COVID-19: A Trojan Horse For The NWO

In the wake of the Coronavirus hysteria, total suspension of individual freedom hangs in the balance for an unsuspecting town near you. The Communist model is spreading just as aggressively as the Coronavirus. For example, Israel is already paving the way. As Zero Hedge reports, “After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced last Saturday that authorities will tap the country’s ‘counter-terror’ technology and systems to combat the ‘invisible enemy’ of Covid-19, Israeli media is now reporting the government is actually considering the ‘total suspension of individual freedom.’”

What “Unseen” Enemy?

Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz

The actual enemy is in full view, and rarely more so than in the last few days.
Its name is the National Security Council, an un-elected, unaccountable, self-interested bunch of Commissars that got installed by Harry Truman (following FDR’s lead, of course) to control the economy and coordinate “defense” of their action by the military during the 1946 restructure of everything— and then simply stayed on to enrich themselves and manipulate and control things to enhance their own “security”.
This was the same time period that saw the implementation of Bretton Woods, the Marshal Plan, and the adoption of Two Sets of Books Bookkeeping known as “Double Accrual Accounting” by the GAO, a system first popularized by Al Capone’s bookkeeper.
This is when the Municipal “IRS” joined the Territorial “Internal Revenue Service” effort to terrorize and pillage American businesses and working people.
And you thought that Warren Buffett was just SO smart?
No. Like Rothschild, he’s just so well-informed and able to take advantage of that Insider Information to do Insider Trading. He knows what the economy is going to do and when to sell or buy what, because he is one of the Commissars in charge of manipulating and controlling the flow of commodities including currency. He and Anna Tatlock, the British Commissar in America, are enabled to take down whole industries and seize any “Public Corporation” as they just did with Microsoft, Krogers, Walmart, Costco, …..
How many businesses would EVER choose to “incorporate” if the dumb clucks going into it knew that the government would thereafter own everything that they struggle and work for and build as a result of “accepting a charter”?
If the business community really understood that and was given full disclosure, there wouldn’t be a “public” corporation left in America.
These cretins mean to control your access to food and water and damned near everything else you need to live, including information, so of course, there will have to be ten days of “darkness” while they plug in their 5G Control Grid and take over the Internet too and take over all six of the major Media Corporations.
Welcome to the Soviet Union, all wrapped up in red, white, and blue.
But if you want to know where all the evil is coming from, it’s really not hidden from you. It’s coming from the National Security Council in this country and from House of Wettin in Europe.
These two point sources work together to create 95% of the death and destruction and disease and misery in the world, and they are constantly stirring the pot to further enrich themselves.
Most recently, they decided to take down the Oil Barons for a profit, similar to what they did when they took down the Railroad Barons in the 1920s and 30s.
They are folding the Oil Industry and moving to control the electrical industry as the next new thing. Don’t be surprised if all your greedy, incompetent, and corrupt home town “electrical cooperatives” have new Big Corporate bosses from out of town, soon. And they will be even worse.
The excuse for this will be “maintaining grid security” but in fact, it will be “grid control” such that these unaccountable and untrustworthy monsters are able to deny people electricity whenever it suits them, and abuse the electrical grid as a means to spy upon and “control” others.
These are the grown up versions of the horrible little kids you knew in grade school — the sneaky, selfish, “unsporting”, nasty little bullies and tattle-tales that hung around the edges and manipulated things so that others got in trouble, often for doing things that these little vermin planned.
What we should do is just save ourselves a lot of trouble and get rid of them —- arrest a couple hundred evil people at the top of the European and American food chains and be done.
If they had any honor or sense of what is good for this planet, or even what is ultimately “good” for themselves, they’d leave quietly and let life go on unhindered by their manipulating, hoarding, insider trading, commodity rigging, and enslavement activities, but as the good of the planet or anyone on it is a foreign concept to them, there is little hope that they will vacate without the use of cattle prods and lasers.
Some of these characters really are inhabited by demons, just like in the Bible, and they can be very dangerous—-not because of what they are, mere shells that look human—- but because of the “demons” — ETs, whatever— that live inside of them. They put on quite a show when cornered, but it doesn’t matter. They still need to go, go, go.
Obviously, anyone who would weaponize the Common Cold (that’s what the Coronavirus is) is more than two bricks short of a load, yet that is what they have done in the name of “National Security”. And that is what we are suffering all this disruption over — a hyped up version of the Common Cold.
Obviously, too, a British “bug” that was carried to China by a Sergeant in the American Military stationed at Fort Belvoir — a man who attended the World Games in Wuhan last October– is definitely not a “Chinese Virus” and the Chinese Government is not responsible for its existence nor its release.
Once again for the brain-dead and deaf:
The British Pirbright Institute owns the patent on the “novel” Coronavirus, aka, weaponized Common Cold. It was funded by DARPA and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation —- nobody else. It was carried to China, hopefully unwittingly, by an American Serviceman stationed at Fort Belvoir — Patient One.
Now, that’s the actual truth of the matter and the President needs to be informed, so that he is: (1) no longer blaming it on China; (2) is playing with a full deck; and (3) has no plausible deniability for taking unjust actions predicated on misinformation.
Warren Buffett and Anne Tatlock already dealt with Bill Gates by taking over Microsoft and sending him home to play Parcheesi, just as they dealt with GHWB and the oil industry— the same oil industry that was rewarded for murdering JFK and helping to pull off 911, and which is now being taken down and demonized by the perpetrators of it all.
La, la, la, how the world works. The innocent and the patsies are blamed for everything.
The National Security Council is headed up by the Vice-President and includes an “Assassination Committee” that actually plans murders of Americans and others who don’t agree with the “policies” set in place by the National Security Council, and who are deemed “terrorists” as a result.
Although it should be obvious that men holding such powerful offices and abusing our Public Trust to such an outrageous extent, men sitting around manipulating entire industries and plotting murders and crooked bookkeeping systems behind closed doors, are The Problem by definition, many Americans still aren’t getting the drift of all this: we have crime bosses in control of a substitute government.
These people are masquerading as “your” government, when in fact they are substituting their foreign subcontractor for “your” government. And the “National Security” they are protecting is their own, not yours.
They are in the process of seizing control of your very lives, and manipulating all the sectors of the economy upon which you depend — electricity, water, food, information — and they are telling you that this is necessary and for your own good. But look at what they are actually doing?
They are making False Claims against your interests and assets. They caused this virus problem, too. And they have been lying to you religiously since 1907.
What they are proposing is just a re-working of the same old crap on a different day: instead of using your labor to back their debt, they propose to use the gold and silver that is owed to you to back their debt, instead.
And then instead of harassing you with the IRS and completely outrageous claims to own the benefit of your labor, they propose to impose the Mark of the Beast — their very own Bar Code — and apply it to you, so that they can tax your ability to trade and barter.
And that, dear children, is just another means to enslave and control what is not theirs to enslave or control.
Time to kick every member of the “National Security Council” and their European Bosses and the members of the Con-gress, right where it hurts them most. In their wallets.
These people are crooks of a most dishonorable and duplicitous and destructive kind — people who pretend to stand for “law and order” but who are instead actively engaged in Confidence Schemes on an unimaginable scale.
Don’t be gullible. Just as they never had any right to tax your labor, they have no right to tax your ability to trade. Just as they never had any right or excuse to shut down the railroads to promote oil, they have no right to shut down the oil industry to promote their control of electricity.
Have you heard the words, “screwed, glued, and tattooed”?
That’s what we need to do to every politician in Washington, DC, including the President. WWG1WGA may be true, but where THEY are going,we don’t want or need to go. They need to get the message, shoved up their noses or their asses. It really doesn’t matter which. And they need that message now.
It’s time for the Territorial Government to re-venue our assets back to us. The re-venue has to go all the way to the land jurisdiction and the American States and People that the assets actually belong to.
Either that, or they and the members and lackeys of their “National Security Council” —-all stand exposed as nothing but common criminals and mercenaries engaged in piracy and other crimes on our shores, and all these activities are being taken against the best interests of their Employers and in violation of the Constitutions which allow their activities and offices to exist.
Their job is to protect the electrical grid — not tax it, not control it, not weaponize it.
They all need hear it loud and clear from 320 million angry and disgusted Americans. And not all of us are relatively powerless “voters” —- some of us are Electors and we are ready to spit, too.
If — and its a big “IF” — there is actually any coronavirus “emergency”, that emergency has been caused by the Brits and our own federal subcontractors.
It’s time to put pedal to the metal and boots up the butts of the “National Security Council” and the members of Con-gress.
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here:


Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz

One of the worst things about the entire experience of my long trek through history and Legalese-Land and the observation of the constant, purposeful, diabolical lying associated with most of it—- is that I have had to learn how to think like the rats.
My sympathies to Christopher Walken’s Crazy Exterminator character in the movie, “Mousetrap”.
Their mode of thinking and operating can only be described as “diabolical”.
It’s all based on models of things that Satan did in the Bible.
His Half-Truth to Eve in the Garden of Eden: “You won’t die (at least not right away) if you eat that apple….”
His non-answer to Jacob: “Who do you say I am?”  (Hint: that “Angel” that Jacob fought at Beth-El wasn’t Our Father—leads to hiding identities and creating False Names and False assumptions about identities, just like they do with the whole Birth Certificate process.)
His Temptation of Yeshuah: “Hey, I’ll give you all this…. the world’s riches, etc….. if you bow down and worship me!”
It’s weird, but it’s true, that if you study the Bible from their twisted perspective, you will learn how they think.  You will learn what they do.
You will be able to recognize them from the way they twist and turn like worms on a hook when you address them in a forthright manner.
If you go through and mark down absolutely everything that Satan did and said, you will have a copy of the Enemy’s Playbook.  Study what Satan says and how he works things, and you will be able to recognize and outsmart his children when they come to do you wrong.
But, of course, the downside to this, is that you will: (1) quickly realize how much of the world around you is predicated on Satan’s wiles instead of the True God’s truth; (2) how many good people unwittingly fall into his snares; (3) how his “children” constantly and deliberately lie and set others up to make false assumptions; (4) how Satan mirrors everything, creating illusions and images that keep us from enjoying and possessing what is actual; (5) how Satan encourages and promotes idolatry “in the name of the  God”; (6) how Satan and his children always aim to get two, three, or more “birds” with one stone; (7) how they deliberately lead astray and mis-represent things, so that others are confused and the trusting are destroyed; (8) how they mock others and are so proud of their evil, believing that it will never catch up with them.
As you are learning all this and observing how clueless people are, you will find it revolting, but strangely fascinating, too.  How, you will wonder, is it possible that they get away with all this crappola, unobserved?
We are encouraged to study the words and acts of Jesus and his Disciples, so that we gain instruction in what is right, but we miss out on the study of what is wrong— with the result that we go like lambs to the slaughter, and are easy prey for these monsters in suits, playing their word games and deceits—including the corrupt Men of the Cloth.
Did you hear that some Israeli company is going to send us six million pills of hydroxy-chloro-quinone for free?  One for every Jewish person murdered by Hitler?
But the gift takes on a different character when you realize that hydroxy-chloro-quinone is another name for Co-Enzyme Q-10, and there’s the “Q” again.
QinetiQ, Inc., Co-Enzyme Q-10, and we all know about “Q” and the “Q” shaped driveway around JFK’s tomb, and QFS and Quantitative Easing, and QEII….
Well, you all catch my drift and see my point: Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,…..
None of this is by accident, people, and none of it is the product of “right thinking” — it’s all diabolical in nature, and it’s all connected, and it all runs to and through Israel and the Synagogue of Satan and the “Federal Reserve” which isn’t “Federal” and isn’t a “Reserve”.
I have told you that this most modern rendition of this Galloping Criminality began in the 1850’s and 60’s with the ascension of Benjamin D’Israeli as the British Lord of the Exchequer and later, Prime Minister.
I have shown you all how “terms of art” and “special definitions” of words were used to create false assumptions and false identities.  “Enfranchisement” was presented as “empowerment” instead of “enslavement”.  “Person” was changed to mean “corporation”.
Strawmen, Black Magic word-poppets, were created to “represent” the estates of living men and women, then used to “impersonate” those same men and women and subject them to crimes of personage and barratry.
Oh, yes, it’s all very clear where the connections run and the mode of thinking and action employed, it’s all 100% Satanic, and yes, it all runs to and through the Synagogue of Satan and the Ten “Lost to God” Tribes.
Not to be confused with the religion of Judaism, or its adherents.
No, we are talking here about their erring brethren, the members of the Synagogue — the School — of Satan.  Satan is their Master, literally their Teacher.
So, we looked at the beginning of the Modern Malaise under Queen Victoria and found its roots in Satanic practices and modes of thinking, and we found the Fake Jew connection, but if you go back further to Queen Elizabeth I, the Original “Q”, and her mentor, Dr. John Dee, and to the Book of Enoch, and to the summoning of Fallen Angels and Demons —you will arrive at The Great Fire of London —- aka, the Holocaust of the English People.
You will find the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, where the government gained an excuse to seize upon private property and “manage it” for the absent owners. And to the Habeas Corpus Acts of that time period, too.
And then, also, you will go back to the 1217 Covenant of the Commonwealth, where the Church gained the “eternal” right to possess the land and inheritance of “paupers” vouchsafed to its care by the King of England.
Always the same MO: deceit based on wordplay, theft based on illusions and false claims, destruction of books and written records, all studded with “sacrifices” raised as “Holocausts”: Jerusalem, Balbek, Alexandria, Carthage, Rome, London, Dresden, Hitler’s Crematoriums, the Twin Towers, Paradise, California, Australia 2019.
None of any of this is by accident.  Satan is the one who destroys by fire. Satan is the one who “loves the smell of burning flesh”.  The True God is the one who says, “I did not command that you pass your sons and daughters through fire…. I never thought of such a thing!”
We must recognize them for what they are, in their dark, hooded robes, circling around and around the giant effigy of a dead baby, attempting to seal their Black Magic.
We must raise our voices and blow the trumpets loud, disperse their smoke and crack their mirrors, dispel their word-deceits, and cast aside their would-be chains, expose their plots, and undermine their ways.
Wherever there is a bridge, let them fall into the torrent beneath it.  Wherever there is a stairway, let them fall.  Whatever they attempt, let it fail.
Let God’s True Angels dog their footsteps and take their breath. Let no peace be in them, no promise, no life, either; let no true thing at all abide with them and may they be cast out into the darkness they crave, and may the doorway to the Abyss shut behind them with a “clang!”
I am surprised they didn’t rename the Common Cold Virus Qovid-19, but perhaps even they hesitated to push it that far.
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here:

