Personal Integrity

Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruent with your own Personal Value System, moral principles, and ethics. It generally requires personal choice and commitment to align ourselves and to stay consistent with personal values and ethical standards, so that when we speak we mean what we say.

Developing Personal Integrity is essential to becoming a stable, clear and trustworthy person that aligns their decisions in life with their chosen personal values. It is the milestone of building strong character, which is guided by ones chosen personal values. This is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self. We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves. When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability for dark force manipulation that many times descends even more darkness and chaos into the situation where we had made the compromise. To support the embodiment of our true essential nature, and achieve single soul occupancy and continual consciousness expansion, it is imperative that we understand how to generate and maintain Personal Integrity

Self-Inquiry upon Personal Integrity

To build and maintain personal integrity takes some effort and commitment, takes developing the self-awareness that is required to define your personal values so that you can measure your behaviors and actions, in order to evaluate how aligned you are to your authentic self. When you consciously participate in clarifying personal beliefs and core values, the next step is to honestly assess how well you are doing, by reviewing yourself in a personal integrity report. It may be a powerfully positive process to review your core values and generate personal integrity reports annually, so that you can see how you are evolving and transforming, as you become better aligned to your own personal value system. This begins to develop more competency in self-leadership and life management skills, so that you are empowered to make positive differences from the values that you lead in your life. Real self-leadership and Self-Ownership begins when we have absolute clarity within the context of our personal beliefs and core values, which become the guiding principles we follow in our lives.

What are the most important Personal Values that motivate my life? Choose up to five of the most important core values that feel the most essential, to live authentically and express your highest purpose. Then focus upon those themes that you have chosen and evaluate whether you are practicing and increasing these important values throughout your life. In the Guardian context for reclamation of Christ, our personal core value system would be directly connected to the Law of One practices. For example, for those dedicated to be of service to the Law of One, some of our most important personal core values are:

  • Expressing Unity Consciousness, knowing we are all interconnected.
  • Expressing Unconditional Love and Compassion to Myself, Love Others and Love Earth.
  • Expressing Service to Others orientation to motivate personal actions.

Maybe upon deeper reflection or in the future you’ll find that your most important personal values are shifting, or are revealing differently in order to become more specific in their quality. The more specific we are in identifying our core values, the more accurate and clear we can be when applying those to the behaviors that guide our life. As an example, let’s say through deeper self-study you have identified a recurring pattern that makes it hard to feel confident in valuing yourself when in the company of intimidating people. One of the core values that you choose is to Value Yourself equally to others, no matter what happens. To make this an important guideline in your life will help strengthen personal behavior to value yourself while in intimidating situations, which increases Personal Integrity.

Once you’ve defined some of your most important personal values, then inquire on each one to evaluate how you can better align your thoughts and behaviors with the meaning of each value. For example, ask three questions about the core values of expressing Unity, to help you accurately assess positive changes that you can make to be more authentic and in integrity.

  • What does Unity mean to me, how do I express Unity in my thoughts, behaviors and actions?
  • How can I better practice Unity consciousness throughout my life?
  • Am I practicing empathy with others to more deeply express Unity?

Am I living in Personal Integrity and what areas can I improve? As you meditate and reflect on your life over the past year, assess if you have been authentic to your core values and the ways that you can improve your actions, to reflect integrity and authenticity in the future. In each area when reflecting upon personal values, inquire on what is aligned to your authentic self, those things that feel they are functioning well. Then place your attention upon the personal lessons and opportunities that you have to greatly increase inner strength, the core strength you will need in order to act authentically and in personal integrity.

Summarize the key points in your Personal Integrity Assessment for reference. As you gain clarity on identifying important personal values and how you can build and maintain authentic integrity, prepare a summary of key points that you can revisit for inspiration to help guide your life direction and purpose in the next cycle. Print out your notes to clarify in more detail your personal vision for living within core personal values, knowing that when you are maintaining personal integrity it naturally aligns to fulfill your highest purpose. Embodying core personal values, living, thinking and breathing those values is what expresses Personal Integrity. This is the key to avoid negative cause and effect or miasmatic imprints upon what you are manifesting. Then make an effort to re-read and reflect upon your Personal Integrity Assessment regularly, to keep you focused on what personal core values are the most important guiding principles of fulfilling your most authentic expression.

