Moderna’s totally disqualifying RED FLAG “strategic” relationships to the Queen, Wellcome Trust and Bill Gates — Wake Up To The Truth

Americans for Innovation August 4, 2020 Readers: This is a work in progress. Please check back in another day to see what else we have found out about this INSIDER TRADING group. We will be adding material as it comes in from the mines. Mike and Doug explain what this disclosure means in our […]

via Moderna’s totally disqualifying RED FLAG “strategic” relationships to the Queen, Wellcome Trust and Bill Gates — Wake Up To The Truth

Also See:

For England 5.0 and America, Too

Another Iteration of The Big Lie

Initiation Rituals in to NWO Part 1 and 2. Mask Waring and Hand Washing – The Mystery of Babylon.

Trump Caved: Directly funds BILL GATES’ Global Alliance VACCINE Initiative after withdrawing money from WHO

Trump now has his State Department directing funds to the Gates Foundations ‘Global Alliance Vaccine Initiate’ via USAID. Upwards of 2 Billion will now be given directly to Bill Gates.

Source with thanks

World coup

Crimes against humanity by church, state, science, and corporate, child sex trafficking, debt slavery, toxic food, water, air, technology, vaccines, etc., are sustained via the electoral process because voting is CONsent to more of the same.

There is only one political party, it’s dark, and it’s candidates are chosen by ruling entities to defeat man at all cost.

Scroll down the page to Protocol 10: Preparing for Power. It includes Inoculation of diseases. Read 10.4 + 10.5 and ponder this: COVID19 is not about the flu it is the catalyst for a world coup!

5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells

Thanks to Judy for this information.

The last line in the Abstract reads:
Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.

What does that suggest to you?

More to follow about the ‘battle for our mind’.

Please share. Thank you.

Doreen A Agostino
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Sent via hardwired computer
All wireless turned off to safeguard life


Why The World Health Organization Treats Bill Gates Like A President

Bill Gates and former World Health Organization Director, Margaret ChanBill Gates and former World Health Organization Director, Margaret Chan
Listen to article

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health. It was established on April 7, 1948, and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO is a member of the United Nations Development Group.

But the WHO is also a very corrupt organization and amongst other crimes involved in stealing Ebola blood samples for profits and biowarfare purposes and sex abuse during the Ebola vaccine trial and error studies in the Democratic Republic Congo.

The constitution of the World Health Organization had been signed by 61 countries on July 22, 1946, with the first meeting of the World Health Assembly, nowadays working with 194 Member States and from more than 150 offices.

It is most striking that all WHO member states never interfere in WHO criminal behavior which means that they have allowed WHO to commit medical crimes. by allowing. For the record, all the member states associated with WHO is involved.

The WHO is responsible for the World Health Report, the worldwide World Health Survey, and World Health Day. The current Director-General of the WHO is Tedros Adhanom, who started his five-year term on 1 July 2017 but as we have noticed there are many negative articles about him as well. And not only Tedros in spooky deals but also two of his friends Bill Gates and George Soros.

Bill Gates and George Soros are pulling on the strings of WHO

The WHO (World Health Organization) deals with the health of the world. A noble goal, but the organization has been struggling for decades with the lack of money. The biggest criticism of the WHO is that instead of helping mankind, it supports the economy.

The WHO is the highest authority on health in the world. It should be an independent organization, but for a very large part, it is financed by one person: Bill Gates.

The ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ has donated more than $ 2 billion to the WHO since the ’90s. Gates’ hobbyhorse is to eliminate the polio virus. He wants to achieve that by vaccinating as many children around the world against polio.

He proclaimed the year 2010 as the start of: ‘The Decade of Vaccinations.’ But we call this decade the beginning of the end for those who receive mostly contaminated or genetic engineered vaccines.

But Bill Gates is a businessman and knows that the “global vaccine market” is undergoing rapid growth, which, according to the WHO, will be translated into a turnover of no less than 100 billion dollars a year by 2025 if all goes well.

Why are there so few people who see through the corruption of the WHO? Besides that Gates knows as no other that there is no charity involved but profits.

The report does not include a study of the side effects of vaccines, which, in the case of weakened children, must be considerably higher than in well-fed western babies. These, too, apparently do not exist for GAVI. But the worst thing is that this ‘success’ does not change to disease-causing circumstances!