Point of Order!

Judge Anna 2


By Anna Von Reitz

The tests being used to purportedly detect COVID-19 are yielding between 50 and 80 percent “False Positive” results.
This means that between half and three-quarters of all the people testing “positive” as having COVID-19 are not in fact infected by COVID-19.  Uh-duh.
So all those numbers?  Are bogus.
Many of those testing positive most likely have some normal influenza virus fragments drifting around their system—- don’t forget normal influenza is still present and still infecting millions of people worldwide.
So, use your silly heads.  Regular, Old Hoss Influenza, our constant companion, known as The Common Cold, is still being passed around as usual, infecting as many people as usual, causing as many problems as usual.
Just because someone coughs, sneezes, or tests “positive” for coronavirus (Common Cold) does NOT mean that they are infected with “the” coronavirus that has been tweaked by these madmen —those who need to be caught and hanged from very high trees.
And, even if someone really IS infected with the bio-engineered variety of COVID-19, there are two strains of the bio-engineered crud, which the Chinese have identified as “S” strain and “L” strain.   S is much less lethal than L and far more common.
All this has been brought to us by the sicko British, again, transported by clueless Americans used as dumb mules, and has nothing to do with China.
This is an Eff Up of our completely untrustworthy “Allies” and our own unfathomably stupid “Intelligence” Community and equally mindless “Defense” Contractors.
With them on our side, who needs enemies?
And in case you really want to know what is going on, who planned it, who is responsible, and who needs the ever-loving crap kicked completely out of them —- here it is, in living color, the “Event 201 Global Pandemic” rehearsal held in December 2019 to force this “agenda” globally.
Please watch and then prepare to tear off your masks and go after every politician, every military officer, and every FAKE NEWS Mogul on this planet:
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here:

Covid 19 “S” and Covid 19 “L” Are Now Accounted For

Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz

Oh, the things you find in the Patent Offices of the world….
So, we have the Patent issued to the British Pirbright Institute for one “novel” Coronavirus (that is, deliberately modified Common Cold Virus) — Virus “L” presumably, Prince Philip’s Filthy. Mean-Spirited Behest to the World,  and, here we have another, earlier version, patented to the US Government, presumably Virus “S” — both identified in China as part of the current outbreak.
Mere words do not express my irritation, could not possibly convey my ire.
These rotten-malignant-disgusting-deplorable-sick-pathetic-excuses-for-rat-shit-morons have done this to try to cover their tracks and find an excuse to send people pathetic little settlement “offers” for their claims against the UNITED STATES, INC., bankruptcy, disguised as “help” to offset the ravages of a “global pandemic” scare ginned up by the same-useless-stupid-corrupt-nasty-inexcusable-selfish-disloyal-dishonorable-maggots.
Take the bankers out and kick the ever-loving crap right out of them.  Now!
They’ve ridden us like donkeys for 150 years and its  time they got off and walked!
You can tell Mr. Rothschild I will go one-on-one with him any time he wants.
I didn’t fear his Father and I sure as Hell won’t fear him or his brothers or any of his whelps.
The Pirbright Institute Patent has already been “fully disclosed” and posted.  And now, hear this:
See page-9, of this 72-page, 2007 US-Patent-Application #US007220852B1 for the “Invention of CoronaVirus/SARS-CoV”::
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here:

