Everyone, Please, Cut the Crap

Judge Anna 2
By Anna Von Reitz

Am I the biggest genius since Leonardo? How is it, that a week ago, I told everyone two things that are now being borne out by WHO?

(1) Don’t use ibuprofen or aspirin to bring down fevers associated with viral infection, as this actually helps heat-sensitive viruses replicate by REDUCING body temperature and can thin the blood to dangerous levels, leading to bruising, oral and nasal hemorrhage,and worse.

(2) Use heat therapy to kill the virus in situ —- this can include taking saunas, breathing steam from a pot of boiling water (hopefully with some appropriate essential oil, a couple drops of peppermint or eucalyptus, for example–remembering to close your eyes, of course) or using a hand-held blow dryer (with ample common sense to prevent burns) to blow hot air up your nose and into your nasal cavities.

All the SARS viruses including Covid 19 are actually very fragile and very sensitive to heat. The reason no vaccines have been developed is that these viruses naturally disappear with the onset of hot weather.

No wonder China is already going back to work. Common sense. All they had to do was hold back shipments of blow dryers. Which they did.

Of course, generally speaking, Grandmothers with horse sense and practical life skills don’t want to be in charge of other people’s lives and hate politics…. so you may have to go out and pound the streets to draft them—- but look at the alternatives?

8 Billion dollars spent and general chaos over nothing? Trillions of dollars of business loss worldwide? Stock market tanked? “Martial Law” — which we’ve been under for no good reason since 1863 anyway?

Come on, cut the Shinola.

You think we haven’t noticed the sudden “miraculous” end of the “epidemic” in Wuhan?

You think we are unaware of China’s refusal to continue doing business with the Crown after the Crown (Qinetiq and the Pirbright Institute) pulled this on China?

I wouldn’t give the Queen the sweat from my sauna wrap if I were China.

Come to think of it, the Queen isn’t on my Nice List this week, either. Once again, the Brits at the bottom of the dog pile. Always. Forever.

I don’t blame China for pulling the plug and neither should you. What we should be doing is pulling the plug on the members of Congress, by all means necessary. And, figuratively speaking, of course, slapping Mr. Trump up the side of the head. It’s his economic miracle that the rats are intent on killing.

It’s his re-election they are intent on stealing.

We’ve already told them to send the bill to the Queen, DARPA, and Bill Gates — and to accept no back charges.

If they want to spend $8 billion cleaning up their own mess, let them pay for it. If they want to cause the stock market to tank over nothing, let them pay for it. If they want to cause chaos and fear and empty store shelves over BS —- let them pay for it.

Not on our nickel. Send Phil the Bill. He’s got $950 trillion worth of “Life Force Value Annuities” that belong to us and the Canucks.

While we are at it, how is it that Rod Rosenstein’s Sister just happens to be in charge of the Respiratory Diseases section at the Centers for Disease Control? Can anyone follow a thread here? How about a trail of snotty tissue papers?

Just in time to collapse the economic miracle Trump has been building for America—-and all over a virus that you can kill at home for the cost of hot air?

Heck, Congress produces enough hot air to cure the whole world. Without even trying.

And once again, Jon Rappoport stands supreme as the Last Living Senior American Journalist Worth His Salt. He has been pooh-poohing all this Shinola from Day One. Robert David Steele and I called it for what it is last week. Ron Paul, a Medical Doctor, called it a hoax.

Give us a couple million to deploy the tech that already exists, and we will kill every SARS virus on the planet, without the use of hot air.

Taking the Congress out into the street for a public shaming sounds like a good idea, especially now that there is no Municipal Government for them to hide behind.

That’s the way we used to do things in America. Maybe we need to take a clue from our Puritan ancestors and do it again. Just march them down the middle of Wall Street in a group, and pelt them with rotten tomatoes, shout “Booo! Boo!” at the top of our lungs, and moon the next Press Conference.


