You Are Being Groomed … Banking 4.0 Social Credit World

Grooming children to sell global warming

Canadian kids want to tackle climate change in the voting booth*

UN Agenda 21, Sustainable Development; Grooming Canadians

The Suzuki Foundation Bluedot program in Canada asks ‘What is more important than the right to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and eat safe food?’

How about full disclosure regarding solar radiation management or chemtrails that contaminate man, animal, trees, food, water and air; HAARP, a High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program heating the ionosphere; very low frequency [VLF] ground waves from GWEN Towers that allow specific frequencies to alter the magnetic field; weaponized vaccines, weather, wireless electromagnetic frequency radiation and 5G?

Open Letter to Chemtrail Deniers and Global Warming Stalwarts

Sept 01, 2019

Two David Suzukis

By Ezra Levant

David Suzuki is a capitalist millionaire, a politician, a man with a staff of lobbyists, a prolific father, a wealthy landlord. If only he’d stop scolding the rest of us for aspiring to do the same.

Origins of the Religion of Anthropogenic Global Warming

Australian Politician Ann Bressington says …

The words “Agenda 21”, ladies and gentlemen, were never meant to be spoken, and if they were, then of course it would be dismissed as a Conspiracy Theory, because if people knew Agenda 21 and what it stood for, there’s plenty of information out there where they could actually learn what the end game was, and governments didn’t want that to be known.

Watch the video or read her transcript at

*The Electoral Process Is Voluntary Bondage

Chaos is manufactured to instill fear and engineer loss so compromised people CONSENT to globalist’s solutions intended to advance world domination.

Voting is consent. Silence or not voting is implied consent.

Know and trust your whole self

I suggest one way out is through purification within, to more easily tame emotions, master fear and empower greater possibilities.


Banking 4.0 – how to stay relevant in a disrupted world

Please raise awareness by informing others. Thank you.

Doreen A Agostino
Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Sent via hardwired computer
All wireless turned off to safeguard life

Our Greater Destiny

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