Public Notice to Steven T. Mnuchin and The Joint Chiefs, 1, 2, 3

Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz

The Devil “mirrors” everything, so that the world of illusion can be easily mistaken for the actual world. No wonder, then, that his children, the Central Bankers, do the same thing. It’s like bees building a hive for them. They create “mirrors” the same way they create idols, with much the same effect— to fool and confuse other people, while protecting and enriching themselves.
It is simple enough to see if you are looking.
Back in 1937, the Pope’s Municipal Government agreed with the Queen’s Territorial (Commonwealth) Government [— which is also ultimately owned by the Pope, because the Queen acts as his Overseer of the Commonwealth — ]to construct such a “mirrored” government structure in America.
They provided for it with a written agreement called “The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States”.
This document unwittingly admits that these are foreign governments in “The United States” —- and then goes on to describe their “continuity of Government” scheme, in which they divvy up the payola.
You may have heard those words in recent newscasts — “continuity of government” coming out of Washington, DC. I have.
Both foreign governmental services corporations (US, INC. and USA, Inc.) agreed to set up parallel (that is, mirror image) governmental structures and departments — and of course, both agreed to charge the American States and People for this “service”.
That is, they agreed to Double Dip for their mutual benefit. And why not? They both ultimately belong to the Pope anyway. They might as well collaborate, right?
So, that is how we come to have:
The U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR and the United States Department of Labor….
The IRS and the Internal Revenue Service….
The DOD and the Department of Defense….
See the Schtick in action?
We have (and have paid for) at least two of everything. In some cases, like “the” and “The” and “THE” US TREASURY, U.S. TREASURY, Department of the Treasury, Department of The United States Treasury, Department of the United States Treasury, Department of the U.S. Treasury, Dept. of the U.S. Treasury….. well, you see my point…..we have paid for many more than two of everything.
Their excuse for this is to “provide continuity of government”, but it is actually necessary only when one or the other goes bankrupt for the purpose of escaping their own debt and shifting the burden of their debt to their “presumed sureties” —- their hapless, erstwhile, “apparently” unrepresented absentee Employers, the American States and People.
While the cats have been away, the mice have indeed played.
But now, we’re back, and having found ourselves so far disrespected and dis-served by our purported Trustees and our Public Employees, we have lifted our hands and declared and corrected our actual political status records and have assembled our States of the Union and staffed our unincorporated Federation of States, and we have taken the field and said— Whoa!
Not only that, we have observed that: (1) we have never been informed of all these provisions being taken “for” us by our employees; (2) we have an explicit contract and stipulations in place, the respective Constitutions, which they have no right or reason to change or abrogate; (3) any pretense that our government has ever ceased to function simply because the Confederation ceased to function is obvious bunk; (4) we do not stand as sureties for the debts of our employees apart from the services approved by the Constitutions; (5) we have not mortgaged our land or soil in their favor; (6) they have no authority to take any mortgage or hypothecate any debt against our property interests; (7) the rules, regulations, codes, and statutes of legislation apply to government workers, and not to us; (8) the only law pertaining to our relationship with any Federal Employee, whether a direct employee of one of the Municipal or Territorial Corporations, or an employee of one of their franchises operating as a “State of State” — is the appropriate Constitution, as that Constitution existed in 1860. There has been no consensual agreement otherwise.
They have used and abused our credit apart from our consent, and for purposes never intended, which renders their actions and claims that we are standing as sureties for them and their debts invalid. These are Odious Debts, Mr. Mnuchin, and are Odious Debts on the face of them.
We don’t even have a contract with any incorporated entities “doing business as” the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, the United States, Inc. or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, etc.
Our contracts are with the actual Principals — the Holy See, Westminster, and the British Monarch.
These Principals are 100% responsible for the actions, debts, and failure of these chartered entities to perform according to their contracts and obligations and all the harm– physical, fiscal, and economic– inflicted upon our persons and property by these foreign incorporated “service” organizations operating on our shores.
So now they are scurrying around making preparations for one of the “sets” of departments and agencies to disappear under a cloud of bankruptcy protection that should never be allowed.
The Municipal set of Bad Actors is being liquidated, because, of the two, it is closest to home (the Pope) and clearly was never allowed by the constitutional agreements.
The Territorial Government has at least some claim to have been granted a “custodial” role with respect to some of our property, and was granted some ability to establish federal arsenals and similar military-related facilities on our land and soil. It is also charged with providing us with physical protection under “mutual defense” agreements. So now, the Territorial Government comes forward to receive the debts of the Municipal Government as credit owed to the actual American States and People.
A shell game within a shell game, unless the assets are actually returned to the American States and People.
What you are seeing is a flip-flop, to different faces of the same Papal coin.
This version is run by the Queen as the Pope’s Overseer of the Commonwealth, and is not an expression of the American Government at all, though it is under contract to serve us in “good faith”.
Thus, you will no longer see references to “the” President of “the” United States but you will see references to “the” President of “the” United States of America.
The actual and factual government of this country, vested in the people, “woke up” in 1998 and has pursued correction and recoupment ever since; a plot by our employees to mis-characterize American babies as United States Citizens (Territorials) and as “citizens of the United States” (Municipals) both, was discovered.
It follows the Anti-Reformation Playbook published by King James 1, entitled “The Bounty Book”.
This blackguard operation was implemented via the use of False Registrations and semantic deceit, resulting in the issuance of “Birth Certificates” and the human trafficking of millions of American Babies’ identities into foreign jurisdictions, and their subjugation under foreign law, as if they had been conscripted into the French Foreign Legion.
This is crime against humanity and is forbidden as a capital crime by both the Hague Conventions and the Geneva Conventions, as well as standing against the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and in violation of all three Federal Constitutions, Article IV, which requires our Trustees and Employees to protect our Persons and also forbids Bills of Attainder.
Millions of Americans have been arrested and jailed under conditions imposed by this constructive fraud and false impersonation, unjustifiably taxed and harassed under the same False Presumption of foreign citizenship obligations, their property has been confiscated without compensation, False Titles have been introduced and imposed upon their land and soil assets, and then used to enforce mortgages the American States and People never owed, and property and income tax taxation schemes that they likewise never owed, plus “Credit Card” and “Loan” schemes that “loaned” them their own credit, based on their own assets.
The Principal Trustees, the Pope and the Queen, stand in Gross Breach of Trust, held responsible for the actions of the incorporated privateers that they have unleashed and allowed to act as Predators upon us, in violation of our Treaties, in violation of their respective Constitutional agreements with us, and also in violation of the resulting Commercial Services Contracts.
They are presently engaged in what they euphemistically call a “re-venue”, in which the above-described flip-flop of Servicers results in the debts owed by the bankrupt Municipal United States Government becoming credits purportedly owed to the Territorial Government —- but in fact, all credit and all underlying assets belong to the American States and People, and any “re-venue” to the Territorial Government (International Sea Jurisdiction) must immediately pass through to their Federation of States, The United States of America (International Land Jurisdiction) and thence back home to the States and People where it belongs, together with all right, title and interest in their soil and land and all other physical assets, their homes, businesses, roads, factories, and natural resources, all lawful corporations chartered under their auspices, all patents, copyrights, trademarks, legal titles, stocks, bonds, certificates, pension funds and other intellectual property naturally belonging to them, all script issued on their credit, all gold, silver, and precious metals they are owed, all DNA collected from them, all identifications issued to them, and all other aspects of private and public property ownership that are rightfully theirs.
All Federal Employees and Subcontractors of any ilk whatsoever, including Interpol Officers, like Mr. Steven T. Mnuchin and Mr. Michael Pompeo, must come to heel and regurgitate the assets they have held onto “for” us all these years — or be proven nothing but international criminals and pirates engaged in piracy and other acts of non-consensual fraud and theft upon our shores.
Mr. Steven T. Mnuchin, as a Public Fiduciary and as a Private Fiduciary, has been and is hereby instructed to remove all Municipal deposits being held or received to a pass through account, The United States of America 1789, and from there to collect deposits owed to The united States of America 1787, including the State Trusts styled as “Ohio State”, “Wisconsin State” and so on, and to remove all those accounts— the Municipal deposits, the Territorial deposits, the Federal State deposits, including the Federal State Trusts, and all franchise deposits thereof, to another pass through account, The United States of America 1776, organized with one main international mercantile account, and fifty (50) State sub-accounts, one each for each of the States of the Union.
Mr. Steven T. Mnuchin is hereby and in public instructed to faithfully and fully re-venue all accounts and all property on deposit and all assets and paper representations of assets, including all American-based birth and baptismal certificates, gold, silver, and other assets of Americans on deposit with any and all branches of the “United States Treasury” however styled or described, the DTCC, Federal Reserve, the IMF, World Bank, IBRD, BIS, or any other bank anywhere worldwide, to the ownership and control of the American Depositors, their States, and their Federation of States: The United States of America [Unincorporated].
We rely upon Mr. Mnuchin as referenced above and upon Mr. Donald J. Trump, acting in their offices as the Comptrollers of the Exchange Stabilization Fund to accomplish and encourage the appropriate actions needed to repatriate American assets to America and to revenue those assets completely, all the way back to the American States and People that the assets and credit actually belong to.
We likewise request and require the Joint Chiefs and their Bankers to close all commercial banks within their system and to reopen them as mercantile banks under new management no later than June 17, 2020, and to do this as quietly and with as little disruption as possible.
The Re-Venue must be complete or its not a Re-Venue. Likewise, the Jubilee must be delivered to those it applies to, or its not a Jubilee.
You have our permission to arrest and confine all members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller families pending disposition of their cases. Encourage them to cooperate, and if they refuse, try them for their crimes against humanity before a military tribunal — and hang them.
It’s down to them or you.
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here:

