Hillary Clinton: I’m The Most Investigated ‘Innocent Person’ In America – News Punch — Wake Up To The Truth

The twice failed Democrat presidential candidate continues to refuse to accept one iota of blame for the litany of mistakes and missteps she has made during her 40+ years in American politics. March 6, 2020 Baxter Dmitry Hillary Clinton protests her innocence in new documentary ‘Hillary,’ with the former secretary of state claiming she is […]

via Hillary Clinton: I’m The Most Investigated ‘Innocent Person’ In America – News Punch — Wake Up To The Truth

Fitton: Trump Justice Dept. fighting to protect Hillary Clinton and shield her emails from discover

If you still wondered whether the “deep state” was a real thing and that our various government agencies and institutions are populated with careerists hell-bent on protecting their own power and influence, this story should convince you.

If there has been one organization dedicated to getting to the very bottom of the various scandals committed during the Obama administration — especially “Spygate,” which involved a coup attempt against a sitting, duly-elected president — it’s Judicial Watch.

Headed by Tom Fitton, the government watchdog group’s long-serving president, JW has produced more evidence and exposed more corruption and wrongdoing over the past three years alone than any branch of the federal government.

But the organization has had to fight tooth and nail for ever bit of progress, every scrap of evidence, and every small detail by the same deep state that protected Barack Obama and his band of criminal sycophants.

Only now it’s being run by President Donald Trump — or, rather, it’s supposed to be. But nothing’s changed.

In a video posted online this week, Fitton noted that Attorney General William Barr’s Justice Department continues to block legitimate document requests and even court orders so it can keep evidence implicating the most criminally investigated presidential contender ever — Hillary Clinton — from being implicated in illegal activities and even charged.

Fitton said that JW was in court last week “trying to get additional discovery” in ongoing cases “per the court’s” instructions, “and who was there fighting us? The Justice Department protecting Hillary Clinton on her emails and Benghazi,” he said, a reference to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya that left three American operatives and the U.S. ambassador, Chris Stephens, dead.

“So last week the Justice Department is protecting Hillary Clinton. This week the Justice Department is confirmed to have given [fired FBI Director] James Comey a get out of jail free card,” Fitton said. “Do you share my concerns?”

There’s new leadership at the DoJ — isn’t there?

Thankfully, he noted, in this case the court did grant JW the discovery motion it requested, just as the organization’s lawyers have spent months interviewing more than 12 witnesses to glean “new information” regarding Clinton’s criminal mishandling of classified emails.

“We had more questions as a result” of those interviews, so “we wanted more discovery,” Fitton said. “We went into court and we asked for it, and the court granted us virtually everything we asked for.” CONTINUE…CONTINUE…

FBI Releases Damning Hillary Clinton Email Docs Showing Server Info Found on Dark Web — Nwo Report

Intelligence community didn’t act on any of this information, docs show Source: Jamie White | Infowars.com The FBI released a trove of documents related to Hillary Clinton’s email investigation, revealing among other things that information from her private server was found on the Dark Web. The 427-page FBI report concluded that Romanian hacker “Guccifer” compromised […]

via FBI Releases Damning Hillary Clinton Email Docs Showing Server Info Found on Dark Web — Nwo Report

The Julian Assange Indictment, by Robert Gore — NCRenegade

The death of the First Amendment The US Department of Justice has brought an 18-charge indictment against Julian Assange. Seventeen of the counts are for violations of the Espionage Act. To much scorn and derision Wikileaks and Assange have been warning for years that this is exactly what the US government would do. They have…

via The Julian Assange Indictment, by Robert Gore — NCRenegade


The Selective Application of Justice Is Not Justice At All–

Daniel Ellsberg on Julian Assange’s Espionage Charges: It Cuts Out The First Amendment, Essentially! + Chelsea Manning Back in Prison — Dandelion Salad

Dandelion Salad TheRealNews on May 23, 2019 The US Department of Justice issued an 18-count indictment against Julian Assange for violating the 1917 Espionage Act. We speak to Daniel Ellsberg about the dangerous implications this move has for journalism in the United States.

via Daniel Ellsberg on Julian Assange’s Espionage Charges: It Cuts Out The First Amendment, Essentially! + Chelsea Manning Back in Prison — Dandelion Salad

Selective Justice: Hillary violated the Espionage Act

Political IQ – How’s Yours? How the criminals are using our land jurisdiction as a safe haven.