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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The Cards Are Called

Judge Anna 2
By Anna Von Reitz

We’ve had some real rats as Presidents.  Gangsta quality guys.  Robber barons. Even pukes like Slick Willie.  There are no — repeat, no, none, zero, zip, nada — choir boys in the ranks of the Presidents.  Number one, they can’t be Candide and get that far, and number two, if they were all sweet and cuddly and a box of rocks, they’d make terrible Presidents.
The trick most of them employ is to: (1) look good; (2) say whatever people want to hear (Obama is an excellent example of this); and (3) follow the political maxim of “do whatever you want, so long as you don’t get caught”.
This means that in addition to not being Choir Members, most Presidents are tremendous hypocrites.  Not all, but most of them, don’t believe in or care about anything but money and power and how best to benefit themselves and their pals at the public trough.
That’s why when someone like Trump comes in without a ticket, it upsets the whole DC Beltway Carnival.
Trump is not a Choir Boy, either.
The difference is that he is a really astute business man. And he’s not nearly the world-class hypocrite that most US Presidents have been.
He actually sees — and values — the power and potential and beauty of America.  He knows in his own terms what the “American Dream” is.
That’s the truth about Donald Trump, as proven in the pudding he has served up over the last four years.
By their fruits you shall know them.
The American Dream runs counter to the Democrat Dream of controlling the work force via Labor Union bosses just like the Overseers on their beloved plantations.
Most people don’t realize it, but the modern Democratic Party was birthed by largely German Communists who came here after the 1848 Worker’s Rebellion and settled in my home state of Wisconsin.  They were joined by the “traditional” Southern Democrats who were the remainders of the Southern elitists leftover after the Civil War.  This unlikely marriage of what superficially appears to be radically different partners wasn’t so strange after all.
It turns out that the Communists have a lot in common with the traditional Southern Democrats, though for wildly different reasons.  Both groups are elitist. Both believe in deceit and that lying is an acceptable means to an end. Both readily adopt to either/or thinking patterns and use “pillar” to “post” control systems to divide and conquer.  Both groups are hypocrites.  Both believe in subjugation of the inferior masses — while spieling the exact opposite message from both sides of their mouths.
Just so we are clear, I don’t venerate either political party and I did not start my life despising the Democratic Party.  Far from it.
I grew up in hardscrabble Black River Falls, Wisconsin, in a working class farm family and almost everyone I knew who bothered to vote — was a Democrat.  I considered myself a Democrat at one time and I continue to embrace many of the broad-minded egalitarian principles that the Democrats pretend to champion.
That’s the problem.
They pretend to champion all these high ideals of caring about communities and working class people and sharing with the less fortunate and education for all —and, as it turns out, the Democratic Party doesn’t actually care about any of those things. The Democratic Party is ruled by thugs with connections to big crime syndicates and populated with staffers and wannabes too stupid to notice that all the rhetoric is fake.
Stone cold fake.  And on purpose.
I had to learn that the hard way, by pouring through piles and piles of voting records on major issues and pieces of legislation that have been severely damaging to working class people and people of color.
I’ve got a tip for you — in every case I examined, and that ran a gamut from the Civil War to 1973, Democrats created the evil legislation, spoke loud and long against it, and then, by wild margins, voted FOR it.  In every single case.
I remember kicking back in my chair and staring at the ceiling of my college dorm room, feeling like I had been slapped up the side of the head.  It was like the time I kept track of the “nightly news” stories for content and discovered that I was being fed a steady diet of stories about death and sex, and virtually nothing of use or benefit to me or anyone else.
So I turned off the Democratic Party like I turned off the Nightly News.
Back then, with all my youthful idealism intact,  I thought Democratic politicians believed in the stuff they talked about.
It’s only when you look at actual voting records– at what the Democrats do, rather than what they say– that the brutal truth shoves firmly into view.
This also explains why — despite having super majorities for entire decades —  the slave-like, destructive welfare state has burgeoned into a huge population of people who are literally entrapped by the welfare system.
Entrapped, dependent, believing that there isn’t enough of anything — not enough money, not enough food, not enough of anything — and that the only way to get more is to push for more welfare spending and more welfare programs.
It never occurs to them that they are being kept poor and dependent and miserable on purpose.  And by the very people they believe are their champions.