Practical Application of Embodying Integrity

In the process of completing a personal integrity self-assessment and consciously choosing your value system based on what you know to be true for you, now is the time to take conscious steps every day to behave in ways that are consistent with your personal values.

  • Identify the behavioral traits that need to be addressed and are required to change.
  • Determine the underlying reasons why you have not behaved with greater personal integrity.
  • Observe the obstacles and other people that are used as excuses to lie or violate your personal values or moral code.
  • Commit to build authentic relationships through greater truthfulness, honesty and being open and direct.
  • Compile a list of tasks and behaviors in which you dedicate to become more trustworthy and honest.
  • Protect your basic human rights to be authentic and protect the rights of others, by respecting the decisions and opinions of other people.
  • When possible, be of service to others and live as an example for embodying truthfulness and integrity.
  • Be willing to honestly self-assess progress on your commitment to personal integrity, making adjustments along the way.
  • Look for the support of others who are inspiring examples of personal integrity, and have similar goals and personal values to be honest and trustworthy.
  • Develop Accountability for personal behaviors and actions, and if you make a mistake that impacts others or you break a promise, be willing to admit it and apologize.

The world is rapidly changing during these stages of bifurcation, where the Negative Polarity and Positive Polarity spirals are becoming more extreme and amplified in the external. In order to stay deeply connected into our core self and to withstand the massive impact of these opposing forces colliding, we must take conscious steps now to embody personal integrity.  We cannot serve both of these spirals, without them colliding.  So it is up to each of us to choose what we align with, and to participate in bringing all aspects of our lives into this unified and congruent alignment.


Krystal Aegis by Lisa Renee

Physiology of Fear

When we understand how fear is created in the body, it can be helpful in releasing the grip of anxiety and fear patterns. To that end, we will review some basic information on how the bodies physiology is affected by fear and trauma and how this is exploited by dark forces.

Hardware: Three Brains

Tree Brains textE

Our biology has three distinctly different processors of energy and information, or brains. We are aware of our thoughts and emotions, but we are less aware of what the survival brain is doing, and how this is affecting the way we feel.

The survival brain is the one that takes your hand off the stove, before the other two brains realize that you have burned your hand. It is incredibly fast at responding to what is happening in our environment, in order to keep the body safe. It’s like each human body comes with a pre-loaded software program that says keep this body alive. So let’s take a look at what is going on in the lower brain, below conscious radar.


Software: Survival programs

The lower brain basically runs in three modes: relaxed, fight-flight, and freeze. To keep it very simple, we will use a stoplight model, seen in the image below. (from Stephen Porges, Poly-vagal Theory).

When we are in green we are relaxed; our heart and respiration are slow, we can digest our food, we can nap, we enjoy being with loved ones, and can relate to them. The moment the survival brain feels there is danger, it moves the biology into yellow. The vagus nerve shuts down all the organs below the diaphragm, and speeds up the ones above the diaphragm. We get an immediate increase of available energy, or superhuman strength, enough to lift a small car off of a child. This is an amazing thing the body can do in a split second. Our bodies were designed to do this for very brief periods. We don’t want to get stuck in yellow, where we cannot digest our food, we cannot sleep, and we cannot enjoy our loved ones or relate to them. There are usually two reasons we get stuck in fight-flight. We are living in an unsafe situation and the accurate assessment is that we are in danger. Or two, we have an unresolved trauma from the past, which the lower brain feels is happening now, in the present moment.

Being in the Red zone is less common. This is where the lower brain perceives that the body is not going to survive the experience and shuts it down. The body becomes immobilized to play dead, becomes anesthetized to minimize suffering, and the consciousness often leaves the body, or is disassociated from it. Again, this is an amazing biological accomplishment in a split second. We see this with high impacts, with early and chronic abuse, such as SRA, and in war and torture. The eyes are vacant, the voice is monotone, and the body is lifelessly still, meaning there is no fidgeting or normal movement in the body.


