International Public Notice: Our Citizenship

 By Anna Von Reitz

Throughout the rest of the world, people are citizens at birth.  They owe a responsibility to their national government the moment they are born.  In many countries, that obligation is lifelong with no escape.

People born in, for example, Germany or Mexico, immigrate to this country and become Americans, but so far as their birth country is concerned, they are still Germans or still Mexicans, whether they like it or not. 

This non-consensual Dual Citizenship is not under the control of The United States and cannot stand as a bar to lawfully immigrated people preventing them from participating in the government here. 

All forms of “citizenship” imply that the individual is required to serve the government, instead of the government being required to serve them. 

Our country stands alone on the Earth in being the only country where the individual has no obligation to serve the government at birth or at any other time. Beyond keeping the peace and causing no harm to others, we are free — as Americans who are part of the native population of each nation-state.  

However, the present problem is that Britain, as usual, got greedy, and circa 1921, their Territorial Congress started registering British Territorial babies born in America….and then, they just started registering everyone as British Territorials.  It was a creeping, undisclosed usurpation. 

In this way they slowly, one by one, secretly and illegally converted the political status of these American babies from their native political status to that of a British Territorial Subject. 

British Territorials are part of the whole Romano-British Caste System I have recently described.  They agree to act in the capacity of Humans (indentured servants) and as British Subjects (slaves) for life at birth, which is one of the things that we, Americans, fought to get away from. 

Nonetheless, and even though they know it’s an international crime, here they are on our shores pumping away without disclosure, registering everyone as wards of the King and as British Subjects — and using unconscionable contracts to do it. 

By not giving disclosure to our parents and preying upon us when we were too young to know what they were doing, they foisted British Territorial U.S. Citizenship on us without our knowledge or consent.

That isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. 

Americans are supposed to grow up free from any such obligations to any government.  They are supposed to learn about their government as they are growing up, and past the age of 21, they can participate in it or not. Their choice. 

That is, in large part, what being “free” is about.  

How can you ever be free if you owe your time and labor and money to the government?  

Are you “free” if the government claims to own your labor? And forces you to pay a peonage tax on your labor, i.e., Federal Income Tax?  

Are you “free” if the government “takes title” to your land and then forces you to pay “property taxes” for them?  

It’s one thing if you voluntarily serve your government on terms that you agree to, and a completely different thing if you are obligated to serve the government from birth. 

So the Brits have been caught misapplying their system to Americans and it’s an international crime — a capital crime under international law. 

Forcing people into citizenship obligations and “conferring” foreign citizenships upon them was just too tempting a plum, and it seemed that nobody was here minding the store, so…. 

That right there, is ninety-percent of the problem we are facing in America and it is down to the Brits again. So we feel completely justified in blaming them and exposing their bad faith and criminality to the world.  

This idea that groups of people can arbitrarily  “confer” citizenship obligations on others has to stop.

This British Bunko started in the wake of the Civil War when some States were (purportedly– there is no proof of this) still resisting the idea that the former black slaves could be part of their nation-state and population. 

So the British Territorial Congress voted to confer a new “Federal Citizenship” on them– which turned out to be Municipal United States citizenship. 

All the former plantation slaves were then “presumed” to be “citizens of the United States” (slaves of the Municipal Government) under the so-called Fourteenth Amendment, and as the Municipal Government owed the Territorial Government money, the Territorial Government started collecting from the former plantation slaves.

The total of these new citizen’s estimated lifetime value– their value as slaves, their labor, anything they might have as property — was “assumed” as collateral backing the debts of the Municipal United States Government.  

They went from being privately owned to being publically owned and the mechanism for this was a “conferred” citizenship obligation. 

Bear in mind that the British Territorial Congress never had any right to confer any such obligation on these men and women. 

They took men and women who were born free on the land and soil of this country and obligated them to perform under the presumption of foreign citizenship. 

The Perpetrators of this crime gained a lot of collateral to borrow against as a result, with hardly anyone here understanding what was going on.  

After that, the Brits were off to the races, counting anyone “of color” as a debtor and a Fourteenth Amendment “citizen of the United States”. Millions of innocent people were enslaved by this scheme, not only black African Americans, but Oriental and Hispanic Americans, too.  

Then in the 1920’s the Perpetrators hit upon the Birth Registration Scam and started a massive undisclosed and unlawful political conversion operation on our shores. 

Ostensibly, they were just “registering” their own British Territorial babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and as British Subjects, but it very rapidly escalated into a wholesale effort to register everyone in sight as a Brit.  

By this means, they secretly and falsely claimed to own millions of Americans, body, mind, and soul, as British collateral, and they began the whole nasty business of trading in “birth certificates” and “baptismal certificates” in the 1920s. 

The Internal Revenue Service was imported to this country as a Delaware Corporation in 1925.  The only purpose of the Internal Revenue Service was to collect a tax on the slave’s labor as part of an illegal and immoral British Territorial peonage scheme, by which their government demanded a fat kickback from their own employees for the privilege of a “federal job”.  

But again, they secretly pushed to involve as many clueless Americans as possible in this same system and it should come as little surprise then, to learn that a “Taxpayer” is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service. 

It’s all bunko foisted off on Americans, and so-called Federal Citizenship is key to it all — it’s actually plain old British Territorial U.S. Citizenship as if you were a Tory born in Puerto Rico. And once they have you “signed up” for that duty, they impersonate you again, and confer Municipal citizenship of the United States on you, too, which has allowed them to claim that you are indebted to them — when in fact you are not. 

All of this is just British lies, bunk, bad faith, False Claims in Commerce, conspiracy to defraud, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, etc.,etc.,etc. 

They’ve entrapped and enslaved millions upon millions of Americans for over a hundred years using this scheme and the pity is, they got away with it. Until now. 

If anyone asks you if you are a United States citizen you want to look hard at them and ask, “Which United States are you talking about?  These United States or those United States?” 

The answer to that question is the difference between slavery and freedom. 

They’ve also tried to enslave and entrap every immigrant to this country in the same way.  They are all told they have to apply to the British Territorial Immigration and Naturalization Service and their INA bureaucracy, and by the time they emerge from that bureaucratic meat-grinder believing that it is a wonderful thing to be a U.S. Citizen, they’ve all been misinformed and subjected to peonage and enslavement, too.  

