Schumer-Pelosi Hostage Crisis Day 24 — AIM Truth Bits

Schumer-Pelosi Hostage Crisis Day 24 . Presidential Tweets . Jan 14, 2019 08:44:59 AM – The Fake News gets crazier and more dishonest every single day. Amazing to watch as certain people covering me, and the tremendous success of this administration, have truly gone MAD! Their Fake reporting creates anger and disunity. Take two […]

via Schumer-Pelosi Hostage Crisis Day 24 — AIM Truth Bits

Emergency Powers?

By Anna Von Reitz

It should be perfectly obvious that our Constitution has never granted any so-called “Emergency Powers” to our President nor to any Congress authorized to act in our behalf.  Logically, a Congress can’t give what it doesn’t have –which is the power to declare any “Emergency” nor to create the existence of any “Emergency Powers” on our behalf.
Any such powers claimed by the Municipal United States Congress apply only to its organization with respect to its administration of the Washington DC Municipality, which it rules as an independent international city-state.  See Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.
Out of two million “attorneys” we don’t have one left that can read a simple contract verbatim?
America as a country was born in an “emergency” and forged in fire.  We don’t even describe any “emergency powers” as we simply exercise whatever powers we need to exercise whenever and however.
Witness my comments to President Trump yesterday.  While he is wondering how he can protect America’s borders and do his job without funding, I just flat-out told him.  Go ahead and declare your Territorial Emergency  —- and coordinate with us, your actual Employers running the land jurisdiction government owed to this country.
We’re back.  We’re “home again”.  We have the lawful authority to deputize every man in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California if we want to, and we can authorize them to pack up their 30.30’s and go make the Mexicans and Hondurans an offer they can’t refuse.
The Territorial and Municipal United States Governments are milling around like chickens with their heads off, squawking and squealing about the Border Crisis, the Border Crisis, the Border Crisis and the Wall, the Wall, the Wall.   But the reality is that we can have a million armed men on that border and backing up the Border Patrol as sworn deputies in 24 hours.  And we don’t need any “Emergency Powers” to do it, either.
Mr. Trump is justly concerned because it is his job and his business to provide for the safety and security of this country and its people.  He has limited forces and funding to do it and 20,000 Meso Americans wanting to illegally cross our border is a real threat.  To him.   Not to us.  We can squelch that nonsense like a mosquito running into a very big fly-swatter.
The Municipal Hacks aren’t at all concerned because they don’t represent us, they simply took it upon themselves to claim (falsely) that they have the right to spend our money and enslave us to pay their bills when they demonstrably and definitely don’t.  In fact, all those clueless numb nutz in the Municipal Congress need to be permanently ceasing and desisting any claim to represent these States and this country—- because they don’t and never have since 1860.
It’s been nothing but a gigantic fraud scheme for 150 years, and thank the Lord there is no statute of limitations on fraud.
The Municipal “Congress” has managed to mess things up so completely that their corporation has required both bankruptcy and liquidation and for ninety days they can’t pass a new spending bill, so even if they wanted to, they couldn’t give Trump money for a Wall.
And they have no business making claims upon us and spending our money any way.
They are committing blatant international fraud. They don’t represent us.  They are not our fiduciary or fiscal agents.  They are running their own separate “independent, international city-state” and most of the Democrats are Dual Citizens of Israel.  All they are doing is picking our pockets in broad daylight and the worthless Papal Administration has been sitting there as our “Trustees” getting kick backs and letting them do it for 150 years.
Just because they hold their private corporate elections in every state of the Union doesn’t mean those are our elections.  Just because they open up their “franchises” like Dairy Queen franchises in every state of the Union and call them “STATE OF……” doesn’t mean these are our States.
Trump could spend existing allocations in the Defense Budget to build the wall or beef up border security in other ways— and he should.  That’s our money however it was illegally and immorally and fraudulently fleeced from us and one of the duties of the Territorial United States Government is to defend us.  We didn’t give it to them to defend the members of the the treasonous Municipal Government or the Hondurans, did we?
No.  Nobody in their right mind could defend any such assumption.
We have our “Emergency Powers” and they don’t need any declarations, legal interpretations or explanations.  Cross our borders and leave Mr. Trump unable to defend, and we will defend ourselves.  There isn’t anyone anywhere who has one iota of an excuse to say anything about it.
The Pope needs to get off his duff and arrange an airlift for all the members of  the Municipal Congress that still want to play this game.  Looks like most of the Democrats will be finding new homes in Israel.  Maybe a few decades of hard work on a Kibbutz will do them some good.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

EXCLUSIVE: Patriots REACT After Trump Declares BORDER CRISIS – The OPERATION is Underway!!!