Since our human family is now living in the yellow zone so much of the time, let’s look more closely at the spectrum of yellow, and the difference between fight and flight. Here we are looking at increasing levels of activation in the nervous system. On a scale of 1-10, we can have low-level activation, which is a feeling of unease on the flight side and irritability on the fight side. In the mid-range, we have anxiety on the flight side and anger on the fight side. At the high end we have rage and panic, getting closer to that threshold where the body switches into red or freeze. These have some disassociation beginning to get mixed in, as in a “blind rage” often a person can’t remember what they did or said.

Creating Conditions

The issue about the survival brain is that we cannot fake it out. If we want to relax, we actually have to create the conditions for the physiology to move into green. If we live with a predator, if we work under a predator, if we do not have our basics needs met, we are going to be in yellow. So part of being able to clear fear, is to make choices that help the brain and nervous system feel safe. So as we begin to listen to the signals in our body of what feels safe and unsafe, and act upon them, we are creating the conditions to move into green. Creating healthier choices and healthier boundaries really helps to create these conditions.

TrafficLight danger

Implicit Memory

Current estimates are that the lower brain is taking in about 40,000 data bits per moment. This is far too much material to push into our conscious awareness. We get an estimated 25-35 of these data bits registering on a conscious level. This is what we refer to as the hard drive of our unconscious mind. It is recording everything. This is called implicit memory, rather than explicit or conscious memory. The hard drive records past threats in a special category, so that if a similar cluster of data bits arise that were present when something bad happened, we get the jump on it, and go into the yellow zone more quickly.

Shaping of Collective

It is easy to see how an understanding of implicit memory can be manipulated by those who would like to keep people in fear, keep our physiology in the yellow zone. In yellow we are less able to respond to the present moment, our awareness gets collapsed into looking for what is going wrong. This means the things that are going ok or that are safe, do not register as important.  So in yellow we no longer see beauty, feel comfort, humor or creativity, which make it difficult to experience balance in life. Just look at current forms of media, whether news or entertainment, to assess where mainstream is trying to set our nervous systems. Constant breaking bad news, with the worst human characteristcs in the headlines, and psychopaths as lead characters in most popular series. After taking in news or entertainment, check in to see how your body feels? The culture of yellow has been in the making for a long while.

Traumatic memory

A woman who was sexually assaulted in a cedar room, may develop an aversion to the smell of cedar without making the connection. Whenever she smells cedar, the survival brain will shift her into yellow, as a precaution. This is an example of being triggered by an implicit memory data packet. Her physiology will immediately move her into yellow, she will become anxious and not know why.  Depending on her choices, will seek comfort in safe people or places, possibly self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, or maybe even pick someone up in a bar unconsciously moving toward renagotiation of the event.

Until this unresolved trauma is healed and those memories are no longer on the active emergency trigger list, these physiological reactions will keep the system stuck in yellow. These triggers interfere with the ability respond to the now moment. Trauma is not in the event, it is in the nervous system. The trauma memory will keep showing up in the present, until it is cleared.

Freeze Relax chart


In a similar way, the NAA may imbed or activate implicit-memory data-packets from past cataclysms in our current timeline, playing on our unconscious memories in order to create fear and anxiety in the masses. This works, because we have no current memory of those events, so few could possibly figure it out? The cellular memory of an exploding planet can be elicited, at the end of the cycle, without the masses knowing where their anxiety of cataclysm is coming from. In the ego personality matrix of 1D-2D-3D, this is the game played with fear programs and Mind Control. Using the lower aspects of the brain, to trigger a survival reaction. Until we are able to clear fear, which often means clearing trauma, we are susceptible to triggers from implicit-memory packets, which keep us stuck in a time loop.

Soul and Monad

As we move into the soul matrix, (4D-5D-6D) fears have less influence, and even less in the monadic matrix, (7D-8D-9D). Now that the transtime continuum is opening access into other timelines and dimensions that were not previously available to us, people who have been living in the soul or monad, may find themselves feeling triggered. They may be dealing with new implicit-memory packets from parallel and other universal timelines. Rather than feeling like we are losing ground, and have lost our centers, we are actually just hitting larger chunks of the collective trauma memories from further out.