Links between George Soros, the Wikimedia Foundation and the drug industry is clear. Soros is a Hungarian-born currency speculator and multi-billion dollar stock market wheeler-dealer who has been convicted or insider trading in France.

Soros was accused in court by the Dr. Rath Foundation of having funded the ARV drug-promoting Treatment Action Campaign to the tune of 1.4 million South African Rand. He has also invested heavily in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors over the years, buying large holdings in companies such as Pfizer, Merck, and Monsanto.

Significantly, therefore, is Melissa Hagemann, a senior program manager of the Soros Open Society Foundations’ Information Program, which operates Wikipedia. Hagemann has worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization that, like Soros, has invested heavily in the drug industry over the years.

According to the Los Angeles Times, they reap fixed financial gains from investments that contravene its claims to good works.

Similarly, Ethan Zuckerman, another former member of the Wikimedia advisory board, has also had connections to Soros on the Global Board of his Open Society Foundations.

Soros and currency speculation
Once in the middle of the euro, and large bets against it, Soros has a long history of engaging in morally dubious currency speculation schemes for personal gain. In early 1992, for example, he said it had entered the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) – the currency exchange system that prepared for the euro currency – at too high a rate.

As a result, he spent months building up a gigantic trading position with the aim of profiting on a colossal scale. Reportedly borrowing around 6.5 billion British pounds, Soros in his mixture of German Deutschmarks and French francs. On September 16, 1992, now known as “Black Wednesday,” his gamble paid off and brought him a fortune.

Over the following days, he unwound his positions, causing a tidal wave of selling the pound on foreign exchanges, with the result that the United Kingdom was forced to drop out of the ERM. As a result, Soros made a profit of around £ 1 billion and became known as “The man who broke the Bank of England.”

As far as the WHO corruption is concerned, dear readers read this:

In fact, we can state that none of the WHO member states does undertake any action to stop these mafioso persons, pulling the strings behind WHO, who decide who on this world get food, housing or contaminated vaccines in order to depopulate the poor countries.

It is most striking that none of the WHO member states, amongst them Belgium and the Netherlands, so-called democratic countries, don’t undertake any action to stop this WHO corruption. Moreover, this means that.

“World Health Organization Member States Are Also Responsible For The WHO Corruption”

The independence of the World Health Organization (WHO) has been seriously affected. This proves a document from the annual meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA – the decision-making body of the WHO) from 2018 that reveals information about where the financing of the organization comes from.

In 2017, the total amount that the WHO received from countries (Member States) was exceeded by the number of non-governmental participants, including the pharmaceutical industry.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contributed nearly $ 327 million to the WHO General Fund, making it the second largest donor. The only donation higher than that of the Gates Foundation came from the United States government.

The money donated by countries to the WHO General Fund amounted to $ 1.06 billion in 2017. This was less than the contributions from the non-governmental participants, which together donated $ 1.08 billion.

In addition to the Gates Foundation, prominent sources of finance were the EU in Brussels, which provided more than $ 84 million; the ‘Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’, an organization that promotes the use of antiretroviral drugs and other pharmaceutical approaches and provided more than $ 16 million; and UNITAID, also an organization that promotes the use of medicines and contributed nearly $ 30 million.

Donations from the pharmaceutical industry to WHO

The medicine, chemical industry, and their investors are prominently on the list of WHO donors. The money that these sources contributed to the WHO General Fund in 2017 included the following multinationals:

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King Bill Gates is treated as a head of state by the WHO

Why King Bill Gates is treated as a head of state by the WHO? With contributions from the Gates Foundation that are higher than those of any national government to the WHO except the United States, the WHO clearly no longer has any independence in the field of health.

After it has exchanged scientific credibility for financing by business interests, the WHO’s advice on the prevention and control of diseases can no longer be trusted.

With the money donated by Gates, he undoubtedly buys a lot of attention from the WHO. To illustrate the extent to which he ‘took possession of the organization’, the picture at the top of this article shows him next to Margaret Chan, WHO director between 2007 and 2017, at a press conference in Geneva.

The increased influence of Gates during Chan’s tenure on WHO has led him to be referred to by some as “the world’s most powerful physician.” Persbureau Politico has pointed out that the size of its donations has given Gates an extraordinary influence on the WHO’s agenda. The first person to hold a keynote speech at a WHA meeting said that Gates’ authority at the WHO is similar to that of a head of state.