By Anna Von Reitz

The only Clinton Indictment I have seen is a Common Law Indictment.  The only place that the Federales have left where such an indictment can be served is the Federal Postal District Court — and that has to be manned by people occupying the land jurisdiction of this country, like me, and enforced by people occupying the land jurisdiction of this country.
None of the Municipal or Territorial employees can do this, because the Constitutions allowing their operations forbid it.
That’s how the Clintons and other criminals have gotten away with their activities for so long.
It’s like the old movies where the guys running gin to New York during The Prohibition got their hot rods “over the county line” and thumbed their noses at the pursuing County Sheriff.
The criminals are using our land jurisdiction as a safe haven, because they figure we will never have brains enough to figure out what they are doing and come after them.  They cross over the line and stand there grinning at the cops, who, after all, are only “law enforcement officers” —-and can’t cross the line.
The Territorial and Municipal employees — have to stand back and suck their thumbs, because they can’t pursue these criminals if it means trespassing on our land jurisdiction.
So even though the Indictment against Hillary Clinton being circulated on the internet is correct and lawful, it requires people to wake up to enforce it.  We have to seat the appropriate Federal Postal District Courts and we have to appoint men to act as Bounty Hunters to arrest these criminals, who otherwise shelter in our jurisdiction the same way that pirates used to shelter in the Caribbean Islands.
As more Americans “come home” and “re-populate” the land jurisdiction we are heir to, and as more people understand the jurisdictions established by the original Constitution, and as more competent Americans step forward to organize the necessary Courts and also to enforce the Public Law, we will bring these fiends to justice.
Mr. Trump is doing a good job maintaining control and cleaning out the Swamp on his side of the fence.  We need to do the same on ours.
I realize that this is easier said than done.  We have relatively few people who are competent to fill the vacancies of the Federal Postal District Courts and even fewer who are up to speed on the nuances of the Bounty Hunter provisions of the Territorial 14th Amendment.  But we are paying attention and we are making progress and more and more people are learning the facts of the matter.
This situation developed over the course of 150 years.  Fixing it isn’t easy or instant.
We aren’t going to be able to click our heels like Dorothy and resolve it simply by “going home” — once we get home, we have to deal with the criminals who have infested our farm back in Kansas.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com

Clinton Indictment

By Anna Von Reitz

The only Clinton Indictment I have seen is a Common Law Indictment.  The only place that the Federales have left where such an indictment can be served is the Federal Postal District Court — and that has to be manned by people occupying the land jurisdiction of this country, like me, and enforced by people occupying the land jurisdiction of this country.
None of the Municipal or Territorial employees can do this, because the Constitutions allowing their operations forbid it.
That’s how the Clintons and other criminals have gotten away with their activities for so long.
It’s like the old movies where the guys running gin to New York during The Prohibition got their hot rods “over the county line” and thumbed their noses at the pursuing County Sheriff.
The criminals are using our land jurisdiction as a safe haven, because they figure we will never have brains enough to figure out what they are doing and come after them.  They cross over the line and stand there grinning at the cops, who, after all, are only “law enforcement officers” —-and can’t cross the line.
The Territorial and Municipal employees — have to stand back and suck their thumbs, because they can’t pursue these criminals if it means trespassing on our land jurisdiction.
So even though the Indictment against Hillary Clinton being circulated on the internet is correct and lawful, it requires people to wake up to enforce it.  We have to seat the appropriate Federal Postal District Courts and we have to appoint men to act as Bounty Hunters to arrest these criminals, who otherwise shelter in our jurisdiction the same way that pirates used to shelter in the Caribbean Islands.
As more Americans “come home” and “re-populate” the land jurisdiction we are heir to, and as more people understand the jurisdictions established by the original Constitution, and as more competent Americans step forward to organize the necessary Courts and also to enforce the Public Law, we will bring these fiends to justice.
Mr. Trump is doing a good job maintaining control and cleaning out the Swamp on his side of the fence.  We need to do the same on ours.
I realize that this is easier said than done.  We have relatively few people who are competent to fill the vacancies of the Federal Postal District Courts and even fewer who are up to speed on the nuances of the Bounty Hunter provisions of the Territorial 14th Amendment.  But we are paying attention and we are making progress and more and more people are learning the facts of the matter.
This situation developed over the course of 150 years.  Fixing it isn’t easy or instant.
We aren’t going to be able to click our heels like Dorothy and resolve it simply by “going home” — once we get home, we have to deal with the criminals who have infested our farm back in Kansas.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com
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