EXCLUSIVE: Patriots REACT After Trump Declares BORDER CRISIS – The OPERATION is Underway!!!

Found Here:

This is stark reality on the border. We are being invaded, and Trump needs to do his job right, instead of half way.

This is from Stewart Rhodes of Oathkeepers.
President Trump, please declare a national emergency and deploy the full weight of the U.S. military to secure the entire 2,000 mile border with Mexico, with military boots on the ground, and to also order the U.S. military (the Army Corps of Engineers and military combat engineer units) to build the necessary layered system of wall/steel fencing, patrol roads, and surveillance systems – all backed up by ongoing military, National Guard, and militia boots on the ground that are needed to finally and fully secure the entire 2,000 mile border with Mexico.
Call the White House at: 202-456-1111
Email the White House here
And also contact President Trump’s Twitter account.

Walking the Walk

By Anna Von Reitz

I was in a queer kind of agony last night, listening to President Trump’s speech about Border Security.
Agony for him and for this country, too.
Here he was, stating it all so simply and clearly that a rock could understand the issues, yet having to deal with the Liars and the Hypocrites accusing him of “manufacturing a crisis” — one that has been building since the First World War and which they were themselves decrying less than a year ago — and urging us to put the needs of 800,000 federal workers ahead of the security and needs of 350 million Americans.
I told you that the Enemies of Mankind are Liars. Did I also mention that they are hypocrites?
Both Nancy and Chuck and all their ilk have repeatedly ranted and raved — but all for show — about the lack of border security. I am old enough to know that their hypocrisy stretches back decades and that if not for them and their “talk and do nothing” program, this problem would not exist now.
It wouldn’t even be a problem, if generations of Democratic Presidents and Congresses had done their job.
With the Liars, it’s always this way —- always a matter of “talking the talk” — but God forbid that they ever “walk the walk”.
I am totally fed up with it. I listen to Pelosi and Company with the patience of Job and pray to be delivered from the hypocrisy dripping from every word on every topic:
Racial equality? What have they done to promote racial equality? Nothing. But they have done a great deal of self-interested promotion of racism and polarity and injustice.
The Democrats— Southern Democrats — are the ones who “re-enslaved” black Americans as “public property” after the Civil War, but you will never know that unless you read the history for yourself.
The Democrats are also the ones responsible for bringing in European Central Banks and promoting the evils of the Federal Reserve System and “deficit spending”.
It’s their deficit spending system and false claims in commerce that have led to the inflation of the currency and widespread unemployment and racketeering by government agencies.
All down the line, they preach one thing and do another— often exactly the opposite of what they are saying. Just like their sudden reversal on the issue of a Border Wall.
Six months ago or so, Chuckie Baby was all for a Border Wall.
Nothing has changed, in fact, the problem which he and Nasty Nancy left unattended except for “talk” of support, has only gotten worse. Much worse.
And there is Donald Trump, one man standing up for what has needed to be done for a hundred years at a minimum, being accused of manufacturing this problem.
I have news for them. This is an old, festering problem that they have left unresolved.
It was a problem following the First World War, when General “Black Jack” Pershing unleashed the military to sweep through California and the Southwestern States to pick up and deport scads of Mexicans who were here illegally.
It was a problem after the Second World War, when Eisenhower had to do the same thing.
If Donald Trump has to unleash the military to take care of the problem that the gutless, useless Democrats have handed him, it will not be at all “unprecedented”.
It will be the same answer and choice that other Presidents have had to make to secure our Southern Border.

