Gates has publicly announced its intentions to chip humanity — Wake Up To The Truth


Recently, Microsoft co-founder talked about the virus-which-cannot-be-called-virus problem. He gave an interview to the Internet resource TED, and before that he answered questions from users of the Reddit network platform. His controversial comments instantly became viral on the net and returned Gates to the crosshairs of the conspiracy theorists. During a session on Reddit, Gates talked about […]

via Gates has publicly announced its intentions to chip humanity — Wake Up To The Truth

#Fauci is on the Leadership Council of the Global Vaccine Action Plan started by @gatesfoundation

Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email
It’s worse than I shared. Fauci is on the Leadership Council of the Global Vaccine Action Plan started by

. Who authorized him to join this “collaboration?” This is how the people we never elected create Health Policy to force Mandated Medicine. #FireFauci.


You know? Johns Hopkins? That’s the medical research university that partnered with the Gates Foundation to host EVENT 201, a war game that simulated a Coronavirus pandemic three months before the outbreak.


Georgetown University partnered with Johns Hopkins in the drafting of MSEHPA.  You know? Georgetown? The university run by the Jesuits, from which CIA recruits so heavily?
