial: They can be right when everyone else is wrong.

The kid who is hated for being smart can’t escape this fact, and so he or she (if not too damaged by the experience) becomes familiar with thinking independently… and that’s what produces the magic.

Behind The Facade


The Zionist Elite Have Lost The Consent Of The Governed: Meet The Lecters!

#6: The first city was a peaceful anarchy.

We have a tremendous amount of evidence from this city, now called Catalhoyuk. As many as 10,000 people lived there between 7400 BC and 6000 BC, with no master and no overseer. There was no courthouse, no tax collector, no central administration of any kind.

Furthermore, these people, almost 5,000 years before the pyramids of Egypt, were peaceful, cooperative, individualistic, and highly artistic. They were clean, well dressed, well fed, and productive. Many were long-distance traders, and they may have used obsidian as a currency.

They were anything but ignorant prehistoric brutes. The artifacts tell the tale.

#7: We can step into a golden age any time we want to.

Scarcity has been dying for centuries now. The price of commodities like wheat and copper have flat-lined when measured in wages. And with the technologies we have coming online now, this process is only speeding up.

Our problem is that we’ve authorized an incredible amount of replacement scarcity, and that’s what keeps us working double shifts to no great benefit.

But as soon as we decide that it’s not really our duty to enthrone people we despise… once we stop “needing” every new piece of iCrap… when we stop living to impress our neighbors and start cultivating our actual lives… we’ll find that we’re already rich and we’re already producing enough for everyone to have plenty.

We’ve been conditioned to believe this is impossible, but the math says otherwise.


Paul Rosenberg
Author and blogger, Freeman’s Perspective

Chris Campbell
Written By Chris Campbell
Chris Campbell is the Managing editor of Laissez Faire Today.

Laissez Faire


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