What Did I Tell You?

Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz

As a result of the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., they will need to VACATE Washington,DC for ninety (90) days, just as they did during the Florida Chads election nonsense in 2000.
So what are these madmen doing?
Drumming up an excuse to vacate Washington, DC, for 90 days “due to the coronavirus”.
And what is going to happen?  What has already happened?
We, the actual, factual, legitimate government of this country, The United States of America, have already claimed back all the formerly “Delegated Powers” of the Municipal Government by Operation of Law.
Every Judge, every Judicial Official, the Government of Westminster, the Pope, and all others concerned with “Law” on this planet are called to Bear Witness.
The “United Nations” and the governments of the world and all the “Legal” Professionals have already been given Notice and so has President Trump.
When any Federal Subcontractor is rendered “incompetent” for any reason, including bankruptcy, the “Powers” Delegated to them via the Constitutions return to the Delegator by Operation of Law.
And here we are, ready to receive those Powers back.
The American States and People, operating through our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, delegated all “Powers” that the Federal Subcontractors have ever had or ever exercised in our behalf.
Now that the Municipal United States Government Corporation has been bankrupted, their organization is rendered incompetent and is in liquidation.
The Powers vouchsafed to the Municipal Government do not somehow magically migrate to the Territorial Government.  Those Powers return to us, the Original Delegators, together with all the Municipal Assets.
So, the world — and the American People — have already been put on Notice that this is happening and that the actual American Government has stirred its stumps and assembled the States of the Union in preparation to receive back all the Powers ever Delegated to the Municipal Government of the District of Columbia and Washington, DC, together with all assets thereof.
The members of the remaining Territorial Government and the British Crown can keep their greedy paws and false claims in commerce to themselves, hoist their sails from the Patent Office and secure the vacated Capitol for us.
Whether we march in to take possession or not, we have already pre-claimed and accomplished the acceptance and acknowledgement of the return of the assets and Powers and possession of the Capitol and Seat of Government.
The role of the Territorial Government and the U.S. Military in all of this is crystal clear.  We are the civilian government and always have been.  The American States and People are calling our Employees to heel.  Their role is to protect our assets and persons, not oppress, steal from, arrest, or otherwise intimidate Americans on our own soil.
Everyone read the Constitution which is The Law of the Land.  If you are standing on land that is the ONLY “law” that pertains to interaction of the government personnel  with the people of this country.
No statute, code, regulation, or “military law” applies to us.  Only the Constitution.
The actual government of this country and the people it serves are not going to pay for any abuse by our Territorial Employees.
We are going to charge a minimum of three times damages and one trillion dollars per American killed or permanently damaged in any attack of any kind.  This is being fully advertised and published, so that no party to any action damaging us has any cause to protest their ignorance of the consequences.
And we have already acknowledged and accepted back all the Delegated Powers and Assets of the Municipal United States Government, so there should be no further “confusion” about the role of the Territorial Government concerning this circumstance.
The Territorial Government is ordered to secure our assets for us, and nothing more.
No mass arrests, no forced quarantines, no forced vaccinations.  Actual employees of the Territorial Government and their actual dependents may be obligated to undergo such measures as a condition of their employment, but the actual civilian government has not declared any “National Emergency” and does not recognize any such “emergency” declared by the Territorial Government as anything beyond an administrative matter imposed by a corporation on its employees.
For the record: if the Territorial Government chooses to be stupid and similarly seeks bankruptcy instead of coming to its Employers for assistance, the results will be the same for them as for the Municipal Government.
The moment that the Territorial Government enters bankruptcy, all Powers delegated to it, revert by Operation of Law to the actual unincorporated Federation States, dba, The United States of America, and we pre-acknowledge and accept the return of those Powers in that eventuality.
The Operation of Law involved is clear.  When delegated Powers can no longer be exercised by an Assignee under contract, due to accident, illness, or incompetence, the Powers revert by Operation of Law to the Delegator(s) of those Powers and they are no longer within the possession of the former recipients of the Mandate.
So if the Queen wants to keep her contract with us, and if the U.S.Military remains true to its obligation to uphold the Constitution, formal accommodation must be made to re-convey all purloined American assets back to the actual American States and People, via their Federation of States, and provision must be made for us to access our assets and pay our bills directly with no further interference or administration “for” us, by the Hired Help.
This virus is indeed a smokescreen for (1) attempts by the British Crown to steal our assets from the Municipal Pirates who also also stole from us, or (2) attempts by an American President to recoup the American assets for America.
Whichever it is, will become apparent in the days to come.
Meanwhile, keep your eyes on the ball and remember that the actual government of this country has already taken the appropriate actions, filed the necessary Notices and Liens, and prepared to receive back and re-venue all property owed to us by our Subcontractors operating in foreign jurisdictions.
And also, everyone remember this immutable principal, called a “Maxim” of International Law for the last 10,000 years:
“Possession by pirates does not change ownership.”
All assets owed to the American States and People, which have been seized upon by our Foreign Subcontractors and Employees and purloined by them for their own benefit, have been taken under the international laws of piracy.
By Law, everything stolen from us by pirates or in the possession of pirates, is still ours — and whether we are dealing with Municipal PIRATES or Territorial Pirates, is immaterial.
All that matters now, is whether Mr. Trump and his Administration chooses to do the right, required, and honorable thing — which is to fulfill their obligations under the Constitution owed to their actual employers and return our assets recovered from the Municipal PIRATES to us — or do the wrong, prohibited, and dishonorable thing — and act as Territorial Pirates against their long-suffering Employers?
In our view and in international law, a pirate is a pirate is a pirate.
So it’s time for the U.S. Military to make an official and public choice: are you honorable men, or pirates?
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here:

Five Different Political Statuses, Five Different Estates

Judge Anna 2

By Anna Von Reitz

We recently issued a “One Pager” about the issue of citizenship (and non-citizenship) and described the five political statuses that people in America can adopt or be born or naturalized into.  Very briefly they are: (1) State National, (2) State Citizenship, (3) Federal United States Citizen (American), (4) Territorial U.S. Citizen (British), (5) Municipal “citizens of the United States” (Papist).
Now that you grasp the fact that there are five different political statuses, you can also grasp the fact that each status has different roles, rules, and benefits, which in sum total are called “estates”.
State Nationals hold their estate in The United States, and populate the National Jurisdiction of the soil in each State of the Union.
State Citizens hold their Estate in The United States of America, and populate the International Jurisdiction of the Land and Sea in behalf of each State of the Union.
Federal United States Citizens are Americans who adopt Federal Dual Citizenship and retain their State National political status while working as employees of the States of America, the Confederation of States of States, like The State of California, that have been “missing” from 1860 to 1998.
Regardless of the condition, existence or non-existence of the Confederation of States of State to administer these functions, the Federation of States is competent to do so and has done so.  These Federal United States Citizens conduct international business in behalf of The United States of America, and may work on either the land or the sea.  An example of this political status are the Continental Marshals (land) and their counterparts the United States Marshals (sea).
Territorial U.S. Citizens are typically Americans who were born in the Insular States like Guam and Puerto Rico, or who adopted such citizenship as a condition of their employment in the U.S. Military or acquired it as dependents of someone in the U.S. Military.   The British Monarch continues to hold some part and influence over the U.S. Military as a result of agreements making the British Monarch the Trustee of Americans “on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways”.
Municipal “citizens of the United States” are often Americans but may come from anywhere on the globe, who have adopted such citizenship as a condition of their employment for the Federal Civil Service, as a dependent of a Federal Civil Service worker, or as a Municipal Employee or native of Washington, DC, or they may have adopted such political status as a religious obligation.  The Municipal Government of the District of Columbia is a theocracy run by the Roman Catholic Church doing business as “the” United States.
That Municipal Government has done business as a commercial corporation since 1878 and it is currently in the process of settling its Chapter 7 bankruptcy and liquidation.
Key Points:
(1) All three species of Federal Employees cannot own land in America; they can only “reside” in the States on a temporary basis until such time as they retire and return to their birthright political status or become naturalized State Nationals. If they are Americans “seeking temporary employment” as Federal Citizens, their land assets are held for them in State Trusts during their Tour of Duty or Foreign Assignment;
(2) Federal Employees are not owed any protections under the Constitutions governing their political status; they are subject to the Constitutions when on the land and soil of the States — [that’s why its called “The Law of the Land”] meaning that they have to obey and respect the Constitutional Guarantees owed to American State Nationals and American State Citizens, but have no such protections themselves, because their political statuses are created by the Constitutions (there are three (3) Constitutions, one for each kind of Federal Government Subcontractor — American, Territorial, Papist).
You can now readily see that with respect to the land and soil there are only three estates: American State National (soil), American State Citizen (land), and American State Trust (land and soil assets held in trust for Americans while serving as Federal Citizens).
Because Federal Citizens are all serving as employees of foreign corporations of one sort or another, they are not able to possess actual factual assets, such as gold and silver, in their own names, and under their own control, either.
The United States of America [Unincorporated] which is the Federation of the States in international jurisdiction and the State Citizens known as “the People” are the Parties and Principals holding the American side of the Constitutions and have the right of enforcement thereof.
Since 1863 the British Territorial United States Government operating the U.S. Military has proposed to “represent” us and act as our “agents” and has instituted a de facto foreign government on our shores, operated via political parties (lobbies) as a “democracy”.
This military protectorate was established by Abraham Lincoln operating as the Commander in Chief in March of 1863, when the Northern “States of States” of the original Confederacy declared bankruptcy.
This was not a collapse of our government, but merely the collapse of one of the Federal Subcontractors.  The circumstance was not freely disclosed to the American States and People, so the “Reconstruction” of the American Confederation of States was never completed.
This left the British-influenced Territorial Military Government substituting itself for the government we are owed, but themselves still owing every jot of their own Constitutional contract and obligation to us.
The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our member States have declared our proper political status and the State Citizens have similarly corrected all false presumptions about their political status. We have assembled our States of the Union, and presented our claims to all actual and factual land and soil and physical assets, including gold and silver, etc., owed to the American States and People.
Mr. Trump —as Commander in Chief of “the” [Territorial] United States of America and the director of the U.S. Citizens making up the military and their dependents– is not able to settle the bankruptcy of the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC., “for” us.
We must be brought to the table.
The National Credit is pre-paid and owed to Americans, not “U.S. Citizens”.
The American gold and other physical assets held in the Philippines and elsewhere is owed to Americans, not “U.S. Citizens”.
The land and soil of this country is owed to Americans, not “U.S. Citizens”.
The role of all U.S. Citizens is to obey the Constitution and protect this country and its people —- period.  The moment that U.S. Citizens act in a hostile or predatory way toward their employers, they become criminals and outlaws, lose their political status, and forfeit the assets held in trust for them.
It’s not that we wish for anything but cordial relationships with our employees, but they must understand that they are employees.  They have jobs, functions, and obligations owed to the people of this country.
Those jobs and functions do not include seizing upon our assets and offering our assets as collateral for their debts. Whether they are seizing upon our land, our labor, or our gold as the underlying collateral is immaterial to the issue.  Our employees are not authorized to do this. Period.
We have our own government, with our own standards, and our own means of funding operations.  All the actual and factual assets of the States and the Territories belong to us and we are competent to administer and manage our own business affairs, whereupon we have notified Mr. Trump and the Joint Chiefs and the other Principals and Parties around the world and we have given clear direction regarding all these facts.
There is no National Emergency so far as we are concerned as the result of an “enhanced” Common Cold virus. Please send the Queen, the Pope, and Bill Gates the Bill. They created the monster, they are responsible for it. Let them pay — up the wazoo.
There is no excuse for any presumption by the Territorial Government that the Municipal assets are “abandoned”.  The moment that the Municipal Federal Subcontractors fail, the rights, titles, duties, assets, patents, titles, copyrights, and trademarks— and all other material rights and interests, return to the Original Issuers and Delegators—- The United States of America, [Unincorporated], that is, the American States and People.
Our claims are firmly established in the historical and current Public Record.  They have been brought forward continuously since 1998 when we first realized the fraud and mis-representation being worked against us, via a process of identity theft, credit fraud, and false presumptions against our political status.
Mr. Trump, in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief, is called to our defense and obligated to return and re-venue our property assets to us, free of debt or encumbrance.  In return, we will make provision for the payment and well-being of our employees and the support of the military according to the terms of the Federal Constitution.
The days of the Tail Wagging the Dog are over, and instead of being upset by this, every American from Alaska to the Florida Keys should be happy.  A century and a half of confusion, carpet-baggers, foreign intrigue, false debt, false taxation, self-service, and crime — is at an end.
America is back on track.  And all you have to do is do your part.  If you are a Federal Employee, do your duty and stay the course.  Respect the Constitutional Guarantees owed to all Americans.  Do your job, and we will protect your trust, as you protect ours.
Most Americans who are not presently Federal Employees or Dependents have still not declared their political status and urgently need to do so. Go to: for help and additional information.