Time for all the children who have bought into the Liar’s Sop to grow up and time for the Media Conglomerates to be busted up.\

See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here:

Good vs Evil. Time to decide which side of the border you are on! — AIM Truth Bits

Are you a PATRIOT for your nation? Stand with U.S. in defeating globalism! . Presidential Tweets . 9:36 AM · Jan 9, 2019. Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forrest fires that, with proper Forrest Management, would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, […]

via Good vs Evil. Time to decide which side of the border you are on! — AIM Truth Bits

Two Foreign Governments

By Anna Von Reitz

We, Americans, are dealing with two (2) foreign governments on our shores— one Territorial United States Government presided over by the British hegemony, and one Municipal United States Government presided over by the  bunko artists of the “Republican” and “Democratic” Political Lobbies,  in what pretends to be “a” “United States Congress”.

These two entities were built into our government from the beginning, but never intended to play anything like the roles that they have since usurped.
The Territorial United States Government was supposed to oversee new Territories until their eventual statehood and also provide a government for Possessions run as Territorial domains, like Puerto Rico and American Samoa. They also provided other stipulated services as clearly stated in the Territorial United States Constitution.
Instead, they have usurped upon our States and established their own “States of States” and liberally substituted themselves for our rightful government in betrayal of trust and duty.
In their defense, they will say this was necessary because we did not re-establish Federal level States of States after the Civil War, but in fairness to us, nobody explained the situation and no effort was made to inform the public and allow for Reconstruction of the lawful government we are owed.
In additional fairness to us, we were never required to replace the Federal States of States and are perfectly competent to run our commercial affairs as States, so that there has in fact been no “emergency” and no viable excuse for what has been perpetrated in this country.
The Second Thorn in our flesh, the Municipal United States Government, is run as an “independent international city-state” under a foreign charter issued by the Holy See, and it was (and is) supposed to be limited to providing a municipal government for the Municipality of Washington, DC, wholly within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia.

Instead, they, too, have established their own Municipal STATES OF STATES and have incorporated more than 185,000 municipal corporations to function under their boot heels— and the Pope’s.  All of this activity by them is strictly unconstitutional and illegal, too.

