These 13 countries just signed an agreement to engineer a global FAMINE by destroying food supply

TAGS: agriculturebig governmentclimate changeclimate hysteriaCollapsedepopulationevilfaminefood collapsefood supplyglobal warmingglobalistsjunk scienceorganic farmingrationingstarvationtraitorsTwistedwefworld economic forum

The United States and the following 12 countries have all signed on to an agreement that in practice will destroy agriculture worldwide while ushering in global famine and starvation:




Burkina Faso


Czech Republic







A loss of meat production from Australia, Brazil and the U.S. alone would be enough to starve countless people, not to mention all the other foods that are raised and grown in these three countries.

Citing “climate change” and “global warming” as the reasons why such drastic measures must be taken, the globalists behind the climate scam are pushing the notion that agriculture, including animal rearing, must end in order to prevent animal flatulence from heating the environment.

“I am glad to see the shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals we signed for in the Paris Agreement on climate,” said Luis Planas, Spain’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in a statement.

Marcelo Mena, CEO of the Global Methane Hub, of course agrees.

“Food systems are responsible for 60 percent of methane emissions,” Mena explained in an announcement.


TREASON documentary: There are CONCENTRATION CAMPS being built right under your nose in all 50 states

An upcoming documentary film from former Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent J.J. Carrell called “Treason” claims that the federal government of the United States is currently constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens as seems to be the claim.

The cover story for these concentration camps is that they are needed to house and process the tens of millions of illegals pouring across the southern border. The reality, though, is that the facilities in question are being designed for American citizens to be interned if they step out of line.

“It’s not for these illegals,” says former federal contractor Christie Hutcherson of Women Fighting for America in the film. “I believe it’s … kind of like what Nazis did with the Jews, concentration camps, processing facilities. They’re going to need somewhere to process the dissidents.”


Journalist uncovers “shadowy network” of non-governmental organizations enabling southern border invasion

America’s southern border is wide open, in part because of a “shadowy network of secretive nonprofits,” some of which are funded by United States taxpayers, that is working in lockstep with the federal government to facilitate the illegal migrant invasion.

This is according to journalist James O’Keefe who conducted an investigation into the matter and discovered that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like “Alita’s Angels” and the American Red Cross that are actively helping illegal migrants to invade America.

“We just followed the trail of the migrant vans right to the source, visiting the Arizona border town of Nogales, where we encountered some rude and suspicious ‘Alita’s Angels’ NGO (@alitasangels) workers who once again called the police on us,” O’Keefe tweeted about the investigation.

O’Keefe further discovered that Alita’s Angels is a “brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file” that operates out of an old, formerly abandoned bank building in Nogales.

When O’Keefe and his team attempted to film a migrant facility in the same area, a volunteer with the American Red Cross who refused to share his name became aggressive, sticking his hand in front of the cameras. When O’Keefe and his team proceeded to question another volunteer from the American Red Cross, she responded with “I am your father” before storming off.

Why PLANDEMICS are critical for Dems to stay in power

Democrats govern through terror, assured that the oppressed will return to their abusers

Since March of 2020, Democrats have assumed imaginary powers — powers that were never granted to them under the U.S. or state Constitutions. Democrat governors waged economic warfare against small businesses, shutting down anyone they considered to be “non-essential.” Democrat governors threw their support behind rioters and looters, while advocating for shutdowns and restrictions on places of worship. Democrat governors targeted anyone who didn’t comply with harmful medical experimentation. Individuals who protested the lockdowns, forced masks, and mandatory vaccines were dubbed “enemies of the state” – their livelihoods and careers threatened.