The phony British Territorial Government and their colluding Roman Municipal Government pals want to fatten up their war chest before trying to push another mercenary war in the Middle East. 

All these poor people from Mexico and South America think they are coming to the Land of the Free, but they are actually walking into a trap.  They and all that they are, is being claimed as chattel, and when they walk over our border they become a much more valuable chattel.

A man born in Honduras might be worth maybe a hundred thousand dollars to these Slavers, but when he walks over our border, he is suddenly worth around $40 Billion in collateral to the fiends.  

They come here wanting to be free and be Americans and wind up being British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States, too.  And who knew? 

What does it mean to be a “citizen” — not of a country, but of a corporation?  It means you are owned by the corporation, as in slave ownership. 

They kept all this illegal and unlawful activity quiet for decades, and passed it off under color of law as being normal and just business as usual — when in fact they were playing a game of murder on paper, “killing” the American babies on paper, gratuitously “waiving their American estates” for them, seizing upon the natural estates of their American victims, and distributing the purloined assets for their own benefit, all while relabeling everyone as U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States.

It’s all self-interested lies and fraud, inland piracy, bunk, con, racketeering, all tied up with a bow constructed upon false citizenship obligations. 

The British Territorial United States Government is a criminal syndicate with operations all over the world, and they have been colluding and splitting “the take” from all this with the Roman Mafia, which has its own crime syndicates. 

This is all far beyond bad faith and ill-service.  This is active inland piracy and commercial crime on a vast scale, perpetuated by countries and governments that are under contract to serve us in “good faith” and which have been our purported Allies through two World Wars. 

The Roman Catholic Church has known about this all along and has done nothing to help the Americans object to this gross disservice, because they were collecting 60% of proceeds from this grossly illegal, unlawful, and immoral activity. 

The British Monarchy and the Government of Westminster have both been the implementers of this giant National level Identity Theft Scheme, so there is no doubt that they have acted as shameless gluttons and thugs, in bad faith and hopeless breach of trust. 

These are criminals and they try to say that they are “at war” and to pass all this off as being legitimate, but it isn’t. The record proves that none of this was the result of any “war”.  This has all been the result of illegal and immoral Mercenary Conflicts which they have promoted and tried to disguise as wars. 

Americans serve their States of the Union as State Citizens.  That’s it.  That’s the only kind of citizenship that we may accept and the only kind of citizenship this country recognizes. Every other kind of alleged citizenship has been foisted off on us under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure via the use of unconscionable contracts. 

Let all the people of the world know for sure that what has gone on here is a crime of staggering proportions — a crime that the Roman Catholic Church allowed and profited from, a crime that the British Government promoted, perpetuated, and profited from, a crime that the Government of Westminster promoted, perpetuated, and profited from.   

Let everyone know that the Americans were the victims of all this crap that was imported here from Europe and be aware that the Municipal Corporations operating “as” government and using the District of Columbia as a base of operations are not our Government.  They are run amok Subcontractors — service providers for our government. 

Donald Trump is not our President.  He’s the President of a British Territorial Corporation under contract to provide us with “essential government services” per The Constitution of the United States of America. 

Joe Biden is not our President, either.  He’s the President of a Roman Municipal City-State Corporation that is also supposed to provide us with “good faith” service under The Constitution of the United States. 

Both these men are under the obligation of their respective contracts to secure our borders.  Period. 

It is not within the powers of either one of their “Congressional bodies” to say one word about our borders nor to establish a 100 mile “Constitution-free zone” around our borders.  They have no power of legislation that can overcome their contracts and their contractual limitations. 

The Government and the Constitutions which created these Subcontractors and provided them with stipulated and strictly enumerated powers can destroy them, too.  Article VI, the Supremacy Clause, of both their Constitutions, makes it clear that for them, there is no other or greater Law. 

They can give themselves no powers beyond those vouchsafed to them.  They can claim no property but that which the actual States, our Government, allowed to them and officially acted to give to them.  

Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General, is exactly right. There is no record of any action taken by Texas, and its actual State Assembly, to give these Federal Corporations any of the land in question. 

It should be apparent that the Hired Help has no ability to declare any cubic inch of our States or our Territories as “Constitution-free”.  

Joe Biden’s corporation needs to be permanently liquidated and shut out of the District of Columbia and anywhere else it hides under whatever new names it adopts, and Donald Trump’s corporation is on thin ice, too. 

Both these corporations and their immediate predecessors have contributed to defrauding generations of Americans, have engaged in war-for-profit, imposed unlawful conversion and foreign citizenship obligations, and otherwise behaved as criminal organizations on our shores. 

Both of these foreign corporations for their separate reasons, promoted the phony pandemic which has resulted in genocide, pollution of our genetic inheritance, and destruction of our economies. 

Being the Bad Guys to catch the Bad Guys is a logical fallacy; the ends never justify the means. 

Telling us to “enjoy the show” isn’t helping, because it is painfully apparent that everything, including the evils of the Civil War, World War I, World War II and everything in between has been a big joke to these commercial corporations, a “show” — foisted off on the public by men engaged in denigrating and defrauding their employers for their own profit. 

It’s also apparent that much of the evil perpetuated by both these denizens of the District of Columbia has been promoted and permitted by an evil and corrupt banking system which has been built on peonage and enslavement born out of “conferred” citizenships and False Registrations. 

The Federal Reserve has to be completely and permanently restructured.  So does the World Bank, the IMF, and numerous other banking institutions that profited from these and associated criminal practices. 

It’s time for restitution, not a war in the Middle East. 

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 30th 2024


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The American States Assemblies

Answer to “Satan” About Mr. Lincoln and the Results

 By Anna Von Reitz

Lincoln, being misrepresented as The President of The United States while acting as President of the United States, was the lie and so are you, The Lie, personified, by your own admission.  You have called yourself Satan and so it is. 

You deal consistently in half-truths, from Eden to now. 

It’s true that the Southern States-of-States didn’t engender the illegal Mercenary Conflict by walking out on the last meeting of the Confederation and leaving the original Confederation without a quorum.  That was no act of war, but a business decision and, in view of the deceitfulness of Lincoln and his cohorts, a moral decision as well.  