Join your State Assembly today and take part in the process of self-governance.

See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here:


Connecting the Dots – Problem – Reaction – Solution Events – Coronavirus


Connecting the Dots

Problem – Reaction – Solution Events









The Plan for Total Control

Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council

Wide view of the Hall during the opening of the meeting. 86th plenary meeting Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council [item 112(a)] (a) By-election (A/71/896) (b) Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

The Rockerfeller Foundation Report in 2010 is proof of their intentions to bring it to life.

Page 18Scenario Narratives read eerily similar to 2020 coronavirus

During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.

Bioweapons, as the Rockefeller Foundation gleefully pointed out in 2010, are a fantastic way to convince an already-mentally-supine population, to yield control of their physical forms to the state’s machinations as well.

While the video interview below was recorded in 2014 as an Ebola outbreak ravaged west Africa, Harry Vox’s observations are even more applicable to the 2020 coronavirus outbreak that has set western powers salivating, as China sets into motion its enviable state control machinery to quarantine some 50 million people behind a ‘cordon sanitaire’ that authorities admit has already allowed carriers of the virus to slip out ahead of its imposition – meaning this massive crackdown on free movement serves no purpose other than as a giant human experiment, in what liberties a population will thoroughly trash for the fleeting illusion of security. Spoiler alert: too many.

The main take away – withdraw consent

13:18 mins
It will be curfews and quarantine unless the American people start to get some new way to revolt, or new way to organize, new way to protest. Unless they can break through the apathy because that’s what we have here; it’s going to be a slave state.

The ruling class doesn’t seem to have too much resistance. They’re getting everything on their Christmas shopping list. They’ve been wanting quarantines and curfews for a long time, now they got it.


NOT Human – Power Elite

There are five pillars of the main structures that use anti-human control which influence all planetary affairs. These pillars of society are manipulated to shape all World Organizations through the agenda of control enforced by the Power Elite classes.

  • Power Elites or Controller
  • Military Industrial
  • Intelligence Agencies, Covert Groups and Government
  • Religious-Academic-Financial
  • Controlled Media and Press

In choosing one of the main Pillars of Society – Religious – Academic – Financial – we can see how even though these three areas of belief systems feel completely separate and opposed from each other, in reality they are not. They are used interchangeably to appear in diametric opposition to the onlooker, but that is not how they actually work. They all have the same underlying goal to reinforce each other to manipulate power to be given to the top of the chain. Divide and Conquer mentality to continually create victims and victimizers is how all of these pillars of society work. So let us choose the Academic world for an example. Current mainstream atheistic science forms the current parameter of the collective accepted belief systems in the academic world which further direct the consortium of world organizations which impact human and planetary affairs. Science promotes atheistic consensus and barbaric medical practices, while Religion promotes spiritual terrorism and war through Hell fire and brimstone of the Alien Gods. Both make massive amounts of money for the financial, medical and military sectors with the primary goal to invest in controlling human beings. Effectively, they are all functioning components of the same thing.

Patriarchal Domination

Patriarchal Domination is enforced in a variety of ways through abuses of alpha male power to control women and those ranked lower on the social or religious classification system through fear, intimidation and Victim-Victimizer techniques. This is a learned skill that is promoted in a variety of ways or is mimicked from boys watching their Father’s or male authority figures evolve into the Controller archetypes that promote Archontic Deception Strategy. This is a primary strategy of programming humans intoMind Controlled Archontic Deception Behavior that originates from the Orion Group Reptoids of the NAA.

Strategies of exerting power and Mind Control through Misogyny exist at every level of society, starting as domestic violence and forms of abuse which shape core values and the way humans are programmed to think. To better grasp how the Archons of the False King of Tyranny operate to abuse power systems by creating victims or victimizers on the earth, please see the domestic abuse chart.

Money Enslavement

Every time we touch money, exchange money, we are dealing with Egyptian Curses and anti-human Black Magic. We have been born into a structure that has been enslaved by something ancient that has been hidden from everybody, yet is everywhere, we can’t get away from it, because it’s everywhere in the structures of control. It’s in every organization used to control the society of the world we live in through the Power Elite. We don’t have a lot of alternatives in fully detaching ourselves; being stuck in the system as it is, and recognizing the Egyptian overlays are everywhere. They are in the stock market, the banking system, everything that we have to touch when we pay for things, rent, bills, we’re in an Egyptian Curse, we’re in the timeline of the energies that they have used form that point in time as a power source. The Federal Reserve, these structures of government have taken— when we see the obelisk, when we see these monuments that are erected as honoring government all of this is a type of occult knowledge that has been taken from the Masons or whatever, but it goes back to Egypt and further into theEssenes, and beyond. But I feel a Big Black Block in the Egyptian time, because it seems that the primary energy force that is harvested from human beings to maintain power in this world, meaning this small 1%, this Illuminati, these governing bodies — they are drawing upon a regular source of power from the Egyptian timelines. By doing that, they are creating more karmic exhaust, more curse, the more people feed into it— because obviously, there’s not a lot of choices on prison planet. So it’s something that keeps regulating the governance of this power abuse of the Controllers, that is the enslavement that can be felt in all of these structures. [2]

