Globalists Aiming to “Peacefully” Depopulate Six Billion People With Mass Euthanasia

“For many people, this is unbelievable. So they refuse to believe it. I am unable to concoct a benign interpretation of what’s gone on over merely the last 4.5 years…” – Dr. Mike Yeadon


MAY 23, 2024


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That I’m concerned about the intentions of those who planned and executed the global coup d’etat aka the fake pandemic and schemed to inject 6 billion people with intentionally harmful materials masquerading as vaccines isn’t exactly groundless. Others too have similar concerns, coming at recent events from non-technical perspectives. For many people, this is unbelievable. So they refuse to believe it. I am unable to concoct a benign interpretation of what’s gone on over merely the last 4.5 years. Of course, it’s not just the last 4.5 years that we’ve been lied to, but that’s a whole other story.” – Dr. Mike Yeadon

By Ethan Huff

The powers that be are anxious to finally achieve their long-envisioned new world order, which for them means whole lot fewer people roaming the planet.

Over the years, the true plot was buried in all sorts of deceptive narratives ranging from “climate change” and holes in the ozone layer to simple messaging that people are having “too many” babies for the planet to handle. In all of the narratives, the true underlying goal was always the same: mass depopulation.

One of the latest more-explicit calls for genocide came from Dennis Meadows of the globalist-led Club of Rome, who stated in no uncertain terms what the globalist plan for the world entails:

“We want to have freedom and we want to have high standards, so we’re going to have a billion people. We’re now at seven, so we have to get back down. I hope that this can be slow – relatively slow – and can be done in a way that is relatively equal.”

In other words, “we,” meaning the top 0.1 percent of the world’s upper crust, want to live in a world without all of the rest of us “useless eaters.” Such a world would have very “high standards,” as opposed to today’s low standards with so many extra people, so something has to change, in Meadows’ view.

Not only did Meadows not beat around the bush concerning his intentions with the above statement, he also threw out some precise numerals illustrating just how many people have to go in order for he and the rest of the globalists to achieve their long-awaited paradise on earth.

“He wants the global population to go from 7 billion to 1 billion!” writes Daniel Bobinski on his “Keep the Republic” Substack. “He wants 6 billion people to disappear – equally. He also said he wants it to happen ‘peacefully,’ as in, ‘without violence’ … Now, how might that happen?”

Ready for the soft kill…Continue

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