During Stress, Back to the Basics

This information is shared from the perspective that being better informed gives us more choices in how to respond. When we find ourselves stressed out, tending to our basic day-to-day needs, creating safety and sanity really helps. We have noticed with the galactic crew that sometimes we only want to hang out in the higher frequencies, and skip over some aspects of embodiment.  Embodiment here means building core and foundation in the day-to-day, in order to bring the soul, monad and avatar aspects down into the body.  Preparing our nervous system to run more frequency usualy includes having to resolve unhealed emotions and trauma long the way. Curing AScension there are times when we have to reassure the body, by creating the conditions for it to feel safe again. Once we are out of the yellow zone and no longer reacting, our discernment improves and we can then choose the best course of action.

We hope that this the three brains and stop-light model will shed some light on what is happening when our nervous systems are getting jacked up. Why this can feel so visceral. During times of stress, if you are anxious slow down, drop in and ask what just happened? What was the trigger? If you can’t connect it to something conscious, consider that it is connected to implicit-memory, a data packet from a future or past timeline that just got triggered. Use the basic tools here in ES, source the trigger or feeling, clear the apin and fear, which helps to clear traumatic responses from the hard drive.

Dark Forces and Possession

It is important to understand that living in fear makes us susceptible to dark forces and possession. If we are not living in the green zone, or at least returning to green after trips into the yellow zone, we are at higher risk of being manipulated by outside forces. If we can be fully present, we can assess what is coming at us. If 20%, 40% of our awareness is hijacked by danger signals from a past timeline, bleeding into the present moment, we will be less accurate in assessing our current situation.

Dark Arts

Many people come into ES wanting to open up and growing their light body quickly, without understanding how to protect their field and close doors to interference. Some of the younger ones may still try to party, ripping holes in their aura, others may not be 100% in their ethics yet, while others may have intergenerational vulnerabilities. Entities can easily attach themselves to a person who is not clear or coherent in themselves, or who is holding inner conflict and pain. Conversly, when someone is clear and coherent, their light body becomes visibly stronger and larger, which can be seen and targeted by dark forces. Either way, you can see why building a strong foundation and core is so emphasized in ES. Why taking 100% responsibility for the direction of your consciousness, really becomes a way of life. Once someone has some firsthand experiences with entity attachments or negative forces, they naturally want to stop all high risk behavoir, in order to avoid psychic attack. Dark Arts Training can be a very sobering time, in understanding the larger context on earth and is a natural part of the process.


In our experience the majority of people who experience dark possession have had significant trauma. They may have been living in the yellow zone since birth, or for lifetimes, without any real sense of safety. Often they have not had a physiological experience of being relaxed, or in the green zone. They don’t know what safety feels like, so do not know how to choose safety in where they spend time or who they spend time with. Instead they assume the world and everyone in it is unsafe, that’s just life, and so unknowingly leave the doors open to even more dark interference. Again, this is why building personal ethics and moral character are so emphasized, especially with self-harm, addictions and negative looping. This is how we build self-trust and grow our discernment, in order to recognizing where we can place our trust. This process helps to cultivate a calm nervous system and an inner peace, which support access to Neutral Observer, where we can witness events withtout being triggered.

This is a total reorientation process to stabilize the body and nervous system. Once safety and peace are in place, then the nervous system can accurately feel again, without everything being mixed with pain and suffering. This is a type of stabilization work, and is part of building the foundation. We are seeing more and more accumulated stress and trauma responses in the world around us. So let’s have some extra love and compassion for this level of experience. It is very hard for people to work the tools and pick up the larger context, when their perceptions have been narrowed into the survival range, and their nervous systems are completely and habitually jacked up.