Considering this, it is not difficult to assume that if Gates ever threatened to withdraw its gigantic funding, the WHO would inevitably adapt its policy to its will. It is even said that the appointment in 2017 of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as the new director general of the WHO support came from Bill Gates.

It is clear that the WHO, after having sold its soul to Gates and other business donors, no longer looks after the interests of patients. That is why the time has come to replace this organization with a new global body whose task is to make natural preventive health care a human right.

To achieve this, an organization must be established that is truly independent. Avoiding the mistakes of the WHO and its leaders is crucial for such a body to succeed.

Johan van Dongen
Johan van Dongen, © 2019Johan Van Dongen is a man who cares about humanity. As a scientist, he believes the scientific world is on the wrong track when it comes to the secret of using human beings for experiments and for testing bio-weapons. Column: JohanvanDongen

Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity … Are you willing to take the risk? 

Vax facts prior to ‘roll up the sleeve’ vaccine mandate attempts

Why are the world’s top vaccine promoters like Paul Offit and Peter Hotez, frantically warning us about the unique and frightening dangers inherent in developing a SARS- CoV-2 Virus vaccine?

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

In this video footage, the world’s top vaccine promoters Paul Offit, Peter Hotez and even Anthony Fauci (in an unguarded moment), warn that any new coronavirus vaccine could trigger lethal immune reactions when vaccinated people come in contact with the wild virus. Instead of proceeding with caution, Fauci made the reckless choice to fast track vaccines partially funded by Gates, without critical animal studies before moving into human clinical trials that could provide early warning of runaway immune response.

Gates (in the video) is so worried about the danger of adverse events that he says vaccines shouldn’t be distributed until governments agree to indemnity against lawsuits.

On February 4th 2020, when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website states that there were only 11 active CV cases in the USA, the U.S. quietly pushed through Federal regulations giving coronavirus vaccine makers full immunity from liability.

Are you willing to take the risk?


More Physicians Go On The Record Explaining Why COVID-19 Deaths May Be Exaggerated

Architecture of oppression

Shane chats with former NSA spy and whistleblower Edward Snowden on the rise of authoritarianism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Edward Snowden delves into the world of surveillance, privacy, and our future civil liberties, as international governments and autocratic regimes enact bold, new policies to  curb the virus.

Register to watch

Parents should be informed about both the benefits and the risks associated with vaccines – without pressure, propaganda, or agenda.

So Ty and Charlene Bollinger brought together more than 60 of the world’s foremost health experts – including CHD’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – to investigate both sides of this contentious debate to give you the science, the history, and the untold story… the REAL information you need to make an informed decision on how to best protect your child.

Please, spread the word before people CONsent to a vaccine that is said to contain DNA that will override man’s original DNA to erase all cause, core, memory and record of the One True Creator in whose Image man was made, and that CONsent to a radio frequency ID 2020 chip is CONsent to be tracked like a wild animal 24/7/365. Thank you.

Doreen A Agostino
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Sent via hardwired computer
All wireless turned off to safeguard life

Donald J. Trump: Petition Received, Enough Signatures Calling for Investigation of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Medical Malpractice and Crimes Against Humanity — Life, Death and all between

We Call For Investigations Into The “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity You can still sign the petition — it has three time… Source: Donald J. Trump: Petition Received, Enough Signatures Calling for Investigation of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Medical Malpractice and Crimes Against Humanity

via Donald J. Trump: Petition Received, Enough Signatures Calling for Investigation of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Medical Malpractice and Crimes Against Humanity — Life, Death and all between

War “Talk” Against China is Crazy — and Unjustified

Judge Anna 2
By Anna Von Reitz

We have heard sabers rattling and all sorts of bombast against China coming from all sorts of sources and it needs to stop.

Number One Reason?

The Wuhan Bio-Tech Lab where all this started is owned by George Soros, a citizen of the United States.  Not a Chinese lab at all, even though Chinese scientists were working there.

Number Two Reason?

The “feedstock” for the development of the chimera strain corona virus also came from the US, and was most likely donated or sold into the development project by Dr. Anthony Fauci. The virus has HIV splices of genetic coding allowing it to produce Glycoprotein 120, which has been Fauci’s “baby” since the 1980’s.