Self Enforced Enslavement

If a technologically advanced extra-dimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what domination strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal, the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures with mind control such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the anti-human value systems that generate the victim and victimizer reality belief systems that they use to enforce tyrannical Mind Control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation through SRA methods hidden in plain sight among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement through inflicting torture methods learned from the adults that abused them as children and carry it from generation to generation. Through consistent desensitization and dissociation, they would grow into dysfunctional adults that would continue to feed the cycle of SRA to enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources to the Power Elite.[3]


The head Controller Ego Archetype is the Draconian hierarchal belief system originating in Orion, which is the False King of Tyranny. This is the main ideology of the Negative Aliens and their NAA to Mind Control humanity and enslave this planet to their rule through slavery enforced by Consumptive Modeling. Through its archetypal overlay implanted into the planetary brain, humanity has been “forced” to submit and worship a False Father Reptilian God through Religious Violence and salvationistic theology. (see False Gods)

This ego archetype is represented as the angry father god that will protect you if you do his bidding and worship him or you are condemned to hell. Because the False King of Tyranny is the primary ReptilianController Archetype used to control humanity and the planet, it is these archetypal forces that are wielding “his” cosmic rage upon the planet as he loses control. Primarily Males that are using this archetype as an identity (or younger males who are totally disconnected and lost) are easily used for these Dark forces to unleash their anger and rage upon whomever is the near vicinity. (This has been evidenced with young males randomly shooting to kill and then killing themselves.) This is the phenomena when human bodies are used as dark portals to direct these forces, if they are unconscious, they have no idea this thoughtform is not sourcing from “them”. Most of the planet’s ego maniacal leaders are manipulated to play out these agendas and are reinforced through this N.A.A. Controller archetype. [4]

AD Strategy 1: Divide and Conquer

Divide and conquer the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies that are heavily rewarded with earthy power by infiltrating and establishing AD programs and behaviors among their influencers. By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes or Power Elite, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through bloodline and that their god of choice will protect them and their families on the Luciferian or Satanic ideology. To be an apostate of their ruling class secrets is punishable by torture or death. The main tool for human Divide and Conquer is generating war, economic terrorism, blood sacrifice, sexual abuse, Mind Control and SRA to steal physical and energetic resources generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralized system of NAA control. (NWO)


NOT Human – Negative Alien Agenda (NAA)

The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse.

See the timeline in the Ages of Humanity From the Ice Age in 10,500 BCE. See Galactic Wars

These are extradimensional beings that have lost their Consciousness connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source (like a parasite) to live thousands of years. They do not have emotions as humans have but are highly intelligent as they are working on higher mind principles than the human Three Layers of Ego. They are similar to a Mad Scientist that manipulates and genetically modify human beings, similarly as a farmer interested in gaining more resources out of his herd of cattle on the farm. They consider humans an investment in their energy resource portfolio. The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse and no caring towards human beings. They regard human beings as inferior, stupid and many times use forms of mockery to create intentional harm for their own amusement.

These beings have been manipulating the human world of affairs for thousands and thousands of years, since the Atlantian Cataclysm for their own purposes. See the Ages of Humanity. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelic in ancient history and they use many technological manipulation methods to Mind Control and negatively manipulate the future direction of the human race. Once such negative manipulation is installing the Armageddon Software into the planetary brain in order to install False Father Negative Alien Religions based on serving the Yahweh and Jehovian Annunaki Collectives. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods and Mind Control.

When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities “purpose” actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is “alien” to the true nature of humanity. See the Ages of Humanity.


New World Order Countdown Oct – Dec 2019

Countdown in plain sight

It is suggested that Oct 31, 2019 marks the start of a process scheduled to complete by Dec 10, 2019. In other words, globalists may attempt to finalize world domination and usher in the anti-christ, after which life could get very ugly.

The internet highway is paved with disinformation. Sanitized search engines, censorship, digital police [algorithms] make it hard to discern fact from fiction.

I highlighted key elements to warn of possible danger ahead.

The Real End Game Signposts

I Pet Goat II animation revelations [shown in video 1]
Economist magazine cover revelations [shown in video 1]
False flag attack on Mecca predicted to trigger WW III
Trump’s deal of the century [false peace?]
Angelina Jolie [Flash point]
Israeli elections
Thessalonians 5 verse 3 ‘For when they shall say peace and safety…’
Nov 11.19 planetary line up

Video 1 excerpts.

31:49 mins
Keep in mind three important aspects with regards to Angelina Jolie
1] she is currently the UN’s peace or goodwill ambassador
2] she is in a position to deal with governments and military but is sitting quietly for now 3] she has a tattoo of a Bengal tiger on her back [I Pet Goat II animation significance]

42:28 mins
If war is about to break out between two conflicting parties and Angelina Jolie becomes a mediator between these parties then know the time of our departure and time at which the dead will be resurrected are possibly hours away.

42:50 mins
It looks like a false flag attack on Mecca
is planned to coincide with the announcement of Trump’s deal of the century or very shortly thereafter that could lead to great destruction on earth not only through nuclear weapons that will be used but the dead that will be raised back to life. [The dead or clones? Doreen]


Prognosis 2012: Towards a New World Social Order — Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch

Well here’s one of those little twists we see on the New World Order title as it were. It comes in different other guises like, World Order (one of Jacinda’s versions) and New World Order. And this is from 2010, worth a repost I thought to familiarize you with the various cloaks global governance comes […]

via Prognosis 2012: Towards a New World Social Order — Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch

Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of “A Global Society”… — The Last Refuge — Truth2Freedom’s Blog

In a stunning press conference today U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explains why she she has taken no action to curb the illegal immigration influx into the U.S. While explaining why she will not allow congress to debate, change or modify U.S. immigration laws, Pelosi outlines how the United States is part of a global […]

via Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of “A Global Society”… — The Last Refuge — Truth2Freedom’s Blog

Nolte: Democrats Just Had Their Worst Week in 47 Years | Breitbart News — Truth2Freedom’s Blog

Barack Obama looks like Barry Goldwater compared to these power-hungry, freedom-hating, America-loathing woketard Democrats. Not since the 1972 discovery that George McGovern’s vice presidential pick, Thomas Eagleton, had been hospitalized and given electroshock treatments have the Democrats had a worse week than the one we just concluded. Because Democrats live on social media and watch […]

via Nolte: Democrats Just Had Their Worst Week in 47 Years | Breitbart News — Truth2Freedom’s Blog

The Globalist slowly drains the essence of life and liberty from our Land