Higher Sensory Perception

The information above is focused on the experience of our lower survival brain and nervous system. But the nervous system is plugged into multiple dimensions. As we expand into higher dimensions of conscious awareness, our physical bodies experience sensory and energetic changes. As that happens the lower brain is less involved in running physical survival programs, as safety is found through our inner connection to God Source. It is through the nervous system that our Higher Sensory Perceptions come online. We can see why the NAA would like to keep this from happening. As this means the autonomic or automatic survival reactions are not running the physiology anymore. Dark forces cannot play upon or illicit survival responses using traumatic experiences in the collective consciousness, including from other timelines.

It is an intense learning curve to understand how trauma has been used to intentionally fragment people, in order to disrupt soul and monadic embodiments. With the recent Ascension frequencies and the changing of the Laws, we are able to clear trauma more quickly now, as there is more safety for us to be who we truly are. Now that you better understand the physiology of fear, let’s move on to learn some quick tools on how you can change gears in the way you think.


Krystal Aegis by Lisa Renee

Strong Moral Character

To better identify conduct in people and groups that are representative of trustworthy behaviors, we will also need to improve our understanding of the conduct that defines both trustworthy and untrustworthy behaviors. Trustworthy behavior is modeled in the ethical conduct we observe in people with Strong Moral Character and strong core center. Untrustworthy behavior is modeled as unethical conduct in people with weak moral character and a weak center.

This is not to create bias or withdraw one’s love and compassion, when observing people that exhibit untrustworthy behaviors through weak moral character. When we see untrustworthy behaviors in ourselves we want to apply loving forgiveness, as well as commit to heal our weakness through strong character development. As we identify trustworthy attributes inside ourselves we gain immense self-trust, which helps us discern the levels of trust that are appropriate to give to others.

The purpose is to make improved choices about where one chooses to place trust with others and how to build strong moral character and thus, build trustworthy attributes in the self.

Ego Pitfalls in New Age

In the New Age movement there is a common language used to shape belief systems, which generally promote delusional fantasies about the nature of reality. This is done through the denial of one’s personal responsibility to recognize the difference between perpetrated deceptions and authentic truthful behavior. These attitudes reinforce weak character development with low moral values in those communities.

Previously, this issue was discussed here Shifting Foundation of Identity, Update for 2014 about discerning between the intelligence of light and dark without bias, such as in “saying the car is the color red”. To factually call the car the color red is not a judgment, it is describing an attribute of the car. This is to make a distinction between a judgmental bias as a description, and factually stating the color of the car. If a person says, “the car is red and that is bad”, well that is a judgmental perception. If a person says “the car is rainbows” and it is really red, that person may be pathological or delusional.

The changing foundation of people’s life during the Ascension Cycle will radically alter people’s perception of reality and their capacity to trust. This is the time for greater discernment and yet, going even deeper to be as the compassionate witness.

Many people are afraid to own up to actual events with factual statements because in the New Age movement, people will react by telling them they are being judgmental. Our goal is in making an accurate assessment of character, to better discern the conditions present, rather than making judgments which assign a good or bad value system. As in the car example, stated factually without bias it is not good or bad that the car is “red”, it just is what it is. To evolve beyond base ego drives and instinctual addictions from controlling our bodies, we must identify the difference between the weak moral characteristics of Imposter Spirit (darkness, deception, ego, etc.) and the strong moral characteristics of the truth spirit (eternal self, transparent, Krystic values).

In the New Age movement, there are evasive manipulation strategies in the “throwing around” of terms that we all recognize and resonate with, such as “unconditional love”, “unity” and “ego does not exist”. Many times these terms are used seductively by forceful personalities looking to forego personal Accountability to their actions, and easily continue to promote deceptive belief systems, in order to gather flocks of admirers or followers and to reinforce self-entitled delusions.

Grounded Ethical Behavior

Unfortunately, if a person is not grounded in a strong ethical character and moral fabric before entering the New Age consciousness belief systems, most all of these terms are misused and abused in order to perpetrate deceptions, manipulations, predator behaviors and exert control over good intentioned, heart based, unaware and innocent people. Many of us in our community know this and have suffered through the learning experiences of great betrayals of trust, while listening to the superficial flowery words with no substance or meaning behind them. These are of course the unchecked negative ego behaviors, which influence low moral conduct.