Most people forget or miss the point that the government is in the business of providing services and that having a large captive population totally dependent on such services adds up to big profits for them and big meal tickets for bureaucrats—- and large dependent voting blocks for scumbag politicians who deliberately create poverty and break families and stifle job opportunities so that they have a big captive population to serve.
Thus, Black and Hispanic and other Minority voters put these rats into office year after year, decade after decade, vainly hoping for change and a better life, and never once realizing that their purported champions are the ones doing them the damage and keeping them down.
Like other Americans, Minority Voters don’t check voting records and don’t know the history of the Democratic Party.  They don’t read the horrible damaging legislation proposed by Democrats, then repudiated by Democrats, and then, quietly voted for —- all by Democrats.
“Keep them hungry and keep them stupid.” is the unofficial motto of the Democratic Party at the highest levels.  Believe me, because I have been there in my younger days and no matter what they say or pretend, I would never go back again.
Don’t believe me?  Go look at the actual voting records on key topics.
Enfranchisement —as in Dairy Queen enfranchisement.  Electoral votes (actual voting rights) for women and people of color.  Municipal corporations.  Taxes. Abuse of Social Security funds.  CPS.  Land ownership.  Marriage “licensing” laws. The Buck Act.  And why in the Hell didn’t they recognize the “Natural and Unalienable Rights” of colored people, instead of pulling yet another sleight of hand and offering “Civil Rights” instead?
If you are a rat, born to the breed, then you would find it deliciously amusing, just how easily misled and stupid American voters have been, and how many generations of us have taken politicians at their word and never checked their actual voting records and actual performance.
Let’s finally get to FDR, the King Rat of them all.
I am going to quote the guts of Executive Order 2039 which created the perpetual private trusts on March 6, 1933  — the very same day that the Conference of [Territorial ] State [of State] Governors “pledged”  their “states and the citizenry thereof” as collateral for loans from the Municipal Government.
“….the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President and under such regulations as he may prescribe, is authorized and empowered (a) to permit any or all of such banking institutions to perform any or all of the usual banking functions, (b) to direct, require or permit the issuance of clearing house certificates or other evidences of claims against assets of banking institutions, and (c) to authorize and direct the creation in such banking institutions of special trust accounts for the receipt of new deposits which shall be subject to withdrawal on demand without any restriction or limitation and shall be kept separately in cash or on deposit in Federal Reserve Banks or invested-in obligations of the United States.”
So, what are we really witnessing here?
At the Conference of Governor’s meeting taking place that same day, FDR got the rats to “pledge” all the Territorial “citizenry” as collateral backing loans from the Pope.
The same day, “clearing house certificates” were allowed to be issued for “new deposits”.
He’s talking about birth certificates and the “new deposits” were American babies being deliberately misidentified as “United States Citizens” and used as literal bank collateral to fund the bankruptcy reorganization of “the” United States of America, Inc.
The Pope and the then-King are consolidating their operations on our shores, moving to run both sides of their Papist Commonwealth-Roman Municipal scheme under one consolidated governmental services corporation — and all at our expense.
Think of it.  You are the Pope and you are in the business of providing “governmental services”.  You have two levels of the American government under your control, one directly, and one indirectly.  Well, of course, you want to reduce your costs and expand your services—and profits— by doubling them up and expanding the range of services on offer.
So you hire, on our behalf of course,  two guys to do the job of one, profit yourself from the labor of both, and charge the clueless American public for it.
Just go on the internet and do a search for something that should be simple — like “Alaska Department of Natural Resources”.  What you will find is a multitude of such entities listed, all with slightly different names, different addresses, etc.
There’s the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the Alaska DNR, and so on.
Now, you may think that these are all the same and all part of the same government, but they aren’t.  What you are seeing is the duplication for profit scheme in action—- a Territorial DNR, a Municipal DNR, a Regional (UN) DNR, a State Trust DNR……. and so it goes, the “government services” proliferating like a rapidly growing cancer.
And stupid people clamoring for more.
And of course, the “Legislatures” which are just elected Boards of Directors for these governmental services corporations, have no motive to stop it, so long as they can charge you for it and profit themselves at your expense.
Having created a completely redundant second or third or fourth set of workers, you can then use all the extra help for political and other profit making purposes.
