How Can I Get My Neighbors To Be Prepared

Row Of Homes


 June 15, 2024 by Linda Loosli 27  CommentsNeighborhoodNeighborsPrepared

How Can I Get My Neighbors To Be Prepared


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Here is my dilemma: how can I get my neighbors to be prepared for the unexpected? I have mentioned to you before that I am asked to teach classes about food storage and emergency preparedness to churches, businesses, and subdivisions. Standing in front of groups, I can tell if they understand the importance of working together as a neighborhood. The looks in their eyes and the questions asked say a lot! Please note that I no longer teach classes.

Mark and I had dinner with friends last night, and we started talking about the importance of neighbors working together as a team if and when a disaster hits our neighborhood. About 15 years ago, I taught classes for one hour every Wednesday to whoever saw my sign outside that said “Food Storage Moms.”

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