Across the board in every life experience, whether a self-proclaimed “spiritual person”, an ascension guide, a spiritual guru, raw foodie, green earth activist, banker, lawyer or accountant, whatever the personality, we will find the same common Negative Ego themes potentially present in all human beings.

Many of us have made the error that because we believed ourselves to be of “spiritual character” and we meet others that say they are of “spiritual character” too, that this inherently means they are trustworthy, ethical people with a strong moral character. This is not so and we must accept this fact as spiritual adults, while learning how to better identify those traits and strengthen our own moral character and trustworthiness.

Strong character is established by the conscientious adherence to moral values, not by words made in lofty rhetoric or with good intentions. Another way of saying that is, building strong character is ethics in action and demonstrated in personal conduct every day.

When we assess situations and discern for trustworthiness, it is wise to look at the personal characteristics of the people involved as well as discern the ethics (virtues) that are highly valued in the organization or group. In most situations, however, when we are talking about a person’s character we are referring to the sum total of his or her moral qualities, possibly balanced against his or her imperfections (imbalances). To say a person has a solid moral character does not require that they are perfect, however, it does mean we feel this is a solid person worthy of our trust.

So when we say someone has strong character we are expressing that his or her nature is defined by worthy traits like integrity, courage, and Compassion. People of strong moral character are guided by ethical principles even when it’s physically dangerous or detrimental to their careers, social standing or economic well-being. They do the right thing even when it has a personal cost.

A strong moral character is the physical foundation required at the base of building a strong spiritual house. In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual virtues, the first step is making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character.


Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable, do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a positive reputation to be credible • Be loyal to those who have earned your trust.


Treat others with respect, follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements.


Do what you are responsible for • Persevere and never give up! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you react and consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others.


Play by the established guidelines • Take turns and share • Be open-minded and listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly.


Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need.


Do your share to make community better • Cooperate • Build trust in community • Stay informed • Follow guidelines when they make sense • Respect authority when it’s earned with trust • Protect those less privileged.

Strong Spiritual House

When we cultivate our physical self and personality to be disciplined and to build strong moral character, we are building the physical foundation to be strong enough to house the higher attributes of Christ spirit. If our body and mind are morally weak, they are also physically and energetically weak. These physical and energetic weaknesses translate into low moral character in most humans who are not aware of the Archontic Deception promoted as a value system. Since many humans are not taught to develop strong moral character, the mind and body are increasingly weakened when we are easily made consensual to low morals and low ethical standards. Many people cannot tell the difference between high ethical standards and low ethical standards, as they are mind controlled through religion, gurus or other control mechanisms.

We are so desensitized to what has become the norm, that we must put focus on the study of strong moral character, ethical conduct and demonstrating an exercise of these higher human traits in our day to day.

A strong moral character is the physical ballast and is directly related to the capacity of embodying the personal virtue (frequency) created by the Spirits of Christ. So we could think of the physical body as the practical reality of grounding into our being a strong moral character in our actions every day, while the spiritual-energetic body expands relative to one’s ethical conduct. Together, this focused mind-body partnership attracts the higher virtues (spiritual gifts) of the Spirits of Christ. This is the key to embodying the Spirit of Christos while in a physical body.

Spirits of Christ

1. Purity 2. Generosity 3. Patience 4. Kindness 5. Discipline/Conservation 6. Diligence 7. Humility

Trustworthy behavior is modeled in the ethical conduct we observe in people with strong moral character. Strong moral character in partnership with placing value on the ongoing spiritual development of krystic attributes manifests emotionally stable, consistent, balanced, loving, compassionate and peaceful people. When our community places value on these moral characteristics as an inspired goal for self-improvement, this creates an invincible strength when the group is unified within community consciousness.

This is the exact reason this community is tested continually to strengthen itself through its individual members, by determining what they truly place value upon. If together we place our dedication to the strengthening of our group moral character in partnership with the Spirits of Christ, it is very hard to interfere with our influence on the earth. This is our highest expression and inspiration here and is the trusted value system of the Law of One.