It’s true that Lincoln, acting as “the President” of “the” United States of America, Incorporated, issued an illegal “declaration” and ordered his Mercenaries to attack Fort Sumter. 

But then, virtually everything Lincoln did, from his election as the “president” of a privately owned foreign British Territorial corporation calling itself, “the United States of America, Incorporated”, to his deceitful declaration of “war”, to his “emancipation proclamation” emancipating Southern slave owners and his issuance of General Order 100 — was all done in fraud and deceit and Gross Breach of Trust. 

Everyone then and everyone now has cause to know that Mr. Lincoln had no power to declare war, and yet, he issued his personal declaration which appeared to do so. And trusting folk, thinking that he was their President, obeyed him. 

This demonstrates the value of knowing your Constitution and holding anyone appearing to be a public official accountable. 

But his deceits then do not excuse yours now. 

The Confederation, which was an instrumentality of the sovereign States — North and South —  operating in Martimine Jurisdiction as the States of America under The Articles of Confederation implemented March 1, 1781, owned and operated the Federal Republic instituted as the American Federal Subcontractor in receipt of the enumerated Delegated Powers under The Constitution for the united States of America, as a further instrumentality, and both were destroyed by the rift that started in 1860.  Their “perpetual Union” was broken and has never been reconstructed by the States of the Union. 

Those are the facts and no matter how you try to twist the Truth, they remain. 

When Jefferson Davis and his compatriots formed the new organization known as The Confederate States of America they combined the assets of the Southern State-of-State organizations doing business as The State of Georgia, The State of Virginia, etc., they created their own new “Confederation” as is made obvious from the name change: it was no longer our original Confederation “the States of America” which included both North and South, it was “The Confederate States of America” to which only Southern members belonged.  The North, meantime, formed its own “Union Confederation” and then, in common parlance, started calling itself “the Union” to promote confusing it with our actual Union of States. 

Jefferson Davis was fully aware of all this and often commented in his books and public speeches and appearances after the armed hostilities ended that there would be a reckoning.  So if you are trying to promote yourself as a friend of Jefferson Davis and the Southern Cause you should be pleased that I am paying the Liars out — but you’re not.  Instead, you are a Liar  trying to chisel an advantage out of the misery of our Forefathers. 

The creation of the original Confederation in 1781 self-evidently did not replace either the United States (original Union formed in 1776, and operated as “the United States” from 1776 to 1851, when the name changed to The United States) or The United State of America, our unincorporated Federation of States.  Both the United States (The United States after 1851) and The United States of America were in full operation before, during, and after the so-called Civil War. 

Anyone with a brain should know that sovereign entities and direct Agents of sovereign entities CANNOT be incorporated by foreign governments and ARE NOT eligible for bankruptcy protections, and yet, you are trying to convince your Followers otherwise, trying to confuse them and claim that the Federation is or was a “Federal Subcontractor”, which it never has been and could not be, because the Federation and its member States are the Principals on the paying end of the Federal Constitutions. 

We’re the Employers. not the Employees. 


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The American States Assemblies – The Only Lawful American Government – Land and Soil Jurisdiction. Learn….

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Final Judgment and Civil Orders
APRIL 11, 2014

The Structure of the States of America — Requested Information and Request for Action

You Can’t Get There From Here

Reply to “A King’s Charter Which Refuses to Die”

Chart Your Course – Come Home To The Land – Live Free

The American States Assemblies – The Lawful American Government –

Land and Soil Jurisdiction

A Right Versus a Privilege — the Trap of Incorporation

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are having a hard time recognizing the difference between a right and a privilege, and many corporations are having this same problem, because they abuse their “privileges” as employers to such an outrageous and criminal extent.  

The roots of the problem go back to the foreign, for-profit, governmental services corporations that the Brits and the Roman Catholic Church have been running on our shores for so long that many people have mistaken these Subcontractors for our lawful government. 

These foreign Principals and their corporations — both British Crown and Municipal —  that owe us “good faith and service” have contrived to turn the tables not only around, but upside down.  

First, they had their Undeclared Foreign Agents, the Bar Attorneys, advise everyone to incorporate everything.  I don’t care if you were running a dog grooming business able to groom two dogs per day, their advice was always the same: incorporate, incorporate, incorporate. This was a purposeful, self-interested campaign. 

These same Undeclared Foreign Agents explained the benefits of bankruptcy protection at public expense, they just forgot to explain that you were the “public” that would be paying for it.  And that you probably didn’t need bankruptcy protection because you were already indemnified. 

You were already underwriting them and all their businesses, so why would you need them to underwrite you?  Think about it.  

And they forgot to explain that by registering your business as a corporation your business was being “enfranchised” and you were voluntarily giving up your business assets and ownership control, for free, to these undisclosed foreign parent corporations. 

 All the rights that an independent unincorporated business enjoys were sacrificed “in the bargain” these Flim Flam Men offered, and those rights were unlawfully converted into privileges. 

This is how they propose to take over and run every aspect of your life using corporation franchises.  If they can’t claim that you are incorporated yourself, they will claim the existence of a corporation named after you that is incorporated as one of their franchises. 

If that fails, they will target any incorporated employer or “servicer” to do their Dirty Work — “withhold” your earnings (otherwise called theft on possession), turn over your bank accounts (they aren’t yours so far as they are concerned), and tax you for foreign taxes you don’t owe. 

Note the Federal Income Tax Laws as an example.  Who is the actual target?  The Employer.  They make the Employers responsible for collecting the tax for them (peonage) and because the Employers are all presumed to be corporations in their scheme, they have unbridled regulatory power over their franchises.  

They can fine and tax and harass and liquidate “their” franchises to wring money out of them, and that is exactly what they do.  They can jail the unfortunate (former owner) for not doing whatever they demand.

Millions of independent American businesses have unwittingly lost control of their own destiny and fundamental rights and have subjected themselves to foreign regulatory powers — sold the farm — and didn’t even realize they were selling it. 

They did the same thing with “Civil Rights” which are privileges.  Not rights. 

Yes, they pulled a fast one on the whole Civil Rights Movement, because “equal Civil Rights” are in fact privileges and they can never be equal to Natural and Unalienable Rights, because civil rights can be taken away upon the whim of the government granting such “rights”.  All the Federal Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States are suffering the loss of their “equal” Civil Rights right now.  Trump took them away and Biden hasn’t restored them. 