The final details of the 1933 take-over transition were finished four years later in 1937 with the signing of The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.
At least they had enough class back then to admit that they were “in” The United States.
I happen to have and to have securely archived an original signed copy of this document implementing Corporate Feudalism—which was handwritten on over-sized sheets of rag paper in India ink, like something from the Middle Ages.
Please notice that the main Issuer and Purveyor of the bonds related to FDR’s Executive Order 2039 action was the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and that the underlying holding company in possession of the “deposits” — i.e., Birth Certificate Applications, was Cede and Company — all managed by the newly created Vatican Government (est. 1929).
Also notice that from FDR’s side of the “New [Undisclosed] Deal” his profits from selling you into slavery and confiscating all your assets were poured into the Federal Reserve Banks and that “special trust accounts” were established in the names of all the “new deposits”.
This is where “YOU” came in, along with the all the undisclosed escrow accounts siphoning off your money, the value of your labor, and your natural resources— including your children.
When we started tracking it, the money trail led from DTC to the Vatican Bank (the Pope gets his share first) and then to the Bank of Canada (the Queen’s “Commonwealth” share) and having been laundered through both these banks, the filthy loot of the Slave Traders comes back to the Mellon Bank (the share of the American traitors and their “progeny” — mostly members of The Pilgrim Society) —–and finally, the remainder lands in the Federal Reserve Banks closest to wherever the victims were born.
All the lucre raised from selling “me” that was left after the scumbags took their shares is sitting in the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, under a CUSIP/AUTOTRIS “Social Security Number” and an account labeled: RIEZINGER, ANNA MARIA.
Please note that the habit of using all capital letters without hyphens between the words is known as “DOG LATIN” — a venal script amounting to gibberish that was applied by the Roman Emperor Justinian to identify and defraud “tribal members” who were illiterate.
This slave operation has been going on a long, long time, but it is time for it to end, and for the outraged world to throw off the yoke of men who at best could be called criminals— and also the institutions which have betrayed the trust and Good Faith of billions of people.
And there, right smack dab in the middle of the cradle of this stinking and reprehensible modern day enslavement and racketeering scheme, sits Pope Frances.
There are only two possibilities: (1) Frances is the Chosen One of the evil and rightfully suppressed “Holy Roman Empire” and he was, as is rumored, put in power by means of murder and blackmail; (2) Frances is the loyal Jesuit “Bag Man” for Pope Benedict XVI, who has taken a powder from public view, similar to Prince Philip who retired from public life two days after receiving $950 trillion dollars worth of “Life Force Value Annuities” belonging to us and the Canadians.
This is how, when, where, and by whom we were all secretively betrayed and the reason that we all have been treated as slaves and sucked dry by our public servants; and this is how slavery has been maintained in the modern world, right here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, since 1933.
This was done to us by FDR and the Democratic Party, which deserves to be outlawed as a crime syndicate— up front, here and now, for sure.
I still have friends and family members who are Democrats and Catholics, both, and I love them dearly.  If they knew what has been going on in their Party and their Church, they would be as sickened as I am.
They couldn’t imagine such evil and deceit, lurking just underneath the surface of their government, their political party, and most of all, their church.
But the evidence is in, and the cards are called.
Yes, Julia,  there were Republicans in the dog pile, too.
Teddy Roosevelt, FDR’s Cousin, was an absolute  promoter of the whole scheme, and a skilled and devious actor. His career was launched by the Robber Barons. He oversaw the First Bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper doing business as The United States of America, Inc. and he established the foundations for the Federal Reserve System and did far more damage to this country than ten atom bombs—-and he was a Republican.
But he was also a Roosevelt.
So we had Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, doing the set up, and we have FDR, a Democrat, doing the take down.
Among all the Players who have contributed to this seething cauldron of corruption— the name “Roosevelt” needs to be etched in stone.
Rothschild means “Red Shield” and Roosevelt means “Red Field”.
Go figure.
These men were so arrogant, so evil — and so diabolically brilliant  — that they literally believed that the rest of us would never be able to figure it out.
Yet, there it is, all neatly dissected, decoded, and presented in a single paragraph of a single Executive Order issued back in 1933.
Let’s outlaw the Democratic Party as a crime syndicate.  And then let’s abolish the Political Party System and the Federal Reserve System, too.