Unfortunately, the fraud perpetuated here proved to be very profitable and the rest of the world’s governments followed suit.  As a result, the French and the Germans and the Japanese and the Aussies and the Canadians and nearly 200 other countries are similarly beset by two layers of foreign government, all functioning as “governmental services corporations” — that have nothing to do with the actual government that the people are owed.
It is vitally important for everyone to understand the fact that these jokers are just corporations in the business of providing “governmental services” under contract and are not our actual government.   They see their “job” as selling us services like any other vendor, and if we don’t like the service they provide–?
In theory, according to them, the only people we can complain to are their bosses and their bosses — as you can clearly see — generally don’t give a fig about service to the country or the people in it.
Why?  Because they are nothing but political lobbyists occupying vacated Public Offices under conditions of fraud and deceit.
As long as we let them get away with it and are deceived by this giant game of “Pretend” they have everything to gain and nothing to lose by continuing on with this out of control charade.
We, the People, (as opposed to “We, the Persons”) are supposed to be self-governing, so we are the actual government in this country, but in order to fulfill our role, we must move to organize our Jural Assemblies and exercise our prerogatives, or we shall have none.
The lawlessness and the “circus” in Washington are at least to a degree our own fault.
We have not taken the time to study and to act upon our duties as Americans to provide our own government, which is supposed to ride herd on these two foreign subcontractors.
The situation would be like owning a company and leaving two subcontractors to run it.
People are constantly asking me — why doesn’t President Trump do this and why doesn’t he do that?  And most of the time the answer is that their problem  is with the Municipal Government run by the members of the Municipal Congress authorized under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.
President Trump can’t address the Municipal Congress’s separate, foreign, and “plenary” government until and unless it usurps against the parts of the Constitution that he is responsible for.
It is always a case of the “pot calling the kettle black” with these two entities— one that pretends to serve us, and one that pretends to represent us — both of them acting in default.
The Territorial Government blames the Municipal Government and the Municipal Government blames the Territorial Government — and we suffer for it both coming and going.
Mr. Trump may be obligated by his presumed service contract to declare martial law to seal our borders.  The big question in everyone’s mind should be — why, if these members of “Congress” are supposed to be “representing” us and our country, aren’t they doing their duty to protect and preserve us?
A country without enforceable borders cannot be said to exist.
So this latest attack against our border security is a direct attack against our country, our nation, our identity, our security, our very existence.
The further question is why should any member of Congress be promoting lawlessness?   It isn’t as if we don’t already have lawful means of entering this country—- so here we have a purported “lawmaker” condoning lawlessness.
I choked when I heard Nancy Pelosi claim that an effective border is “an immorality”.  The only immorality involved is a Congress-person advocating lawlessness and destruction of our country and getting paid (handsomely) by us to provide such a gross disservice.  She should be taken to Fort Belvoir in chains and made to stand trial for mental incompetence and treason.
Or she can stay sequestered and silent  in her little ten mile square “kingdom” until such time as we decide to outlaw it and dismember the agreements that ever allowed it to exist for breach of trust and commercial contract.
The answer to the Fake Congress and its members will be found in the International Organizations Immunity Act (IOIA) of 1976, where the Municipal “Congress” washed its hands and departed from its obligations to us, choosing to “release” their public offices to the United Nations, and to only retain their Municipal (foreign private corporate) offices as part of the independent, international city-state government of the District of Columbia.
This in itself is lawlessness and insanity.  They were created by our government and when they depart from us, they depart from any excuse for their existence and purpose as a separate government on our soil.   As a direct result, they have been dependent on the Territorial Government to give them a “safe harbor” — one that they have not deserved.
It is a reprise of the Dutch East India Fleet bilking its customers and shareholders in 1702, and being given safe harbor in New York by the British East India Company—- for a price.   And the price, if they all have it their way, will be paid by us.
This is why we have refused to accept their offers to contract and why we have continued to bring our demand and to accept the return of our Delegated Powers.
They, the members of this thing calling itself the “United States Congress”  literally don’t “represent” you.  They claim to “represent” — as in, act as proxies for — corporation franchises named after you: YOU.  Thus, they endeavor to seize control of you and your assets and cast your shareholder votes in their filthy corporation, too.
The ones ultimately responsible for all this, are the members of the Roman Curia and the Pope, who should be collapsing not only the corporations involved in this travesty, but also preventing the people running this criminal game show from exercising any further ability to create, operate, act as shareholders, or benefit from any corporation whatsoever.
Criminals are not supposed to be exercising privileges — and creating corporations and operating them and benefiting from them is a privilege.
To the extent that the Pope and the Curia have allowed these Vermin to operate on our shores, the Pope and the Curia are responsible not only for the corporations being liquidated, but for assuring the rest of us that these Vermin don’t just throw up a new shingle and continue on abusing us under a new name.
Nancy Pelosi and all the other members of this deceitful, fraudulent, out-of-control, criminally-minded “Congress” need to be shut down and exposed so that everyone clearly understands that they are not our representatives.
People ignorantly voted in their private corporation elections because they were defrauded and deluded into believing that they were voting in public elections instead.
These Vermin have been running a con game to our detriment and in violation of any contract we ever had with them.  They have no excuse. They have been fully informed.  None of those “Persons” involved in this crime syndicate should be allowed to participate in, hold any office, or reap any benefit from any successor organization created to replace it.   And none of the people running the Municipal United States Government should be allowed to hold any office of trust public or private again.
Which is why I am banging on the Pope’s door about this and stomping around to the members of the Curia.  It’s not enough to bankrupt and liquidate their old Municipal Bordello aka “Swamp”.  These same guilty parties have to be prevented from just coming up with a new name and going right back into business.
Keep the pressure on all the rats. Keep the exposure going.  Keep explaining it so that everyone on Earth understands the con game.  Keep holding all those responsible feet first to the fire.  Your lives and your future depend upon it.
See this article and over 1400 others on Anna’s website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Trump is WINNING Yugely for All Americans — AIM Truth Bits

Trump is WINNING Yugely for All Americans Presidential Tweets . 9:55 AM · Jan 7, 2019. The Failing New York Times has knowingly written a very inaccurate story on my intentions on Syria. No different from my original statements, we will be leaving at a proper pace while at the same time continuing […]

via Trump is WINNING Yugely for All Americans — AIM Truth Bits