So as it stands, millions of people have had their basic rights “suspended” by the captains of ships made of paper.  And the whole thing is bunko from Day One.  

How else does a man like Joe Biden gain the authority to “suspend the Constitution” or steal 30% of your earnings, or deny habeas corpus, or “suspend civil rights”?  How else does he get to charge off his corporation’s debts to you as “mortgages” held against your home and your land and your businesses? 

The Perpetrators will stand there and claim that you gave them permission to do this.  These Fascists will steal your farm via non-disclosed contracts and leave you to bleed, work you to death and tax away all the profits you earn, until you are in your grave still wondering what went wrong?  And they will say that they didn’t force you to incorporate your business.  You did that all on your own.  It was your decision.  

Ask yourself — how could you make a good decision in your own self-interest, when the pertinent information about the pros and cons of incorporation were not disclosed to you, and the professionals you relied on (and paid) to help you, had a secret undisclosed agenda to entrap you and steal an inequitable “free” ownership interest in your business?  

Ever wonder why Territorial Income Taxes are described as Gift and Estate Taxes?  Because according to them, you voluntarily waived your birthright estate and donated it as a gift to them.  They’ve been profiting handsomely off your estate, but you haven’t seen a dime of it. And you never knew that you “gifted” it to them, either. 

Ever wonder why Municipal Income Tax is collected as a Capital Gains Tax on corporate income, when you don’t have or operate a corporation?  Much less a foreign corporation?  

You were cheated. You have been the victim of lies by omission. And chances are, even if you asked point-blank about the downsides of incorporating your unincorporated business, you never got an answer.  I have gone into the offices of numerous attorneys and inquired about this exact subject, and never gotten a straight answer from any of them.  Just a lot of worried looks. 

They should be worried, because what they have done is highly unethical and insupportable inducement.  They’ve encouraged millions of Americans to take an action that was (and is) directly detrimental to the victims’ interests and beneficial for the attorneys and their bosses.

This is more than a passive conflict of interest.  This is a raw, brazen, in-your-face undeclared direct conflict of interest.

Your “agreement” to incorporate your business, like your “agreement” to waive your birthright estate, and your “agreement” to pay Federal Income Tax even though you probably don’t have a dollars-worth of Federal Income, and your “agreement” to pay property taxes and accept their “title” to your land (which they ginned up by driving past your house and assigning a name and street number to it) — it’s all  self-interested bunko on their parts, and the benefit they claim is all predicated on adhesion contracts.  

Adhesion contracts are both unlawful and illegal, but they have the force of law until and unless they are exposed for what they are.

At this point, you are probably wondering — object to whom?  Who is left to object to?  All the Authorities are in on the scheme. Even the U.S. Military is dirty as a pig.  It’s like saying no to the Dukes of Hazzard. Or so it seems. 

Say no just the same.  Say it often, with gusto.  You can un-incorporate your business and you can simplify your life and protect your assets — it’s called cancelling the registration, and in most states you can do it by yourself— without the “assistance” of an attorney. 


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The American States Assemblies

How They Worked It

By Anna Von Reitz

Recent days have brought the focus steadily to bear on the British claim to have had a legitimate British Territorial Protectorate here since the 1860’s. 

Most Americans would be astounded by that news.  It wasn’t published at the time and it surely hasn’t been published since then.  No, it’s all been under a “cloak of secrecy”.  

We say they have been illegally occupying our land and soil and using our own paid-for military forces to do it since the 1860’s.  We say that they have acted in gross Breach of Trust and in violation of their commercial service contracts for a hundred and sixty years. 

They say that this is the result of the “absence” of our government, and that we have been in an “interminable interregnum” ever since— what they misrepresent— as The American Civil War. 

We say—-how would they know anything about our government?  It’s foreign to them. We don’t follow their practices or their law on our land. We have no obligation to fit their expectations. We made that clear in 1776. 

We say that there is no evidence that any actual war was ever declared, but plenty of evidence that the illegal Mercenary Conflict referenced as The American Civil War was started and promoted by Undeclared Foreign Agents working a fraud and substitution scheme against their Employers. 

There is plenty of evidence that no Congress in this country ever declared any civil war.  There is plenty of evidence that Abraham Lincoln acted as the “President” of a foreign British Crown corporation merely calling itself “the United States of America, Incorporated” and was never The President of The United States of America.  There is also evidence that the resulting illegal Mercenary Conflict was resolved so far as our Land Jurisdiction is concerned, by a Public Contract issued by Lincoln’s Successor, Andrew Johnson.  

Admiralty and Maritime Law are the forms of law that the Brits generally stand under in international jurisdiction, but unlike the Brits, the Americans conduct our courts under American Common Law and Public Law known as United States Statutes at Large.  

Also unlike the Brits and denizens of the Holy Roman Empire, Americans don’t acquire citizenship obligations at birth. Americans have to freely choose to serve their government, or not, as adults. 

We have no lifetime obligation to continue that service. 

The vast bulk of Federal Code (over 90% of it) is ostensibly meant to apply to British Territorial U.S. Citizens and just as generally speaking, is not supposed to apply to us, the American General Public, at all. 

In the confusion that followed the end of armed hostilities in the so-called American Civil War, the U.S. (Territorial) Congress established an otherwise unauthorized and illegal Military District Court System, beginning in May of 1865.  

The Territorial Congress set up ten such Military Districts in eleven States of the Union, and proceeded to run these infamous “Carpetbagger Courts”— the so-called District Courts —  as private collection agencies operated under color of law.  

Each such District was placed under the supervision of a General of the Union Army of at least Brigadier rank. The Perpetrators claimed that this was necessary as an “emergency measure” though there is no provision for any such “emergency powers” anywhere in any of our agreements with our Subcontractors.  

These British Territorial (Military) District Courts were used to illegally collect “war reparations” from Municipal citizens of the United States — Federal Civil Service workers and Negroes in the beginning —  who fought with the Southern Confederacy.  This was illegal because the “war” wasn’t a war, it was itself an illegal Mercenary Conflict, and because no Peace Treaty mandating reparations exists. 

