1948 State of Israel was NOT a Fulfillment of Prophecy – It was an Ethnic Cleansing Massacre (Nakba)

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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Throughout my life I have had many Christians tell me that the 1948 establishment of the State of Israel was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

This idea is drilled into Christians, mainly Evangelical Christians, from an early age through the teaching of Christian pastors and Sunday School programs.

Hidden behind this unbiblical belief is the true history of the war of 1948, and the ethnic cleansing massacre that took place by Israeli military forces against innocent civilians, including women and children, a history that is also censored among most Jews.

The Palestinian people refer to it as the “Al-Nakba,” which means “massacre”.

The Israeli government does not allow the word “Nakba” to be used in textbooks for school children, not even Palestinian school children.

But in recent years some Jewish documentary producers have exposed the truth of what really happened in 1948, by interviewing the people who actually lived through it.

One of the most explosive documentaries exposing the horrors of 1948 is the documentary “Tantura: The Untold Story of the 1948 Massacre“, which was directed by Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz in 2022.


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