Lets make a clean sweep and all go home to America, where we don’t have political parties, don’t buy and sell babies as “new deposits”, and are sick to death of all of this crap.

See this article and over 2100 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

The Brutal Truth About the CARNET: The Venezuelan Biometric ID Also Known as the Fatherland Card —

By Daisy Luther and J.G. Martinez D. If you want a totalitarian regime, you have to take extra steps to control the populace. And that’s just what Venezuela has done with the advent of a biometric ID called Carnet, loosely translated as The Fatherland Card. Carnet is closely related to the dystopian Chinese social credit…

via The Brutal Truth About the CARNET: The Venezuelan Biometric ID Also Known as the Fatherland Card —  

Meanwhile in North America  REAL ID Act – Title II 1 H.R.1268

Hmm, eerily similar.

The Missing Pieces – De Facto vs De Jure Governments


By Anna Von Reitz

I have recently had cause to be re-reading documents from the past as we continue the arduous business of sorting through and reconstructing my law offices after the Earthquake.
As I reported, the books all landed on the floor and got put back in the shelves in no particular order; lots of old files and publications also hit the floor and are in boxes and piles waiting to be sorted. So in all my “spare time”…..
Anyway, I chanced upon my copy of “Lawfully Yours” –a quite wonderful publication from The Anti-Corruption Society– (https://anticorruptionsociety.com) and was reading it again as one tends to do while sorting paperwork.
And thanks to Al Whitney and Crew, I could very clearly see The Missing Pieces:
1. There is an entire part of our “Federal Government” that is Missing in Action and has been MIA since 1868.  It was never fully “reconstructed” after the Civil War — though we were all left to assume that it had been.
2.  The portion of the Federal Government that is missing just happens to be the portion of it that is owed to the American States and People: the Federal Branch of the Federal Government, which was and is supposed to be run by the Confederacy of Federal States of States formed under The Articles of Confederation adopted March 1, 1781.
This Confederation doing business as the “States of America” was composed of business organizations operating as “States of States” that mirrored the actual States of the Union Federation called “The United States of America” formed five years before.
Both of these organizations, one a Holding Company for the Federation States (The United States of America) and one a business association (States of America) were both formed during the Revolutionary War and continued to function afterward.
The United States of America is still in operation, but the original States of America organization is not.
That’s the Missing Piece, together with the Federal States of States that are supposed to operate the Federal Government.  These States of States operate under these names: The State of Georgia, The State of Ohio, and so on.
Notice that like The United States and The United States of America, the word “the” is capitalized and is part of their actual Proper Name.
When you realize this fully you can see that what we have been dealing with are operating under deceptively similar names: “the” United States, “the” State of Florida are not the same, so what are they?
They are Territorial United States entities.
The Territorial United States Government operated by the British Government is also a part of the original Federal Government– the Territorial Branch. Not the Missing in Action Federal Branch, but it has been deceptively calling itself “the” Federal Government and getting away with it as a part of the intended Federal Government we are owed.
The Municipal United States Government authorized under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 has been using the same semantic deceit to call itself “the” Federal Government, giving everyone the impression that a mere (and intended to be small) part of the original structure is the whole.
There are supposed to be three branches to the Federal Government– Federal, Territorial, and Municipal, but the actual “Federal” branch is MIA, and it’s Federal States of States are mothballed, awaiting “Reconstruction”.
Meanwhile, self-interested European carpetbaggers have been secretively and fraudulently “representing” the American States and People and we have been kept in the dark, unable to solve a problem that we were deliberately left uninformed about.
Meanwhile, our False Trustees and disloyal employees responsible for this situation have put in place various ploys to try to cement their theft of our entire country via legal chicanery and false claims in commerce.
First and foremost is the bogus claim of the Municipal Government that our Mothers were all Unwed Mothers who donated our DNA and our Good Name to the Territorial Government.
Second is the bogus claim that we set sail in 1933 and were never heard from again– allowing the perpetrators to declare our Good Names “legally” dead and to probate our Estates “for” us — so as to enrich themselves at our expense.
Third is the bogus claim that any of this has been done with our knowledge or consent, that any of this was fully disclosed or voluntary.
I have often locked horns with Karen Hudes, but I do agree with the quote you will find in the Foreword of “Lawfully Yours”—
“….the ABA (American Bar Association) has lost all -total- credibility, and they should apologize to the American people for what it is they have been doing. And they should disband.”
None of this pernicious and evil deceit, nor any of the abuses of it, would be possible without the corruption and often, gross ignorance, of the members of the American Bar Association.
Folks, we have been kept in the dark and fed hay for so long by these villains that they think we are dumb beasts, “livestock” to be milked, and when times get hard for them, to be slaughtered either as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit or as murder victims in concentration camps, so they can collect on life insurance policies, write off their debts to us, and seize our property as “abandoned” assets.
These corporations and the people who are running them are shameless and they don’t want to give up power even when it is crystal clear that the jig is up.
Record your claim to your Trade Name (Given Name) and Re-Convey it to permanent domicile on the Land and soil of your birth State.  Then claim your ASSUMED NAMES. (http://annavonreitz.com/basicforms.pdf).  Then join your State Jural Assembly and post to the National Jural Assembly: www.national-assembly.net.
Although our actual government and our Federation of States was never in the Civil War, it falls to our States to clean this mess up, convene our State Jural Assemblies, and reconstruct the “missing” Federal States of States that each one of our States are owed, and take care of our other business, too.
Once our actual Federal Branch of the Federal Government is restored and the European thieves and knaves and their American Flunkies are put in their places, America will be back on track.
So if you want to Make America Great Again–we now know what needs to be done, by whom, why, and basically– how.
Come back “home” to the land and soil of your birth, and join your State Jural Assembly.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Wake up, Beijing! You are being Swindled and so are we by international criminals ensconced in Washington, DC– and those criminals have nothing to do with us.