This has resulted in illegal confiscation, plundering and pillaging, in Gross Breach of Trust by Undeclared Foreign Agents (Bar Attorneys) working as Privateers. 

These (Military) District Courts were then and are now illegally confiscating private property under color of law and plundering illegally constructed individual UCC Contract Trusts gratuitously defined as Municipal citizens of the United States under Federal Code Title 28, using the infamous “Diversity of Citizenship Clause”. 

Under the actual Federal Constitutions there is no provision for the establishment of any permanent or semi-permanent system of Military Districts anywhere in The United States.  

The District Government is supposed to be limited to the District of Columbia and the Municipal Government is supposed to be limited to the physical confines of the capitol city, Washington, DC. 

Since 1922, the “governmental services corporations” responsible for all this fraud and graft have been profiting themselves by unlawful conversion— that is, by impersonating their employers, and then human trafficking the resulting “franchises” offshore, into their own watery jurisdiction.

This process was initiated via the registration of babies under the Shepherd-Townsend Act and should never have been applied to American babies at all, but again, using their corporate policy of cloaked silence and therefore, non-disclosure, they used their civilian “Uniformed Officers” as defined under Federal Code Title XXXVII and XI to do the dirty work of Unlawful Conversion. 

Blackstone’s Commentaries very clearly describe the British practice of conscripting civilians to act as “Uniformed Officers” and describes two such classes of officers — Medical Doctors and Attorneys.  The Medical Doctors uniformly outrank the Attorneys. 

The paperwork used to register the babies as British Territorial “Persons” and Franchises of the British Crown is signed by two Witnesses, the clueless Mother acting without benefit of disclosure, and the Medical Doctor who attests that the baby is a “U.S. Citizen”.  This attestation by a Superior Officer then provides the Attorneys with all the excuse they need to seize upon the “cargo” and register a copyright of the victim’s Proper Name as a chattel franchise belonging to the British Crown.

In our research, very few American Physicians who have been “licensed” as Medical Doctors have had any inkling of the evil they have been perpetuating; most have been completely unaware of the way their signatures have been used to excuse and implement this  crime, which is recognized as a capital crime under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions, as well as more generally, under Public and International Law. 

Those of you who are familiar with cattle rustling will recognize this as people rustling — changing the brand from American to British Territorial.  

Unlawful conversion, personage, barratry, purloined “witness” from a clueless Superior Officer operating under conditions of non-disclosure, all have been systematically used to mischaracterize and rob and abuse average Americans under color of law in (Military) District Courts that should not exist and which have operated as implements of international crime for over a hundred and fifty years.  

This entire circumstance also allowed the Perpetrators to evade their obligations under the actual Federal Constitutions, because misidentifying Americans as U.S. Citizens or citizens of the (Municipal) United States, either one, strips them of their Constitutional Guarantees and property rights.  

It’s clear that a small group of highly skilled international attorneys set this scheme up and they planned ahead for the Medical Doctors to take the fall for them, when and if the details of this outrage came to light. 

This was all done some years before the Tribunals at Nuremberg concluded that “following orders” was no excuse for crimes of genocide and armed theft against civilians. 

Additional insight into how they, the Perpetrators, have worked this criminal scheme, can be observed in much more modern times. 

Immediately after the destruction of the buildings at the World Trade Center, and the disappearance of the gold earmarked to pay off the Brady Bonds, and Donald Rumsfeld’s announcement (the prior day) that the Department of Defense had “lost” six trillion dollars, the Municpal Congress and Territorial Congress jointly endorsed the “Authorization to Use Military Force” otherwise known as the “AUMF”. 

Obviously, this tome was written well in advance and was ready to go, providing additional circumstantial evidence that the September 11th debacle was pre-planned as a smokescreen for criminal activities on our shores and also an excuse for criminal military actions abroad. 

So let’s look at this “AUMF” and the “Security Cooperation Authorities” it established.  The worst of it can be found codified at Sections 127(e) and 333 of Title 10.  

The New York University School of Law Brennan Center for Justice has just released a scathing report proving that the Department of Justice has been covertly allowed to wage illegal wars.  

Read “Secret War: How the U.S. Uses Partnerships and Proxy Forces to Wage War Under the Radar”.  

And note, that, once again, the DOJ Attorneys are at the bottom of the dogpile, acting as the Teflon Flak Jacket of the British Crown Corporation(s) responsible for all these atrocities. 

The “Security Cooperation Authorities” created under the AUMF are essentially acting as storefronts for the DOD/DoD — proxies being used to fight wars in the same way that “Agencies” have been used to promote crime against Americans on our own shores.  

Let’s run through a couple domestic examples of this.  

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors made an illegal demand that all American cars and trucks be registered so that they could exercise the resulting ownership interest and use our cars and trucks as chattel to back their debts.  They had to legalize this illegal demand by providing remedy and exemption, so they published Regulation Z. However, the DOT doesn’t see Regulation Z published in its version of the Federal Code, and their Subcontractors, the DMV and now, the private subcontractor, UMV, are certainly not aware of any remedy owed to the Public. 

So, those who are supposed to provide service to us are left totally unaware of the remedy we are owed, and when we request remedy, they laugh at us. The total effect is that we are denied remedy that we are owed, by Subcontractors of Subcontractors who are deliberately left in the dark.  The Federal Reserve acquires an ownership in our cars and trucks via forced registration and nobody is the wiser — almost. 

The Proxies, DOT/DMV/UMV, are left not knowing what is going on, so they can’t be blamed for denying or not providing remedy for the crime, which remains “unabated”.  

They do the same thing with our babies by registering them as Crown Property.  The hospitals and Medical Doctors are left ignorant of what they are doing, and the Mother’s are certainly not given disclosure.  The victim is too young to remember anything. As a result, the remedy, hidden as a one-liner in Federal Code Title XII, 95 (a), is not only totally obscured and left unsupported by any published process, no normal person would be motivated to look for the remedy to a crime they are unaware of. 

Again, we find the same pattern — the Medical Doctors are being used as ignorant proxies to implement the crime, and the hospitals operating as incorporated franchises of the parent corporations are acting as partners –knowingly or unknowingly.  And the victims are left in the dark, both regarding the crime and the remedy. 