To break strong moral character from building in our group, to break apart trust and confuse issues of trustworthiness, a person of low moral character will reveal itself and create dissent. A low moral character that practices unethical behavior cannot embody the Christ spirit. It can only replicate what it can memorialize, as the impostor.

It is important to witness this neutrally and understand why it is occurring, as it is a valuable lesson for all. This is not to create bias or withdraw one’s love and compassion towards observing people that exhibit untrustworthy behaviors through weak moral character.

This is to make improved choices about where one chooses to place trust with others and how to build strong moral character, and thus build trustworthy attributes in the self.

Characteristics of Trustworthy People

  • Authentic
  • Actions and words match
  • Able to say “no” respectfully and “yes” dependably
  • Keep agreements or renegotiate if necessary
  • Able to admit it when they do not know something
  • Able to be both flexible and reliable
  • Show genuine feeling for you if they need to let you down
  • Willing to make compromises but never compromise core principles or personal integrity
  • Consistent ethics, positive values, and principles inform their behavior
  • Willing and able to tell you things you do not like to hear, kindly
  • Able to disagree without needing to argue, or to have friendly disagreements that lead to increased understanding
  • Let you know how they feel, where they stand, and how you stand with them
  • Able to recognize, accept, and enjoy the differences between you
  • After considering others, be sure to turn the same list around on yourself.

We have expanded on untrustworthy behaviors modeled in people with weak moral character, in order to comprehend the relationship between low moral character and the Negative Ego, through its main filters; egotism, Narcissism and Psychopathy. The purpose of promoting egotism and narcissism (i.e. alpha male, tyrants) as a positive traits in society is purposed to maintain low moral character and unethical standards as acceptable characteristic behavior in human beings. This is an Archontic Deception Strategy which can be accurately identified, so that when we see it working to influence our environment, we can change the course of its direction.

Continue … 

Krystal Aegis by Lisa Renee 

Organic vs. Inorganic

Organic vs. Inorganic

by Lisa Renee  Energetic Synthesis 

Within the system of energetic forces having impact on the planet and humanity, we have energies that are organic or inorganic, natural or unnatural in architecture. Organic and natural energy and its architecture is defined as the balance of forces which exist in harmony with nature, therefore in harmony with the cycles of the Universal Natural Laws. Inorganic and unnatural energy is defined as that which exists as an artificial structure to replicate or generate energies discordant with the Universal Natural Laws. Inorganic energies are generated by artificial systems replicating forces to replace natural laws, and ultimately bring death, disease and destruction if not brought into balance. As an example when a person chooses to manipulate others energies and resources for personal gain by outwardly lying and controlling the influence he has on others, this is defined as “artificial and inorganic”. This person has put up artifices in order to exploit others by representing the opposite of what he says he is representing.  This is inorganic to the natural laws of energy.

One may note that things in nature represent themselves as what they are and do not hide what they are not. A bird in its natural state does not act like a dog, as the bird responds to its natural blueprint of creation. If the bird is exposed to synthetic chemicals (inorganic) it may mutate to inorganic states of disease, which will rapidly deteriorate the breed from its original blueprint, possibly causing extinction.

In another example – If a negative alien implants a human being with mind control and manipulates his thoughts without his conscious awareness or consent, this is a violation of the natural laws. The “implant” being used is artificial and not organic to the person. Because it is not organic it can create disease, pain or immense trauma that create schisms in the person.  The more schisms a person has blocking self-awareness, the more soul fragmented they become.  All interference and manipulation that interrupts and blocks the flow of a person’s spiritual source (organic) light, is a violation against the Natural Laws. Continued violation of natural laws, brings genetic deterioration, physical and mental sickness, and eventual extinction of a species if not corrected.

As one learns to observe and discern energy signatures, you will want to know if the energy or architecture you are connecting with is organic or inorganic to your energetic and physical person. Your goal is to remove all inorganic energies and their architecture from interfering with your body in order to create the space that allows your organic spiritual energies to be fully housed within your natural person. The removal of inorganic energies will allow a natural building of one’s inner core to be the foundation of merging with one’s spiritual-energetic bodies.