By Anna Von Reitz

The Watchmen of The Republic– the real one, are shouting from the rooftops and from the city walls. The Watch Fires are lit.
The mouthpieces of their bought and paid for media blare nonsense night and day, bread and circuses to keep us entertained.
But it isn’t working.
Their banks steal from their Depositors and throw fanciful money laundering schemes at us, seeking to exonerate themselves, entrap everyone else– and use other people’s money to do it.
You want to do business with these “persons”?  Really?
A great and unseen struggle is being waged– with one aim: to keep the American People duped and asleep.
But it isn’t working.
It is this simple– their Territorial Congress you see in Washington, DC is not our Congress.
The Municipal United States Congress you see parading around and causing trouble isn’t our Congress, either.
Our States are not their States of States.
Their Territorial States of States are not our Federal States of States.
They are running a foreign, usurping government out of Washington, DC, and pretending to “represent” us.
They don’t.
The Municipal United States Government should not exist outside the ten miles square of the District of Columbia.
The Queen and the Popes have been colluding against us in Gross Breach of Trust since 1822.
They are such good liars and payola artists, they’ve gotten away with it, too.
To hear them tell it, black is white and red is blue.

They have made false claims in commerce and duped us into

obviously paying their corporate debts for 150 years, impoverishing us and enriching them.
And when they realized the jig was up, what did they do?
Even with the benefit of all that they have stolen from us, they could never pay us back.
So they set up their FEMA Concentration Camps and ordered their 30,000 guillotines and taught the fools who work for their pieces of paper and their digits on a screen that we are “livestock” and “useless eaters” — as they prepare to murder their Priority Creditors, their own Employers, the people who have paid their bills for all these years.
And they collected the Life Force Value Annuities that should have been paid to the Americans and Canadians.
And they concocted a bogus $20 Trillion Dollar U.S. National Debt by not applying credit that we are owed.
And they won’t protect our Southern Border even though that is required by their service contract.
And right now, with the horrified eyes of the world upon them, they are trying to sell our Highway System to you so you can charge us tolls to use our own roads to pay their bills for them?
You think that is going to fly?
Wake up, Beijing!
Do you need a better reason to destroy the “Federal Reserve”?
Has it dawned on everyone yet who the real villains in the story are?
The same worthless roaches are trying to sell our land and soil and water, too, to anyone stupid enough to think that they can buy it from them.
Be forewarned all you investors.
The land and soil and the waters belong to our States and our People and we are sick and tired of any more legal chicanery, any more lies, any more excuses for any of this.
If you have a debt or a claim against the “U.S.” –the American States and People are NOT their “Sureties”.  The Queen and the Pope are their Sureties.
Don’t come here, China, and negotiate with the thieves of the “Federal Reserve”.  Those roads belong to us.
Don’t come here and claim to buy a “Water District” and think you own the People’s water.
You are being Swindled and so are we by international criminals ensconced in Washington, DC– and those criminals have nothing to do with us.
Just keep flying East until you get to London and Rome. There you will find the deplorable scoundrels who  stole our labor and money and resources and now propose to steal yours.
What good is their fraudulent title to things they don’t own?  Of what value are their lies, pretending that we are their Sureties and that we agreed to this?
99.9% of Americans never heard a word about any of these cozy arrangements made “for” us by these self-interested Liars.
Fly East to London and to Rome and speak to those who are truly responsible for the debts that the fake “U.S.” owes.
Wake up, Beijing.
A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but a dung heap is still a dung heap, too.
America is not for sale and we are not responsible for their odious debts.
The Queen is responsible for the debts and bad behavior of the Territorial Government and the Pope is responsible for the Municipal Government and both the Queen and the Spanish King are responsible for all the criminality that has been headquartered in Puerto Rico.
It has nothing to do with us and trying to buy up our infrastructure from them is like trying to buy a Hawaiian Beach from an Eskimo.
No doubt they would give you a Quit Claim Deed to everything they don’t own.
Wake up, Beijing.
See this article and over 1500 others on Anna’s website here: http://www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.