So, now, let’s look at the non-domestic application of the same modus operandi in the AUMF.  

Foreign organizations like ISIS and Hezbollah and the PLO, are hired or deliberately created as proxies and funded to do the bidding of the Vermin; they are left in ignorance and often as the Fall Guys, the convenient Scapegoats who do the Dirty Work for the DOJ and are blamed for what these endlessly criminal commercial corporations do. 

It’s an open question as to whether or not the DOJ itself is being left in the dark, as another layer of Scapegoat.  

As a result, the DOJ is currently engaged or has been recently engaged in covert war operations in: Iraq, Cameroun, Egypt, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Somalia, Niger, Nigeria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Yemen, and Libya — and the American Public is none the wiser. 

What, you say?  Our tax dollars are being commandeered to pay for all this and we are “at war” —- commercial mercenary war, that is — in all these much smaller countries?  And the Department of Justice is running all this crap?  Just like the CIA?   Yes. 

One can only surmise that the DOJ has taken over the role formerly played by the CIA, and the CIA has been merged with SERCO. 

The excuse given by the members of the renegade Territorial and/or Municipal Congress is that these actions are too small to meet “statutory reporting requirements” — requirements which they set for themselves —  which means these cretins are engaging in illegal commercial mercenary warfare “in our names” and using our money and our resources, our sons and daughters, for their own corporate profits, and they are using proxies and other “Security Cooperation Authorities” to keep their own hands clean and unaccountable. 

 All of this, absolutely all of it, bottom to top and side to side, is crime-for-profit.  

This has nothing to do with any form of law, though it has plenty to do with the purposeful misapplication of law. It has nothing to do with political tensions, nothing to do with race or religion.  It has nothing to do with any “national interest” or any “security concern”.  It is plain old-fashioned conspiratorial crime, piratical plundering and looting exercised on a vast scale, so vast and from such unexpected sources, nobody could easily comprehend it. 

The purveyors of law have been used as the purveyors of crime. The purveyors of medicine and health have been converted into purveyors of illness and death.  The guardians of the public’s trust have been reduced to mean-spirited, ugly little criminals in suits, claiming powers they do not have and authorities they do not have any right to exercise. Our public elections have been replaced with private corporate shareholder elections.  Even our Sheriffs and the local police have been reduced to private, for-hire “law enforcement agents” in fear for their lives and their jobs if they uphold our Constitution and the guarantees that the people of this country are owed. 

Most of all, our Armed Forces, sworn to protect us and paid by us to protect us against all enemies both foreign and domestic, have been reduced to cheap commercial mercenaries, at the beck and call of Drug Lords, Child Traffickers, Smugglers, International Arms Dealers, Oil Companies, Mining Operations, Foreign Potentates, and any petty criminal who stumbles their way into Congress. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna’s website here:

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The American States Assemblies

You Can’t Get There From Here

 By Anna Von Reitz

Ever heard the expression, “You can’t get there from here.” — meaning that you have to go back and go at something a different way? 

This happens more often than some people might imagine in places like Scotland and Norway, Alaska and Peru.  

Short of landing a helicopter on a rock, there are places in this world that you can’t access because there isn’t even a goat path to access them.  Other times, there is a way, but it’s just one way in and one way out, so if you miss the crucial connection between “here” and “there” you are stuck going back and finding that very special crossroads, or tramway, or ferry.  

I have spent a considerable portion of my life in such adventurous places, so when I hear “you can’t get there from here” I know what to think —- and do.  I stop.  I listen carefully.  I check my compass points.  So should you. 

Our Forefathers were faced with some staggeringly formidable challenges, no less daunting than mountain ranges and lochs and fjords.  They were, after all, doing something that had never been attempted before — a government run by the governed.  

Unlike us, they were familiar with  the snakepit of European politics, complete with meddling from the Roman Catholic Church.  Also unlike us, they were familiar with the jurisdictional framework of the system of law we had inherited from Britain.  They knew the difference between land and soil. 

Soil is defined as the first six inches of dirt under our feet.  It is the thin but inescapable surface where we live and breathe.  Land is all the subsoil and rock and magma underlying the soil, the subsurface world where one finds underground rivers and veins of gold and basins of oil. 

Soil only persists for our purposes where it happens to protrude above the surface of the ocean and provides us with the comforts of air and fresh water, but land connects seamlessly throughout the planet without regard for such niceties.  

As a result of these practical matters, soil is the unique jurisdiction of nations of people who claim their portion of the inhabitable surface of the land protruding above sea level, otherwise known as the soil, and the land underlying each nation  and every ocean remains a vast international dominion that cares little for our political subdivisions. 

Both land and sea remain venues for international trade because of these considerations, while business conducted on the soil between people and their unincorporated enterprises has a local scope and nature that adheres to local law instead of international law. 

Thus, even though land and soil are unavoidably and inextricably connected, they operate as two separate jurisdictions and under two very different forms of law.  Custom dictates that the law of the soil takes precedence over the law of the land and the sea with respect to living people, and that when people enter the realm of international trade, they act instead as “persons”.  

On the soil we act as living people and stand under law that applies to living people. 

On land we act as Lawful Persons and at sea we act as Legal Persons, and both stand under international law that applies to “dead” business enterprises of all kinds and simple corporations. 

What happens when we launch into the foreign jurisdiction of the air and invade the dominion of the birds in flight and leaping flames and beams of light?  Well, then, things get even more abstract, and we find incorporated business entities that belong to Third Parties,  engaged in commerce, an entire realm of PERSONS engaged in business activities and standing under commercial law (on the land) and maritime law (on the sea).  

Obviously, with such a system of jurisdictional constructs derived from the natural world, and different forms of law governing activities within each jurisdiction, there is a potential for considerable friction wherever the jurisdictions overlap and butt up against each other.  

Louis Abercrombie is a living man who naturally stands under the national law of the soil jurisdiction, but his unincorporated family business, Abercrombie and Sons, may engage in international trade and thereby become subject to international law.  It may also choose to form a board of directors, elect officers, seek a charter, and morph into Abercrombie and Sons, Inc., and thereby become subject to global commercial and maritime law.   