Number Three Reason?

In 2014, the US stopped development of chimera viruses.  In 2015, Fauci diverted almost $4 million in NIH research funding to George Soros’s Wuhan facility so the Chinese could continue development — Fauci evaded US Law and misappropriated funds to do it..

Number Four Reason?

Dr. Charles Lieber, a leading biological nanotech researcher and head of one of Harvard University’s science programs was also deeply involved along with Chinese Grad Students.  If anything, it looks like the Chinese were  being manipulated by these schmucks who were finagling to keep on researching and developing bioweapons that they stood to profit from. When they could no longer do it here, they moved to China. This was a US Project that got moved to China, not a Chinese Project.

Number Five Reason?

The first person to develop symptoms of  “Covid 19” was a non-Com from Fort Detrick.

Number Six Reason?

This was obviously a set up with Bill Gates, WHO, the World Bank, and other investors and vaccine manufacturers.  Gates has heavily invested in virus development and vaccine factories, both.  He and Fauci are pals.  Both stand to make huge fortunes and gain immense political power if they can pull this scam off.  WHO is obviously complicit.  What kind of scientific or medical organization declares a pandemic based on 150 cases, and on top of it, fails to initiate any clinical process to identify the specific pathogen?  The World Bank is also obviously complicit — inviting investors to put their money into  “Pandemic Bonds” just in time to collect on a staged pandemic.

Number Seven Reason?

This whole thing was hardly hitting the news before “the US, Inc.” was in court, finagling and accusing China of being liable for all the economic damages caused by this phony pandemic, and that amount being sought just happened to be almost exactly the same as the US-China Trade Deficit.   Read that, the pikers caused this problem, blamed it on China, and have been trying to force China to pay them “reparations” for the damage they caused to everyone concerned.

Number Eight Reason?

Almost simultaneously, the new British 20 Pound Note was issued by the Government of Westminster, showing a cheesey photograph of the Queen and — wonder of wonders —- a holograph of a 5G tower,and right above it, the laboratory symbol for the corona virus.  The perky bastards fully admitted that they were the cause of the problem and the 5G connection, too, right there in front of God and everyone, in language nobody could miss or misunderstand.  They took credit for it.  So why on Earth is anyone looking elsewhere?

Number Nine Reason?

What did the Chinese gain?  Nothing.  They lost lives.  They lost trade.  They lost support from their own people.    What did “the US” gain?  A fleeting excuse to back-charge China for a well-earned Trade Deficit.  China is THEIR creditor, not ours. And we’ve made it clear that we are not paying their debts for them. Now we have to make it clear that we aren’t going to war for them, either.

Number Ten Reason?

The Americans and the Chinese, both, are owed a whopping large amount of credit back from “the United States”—- which owes us somewhere around $25 trillion as unpaid “National Credit” and owes China nearly that much as an unpaid Trade Deficit.

The Pikers cannot or will not pay their debts or deal honestly about the circumstance, so they planned first to attack and kill us via a civil war.  That plan was exposed and defeated, so now the weasels want to find an excuse to kill their other Creditors, the Chinese, —- and get us to do it for them.

This is all about the US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. not paying their debts, and then plotting to strong-arm racketeer or murder their creditors —and both the American People and the Chinese People have been in the cross-hairs for this malarky.


The Chinese have, with 99% certainty, been targeted both as: (1) potential collaborators, and (2) victims of a giant con scheme designed to— one way or another— erase “the US” Trade Deficit with China.

China had nothing to gain from dirtying itself by unleashing a bioweapon attack on the rest of the world.  That would be shooting its customers in the foot.  No, China had nothing to gain — but the US and its British Siphons in Westminster stood to gain, and so did WHO and the World Bank and Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates and Bayer, Inc., and CDC (which is a private vaccine manufacturer), and George Soros and all the Dem Deep Staters could hope to blame all this on Donald Trump.

Simple enough.

We know who did this.  We know why.  There is no big mystery here.  There’s just a failure to own up and face facts. It’s easier to blame people who are innocent but different from us, than to face down the monster we have allowed to inhabit our own shores, walk down our streets, and sleep in our beds.

If Americans go to war over any of this, we aren’t going to march on Shanghai. Oh, no.  And we won’t be tricked into bombing Berlin, either.


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna’s website here:

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