We have to determine whether a given activity is taking place on the soil and among the living people, subject to local law, or, is it an action taking place in international jurisdiction among “juridical Persons” and subject to international law, or, is it something taking place between incorporated franchises and commercial corporations, and therefore subject to global commercial and maritime law? 

The interface between Lawful Persons standing on the land and Legal Persons at sea has always been especially problematic, because they look and sound alike, yet operate in two different dominions.  Land Law, as in “The Law of the Land” is a different beastie from The Law of the Sea, yet the Lawful Person of Louis Abercrombie is indistinguishable from the Legal Person of Louis Abercrombie on paper.  

Is “Louis Abercrombie” a Lawful Person standing under Land Law, claiming his Constitutional Guarantees, or is “Louis Abercrombie” acting as a Legal Person and standing under the Law of the Sea?  

Louis Abercrombie on the Land can be “unlawfully converted” to Louis Abercrombie on the Sea, and nobody is the wiser until poor Louis comes to a court of law, and like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. realizes that he’s not in Kansas anymore.  He’s out on the High Seas and the Queen’s Officers (or Flying Monkeys, as the case may be) are treating him as a suspicious character at best, quite possibly an Enemy of the State, or even a lunatic. 

No wonder millions of Americans who have been deliberately misidentified as Legal Persons are disoriented and confused when they are hauled into a foreign Admiralty or Maritime Courts and told that their precious Constitutions — “the Law of the Land” — doesn’t apply.  

Well, it doesn’t, but only because without his knowing agreement, “Louis Abercrombie”, a Lawful Person,  has been illegally and immorally latched upon and unlawfully converted into “Louis Abercrombie” a sea-going Legal Person. 

Compare it to being shanghaied into the French Foreign Legion, or, more exactly, press-ganged into the British Navy. 

This “unlawful conversion” is precisely what Congressman Louis T. McFadden was complaining about back in 1934 when he protested it in public and brought charges against it to the Judicial Committee of the House of Representatives — where those charges are still lodged, like a long-buried bomb set to blow Washington, DC, to smithereens. 

Congressman McFadden was poisoned and the Judicial Committee conveniently has never acted upon his charges.  

This is also what Frank L. Baum, author of The Wizard of Oz saw happening twenty-five years prior to McFadden’s objections, a time when all the Robber Barons were fleeing their misdeeds in international jurisdiction by converting their private corporations like Bethlehem Steel Company into commercial corporations like Bethlehem Steel, Incorporated.  

They were fleeing the international jurisdiction and vacating it for the jurisdiction of the air, which is comparatively lawless— and it is also where they could secure the protections of public bankruptcy as public corporations. 

When they incorporated during their mad rush to gain public bankruptcy protection for their private fortunes as shareholders in their own businesses, the Robber Barons gave away control of those businesses and subjected themselves and their operations to the so-called “public corporations” ostensibly owned by us, the US, INC. and the USA, Inc. and the State of Delaware, Inc., etc., and never noticed that those corporations were owned in turn by the British Crown Corporation and controlled by unincorporated foreign holding companies like “the American Corporations Company” and “Cede and Company”.  

From then on, the Robber Barons had public-sponsored bankruptcy protection, that is, bankruptcy protection purportedly sponsored by us, but they didn’t really own their own businesses anymore.  Bureaucrats could appear on their doorsteps day or night and tell them what to do, and they had to do it as good little franchisees. 

The Federal Income Tax “law” of 1916 is a good example.  Conceived as a payroll tax on the earnings of Federal Employees for the privilege of their employment contract, it was implemented against the Employers — not directly against the Employees.  It’s the “public” corporations that employ these workers that are obligated to collect the tax and withhold it and forward it to the parent corporations — the US, INC. and USA, Inc. and their State-of-State subsidiaries. They, in turn, pass the loot on to the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor, the owner-operators of the unincorporated holding companies. 

And they get away with it by pretending that all these storefront corporations belong to us, when we, the rank and file people of this country, had nothing to do with this scheme and never granted authority for any of it, and are left holding the bag every time these reprobates go bankrupt at our expense. 

Even though press-ganging has been illegal for over 200 years and slavery and peonage have been outlawed worldwide since 1926, these commercial corporations have gone merrily onward and done whatever they pleased without fear of retribution until now, when the nature of their crimes and the mechanisms of their fraud have been dissected and exposed. 

Now, all of this is very interesting and necessary to understand, but where was I going with this? Oh, yes, to that place I can’t get to from here — America.  

Our Forefathers (wisely) separated the National jurisdiction of the soil overseen by the living people running their own republican County Governments from the International Jurisdictions (Land and Sea) overseen by the Lawful Persons (“People”) overseeing their State Governments. 

Thus, we have two (2) layers of lawful government in this country, both unincorporated, yet separated from each other because they operate in separate jurisdictions and under separate forms of law.  The County Government in the American Government is not a junior franchise of a State-of-State Government, it is instead the fundamental building block and highest authority from which all else ultimately derives.  The County Sheriff is the highest-ranking peace officer in this country as a result, and the Common Law of the People, expressed by our Juries, is the highest form of law. 

The County is where the people live and breathe and make the decisions about what happens in their lives. The State is where the people act as Lawful Persons to determine their course in international affairs.  And their State-of-State should be where they act as Legal Person/PERSONS to determine their course in International Trade and in Commerce. 

Should be.  But since the 1860’s, our “State of State” entities haven’t been run by the American States.  They’ve been run as franchises of British Corporations and Papist Municipal CORPORATIONS instead, which means that we have had little or no control of our economy, our trade policies, our natural resources, or our country. 

The Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their commercial service contracts with us.  

This entire house of cards has been built on high-level fraud and abuse of bankruptcy laws, commodity rigging, corporate monopolies, illegal enslavement and peonage, racketeering, extortion, misrepresentation, identity theft, credit hacking based on impersonation, legalised gambling, and war for profit.  It has been considerably worse than the Wild West, even though it has been carried out by men wearing tweed suits. 

Where does all this corruption leave us, Joe and Jane American? 

Legally, it leaves us misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens as if we were all born in Puerto Rico, and “lost on the High Seas” before we left grade school.  

And that is where we wake up to all this crime and corruption against us — the High Seas jurisdiction of Maritime Law, presumed to be voluntarily acting as Municipal citizens of the United States and as incorporated franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC., currently doing business as franchises of a bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility: JOHN Q. PUBLIC. 

We can overcome that presumption by changing our NAME back to a Proper Name like John Q. Public, however, this name and identity has also been stolen and is thought to represent a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and the copyright to his Proper Name as a Legal Person is owned by the British Crown Corporation.  

And we can’t escape that “legal presumption” by changing our name, unless we forsake our birthright and the name our parents gave us, because — remember — the name of our Lawful Person on the Land appears to be the same as the name of our Legal Person on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. 

Our parents never recorded our birth on the land, didn’t know they had to do that, unless by chance they published a Birth Announcement in the local newspaper.   So the Brits came along and copyrighted our Proper Names as franchisees of the British Crown Corp and they have used that “ownership interest” as their excuse for everything else they’ve done here. 

What to do? 

We correct this “mistake” on their parts and draw a line between our Lawful Person and the British Territorial Legal Person by establishing our “standing” on the land.. 

After all, we actually owned and used our Proper Name, which was a creation and gift to us bestowed by our parents, before the Brits claimed any ownership interest in it.  They didn’t buy it from us or provide us any equitable payment in consideration of the theft of our identity and political status and personal estate— so by international Law of the Sea, possession by pirates does not change ownership. 

All we need to do is record and publish our ownership interest via a Land Recording Office or other public venue, such as the local newspapers, and re-convey our Good Name back to the Land Jurisdiction of this country.

But now we get down to the final point of all this:  you can’t leap directly to the soil jurisdiction from the jurisdiction of the High Seas.  You can’t get there from here pertains to this situation. 

You have to retrace the pathway from the Municipal Maritime Jurisdiction to the British Territorial High Seas to the Land Jurisdiction of this country (State) to the soil jurisdiction of your County. 

And then, you are finally and totally home again, an American in America, ready to go chin to chin. 

Knowing all of this, knowing how it works, we chose to “repopulate” our States of the Union first, because we connected international sea to international land, and then connected international land to national soil.  Step by logical step, as is necessary.  

Once people declare, record, and publish their identity and political status and standing — on the Land of their State of the Union, they are automatically placed within the County where they live and come home to where they belong in sum total.  There is no need to fight to take back the over 3,000 counties and then take back the 50 States.  

Our States and Counties never went anywhere.  They aren’t lost.  There is nothing to fight over. Our national jurisdiction still stands as long as we do.  

Each one of us was commandeered and shanghaied, so that our institutions of government were left vacant and “presumed to be in interregnum” for over 160 years, and our credit and our country have both been abused by foreign employees subjecting us to their own foreign laws and evading their constitutional obligations.

There are those running around like chickens in a poultry yard, squawking and preaching “revolution” and setting up phony “republics” that have no standing in law and no historical provenance.  Many of these people are sincerely confused and some are agent provocateurs trying to give the Brits an excuse to come in here, claim “insurrection” and (openly) enforce martial law.  

It’s important to remember that they have been operating under martial law since 1789 and have been fraudulently occupying our entire country under martial law since 1860.  We, Americans, are owed The Law of Peace and protection as we come back home and take up the responsibilities of self-governance.  

Alone among all the various patriot groups and efforts, The American States Assembly has discerned the history and the law, and chosen the narrow and difficult path that is the only way home.  Now, we undertake the even more daunting responsibilities of Self-Governance. 

If you have felt that you were in a strange and foreign land where nothing makes sense any more — you are right.  Our British and Municipal Subcontractors have trafficked us into foreign jurisdictions and subjected us to their own foreign forms of law, evaded their duties under our Constitutional contracts with them, and engaged in illegal armed racketeering on our shores.  We have been in The Land of Oz. 

But now it is time to wake up, shake off the dust, and come home.  

Every asset that these Pikers have used as collateral for their debts belongs to us, and so does all the credit that they raised by “securitizing” and “monetizing” everything in sight.  

And Kansas, Dorothy, tornadoes and all, still belongs to us. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna’s website here:

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The American States Assemblies – Land and Soil Jurisdiction

Your States and Their States of States

 By Anna Von Reitz

Of all the conundrums we have to sort out (and there are many) none is more pernicious than the confusion caused by referring to State of State business organizations as “States” 

States of States, like the (Territorial) State of Wyoming, are not States. 

States are all physically defined, have landmarks and borders and populations of living people. 

States of States are businesses.  They may be unincorporated businesses owned and run by Lawful Persons or they may be incorporated or enfranchised corporations owned and operated by Legal Persons, but such businesses obviously exist on paper and are not physically defined—- and are not “States”. 

The confusion began with the Confederation formed by the original American States of States.  

The actual States had their Federation of States. 

So the States of States formed their Confederation hoping to unite their business interests. 

In the process the American States of States like The State of Georgia and The State of New York started calling themselves “Confederate States”.  

This lapsed further into calling these entities  “States” — when they are not States — and contributing to the overall confusion that people suffer with to this day. 

Businesses are not States.  Such organizations  may conduct business for a State, but that does not make them a State.  

And it must be remembered that each State is perfectly able to conduct business for itself.  The States are not obligated to form or utilize State of State business organizations. 

These “Confederate States” were created and hired to provide routine Government services when the State Assemblies are not in Session, much as you might hire a housekeeper while you go on vacation. 

And just as your housekeeper is not you and does not enjoy the same rights and material interests and powers as you, the States of States do not have the powers and prerogatives of States. 

Our current situation is exacerbated because the States of States we are now dealing with are foreign entities overseen by foreign powers— but the fact remains that a State always stands above a State of State. 

As an actual State Assembly Member you operate in an entirely different capacity and occupy a separate foreign jurisdiction set apart from any jurisdiction inhabited by a State of State business entity.  

Your position as a State Assembly Member once thoroughly understood is far more important and carries more rights and responsibilities than any position in State of State “Government”. 

The Employer stands over the employees.

The Landlord stands over the tenant.

The House Owner stands over the Housekeeper. 

It turns out that knowing the difference between a State and a State of State is absolutely crucial. 

It’s what keeps the world from being turned upside down, and keeps employees from bossing around their employers. 

If you have had enough of the confusion that ensues when States of States are mistaken for States—- go to:


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna’s website here:

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